Does anybody else feel like this will be the last Star Wars film they see in cinemas...
Grow a fucking spine you cuck and stand up for yourself. If someone insists you to go watch it, the least you can do is put your foot down and say you don't want to. Stick by your principles, soyboy.
The thing that worries me is this shit making more money than TFA. Carrie Fisher just died and normalfaggots flooded the theaters to watch Fast and the Furious just because of Paul Walker dying. Star Wars is a much bigger institution than FatF and this could easily break a billion more than TFA.
Yeah, you can actually. Just stop fucking watching it. Your demographic being less involved with making these movies profitable is always a good thing.
you can just torrent the trash if you really feel the need to watch it
Yeah it's not like forums and media where movies entertainment is discussed influences common though on said media. It's not like halfchan steals shit from us and then reddit steals it from them, and then a month later it's old news in the normie sphere. It's not like imageboards have become the centers of datamining and cultural memetic influence within the past year of the election and and being literally bought and sold by data mining faggots. And let's not mention any organizations that for sure exist to manipulate common thought from the ground level, or how easy and cheap it is to pay people minimum wage to post shit on websites all day.
this is exactly what a shill would say
see the problem i have with that is the producer can just say fuck it, im not gonna film in some ultra expensive format that no one is gonna be able to watch just to get the entire ship in the shot, im gonna just back up the camera until i can see the entire ship
Excuse me?
the thing is they probably paid shills to go shill it wouldn't outside the realm of possibilities that one of the prostitutes know about the chans and throw some low energy shilling here after dumping a ton of shill work into other more populated places.