/agdg/ + /vm/ ~ Amateur Gamedev General

More or less, I think.

It is to be a VR waifu marrying simulator and then afterwards I'll probably make it a cool town to play around in so I can come back from work and just chill in VR Mexico with my waifu. Reason being is that I like traditional Mexican culture and rural pueblos and because I've been infatuated with Shinobu for a few years. I also just wanted to weaponize my autism.

I'm not going for full realism so I don't really mind. She wouldn't look good with realistic shaders and fancy ambient effects. I've tweaked the current toon shader so it is affected by shadows and light sources which is all I need.



Dude that is not right.
Get some help.

Wrong site.

Where's your game?

No matter what site you're on that is not right. You've got some deep problems and I don't think this is going to make them better

On my hard drive
