Illegal immigration: By the numbers

This is going to be a long post. A very long post. However, I promise you it's worth the read. Sources are at the bottom. No TL;DR, because you don't belong here if you're that low energy.

Most Americans underestimate how much illegal aliens cost us each year. Looking at the Heritage Foundation study, you will find that the average illegal household pays about $10,334 annually in taxes. The disparity lies in the fact that the average illegal household receives around $24,721 in government benefits (this includes direct benefits, means-tested benefits, education benefits, population-based services, interest and other spending, and pure public goods expenditures) annually. For comparison, the average households with college-educated heads received $24,839 in government benefits while paying $54,089 in taxes. Now, looking at these figures, we can conclude that the average household of illegals costs taxpayers $14,387 per annum. The Heritage Foundation estimates that there are 3,444,955 households of illegals in the US, containing “no more than” 12,708,875 illegal immigrants. This estimate is flawed, however, because it is based off of a census study conducted in the year 2001. It’s strange how immigrants flood into our country and hop the border in droves, yet the amount of illegal immigrants has stayed roughly the same… A more apt estimate would be the one conducted by Ann Coulter in her book Adios, America! in which she cites a study by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists Barlett and Steele that estimates an average of 3 million illegal aliens are coming in yearly–enough to fill 22,000 Boeing 737-700 airliners. Coulter also cites a study Fred Elbel done in 2007 that estimates there were 20 million illegal immigrants residing in the US in 2005.

Taking these new figures, we can calculate that there are close to 50 million illegal immigrants currently in the US. However, since I understand these studies are just estimates; I will use a more conservative estimate of 35 million. This new number of illegals is close to 3.5x the Heritage Foundation’s estimate, so we arrive at 12,057,343 households of illegals. AII of these households are costing US taxpayers $14,387 per annum. Multiply these two numbers and you get the cost of illegal immigration to the US: $173,468,986,547.

The US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) contractor, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) completed 651 of nearly 652 miles of fencing mandated by Congress in 2005, which was a part of the DHS’ Secure Border Initiative (SBI). The price per mile (PPM) ranged from $400,000 to $15.1 million, for an average of $3.9 million PPM. The USA has close to 2,000 miles bordering Mexico and other areas illegal aliens typically trek though. Assuming the best option is the option for $15 million PPM, it would cost taxpayers around $30 billion to build a comprehensive wall. The price to build a wall that would last a lifetime is less than 17% of the yearly cost of illegal immigration. The choice is extremely clear.

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The areas mentioned are not the only areas in which we would save. If we decided to deport all illegal aliens, we would save the $173 billion that is spent yearly on the illegal aliens. This would allow us to increase the border patrols budget by $15 billion–a more than 100% increase–$10 billion towards defense spending, $50 billion towards paying back the national deficit (or $60 billion; whatever), all while cutting taxes by 2.5% across the board. In addition, close to 29.3 million jobs would be open. This number comes from multiplying the amount of illegal aliens by 89% (the amount over the age of 18), and then multiplying that number by 94.5% (accounting for just Obama’s fake unemployment rate in May 2015). With the amount of job openings caused by deportation, everyone drawing unemployment in the US would be able to find a job. And there would be close to 21 million jobs left, which would allow for an extraordinary amount of economic growth and would cause a massive surge in the Labor Force Participation Rate, which is seemingly lacking. When US citizens fill those jobs, the government will see a huge leap in tax revenue. The average US citizen pays close to 30% in taxes on their average $44,888 salary. The average citizen pays approximately $13,466 in taxes per annum to the government. Multiplying this by 31.3 million (the amount of jobs that now pay income tax to the US government) gives us $421.5 billion. Allocating these funds could give us $50 billion for infrastructure repair, $10 billion for education, $15 billion for defense spending (or, again, no more than we’re spending now at all), $150 billion to pay back the national debt, and would allow us to lower taxes again, this time 5% across the board.

Freeing up all these jobs would allow us to completely cut all unemployment benefits, which would discontinue FUTA (6%) as well as SUTA (5.82%) taxes on business, while saving taxpayers 108.5 billion USD annually. 10 billion of these newfound funds could go to paying back the national deficit, all while cutting taxes yet again, another 2.5% across the board.

In conclusion, building a border wall and deporting all illegal immigrants would allow us to spend per annum: $15 billion on border patrol, $25 billion in defense spending, $50 billion for infrastructure repair, $10 billion for education, and $210 billion towards paying back the national deficit–in addition to their current budgets–while cutting taxes nearly 12% on business, and 10% for citizens.


Now go forth and spread knowledge, white man.

Sieg heil. Why Mosley, if I may? Are you British?

