Rebuilding our society

Let's assume a scenario: America has gone through civil war that started as a political/ideological conflict and then devolved into a religious and race war on top of that.

We won. Kebab was removed, the only non-whites remaining are some Japanese, Korean, and 'white' hispanics who sided with us and exist only in small populations confined to certain areas, and all Jews, cucks, and traitors were hanged on the Day of the Rope. Now we're in power and we have to establish a new government with new laws, a new economy, etc. and we have to alter society so it never again falls into Jewish degeneracy.

What policies do we implement?

I have a few ideas of my own, feel free to add your own and discuss.

First, my ideas for implementing the 14 words:

Thus, we create incentive to marry and have lots of children, while eliminating the plague of single motherhood.

Next, the defense of our nation and reinstilling manhood:

Thus, we create the "rifle behind every blade of grass" scenario that made the Japanese fearful of attempting an invasion of the mainland USA, with the military training to back it up. Further, this gives EVERY adult male and most teenage males the training and equipment necessary for us to raise an absolutely massive reserve force in the event of war, making it impossible for any foreign power to invade and occupy us. It also instills discipline and duty into young men, ensuring we get a nation of responsible, level-headed men and not a nation of pussies and limp-wristed cucks.

Outlaw abortion, unless pregnancy is the result of rape or the fetus is believed to have Downs or some other congenital defect, in which case it must be mandatory.

Mormon master race!
In seriousness, I think this sets a bad precedent. Polygamy is not endemic to our culture or even to our race.

What about mothers who's husbands died in the war? I could very well die in the coming war and I worry about my GF. I strongly oppose any measured intended to marginalize her once we create a White society. If I died, there would be no male paterfamilias in my family or hers.

Not to be a faggot trying to shit on your post. For the most part I do agree with you. Families are the bedrock of a stable & healthy civilization.

Also, your idea that boys must belong to a group is simply brilliant. Group membership is critical in building character & identity.

To it, I'd add that we solve our "reliance" on cheap labour by assigning children in these ROTC programs a few months where they develop agricultural skills. This means that they would be picking tomatoes and harvesting grain. Not Mestizos.

This seems a little extreme. Many people would find it a great inconvenience to carry a rifle everywhere they go.

Again though, these are great ideas that should be discussed.

That's where a Lebensborn system comes in. No point in wasting good genes. And it's "whose".
Are you able to differentiate between "may" and "must"?

I'll just say that polygamy sounds like a good idea the the male brain but really isn't. Just have your one love and stick with them. Agree with most of the other stuff though, though just as a thought puzzle what to do with gays? Treat them as mostly normal citizens as if they where infertile or something else?



Stupid larping go play video games

Not only a Nazi, but a grammar Nazi!
I will gas myself for my mistakes. Apologies.

Get the fuck out of here, foreskin-breath.



I can agree with banning abortion in all cases except:

Unfortunately, I cannot agree with allowing abortion if the pregnancy is the result of rape. Just because the biological father engaged in criminal behavior doesn't mean the offspring should be killed. If the mother doesn't want a child resulting from rape, she can give it up for adoption, which would happen anyway if she isn't married

If you read my post, it specifically exempts widows, particularly if the children have a suitable male influence in their lives, such as a grandfather or close uncle.

Further, I suggest you look up "Lebensborn".

Brilliant. We already have groups such as Future Farms of America, 4-H, etc. that specialize in teaching children practical skills in agriculture, ranching, etc. Let's make field trips to the local farm, cotton field, dairy, etc. a regular thing for schools and clubs to do.

Did you notice the "may carry", not "must carry"? It's optional. Basically it implements the same policy that states like Vermont, Alaska, Arizona, etc. have that allows an adult to carry a pistol, rifle, etc., openly or concealed, in public without a permit, but implements it on a national scale. People who are not inclined to carry a gun are not required to.

