One of the few threads that isn't asking for something. Isn't pushing something unrelated. Isn't trying to cement an idea of what people who like good things are, that being the worst thing they can think of usually, so their feeding off can happen sooner, so it isn't a thing they are excluded from for being scum. Want it to seem ok to exploit, like anything would help, that ther exploitation and ascocciation is providence.
MGSV was the best in the series gameplay wise. You can rate a thing depending on how free of stupidity it is, by that how hard was tried for what done to be something.
MGSV was great while limitations of enemies weren't known in caution. Expecting them to see where they would. Music also better by tapes in radios, should leave them there out of decency anyway. Made for an added dimension of an era, people there part of a time, their fantasies, hopes and social stuff, what they were missing out on. Could have gone far with that human aspect. And contrasted well with professionalism, them having good reason to get revenge, overkill in caution, stay aware. Demonstrate hate to opposing factions. Death is taken too lightly in games, nothing lost in something shot. Stupidity isn't humor either. Stronger enemies would see Snake as a better character, more relief in killing them, more of a bad guy because of it. Things that introduce danger more imposing. Not a game where the shots wash off from what is hit.
As the story went Big Boss liked the truth and freedom of war. Free of the filth, no tollerance for it, it means turning off the mind, works only with numbers.
Didn't focus on any horror though, just getting things done, stealing as much as possible including people.
Needed to have demonstrated reason for joining first. Something soldiers could appreciate, more professionalism. By their joining they would be a part of no stupidity and have to hold eachother to the highest standard. Fight off the enemies of life and freedom.
No more parasites.
Also contend with plots organisations that harvest, present what isn't theirs as part of them, good designs betrayed, labeled. Copyrighted. Kill them all. Good designs part of where they belong.
Also had animu shit. Something unbelievable then sorry, then not trying at all. Not impressive.
Didn't relay the extreme opposition of established wrong, individuals having no chance of stopping it.
Doing so anyway felt dangerous, but get used to it. Being able to stop something against some cosmic law of things only get worse. Or ambition challenged to accnowledge horrors as powerful.
Wasn't much if any military stuff. Not much if bases to infiltrate. Ground Zeroes had a distinct moment where you were outside and it wasn't too late. Both would bave benefited from some randomised personell movement to keep you aware you were the botton of the food chain here and they all want for there ti be something to justify their existance. You are being very dumb in doing this, you're fucked, should be on loudspeaker in your mind. Lethality as an option, mission failure is not the only relief. That and they are the bad guys.
Hol your breath as enemies come close. They have a sixth sense for where you are sometimes. Thinking they have seen you first one to act loses, first one to prove it beyond all doubt.
Also should have shown how big a thing it is to rescue someone from their filth, someone who hasn't given in. Did somewhat.
Show how different is for there to be something good in the world. Be imitators opposite at core now. Most is sold by attatching hopes.
The Japanese war denial thing was in full swing by 3. Did nothing wrong kind of thing. Vivisection fine by such filth, capacity to ignore.
Alluded in previews how Big Boss was giving in and taking options that gave power at the cost of other people's suffering which would invalidate ang progress entirely as it does all religion all civilisation.
Tension of being part of something different, something new.