British immigrant.

Nice OP, but explaining things to normalfaggots has long since lost all appeal to me. Even saying something as simple as "We will save more money than the wall costs within the first year," is too complicated for your average faggot. Adding stats, numbers and sources only makes it more confusing for most, and the ones who are smart enough to get it, but still oppose it, are wilful subversives. Whether it's by government or citizen, force is the only thing that really moves the vast majority of people.

And by the way, we should be in an open shooting war with mexico at this very moment, for occupying our land illegally and claiming it for their foreign country. If our government had a shred of legitimacy left, that would be the current state of things. I'm still giving Trump time to get the gears moving, but if this invasion scenario isn't resolved decisively, at some point I'll concede that we don't really HAVE a government anymore, and work out a new line of reasoning from that starting premise.


You're kidding, right? The sources are in the OP. What in the actual fuck are you posting?

That's not occupation, that's illegal immigration. Mexico doesn't have the balls or the power to attack us directly. We're fighting a different type of war, user. LARP elsewhere.

Wew lad, straight to """"larper""""? Mexico is funneling illegals into our country, even printing out guides on how to do it, and in the meantime remittances from the illegals are going back to mexico to the tune of $26 billion per year.
Yeah, you're fighting the kind of war where subhuman filth are imported unchecked and given preferential treatment, up to and including getting away with murder and only getting sent home, soak up government benefits as listed above, etc. Yeah (((You're))) fighting a different kind of war, all right. A war of poverty and subversion. A war in which the strong are overcome by the weak and pathetic. I know quite well what kind of war you WANT to fight. The one where we lose. So fuck you, shill. This is the future you chose.

You're the only shill here, Shekelstein. Go derail somewhere else.

When I actually said OUR GOVERNMENT SHOULD BE AT WAR. But I think you know that already, don't you?
Did we get actual JIDF back? This shill style feels familiar.



Oh, it's king turkroach himself. Drown in semen, faggot


Don't care if that's a shill or whatever that's one of the saddest damn things I've seen.

Only the best for Holla Forums's worst.

Nigga, I got an entire copy of war and peace tattooed on my nutsack. Don't talk about long posts when you don't Fucken even know what a long post is

One could say that the tyranny of these foreign nations and their poor caretaking of those nations caused this.
I think this could be argued to be an impedance on national sovereignty by those nations. You might be able to argue that you have the right to intervene to stop this impedance on national sovereignty (i.e. take control of that nation.)

Western countries need to use this argument against arabic, asian, african and latin american countries.
Otherwise you give us the casus belli to invade your country and give a place where these people can live.

We can fit your immigrants in our countries, plus it's now becoming a huge financial burden to support them.

I don't get why our politicians don't bring this up. We have ever right to attack their poor caretaking and tyranny.

You're implying our politicians are on our side.

I take it you were replying to me.

Why would they be against this?
This is globalism in a different form - west invasion of these countries.
It gives the people with the capital direct control of these nations.
Jews are fucking retarded if they don't do this. This could secure returns on their loans of shekels.

Hell Iran-contra created issues to Rockefeller's investments in that region. Now they have a casus belli to take direct control of these regions.

Why are so many Asians so soulless, and for no purpose?

Profit wise, they should do what I say. It can secure production.

I've thought something similar.

If Mexicans and Central Americans want to immigrate to America and work as our slaves so badly, why don't we just cut the bullshit and grant them their wish and invade their nations and reduce them to slave states of the greater American Reich?

I'd imagine even after a generation of superior Anglo rule, elimination of problematic elements of society (Cultural/Political elite, criminal elements, Indio trash) through slave labor/extermination and cultural genocide of Hispanic culture there'd be a massive improvement in quality of life in those areas.

Not only that, but given that these nations cause such travesty environmentally, it is now in our best interests for the sakes of the need of our nation and people's livelihoods to intervene.

Not only do we need to intervene to prevent the impedance of the human rights of these individuals that flee, but we also need to intervene for the sake of survival of all nations on this planet.
We can either invade, or at least threaten to invade and perhaps take more direct control of these nations indirectly.

We shouldn't need walls, but we have to because your governments are so rubbish at running your countries.
Perhaps we should say this - either we build a wall, or we take control of your country in order to provide industry for these people through providing:

Immigration simply comes down to bad management of the countries they come from.
I think it's time we stopped that.



I agree, but I also think this should be a goal we pursue after fixing our own country. I've read several articles on people who go down there to help poverty and they all say one of the main problems is that everyone who could be working to make the country better moves here instead. I completely agree with this. So we need the people who are able to work hard to get back to their countries, fix our own country, then work with these people to stop their government corruption and get their economies moving.