Polygamy is definitely not the harem fantasy many imagine it to be. But it won't be a problem because most people won't want a polygamous relationship. It WILL, however, help us reverse the white population decline; take note that following the massive population decline caused by the Black Plague and the massive reduction in the male population of Germany following the 30 Years War, the church temporarily allowed priests to marry (rather than require celibacy) and allowed men to take up to three wives, and this was sufficient to help the population recover in a generation or two.

As for gays, if it wasn't clear in the OP, they all got roped alongside the Jews, cucks, and traitors.

Grammatick macht frei.

It helps if we start thinking about what policies we need to implement once we're in power now, rather than scramble to figure it all out after the fact.

Also, gas chamber is that way, Chaim: -→

Read up about the Third Reich policies on that. The common idea was that propensity towards crime is genetic and that lowlifes breed lowlifes. I am not sure if this is scientifically confirmed, as it is too touchy of a subject to research.
Still, an abortion is a better prospect than a fatherless child.

Another thing to consider in a planned economy is the elimination of unemployment completely. Capitalist economists claim that unemployment is natural but Adolf Hitler proved otherwise. Men need to have gainful employment to feel useful. It also gives a man "roots" in the society.

Also, the elimination of urban sprawl should be considered. Massive concrete jungles are not the natural habitat for our people. It is unnatural & should be avoided. Cosmopolitanism is what has created unnatural fetishes and freaks that communists & Jews use to destabilize our societies.

I think city living should be discouraged & land ownership should be made easier. People should be able to work from their own homes instead of commuting to urban jungles every day. In a technologically advanced economy, there is simply no need for an urban proletariat. Living in rural areas and small communities makes better men than the filth that cities spew forth.

Finally, I think that those cities that we do have should be planned so that cars are completely unnecessary. Markets, businesses, and cultural buildings should all be within walking or bicycle distance from residential areas. In fact, stores & markets should not be separate from residential areas. Stores should be at ground level & living areas above them. Having millions of men stuck in traffic congested highways in tiny metal boxes is not conducive to a healthy society.

I second this. If cities are to exist, they are to be as green and inviting as possible, instead of cold grey concrete.

Addendum to economy:

Well if arabs do it, clearly its a smart idea.

Oh wow and I didn't even get to the part where you suggested the average couple can pay off a home loan in 5 years.


We don't have enough evidence to say one way or the other. But again, why should the child pay for his father's crime with his own life? If the woman does not want a child that resulted from rape, she can give him up for adoption.

Further, from our days as stone age tribesmen all the way into the late Medieval era, it was quite common for white men to acquire brides via kidnapping or conquest. It's part of our heritage. Rape is much the same, but in this instance it is unacceptable because the woman in question does not belong to the man impregnating her. So while rape must be outlawed and punished, by modern definitions of rape, most of us wouldn't exist if numerous ancestors of ours hadn't stolen a bride from a rival tribe or taking a wife from the people they conquered.

Ask someone who didn't have a father growing up whether or not he'd be better off HAVING NEVER LIVED AT ALL.

Again, children can be adopted out or raised by the state, rather than exterminated. There's no need to waste good genes and another white that could add to our population.

This is a nice idea, but the logical end result would be the entire country being turned into the suburbs, with no vast stretches of wilderness/nature and no concentrations of industry. Any industry, such as shipping, factories, etc. needs the population base to support it, and any population needs the infrastructure (not just roads, utilities, etc., but infrastructure such as groceries, clothing stores, entertainment, etc.) to support it. Hence, cities.

Cities will never be eliminated, but we can fix some of what's wrong with them by replacing apartment blocks with neighborhoods of houses, spreading things out so that people can walk/bike/ride the bus/train everywhere they need to go, and putting parks, gardens, and other nature areas everywhere rather than just concrete and glass as far as the eye can see. Having clusters of homes and businesses where everyone get where they need to without driving for 30 minutes to an hour both ways would be greatly beneficial, but what if you live in Area A, but can't find a job except in Area B? Public transit will only go so far; we can't eliminate the car entirely, but we can alleviate the problem by quite a bit.

