Why can't people just stop being religious?
What do Leftists have against me practicing Islam?
Read Marx.
serves as escapism and alleviates the alienation capitalism imposes on all of us
Who gives a shit? The ppl here will never be fucking relevant especially with their "destroy all religion shit".
I have. I've been an atheist all my life, well before I read him.
Just don't get people can believe in that shit
I get that but idk, I'd rather just play vidya or fap or something
so is fucking art, music, video games and fucking everything in capitalism. Even their own ideology stems from liberalism. Marxists should know that their the fucking heirs of philosiphical liberalism.
in secular first world countries (where most of these ppl are from) what is truly fucking escapist is all the anime, porn, video games, drugs, junk food etc, which blinds you and makes you live in your own world.
and you expect me to think that these fatasses will have any discipline and lead a revolution?
fucking kek
i think you meant to respond to me
no it's not, it's a tool the bourgeoisie use.
again not true. there is mainstream art/music/vidya etc that is of course influenced by the ruling class ideology, but to say that all music composed in the 21st century is ideologically neoliberal for example is simple not true. same goes for art, and even vidya in some smaller extent
i agree, although there are a few anime that don't promote japanese conservative autism
again i agree
again, i agree. even though vidya and generally recreational activities like sports/art/literature aren't inherently capitalist neoliberalism. Even in perfect end stage communism people would still do shit for recreation.
some drugs can be used safely for recreation too, some can even provide deep psychological insight in some cases. Again, the fact that capitalists use drugs to keep the proletariat docile doesn't make drugs inherently bad. Junk food on the other hand is a product, a direct result of the food industry's attempt to create an addictive commodity and I cannot see it existing in a socialist country. I'm not referring to restaurants, but to mcdonalds type businesses.
Contrast all these things to religion, and you can clearly see that even though they do serve as escapism for some people in some countries, they are inherently not a form of escapism. Religion on the other hand, is either the result of direct indoctrination, a product of societal alienation or a means of escapism. Since the mainstream acceptance of the scientific method, religion has lost any other substance it might have had in previous times. It no longer serves as anything other than political and psychological powerplay and manipulation