"A nation of immigrants"

Mexicans are citizens of Mexico. When they are here illegally, they should be deported back to their home. Mexico.

White Americans are NOT citizens of Europe. If I try to "go back where I came from" then ironically I will be deported back to the states.

You can argue that the pilgrims and colonists were illegal immigrants, but not modern white Americans. This is our home, not Europe.

Mexicans ARE illegal because their home is Mexico.

This dumb cartoon from my college textbook ("Thinking Critically, 11e" by John Chaffee) actually proves immigration is bad. When whites came to America we fucked up the reds. Now browns are coming in, they will fuck up whites AND reds.

Tangent: why are spics so proud to speak Spanish? That is a European language. They only speak it because their ancestors were raped and conquered. If they want to be proud they should learn Aztec/Incan/Mayan languages

Other urls found in this thread:


tbh the Indians were a bunch of violent communists in their natural environment of unending misery, warfare, torture, rape, and death, and deserved to be wiped off of the face of the Earth.

Aztecs were a little better, but still should have been reduced greatly in number. Moreso than was done by smallpox.

What a faggot, you just argued for anchor babies.

I've read that before and it may well be true. Tell that to a Liberal though and they will use it to justify wiping the "evil white man" off the face of the Earth and taking his land

I didn't argue that, read again. I gave YOU permission to argue it


That's why you just kill liberals rather than talking to them.

The pilgrims and colonists did not migrate to the Indian "states", we created our own states and fought for the land. We earned the rights to this land since we fought for it - Hispanics have no right since they are specifically coming here with the intention of living in and taking advantage of our society, not to create their own.

Yeah, help me pack, Native, you're leaving too. White people were in America first.

White people even built the Macchu Picchu.

Why do you think Latinos bow and wait like that with a smile?

Did John Chaffee leave?

I'll help you pack John Chaffee.

"Critical thinking" is code for liberal rightthink

What I fail to see is how libtards don't realize what happened to the Indians is a perfect example of how ethnic displacement and replacement destroys a people. Also, the depiction of the indians as peaceful and coexistent before whitey, kek.

This needs to get around more, and another one with something about the immigration and naturalization act of the US. Both Canada and the US were pretty much "whites only" countries, from the very start.

You see, people don't have a problem with a superior, stronger country/people destroying a smaller one in combat and taking their land. The problem arises when ruling members, "democratically elected" ones at that of that country/people decide that it's time for them to move on and let loose a bunch of invaders willingly, without protecting their own (actually imprisoning them for wrongthink) just to replace them with more easily controlled ones, that's when people have a problem. They're traitors.

Americans bought the land from the drunk injuns for beads and axes. That makes it legal.

Didn't you hear, being born in the wrong place at the wrong time means you can be charged with the society equivalent of original sin. Guess people confused the step of civic nationalism as the end goal, not just a step to full blown world nationalism.

Relevant as always.

But that's not true. There were no borders in those times, as many leftists smugly say,
Further, the only tribe you could argue was truly unfairly displaced were the Cherokees who won a supreme court case to keep their land.

You cannot illegally immigrate to a place where there are no borders or nation-states. You wouldn't be illegally immigrating if you packed up and moved to Afghanistan (except for the war and occupation) because it's not a country, it's a region.
A country requires laws, borders, and a government. This isn't me being pedantic, it's literally the reason for a nation-state in the first place.


I never understood this shit-for-brains argument. How is proving the harmful of mass-immigration in the case of the injuns a counter-point to Whites rejecting mass-immigration? Besides, America as a country is a White construct, and the injuns are as much foreigners to the fundamental nature of America as any other non-white is.

Anyway. OP is an obvious /r/the_donald civcuck who thinks "only the illegals are bad". Promptly fuck right back to that nigger-loving shithole you call home.


THE TERM IS COLONIST. There was nothing here, but filthy savages.

In either case, they have a point. Being displaced will always end badly for the host population.

trips of truth

"Native" Americans come from Asia, and there were Europeans in North America before they ever set foot there, namely the Solutreans.

Plus, a sizable chunk, if not the majority, of land taken by the English and French was done so through trade of goods and military assistance. The American Indians had tribal disputes all the time, and the English settlers would assist them in their tribal wars in exchange for land and food. Hints Thanksgiving.

Liberals have created this fictional ideal of American Indians, that they were perfect, nonviolent people stripped of their land and property by the evil white man. The truth is they made mistakes. They traded their land and had little business sense. Eventually, few tribes had any land left. By the time Jackson came around, the Native tribes were within US borders thanks to the Louisiana Purchase. But Jackson still gave them Oklahoma. Only the Cherokee were cast out unfairly.

That being said, it's still wrong to compare Europeans and American Indians to Americans and Mexican illegals. Why? American Indians let the colonists settle in their areas. And that's why they lost the land war.

Maybe one day we'll let white man come home.

Movie is "Bury My Heart In Wounded Knee"

I need to get around to seeing it. Dead timber niggers gets the noggin' joggin'

Great take. Sailing vessels across the Atlantic Ocean on voyages that lasted months only to land in a world where the prospect of death was a constant concern is certainly different than immigrating to modern-day America. It's not even comparable. But sure, if they wish to immigrate to this country like our ancestors, I wouldn't have an issue, since they'd just get their shit rocked in the process.

As do I, though all things considered the Native Americans weren't as bad as a lot of our current adversaries. I'd much rather be dealing with a bunch of warring tribes than countless leftie traitors and self detonating kebabs. That and some of the Native American mythos is actually kinda cool.

Saved this from a long time ago now.



Reminder that whites were the first people in the Americas and that Indioes have no concept of property rights.


That's a good redpill.

Them being in America is illegal and any force necessary is to be used to remove them from the land.
Regards, a European

No actually, you can't. This is where I agree with the natives. Our ancestors were invaders, through and through, they came to these lands and there was no civilization so they thought, great, the whole continent is probably empty, let's set up what we had back in Europe except without the shit that made us leave - on that point illegal immigrants already fail because they try to keep everything about their shit cultures even if it's what fucked their countries up in the first place and made them leave.

So the Indians or aboriginals or Maoris pop up and start chimping out because these pale giants came out of nowhere and started doing things so beyond understanding that it must have been magic. Naturally, they attack our ancestors, who decide that if it is to be war, so be it, and may the best man win. Nobody does war better than white people, and the natives lost on every single continent. We won, exerted our will over them, took their land and made it our own.

See OP, that's the real truth of the world: either you resist, fight, and die, with a chance of making it better for your children, or you die with no chance of making your families safe. Have you ever watched a documentary about a hopeless group of partisans putting up a final, doomed stand? Have you ever wondered why on earth they do that when they could just give in, and live? Apparently most people in the West today think that also, or they think it'll all just blow over eventually and go back to normal. It sure as hell didn't go back to normal for the Cherokee or the Noongar or the Mayans.

There's no such thing as immigration. There's invasion, which is an act of war (explicitly declared or otherwise), and there's controlled absorption of minorities, which is sort of a small scale, controlled invasion at your behest. Our ancestors were invaders, and they were the best at it. You should be proud of that. Mexicans and Chinese and Africans and Arabs are all invaders too. If they get the majority, and if they had the whip hand over you, do you think you'd get away with just living a quiet life being left alone?

Whether you want to admit it or not, you're being invaded. You survive or you don't. Nobody else will tell your people's tale except you and every generation must shoulder the responsibility for their people unborn and infinite. You can't secure the future, you can only secure your here and now. Can you do that?

The Mexicans can have this land, if it's in a war and they actually manage to conquer us. However, the notion that one must let themselves be invaded, one must let their self die without a battle is what is sickening to me.