Cartoons you wish you got

List cartoons you wish were released in your country

"The Megza Family"
After reading the premise of the show and watching one episode of it, I wish this got released over where I lived at any point.


usually i hate anime, but damn is that good

Darkwing Duck, the fucktarded censors pulled it from TV in Poland because it was "too violent"

Darkwing fucking Duck was too violent? I sincerely am at a loss for words.

Too bad there's not much Asterix stuff in Burgerland.

Polish kids TV censors from the 90s make German anime censorship like Naruto with floating sword handles look sane.

American anime censorship/ racist americanization is way worse. Germany usually jumpcuts and removes blood. Whatever else shit is missing was taken right from US TV.
Like that full retard Naruto rap.

I would pay for a legit Squirel and Hedgehog English dub, if only for the Lols. I want to laugh at the Propoganda