It's definitely something we should be discussing and working on.

Arabs also marry their first cousins, in every generation, over centuries. Maybe the problem has more to do with inbreeding than having a minority of your population marry multiple wives.

You assume homes would be expensive in an economy without Jews. Homes didn't become prohibitively expensive until the mid-20th century. And, again, the idea is less to have people pay back loans than it is to provide them with a house suitable for a family and then encourage them to immediately start that family.

It's worked in numerous countries, not just Nazi Germany, and it was a rousing success for the Nazis.

Congratulations, Herr Oberschutze; your sharp eye and keen wits have earned you a promotion to Sturmmann. Keep up the good work.

Sorry to offend but we are basically already polygamist society.

I would seeing how expensive housing is in Japan.

Funny that happened right around the time electricity and indoor plumbing started being required by law.

And why should plumbing and electricity make a house prohibitively expensive? It shouldn't. I've built a house, twice, and did my own plumbing and electrical work. Both houses were suitable to my needs and cost less than the annual taxes alone on my parents small, suburban house.

They don't, still no reason to expect the average person can pay down a mortage in 5 years. This is my mostly my fault for expecting anyone over the age of 16 in a larp thread

Absolutely not. Even if women outnumber men, polygamy will result in a surplus of men. We need traditional marriage. We need to reinstate the very traditions, and ideologies that got us to where we are today.

No you haven't. You merely hid it. Good luck in a scenario with 4+ women in knowing if those kids are really yours.

Polygamy is actually a useful societal institution to ensure a form of quasi-eugenics and to force society to make a role for nonbreeding males. We used to put them in monasteries, the arabs used to put them in armies.

Because there's no way that could go wrong!

I disagree on a few things:
I am a southern american white, i do admire the whites americans specially the right to bear arms, the pionerism and their ability to go from a rural farmland to a superpower, sad that it was hijacked by jews, i would love to be proud to be an american and i abhor my third world country where shitskins leech the local whites, i am 100% sure i am white why should i or lets say a cuban, german-brazilian or uruguayan be restricted to certain areas, i am sure that if americans had kept that bullshit the irish would had never become productive white americans, same with the slavs or italians.
I disagree with conscription it creates a state where people are sent as thugs for the goverment to do its biding, it isn't a free man, it is a quasi-slave of the goverment. Instead of that i suggest a profetionalized militia, where each county has its militia, which is part of a state militia, which responds to the president in case of war. At high school boys get intensive military training to make them fully capable of being soldiers, with the same standard than a average US soldier, at 18 they are given a fully automatic service rifle and are encouraged to join the militia.
A proffesional army exists under the orders of the central goverment but it can't be more than the 10 percent of the total forces of the nation.
Only the members of the militia get free healthcare, free education for their sons and free college, also only members or retired members of the militia can vote.
People are considered to be on the militia until the age of 60. Women can vote if they have kids, childless women don't vote.
The nation would therefore be highly militarized, also the police is replaced by militia at patroling while the police arrive as backup from the central station.
Other than that im ok with those gun laws, also make any attemp of restricting the ownership of weapons or military vehicles an act of treason punishable by death, that way politicians wont fuck with it.
Lets say i am a citizen of this new america, i am ready to spill blood for the white race, i am a militia man and i patrol the streets of my town once a week, tell me why i don't deserve to have a voice on the leadership of such ethnostate.
Any other than that those are pretty good ideas.

First of all, destroy social media and give tv under government power, turn back the cultural tide, unfortunately image boards will have to go too, all resistance must be exterminated.
we need to create new monuments to our glory and create a new culture based on those of old like the romans,spartans,natsoc, european warriors in general while incorporating uplifting activities, however we should base our style and fashion in a more modern military style after the revolutionary fighters that founded the nation.
this culture must also have spiritual aspects that help raise man up above the material world and closer to a traditional age.

