Does anybody else feel like this will be the last Star Wars film they see in cinemas...

Does anybody else feel like this will be the last Star Wars film they see in cinemas? I don't know if I can watch Disney rape Star Wars anymore after the last ones, I'll give this one a go but if I'm not happy with it I'm done.

did you just migrate from reddit?

Holy shit, were you banned from cuckchan so you decided to come here? Fuck off to >>>/reddit/ and kill yourself.

I operate on a three strikes and you're out, the last two were duds but if this one's a homerun I don't want to miss it.

>Fuck off to >>>/reddit/ and kill yourself.

Reported for Disney shilling. Literally against board rules so fuck off.


I might go see it with my friend. I hate giving Disney money but it's not like you could even boycott them at this point so might as well. I don't even like Star Wars but I like hanging out.



I'll go with the family if they ask, because I have no backbone. I hope they don't ask.

Nah, that was Revenge of the Sith. I have no interest in watching any of the post-Lucas garbage, especially not in a cinema. What would the point be when it doesn't have stunning kinomatography?

Is there any way I can damage Disney's revenue enough to counteract the ticket price?

dont buy anything disney or star wars related, easy enough. also you can write shitty reviews if that helps you. also tell your friend to not see garbage jew movies

No way I'm going to pay to watch this. There are better things to do on my birthday.

Is this the new way disney is trying to get people to watch their garbage?
-"you can't really boycott them anyway"
-"I'll give them more chances"
-"If my family asks I'll go"
That's pretty desperateā€¦.. No one should watch nu-wars is horrendously off putting because of the Marysue , sjw/tumblr propaganda, bad casting,bad acting, bad writing/ripping off of OT stuff, bad directing, jarring cgi/lens flares, etc. nothing has changed from TFA this is part 2 of that terrible movie trilogy ,there is no reason to give disney any money for this go watch or do something elseā€¦.

My birthday is the 21st of December

I agree the sudden influx of Star Wars threads right before release seems odd, and I don't recognize the writing style of the OP's. Think some shilling may be afoot.


He was obviously enticed by the force sloth, force tree, porgs and the fact that "the force is female".

10/10 bait

Well, I'm only going because there's a venue nearby projecting the 15/70mm IMAX version. I expect the movie to be shit, but at least it will be eye candy.

cuck or shill

shill for IMAX support, spending money at IMAX venues means more films will be released in 15/70 and/or 4K Laser in the future


it's more about the contrast levels than detail, all the light pumping through the 15/70mm frame area, the highlights are bright as fuck, and the blacks are deep as fuck, only laser projection has better contrast levels. although a scenic landscape shot brightly lit at a slow pace like those on the island with rey training are the type that will benefit the most from the format

You think the target audience of niggers and chinamen care for this?

Nope, afaik it's only playing in this format at 10 venues in US and 1 in UK, unless they've added more since the announcement. It's a white thing obviously.

What is the point tbh


Yeah Disney are definitely shilling their billion dollar franchise on a board with ~700 users than openly hates Disney. Myself and that other user literally only pointed we would see this shit if somebody twisted out arm and you all sperg out. Might as well go watch something I can shitpost about later on Holla Forums than 'A Bad Mom's Christmas' or some shit.


Grow a fucking spine you cuck and stand up for yourself. If someone insists you to go watch it, the least you can do is put your foot down and say you don't want to. Stick by your principles, soyboy.

The thing that worries me is this shit making more money than TFA. Carrie Fisher just died and normalfaggots flooded the theaters to watch Fast and the Furious just because of Paul Walker dying. Star Wars is a much bigger institution than FatF and this could easily break a billion more than TFA.


Yeah, you can actually. Just stop fucking watching it. Your demographic being less involved with making these movies profitable is always a good thing.
you can just torrent the trash if you really feel the need to watch it

Yeah it's not like forums and media where movies entertainment is discussed influences common though on said media. It's not like halfchan steals shit from us and then reddit steals it from them, and then a month later it's old news in the normie sphere. It's not like imageboards have become the centers of datamining and cultural memetic influence within the past year of the election and and being literally bought and sold by data mining faggots. And let's not mention any organizations that for sure exist to manipulate common thought from the ground level, or how easy and cheap it is to pay people minimum wage to post shit on websites all day.
this is exactly what a shill would say

see the problem i have with that is the producer can just say fuck it, im not gonna film in some ultra expensive format that no one is gonna be able to watch just to get the entire ship in the shot, im gonna just back up the camera until i can see the entire ship

Excuse me?

the thing is they probably paid shills to go shill it wouldn't outside the realm of possibilities that one of the prostitutes know about the chans and throw some low energy shilling here after dumping a ton of shill work into other more populated places.


Yes, Disney can afford to pay some Poo in the Loos to shill it on multiple websites like 4chan, Holla Forums, and Reddit, your point?

Imagine being so cucked that you will go watch something you know you're not going to like.


Since they're going to release a new one every year, how long will it last? I'd guess about 10 years.

I don't watch in theaters, especially Disney, and I only pirate but I may pirate the movie to see what the newest techniques are in kike brainwashing.

Although if the leaks are true and she forms a new 'grey' path I won't bother. I honestly never really liked any of the SW movies anyway even the originals although the were at least unique and untainted by an agenda.

The last Star Wars film I will ever watch is The Force Awakens. It was stupid, a piss poor imitation of a good movie + some bullshit to help market it to a younger crowd and it will only get worse from here. I watched Rogue One but now I am finished with Star Wars.

It's OK to pirate movies so long as they are Disney movies.

I pirate all movies from major studios. I haven't given a shekel to Hollyweird in 5 years. Same for tv shows.

good for you just remember to always stream
only fags torrent

Nice try FCC faggot, I pirate via torrents for movies. I do stream sports games though to take those shekels away from NFL cucks.

/r9k/ take your meds.

He thinks we will remember his birthday =^_^=
Happy birthday in advance user.

Faggots like will claim otherwise but Disney doesn't exclude anyone. They want their most vocal opposition paying them money if they can help it. Making them (us) feel like going to see it in theatres is inevitable and then any user seeing it with someone means they made a few tickets sold. This is the reason why they don't discount a small board of people including hundreds or thousands of lurkers'. They know that we know people, and convincing us to see a movie in theatres means other people go with us.

Really good way to help. Also keep in mind that it's completely justified to give disney or star wars related products terrible reviews on principle - you don't need to own it nor should you. Big companies like them buy positive reviews, so you should feel obligated to make believable reviews that weigh against theirs.


saging for obvious shill thread.

Demoralization it's called. Typical cointelpro/shill trick, that image that gets passed around on Holla Forums has a reasonable list.
Distrust black pilled nihilists.


Despite your dubs, no there aren't. Nobody here will pay money to see that shit, most of us won't even see it at all.

Giving shekels to Disney in any form is supporting the enemy. The leaks, if true, show they're going to kike the universe up even more. Always assume it's pozed.

Good goy OP.

The only science fantasy film I look forward to is Dennis Villeneuve's Dune. I liked Lynch's version a lot but I think the new one might be almost as good if the studio don't pozz it.

Assuming you're not a shill, you have entirely too much good will. Disney's had two major release films thus far to win me over, and the first one left such a sour taste in my mouth that I haven't put so much as a dime toward anything Star Wars since. Easier said than done, too. Thanks to Bandai, affordable SW model kits that don't look like shit are finally a reality. At least most of the designs I'm interested in are prequel-era, which The Mouse thankfully doesn't seem to want anything to do with.

into the trash

Blade Runner 2049 was kino.

welp looks like the shills actually got us to talk about star wars

well played i guess