Do you think Disney will ever do anything with the Dragon Ball IP they gained after the Fox aquisition?

It's Funimation, no?




Isn't this an odd edge case where Holla Forums is in the process of raping /a/ and we're all speculating on what twisted, botched abortions the /a/-Holla Forums rape babies are going to be?

I assumed that was part of the reason this idea exists

Marvel Mangaverse?

Oh god..please no…let the hands of the Mouse stay far away from the hallowed halls of Dragon Ball…I mean, fuck, Fox ruined it once already..not trusting any Yanks with the Dragon Ball license.

No. Fox have or had first refusal on Battle of Gods because they made the Live Action movie. Seeing as the turnaround for Resurrection F was considerably shorter than Battle of Gods, this may no longer be the case.
