No actually, you can't. This is where I agree with the natives. Our ancestors were invaders, through and through, they came to these lands and there was no civilization so they thought, great, the whole continent is probably empty, let's set up what we had back in Europe except without the shit that made us leave - on that point illegal immigrants already fail because they try to keep everything about their shit cultures even if it's what fucked their countries up in the first place and made them leave.
So the Indians or aboriginals or Maoris pop up and start chimping out because these pale giants came out of nowhere and started doing things so beyond understanding that it must have been magic. Naturally, they attack our ancestors, who decide that if it is to be war, so be it, and may the best man win. Nobody does war better than white people, and the natives lost on every single continent. We won, exerted our will over them, took their land and made it our own.
See OP, that's the real truth of the world: either you resist, fight, and die, with a chance of making it better for your children, or you die with no chance of making your families safe. Have you ever watched a documentary about a hopeless group of partisans putting up a final, doomed stand? Have you ever wondered why on earth they do that when they could just give in, and live? Apparently most people in the West today think that also, or they think it'll all just blow over eventually and go back to normal. It sure as hell didn't go back to normal for the Cherokee or the Noongar or the Mayans.
There's no such thing as immigration. There's invasion, which is an act of war (explicitly declared or otherwise), and there's controlled absorption of minorities, which is sort of a small scale, controlled invasion at your behest. Our ancestors were invaders, and they were the best at it. You should be proud of that. Mexicans and Chinese and Africans and Arabs are all invaders too. If they get the majority, and if they had the whip hand over you, do you think you'd get away with just living a quiet life being left alone?
Whether you want to admit it or not, you're being invaded. You survive or you don't. Nobody else will tell your people's tale except you and every generation must shoulder the responsibility for their people unborn and infinite. You can't secure the future, you can only secure your here and now. Can you do that?