what happens here?
Is this place a paradise?
what happens here?
Is this place a paradise?
Maybe so. They seem very opposed to Islamification as well. Sage for shitty thread.
It is so much of a paradise, it's women take half the spots of the porn actresses list.
It's home to some of the most degenerate hedonistic nihilist white people on the planet.
I went in 2011. It's pretty much the perfect place. They were holding up signs of RonaldReagan for their day. Based country.
I must admit I had this thought as well.
I have an online friend from there. He was telling me about a month ago that the they're getting a bit of shit for not taking in their allotted number of migrants. They were supposed to take in like 300 but only took about 30.
From what it looks like they do take refugees to keep the EU at bay but the vast majority are from the Ukraine. Kek
I should also add that he's by no means a Holla Forumsack but he did mention that he's noticed a lot more "diversity" shilling lately there; more black models in ads, etc. I've been telling him that it's a matter of time until (((they))) come for his little nation and to use mine Canadistan as a reminder of what not to become if possible.
I live there. The people are mostly based (although liberal shills are doing their utmost to try and change that), but incredibly apathetic. They just go on with their daily lives and don't give two fucks about politics except to quip a joke or two, laugh, and change the topic to something they find more interesting.
I have too. It's all those shitty globalist corporations. It's never any of the local bussinesses, but shitty international companies like Coca Cola
We must do everything in our power to protect this
You are correct. Same is happening here in Slovenia. Trying to push oh muh migrants agenda really hard.
Their culture is literally a byword for hedonistic degeneracy. It's a shithole.
jews have you jailed for denying the hoax.
That is just a country in the heart of Europe that the kikes haven't bothered with their shit since the 80's and 90's, when they split Czechoslovakia and communism stopped.
Sage for slide thread.
Also 0.01% jewish, although there are gypsies…
Take your garbage thread to cuckchan if you're really that clueless about foreign countries. Read the news, read some history books. And in answer to your question, it may look like a paradise for now, but like so many European countries the Czechs are politically apathetic and bovine, which makes them perfect targets for assertive NGO's and marxist politicians.
/k/ here
They make great guns.
Can confirm, it's the best of Soviet design matched with the best of German engineering.
Oh my god, yes.
Elaborate, please.
Full of prostitutes, nihilists and hedonists.
Beautiful country though, gorgeous architecture.
There's two czech international students in my engineering clases. They're beautiful but they hang out with the niggers.
Classes* jesus
czechfag here
i always considered Czech Republic to be happy medium between "liberal" west and authoritarian east (ie Russia)
my country was ruined after 40 years of communism: for example shitty roads (and infrastructure in general) couse during communism not that many people had cars so there was no need to make wider/better roads but we had 27 years of democracy so thing are slightly improving over time
our politicians are joke (i assume thats the case in most countries)
our president is old, drunken and senile. He was decent prime minister in the 90s but now its just and embarrassing to watch. Thank fuck we are parliamentary democracy and he does not have that much power
the less i say about our prime minister and his government the better.
we are very euro-skeptic but milk the shit out of EU (in terms of money) to fix what communism fucked up so you wont see any "czechxit" anytime soon
economically last few years were great. we have a free universities (and healthcare) and your wages are roughly 1/3 of Germany so we have a lot of educated people and low wages which lures in a lot of foreign corporations/investors
ask me anything
Why do so many of your women go into kike porn? They are admittedly beautiful but defile themselves fucking on camera for the jew's profit. Why is this so prevalent? What makes your women go this route?
Why do you produce so many pornstars? I don't mean this as an insult or anything, just strange that so many come from such a small country that is relatively wealthy for the old combloc. Why so many more than say, Poland or Slovakia?
Fun fact: a lot of gun and artillery terminology originally comes from Czech, because of their role in developing early firearms.
probably only two Czech word that got into other languages:
1. pistol
2. robot
honestly? i dont know. Poland is very religious and we are mostly atheist so that probably one of the reasons why we supply the market with more pornstars then them.
my assumption is that even tough we are pretty wealthy for post communist countries we are still relatively poor country. Germany and Austria are our neighbors and their average pay is roughly 3 times ours. So young (poor?) girls do porn that can get them out of poverty. But that is just my assumption.