The remaining indians will be dealt with as I explain, the remaining minorities will be split up and either placed into small communities to slowly let the population dwindle in generations, sent back to their nations or allowed to be castrated and be of use as a public servant preferably not, don't know when in the future subvertion might take place and they could be used as propaganda
We will absolutely need to separate the wheat from the chaff of the populous and create castes of sort.
The base population/ the least awaken must be put education/indoctrination to make them good hard working baby making citizens who are innocent.
The more awaken elite should be offered a chance to help lead the nation and be allowed to debate ideas in a closed setting with his peers, he should be trained in mystic ideas and secrets and education in world history,politics,philosophy, etc, everything that makes a good leader and intellectual.

We must call back all whites to the mainland and convert Hawaiian into a puppet state that embraces its culture and tradition for the natives so they lead a happy life, they will however be lead by us and perhaps on a local level by the elite of their people.
We should do this with the rest of the states outside of us we control.
I would create a slender buffer state from mexican territory for indians to live and have a state similar to Hawaiians.

While we should focus on the people in purification ultimately we should focus on creating a uplifted empire of ascended humans.

though we will annex Canada as well as greenland and iceland and perhaps europe if fails to free itself, purify it and perhaps uplift the Eskimos our aim should be to create a alliance with our puppet states and create a faction of traditional etho national group to uplift mankind to his true spiritually advanced roots

my idea at least

you know what, scratch that, not only tv but all media, arts and culture production things that can be brought under government power.

Why would anyone assume that today, OP? Our people aren't what they once were. We have to admit that what with these transgenders fucks and blue hair freaks with tattoos running around with rings in their noses.

This society is dying from flea bites. That will continue until nothing is left, unless we get involved with local elections. WE WIN!!! by presenting SOLUTIONS to the problems our people have. They want jobs, not holohaox facts.

DO, THAT. STOP larping with fantasy shit.

shoo, these are fun threads and everyone needs a bit of fun now and then, especially when we deal and scan through everything we do today.

Polygamy is a solution because we already have what you're both describing - the fittest males (judged by our subverted culture) are out reproducing while millions of men become wizards. Polygamy doesn't change this, it just changes the equation - fitness is no longer based on kiked pop culture, but on the ability of a man to provide for multiple wives. The children of the fittest males are no longer a burden on the state, they're part of a family unit (albeit one with slightly different values.)

A monopolized media is very dangerous if subverted, it would mean that it doesn't have space for renewed nationalist ideas either, it could either be subverted or stagnate.
Not good.

To add onto this user, polygamy being a formalized institution requires society to do something with the surplus of males rather than what we currently do, ie, letting them all masturbate and play vidja all day to simulate accomplishment.


shit slide thread

Report to the showers immediately, Herr Goldberg.


Agreed. We need to be authoritarian in order to implement the necessary solutions to the problems we face, but what happens after that? What if the authority is usurped or corrupted? At the very least, it will eventually become stagnant and complacent with its monopoly.

Fuck your quads goldberg.

the males that produce the most are the conservative ones. you sound like somebody who's just envious of "chads". is your idea of good genetics somebody who just makes the most money? do you want to encourage a society of gold digging whores?

The goverment could help people of good genetics to find a match it would be a "free gf program", lets put it in this way, the goverment helps the people fulfill its duty to produce white children.

under polygamy, the best females will be taken by the rich. the benefits of polygamy will be minimal if any, but the possible negative aspects will more than likely be significant. it isnt worth the risk. there's nothing wrong with monogamy

this would be done through tax breaks and coupons for diapers and shit when you have more children wouldnt it?. are you suggesting a government-made tinder type thing?
i think the first thing we should do is fully restore the sanctity of marriage. i'm not completely against polygamy, but i definitely dont think it's something we should just jump right into. once we get the institution of marriage into a good place, then i think will be a better time to discuss whether or not government sponsored polygamy should be allowed because we'll be able to better estimate the effects of it, i.e. when sculpting out of clay you first gotta get the general shape before determining where the details go

White children is a good thing, but we must not fool ourselves into thinking that state policy should be reproducing African birth rates in Europe/America. Having a stable or even declining population is not actually a bad thing. Especially in a technologically advanced society as would definitely exist if we threw out the Jews & non-Whites.

