OK KO: G-Guns are b-bad!!!!

In the newest installment of OK KO, we get to find out how much of a pussy the writers of the show are, while puking out anti-gun propaganda (for kids!)

What did you expect from a show made by LGBTBBQ furfags?

This proves that this is a collective effort to strip Americans of their second amendment rights. These commie propagandists must be gone for good.

Reminder that anime is superior.

Whoops, metaphor fail!


So glad i dropped this shit show after the muh raiysm episodio when they made japanese Kappas into niggers.


isn't this a series about beating the shit out of people for grins? How can they reconcile the hipocrisy?

Nigger I aint clicking that shit.

Fuck them. Seriously. There's no respite from this shit, not even in a fucking children's cartoon? I will never change my position after the display of concerted mendacity I've seen over the past two weeks.


What fucking universe are you from?


Geez, you're right. They've been at this for a long time. Only difference is that the art is worse.

Isn't that a classic 80's anime? Or is this a remake? Because that opening Manhattan Skyline looks curiously devoid of the WTC, but has a single building in it's place. I really am starting to believe Holla Forums now.

It is.
Lazy animators, don't derail the thread faggot.

A cartoon made by an SJW has a crappy anti-gun episode filled with lies and strawmen?

Fucking bizarre plot. You can turn someone into a walking skeleton, but they can still use the remote against you AS a skeleton. While dead people can't use guns against the living.

One good detail about that Gargoyles gun story was that victim didn't just recover from the gunshot in that episode but was still recovering from it for multiple episodes afterwards.

The universe where some scrub posts an image with a tumblr filename on Holla Forums.
Fuck off, the Jimmy episode was way more about pls no bully than gun grabbing.

And to top it all off, their spooky skeletons are a disgrace.

I'm not sure the skella remote/gun metaphor works in a world where people drive tanks to work.

And shoot energy beams out of their fingers, and get into fights for fun, and where evil businessmen send killer robots and fire death rays at them on a daily basis… This shit just doesn't have any consistency and literally just comes off as obnoxious lefty preaching.

Hey KO? What if someone much stronger than you wanted to kill you? What then KO? You can't train to be stronger if yoyre fucking dead.

You're right user, someone must have his the repeat button on the akashic records, we seem to have circled into the nineties again.

But are we looping or reversing?

Well since we ended up electing a celebrity into office it looks like we may also be heading into the Reagan years