No the opposite, the birth rates are among the worst in Europe. Also atleast Prague is filled with chinks and shitskins, although not on the levels of the west.
I really wish for you to purge the jew. It pains me to see so many of your women degrading themselves in the filthiest manner for disgusting kike profit.
brah, prague is the kike central of the europe
He may be vulgar and vindictive, but unlike the other presidential candidates he isn't a fucking cuck. He successfully opposes western msm with its "evil russia" narrative and stomps the shit out of the prime minister, who is a retarded cretin along with his entire party that pushed through shit like sending literal retards and gypsies to the same classes as normal children. The president can be as vulgar as he pleases as long as he uses his function well, which Zeman does.
40 years of communism and 20 years of occupation by Warsaw Pact military really make it hard to not see Russia as evil in people's mind
also president Zeman is decent 50% of times like not giving a fuck about PC and political embarrassment the other 50% (like falling drunk on his ass)
Gypsies are unfortunately in every Slav european country.
I've lived in the Czech Republic for very large portion of my life, in the rural North-West.
Honestly, literally everyone who has money or is up and coming or living in Prague are morally vacant hedonists. Country folk are generally more interesting even if they are all depressive alcoholics.
Paradise? Most people I lived around are fuck poor, but they get all the shittiest "improvements" to their material being, like smartphones, new cars, fancy clothes, because they're not naturally adjusted to capitalism, and people who grew up under Communism overcompensate by being superconsumers of dumb shit.
There is a drug problem too, aside from alcohol.
The lack of religion is not a plus in my opinion, but the Czechs have a complicated history in that regard. Suffice to say that they've been fucked over enough times in their history that it's hard not to feel bad for them - Germans, Austrians, Germans again, Russians, now the EU. At least most of them are pretty racist, but like the Poles they want the EU for muh subsidies and anti-Russian sentiment.
t. Frenchman expat
Gypsies are unfortunately in every european country.
ftfy, thanks EU!
But who cares about political embarassment? Let him embarass himself as much as he likes as long as he acts well. I vote for a president because I want him to do something that benefits the country, not because I want him to moralfag.
Which is why it's all the more important to have figures resisting that narrative. Russia is pretty fucking shit, but if we continue with trying to get closer to the West, we're fucked. Getting closer to Western Europe and USA has always been a codeword for getting pozzed by kikes. "Look, western fags have more rights now, registered partnership nao".
Don't judge the whole country by that shitty fucking city, just like I don't judge your France by fucking Paris. You know full well that big cities are degenerate no matter which country you are in.
Only if you start comparing them based on income. Living expenses are drastically lower than in the west, and most Czechs can afford to go on a vacation in other countries once or twice a year, which is not something a poor person could do.
It's not. All it translates into is a lack of opposition against progressivism, which is why fags have such an easy time pushing their bullshit through
Maybe in the North-West? I live in the south and there is no significant drug problem.
Beer is one of the more significant staples of Czech culture and I haven't noticed any negative impacts stemming from it. it's not like oyu walk out on the street and see people drunk – most just go down a few beers once or twice a week with friends.
That's the MSM angle. The real situation is that people are afraid to leave EU since our economy is export-based. If we left, we'd be surrounded by EU on all sides and could expect to be asked to pay tariffs, which would ruin the economy. The consensus seems to be that we will leave right after our neighbours do.
Yes, that's exactly why I specified Prague.
Yeah, all my neighbors hop over to Croatia and stuff for the holidays.
This is true as well. Alcohol doesn't really cause a public problem, maybe it's just that lot of people I personally know have issues with alcohol.
Makes sense.
lots of young people smoke weed
other than that in news they say that its a lot easier to get hard drugs in Prague but i dont know about that…
beer is enough for most people
Doomed to fail. RIP.
Weed is not a serious drug problem – everyone has tried pot at least once (literally everyone, including the older generation), but few turn smoking it into a habit. The statistic is inflated by the polls asking "have you ever smoked weed?"
It's true about Prague, though. It's a shit city that has had a meth problem for years now in varying degrees of intensity.
i know a lot of people including myself that smoke weed on regular basis
It definitely looks like that on the surface, but it's more complicated than that. For historical reasons there's a deeply rooted distrust towards religious institutions. According to some research only about 20% percent actually believes in the absence of god and 20% doesn't really know, yet if you ask whether they believe in god, 50% will answer that they don't. The data may be some decade old, but you get the point. The atheism here is nowhere near as aggressive here as in the US.