I suppose it could be subverted, but in any case it can become subverted, perhaps abolishing the media all together, at first it may sound bad but we should discuss the idea. Do the masses really even need to know what is happening outside of their pleasant quite life?

That is literally cuckoldry. Plus you're subsidizing rape genes.


Blood and soil. This means at a local family level. You divide nearly all land by lottery into private ownership lots. These are non-tradable (can be leased for 20 year term or less) assets which are subdivided among your children when you die. This way the people always have land, family ties are strengthened, legacy is endorsed, and you get to directly inherent what your fathers built.

That is not possible. Even in N korea, citizens are able to access social media & make calls outside the nation. Why limit access to the media when we deal with the truth?

The answer to the Jewish culture of subversion is to (once we take power) foster a vigorous nationalism that encompasses everything. All people must be uplifted by a vigorous program of true education & true cultural enrichment. jews came to power through wealth and maintain it by peddling self hate. The obvious correction is to foster a sense of brotherly love. Social pressures are FAR stronger than censorship. We must make it fulfilling to be pro-White.

perhaps but all things crumble under the test of time in this world, whether we decide it to be an naive working people or it to be one with media access

There was a point in human history when athleticism was the most important trait, the best hunters getting all the pussy was great for survival. Football players getting all the pussy probably retards our development as a species.

My idea of good genetics is intelligence and physical beauty. Both intelligence and beauty correlate with high income.

In a free, white country why wouldn't the wealthiest men be the most intelligent?

But then all land either gets subdivided into oblivion, or there's no more land for new people.

How about your home, the place you actually live in, cannot be taxed once it is fully paid off, nor can it be seized for failure to pay taxes. All other land is treated normally.

We call this censorship, and it leads to tyranny and Jewish domination.

Yeah, if they're doing it as part of their government job. You ever get on Google Earth, look at a satellite view of Pyongyang, and play Find The Car? This is a country where fucking EVERYTHING is fake; fake buildings that are just facades, fake howitzers that are just piles of rocks with logs sticking out, fake planes that are painted onto tarmacs, fake grocery stores, an entire fake village with one guy whose job is to run around turning lights on and off and houses nobody lives in with televisions and computers (all from the 1970's) that are just hollow shells with no electronics inside.

North Korea also censors outside information. The only newspapers available in North Korea are North Korean papers. Owning a radio that can receive any frequency except the official state broadcasting station gets you shot. They fire artillery shells at the South Koreans for projecting K-Pop videos on a big screen near the border.

Do you honestly think that the average peasant in North Korea, who is almost a foot shorter than the average South Korean due to lifelong malnutrition, is walking around with a fucking iPhone posting on Facebook?

Actually you'd be surprised. Cellphones are more and more available for N Koreans. There are even markets for Simcards and S Korean films.

The point is, censoring information is not only impossible, but simply shouldn't be our goal. EVERY other race on earth has a more or less healthy nationalism EXCEPT Whites. If we can unleash our own natural ethnocentrism, we automatically solve 90% of our own problems. The Jews simply cannot control a White race that is self aware and not submissive to them. Education about the JQ is of course an absolute necessity as they are the reason for forced "multiculturalism"

Every ethnocentric, nationalistic race on the planet already hates the Jews.

what ever, our desire for oppression and freedom is a subjective thing, whats a little censorship for peace

Who will rebuild the USA?


Isn't that a little like fucking for abstinence?

See pic related.

You mean like this?

Exactly like that.

I never said we eliminate news media. Reread my comment.

So anyone else got any ideas for policies we can implement to fix our civilization?