Post your dream game that will never be real

Sounds pretty boring, loader especially.

What with the copyright laws, that's impossible right now but good idea.

This shit is incredibly easy to make:
Just put them all together.

Hell, they could remake some of the older games with HD textures and integrate the stuff from the other games.
A man can dream…

Call it "Shellshock" or something.


Appleseed game made with the Fox Engine. And fuck Konami for only using it for pachinko games and MGSurvive.

An actually good God sim.

Only if they include the UUUU scene with Talos. I've never even watched Appleseed, but that's what I want.

OP are you me?
I have been thinking about the exact same game for the past 3 or 4 months.

this is just pure autism from me but i think thats a super stallion, not a chinook in that webm
the hatch is too small to be a chinook

maybe a hostile alien civilization waiting for you on the other side of the galaxy