Czechs are top-tier slavs.
t. Germany
Prague is covered in dogshit, watch your step.
They make guns
pick one
Ive heard people say this about every European capital
As long as it's just dog shit…
Berlin is the capital of rats and syphillis.
3 in 4 czech women are prostitutes.
4th is retired prostitute.
czech men are cucky fuckbois who cleanup.
The Czech's score good on metrics, but in reality they are probably the most cucked out of all Western Slavic states. That 99.7% white metric fails to mention the 400,000 - 800,000 gypsies in addition to other smaller minority populations. Much of this early modernism and in general central European Jewry has it's roots in the Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic. They are also one of the countries in the EU who still have the communists as a sizeable party in parliament. The fall of their government since the Velvet revolution has been unstable, so much so that Slovakia is catching up. Which is unbelievable given Czech Republic in WWI and WWII era was one of the most industrialized regions in the whole world while Slovakia could be likened to modern Ukraine in terms of development. If things continue as they are Slovakia will soon have parity with the Czech Republic in most metrics. In addition, those who live in the cities like Prague are empty, decadent hedonists. Which is to be expected given they're atheists. There is something of value left in the rural parts of the country, but the Czech Republic is the center of Westernization for all Western Slavs and as a result is suffering a lot of which is exclusive to Western Europe and non-existent in Eastern Europe.
Even their physicists are based.
Jewish enclave. They're untouched mostly because it's a center of jewish influence in Europe.
When you mix slavs and southern germans you get the czechs. Dont tell the jews they dont know it exists yet.
Good country, lots of porn actresses and easy poon. Liberal drug laws as well.
target acquired
They have solid gun laws too, close to Swiss and USA laws, and the have CCW too.
I want reddit to leave and bang themselves. Atheism always leads to degeneracy.
No it's not, the government is doing their best to rip ordinary citizens off. Low wages, prices rising, most people are poor as fuck, can't even affor a new car, always have to buy used. It's hard for whites to get any monetary support when they need it, everything goes to gypsies who do nothing. Retirement money are laughable, old people have it hard.
I remember that one with the nigger on the Lidl leaflet, made a small shitstorm on the net. But it's not the only thing, it's actually way worse, people from around the country are reporting elementary schools pushing islam already, some parents managed to take some photos pro islamic drawings posted on a class board, then there's this nonprofit pushing the project Edison, where they invite foreigners from different cultures to interact with the kids, and of course there are muslims. Brno was already infiltrated with pro islamic officials, who want to spend millions of tax payer's money to teach social workers arab languages, basically preparation for the invasion. Also it seems that we've already taken in some migrants, as I often hear about people complaining about them in Havířov.
He may make a fool of himself sometimes, but at least he stays with the people and respects their opinion, plus he's travelling around the country pretty often and redpills people about the current state of Europe. That's something you will never see from our good for nothing prime minster who caves in to any demand from Germany or the EU. For all of the time Sobotka's been in power, he's done literally nothing, it seems like he started to do actually something right before the elections though. Oh and I don't even need to say who he was rooting for in the French elections. The rest of the governemnt isn't too different either, even fucking Babiš, that the entire parliament ganged on, wants Soros' European University moved to Prague after it's been kicked out of Hungary.
>"She's Ethiopian but she was born here"
God damnit. Live in one of the whitest nations and go oil drilling.
It's heaven ma dude, time to pack up and learn to Czech speak
Also very hot chicks!
Bretty much this…
How is the naturalization law? I know Czech Republic allows dual citizenship now, but how difficult is the process and how long?
Seems like the place for me
Another CzechFag here.
This is cuckchan tier thread. Sage for that. Please stop with them I'm running out of places to escape from you people.
I'll just say that it's foolish to believe that (((they))) would leave a perfectly happy homogenous country of 11Mil in the middle of Europe unmolested.
Tell us your tale, Czechbro.
I am seriously considering running away from the Islamic caliphate of socialististan in favour of TCR
alcohol degeneracy
10.5 million morons
skoda is a german piece of shit just like the rest of VW
so they can spread their degeneracy faster, bad
mendel was a loser
arma sucks
no it isn't
t. Poland
very close, but no, I'm the other Catholic Slav/Aryan
Wasn't the head developer (Dwarden) banned from some forum for arguing that the immigrants weren't refugees? He's also pretty openly anti-islam on his Twitter feed. Bohemia Interactive is one of the better game studios out there, and I'm still holding my breath for Kingdom Come.
You forgot sucking german cock, prostitutes and promiscuity, gypsies and general degeneracy that comes from so much atheism.
You think this is an example of a good country, but between commies and Germans, they lost their spirit. Its a tourist shithole and German vassal by now.
As a child I went a lot to the Czech republic for holidays and all that. My parents have a small house in the region of Krnov (northeast, see OP's image).
The region when i first got there it was still very communistic in the way the infrastructure and government worked. In time, roads got made better (god I hated that stupid highway in poland from the german border to Katowice), which then allowed the Czechs in the region to rebuild the cities like Jagerndorf (Krnov's original name during german times), and now they look marvelous in the inner cities.
I like the attitude of the people who live there as well; SJW culture is an unknown, and everyone works to get something, even those who are jobless or handicapped, without complaining.
What I also loved was the government-subsidized stoking of alcohol. Since idiots wanted to make their own shit, they poisined themselves, so the commie government placed breweries in every town so people could bring their rotten appels or other fruits in there to brew alcohol from that for free. My family did that as well one time. Good shit.
Given that I know the language quite well I actually consider starting an IT business in the country, since living there is still very low in cost. (Olomouc, Brno, Plzen or Prague most likely).
Ask me anything if you want.
That's where germans get their crystal meth from.
Aren't Ethiopians orthodox Christians?
They technically aren't niggers.
How is the current state of your drug problems over there? Isn't there a legal amount of Meth that you can carry around without being arrested?
their drug laws goes
If you start huffing a blunt in public, the cops will come for you.
If you grow/smoke a little weed inside your house, your good. If you start dealing it, you get fucked.
smoke meth for personal use is a fine.
making meth is jail time tier, though.
Kill yourself, faggot. Around a third of them are Muslims. There are many ethnic groups there, and all of them are niggers
Yes, they are. Somalis are too.
Ethiopians are based.
I wouldn't mind oil drilling one.
Nigga don't fucking oil drill, we're trying to save the white race not submit to our baser instincts that will drive us closer to extinction. I know the lust for the non-whites can be powerful, I know it personally, but you must overcome it.
you have to go back
This is your mind of Christcuckoldry
Do they openly acknowledge that blacks and desert book booms are both inferior people?
Even during the Communist era they knew that
Back to 4chan with you.
Anyway, in an attempt to get this back on topic:
All of the Czechs I know but one have hated niggers and the only place in the Czech Republic that I have seen them was around Vaclavske Namesti in Prague. There are a fair number of southeast asian shop owners.
Had a friend who went overseas and knocked up a least 25 African women before coming back home. Granted, it wasn't Fucknowhere, Africa but one of the bigger cities.
So there are 25 African women raising children who are white than themselves.
and one more white person with aids
thats what you get with atheism; why according to themselves should they have any morality at all? with nothing according to them existing after the first life, they pursue the desires of the flesh so they can cay they've lived it in full, completely ignoring the desires of the spirit and how they blacken it, and the spirit altogether
i wouldn't be surprised if even more of their modern-day women are sluts than in the USA and europe too and even more of their guys than in the USA and europe are homos
How are the taxes and is there any organic farming?
I always hated this false dichotomy of atheism==no morals.
Just because you don't believe in god doesn't mean you are amoral - you use morality imparted to you through society. This morality can, but doesn't have to, be based around degeneracy and pleasures of flesh. Reminder that religious morality started somewhere, no matter whether it was imparted by a higher being or any number of prophets you can imagine.
Very atheist huh? I say they'd have fun if they got to know a certain Frog. Kek!
I bet the only reason Canada's not on that list is because they tax the fuck out of booze.
i would recommend Brno since is has 3 universities with IT faculty and is slightly cheaper than Prague
pretty much what said
holding drugs to certain amount -> fine
doing drugs -> mostly ok if you dont blow smoke right to policeman face
making drugs -> serious offense (btw so many people grow weed for personal use…)
legal medicinal marijuana (but you technically cant get it or you have to live on Prague)
taxes are pretty high
we have roughly 20% tax but your employer send roughly same amount to state as to your bank account through various social security taxes
dont know about organic farming but in stores "organic" is everywhere
Really degenerate country. No shit about the degeneracy since they're super atheistic
That's why Himmler hated Atheists and didn't allow them in the SS. They're literally spiritual kikes.
have both a white and a negres girl
you get to fuck the black out of one, and still maintain cool gene cruising altitude
Wow. That's nigger-tier behavior. Racemixing *and* leaving the kids to be raised by single mothers? WTF.
Probably not, unless his niggery included allowing niggers to use him as a cum dumpster. Not that oil drilling should be encouraged, but the disease is called GRID for a reason.
At least you seem to have leaders who care about your well-being.
Stay armed, stay ready.
I want christcucks to leave. As says, we are atheistic in a sense that we don't believe in god, but we still have christian morals. Also calling us the most degenerate of all whites because of that? You probably haven't even visited this place, it's total bullshit, not even Prague is as degenerate as San Francisco, Canada or France and most of the liberal crap comes from foreigner tourists or dual citizenship kikes who live in the west.
I disagree with atheism strongly, but this isn't the time or place. We can bicker about religion after we secure the existence of our race and a future for white children.
I have absolutely no desire for black women, or pretty much any woman that isn't fit and white. Every other facial structure seems repulsive to me for some reason. Well, the Jomon Japanese look nice, only because they don't look like the pie-faced Yayoi set. Eh. Still, I inherited some awful shit, so I'll never have children. I would never want to pass on a heart defect that severely ruins the quality of one's life, unless I could magically rid myself of it and curse some other complete fuckhead with it.
Japanese women can be pretty goddamn fine, honestly.
We still need to focus on our women though, and Japanese women need to focus on getting their emasculated men to make more babies with them.
It's what I was talking about earlier in this thread. There's a lot of aversion towards the institutions, but in the core, much of the "atheism" is nothing like the "religion is evil and kept us back for thousands of years" type of atheism; significant portion of "atheists" wouldn't even reject the notion that there may be some "higher power/force/something".
Those are called agnostics, son.
Lots of gypsies there
What the hell are you talking about? There were many jews before WW2, but now there's only a few thousand in the entire country. Seeing one would be like finding a unicorn.
The majority of the population is heavily against shitskins like Gypsies, and even more overwhelminly so against Islam. To put it simply, they want gypsies to stay segregated and want Islam outlawed. You cannot invade a country without its population providing a fertile soil. They already shipped rapefugees here, and you know what the rapefugees did? They fucking fled over the border since they got little in the way of gibs and because the locals fucking despise them. Hell, the nationalistic scene is enjoying an unprecedented boom.
I agree. For all his loud-mouthed buffoonery, he isn't a cuck and isn't afraid to stay his ground regardless of what anyone else thinks. EU putting sanctions on Russia? He goes on a meeting with Putin the same month, since he sees Russia as a good trading partner. Prime Minister pulling bullshit? Insults him on live TV, calling him the worst prime minister he ever met, with the PM standing right next to him. It's not ideal, but I respect his integrity and straighforwardness – it's a nice change from all the double-faced sleazy shits in politics.
It's either going to be him or socialists again. Like it or not, he's a charismatic and popular figure who provides a right-wing alternative to the estabilishment and leftists, and who isn't too "extreme". And he's definitely better than Sobotka – I fucking hate that piece of shit.
I'm going to fucking punch you
Most of them are theists, but don't want ot associate themselves with any estabilished religion. It's like you believe in a higher power, believe that there is a God, but don't believe any of the religions that describe him. It's due to having the ability to choose – they haven't been raised to believe in God, yet they still do, but now that they can choose any religion they want, they realise that none of them can prove itself to be indisputably the "correct" one and that all of them are shit in one regard or another. So they stay undecided. As for the effects on society, it's not about morals – people have conscience with or without religion to tell them about it. They lack a certain societal glue, however – there is literally nothing connecting the people there except family and friends; no higher sense of belonging or camraderie. Combined with the heavy cynicism that is practically universal among czechs, you get a country of people who are highly individualistic and rather selfish as they don't give a shit about anyone they don't know and don't really believe a change for the better is possible due to thinking EU, government, and all the neighbouring countries want to fuck them over (which happens to be true). On a positive note, it also makes them highly resistant to any MUH FEELS bullshit, leading to socjus being nonexistant and feminism being a common target of normalfag jokes and ridicule.
Fuck off. "Bohemian" refers to the gypsies because the came to France from Bohemia. Not to actual Bohemians. Learn some goddamn etymology you fucking nigger.
I've also noticed that Okamura is gaining some popularity, but probably not enough to fully win. To be honest, he's only 50% czech, but I still think he's the best choice at the moment, he's been saying the same thing over the years, constanty tries to pass the referendum law, while the other parties just laugh it off, even if they promised it during the last election, calls Sobotka out on all his bullshit in the parliament, was the only one to support Le Pen etc. He's probably the most nationalistic person up there right now. Though what I really dislike about him is that he's pretty low energy.
It's wonderful in prague
t. Slovak
That sounds like a nightmare.
Lived in the CR for a year back in 2004. Interesting country, stunning architecture, financially stable, but the Czech people are miserable, petty, vindictive, and arrogant beyond comprehension. From what I was told, some of the problem is based in the massive waves of tourists roaring through the country shitting the place up. I read a report some years ago how the Czech minister of tourism released a memo advising people to stop treating tourists like shit because it was effecting the bottom line. Also, of all the places Japs visit, the CR is the last nation Japs go back to visit. Prague is a bit different, more cosmopolitan and open, but once out of the metro area, the locals behave in ways that would warrant a street beating in NYC or LA. In the end, RC looks great on paper, but in reality is a real shithole. Personally, there is nothing I miss about Brno, and I have no intention of ever going back. There was a spoof piece posted on expat.ru at LEAST a decade ago titled "Remedial Slander; The Czechs" that summed the entire culture up, but it has since gone down the memory hole. I can dredge up my saved copy if someone actually cares.
I need something that'll piss off my Czech girl. Post your copy pls
Yeah lemme go down to the linux machine and pull it off the NAS. BRB
Save a copy, because you will never find this tidbit again.
Remedial Slander: The Czechs
Few Central Europeans can remember the exact moment the Czechs became extinct. Who cares when it happened - as long as they don't come back, shrugged a jubilant Slovak.
So wry and smirking were the Czechs that it was as if they'd always been extinct.
Indeed, many of their neighbors felt impatient with them for lingering as long as they did.
Why aren't you extinct? was a comment often heard when Czechs would appear at local marketplaces, peddling their trademark wares: stolen BMWs and wry, sad novels full of the wisdom of the defeated.
Look how extinct we are already, the Czechs would reply, grovelling as always before anyone capable of raising a hand against them. We're vanishing as fast as we can!
Yes, but we can still hear you, the neighbors would grumble.
The Czechs' voices were indeed one of most annoying of their many irksome traits. Like a bunch of birds with a sinus condition complaining about the weather was the way the Czechs' erstwhile neighbors described their distinctive whine.
The last confirmed sighting of a Czech was at the St. Charles Bridge in Prague at the end of the millenium.
Throughout the early nineties, dim Czech-like figures would appear in Prague, presenting tourists with bills for food, lodging and local atmosphere. But as the century drew to a close, Czech-sightings grew rarer, to the universal joy of the Czechs' neighbors.
The St. Charles Bridge was the vanishing Czechs' last stand. When foreign hippies gathered there to sing Knockin' on Heaven's Door, the spirit of the lost Czechs often appeared in the form of a wry smirk.
This smirk could still be seen until the great floods of 2002, when it was drowned in the rising waters.
As the muddy stream swirled around it, the smirk was heard to whine, Floods. How typical.
And, savoring this ironic triumph, the Czechs' last smirk sank beneath the waves.
Kek'ed. Thanks a lot
Europe's pornstar factory
When we genocide them, you crackers get all upset.
Sage for cuckchan tier thread.
Kek, you should live year in Poland
post their photo so i can remove them>>9865899
All is well.
They aren't Germanic, they're Slavic.