remain enrolled because ==“rapists are victims too,”== says principal
p a m e l a g e l l e
Sweden: Muslim classmates gang rape 14-year-old girl in school
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At least you archive. Lurk more.
you forgot he broke the link.
anyway captain sweden strike again.
“there is no obligation for a school to go out and announce that there’s a student who has been convicted of rape.”
“All three youths involved were our students here and all three are, in a way, victims in this case. The boy who was convicted has gotten a pretty harsh punishment, which turns him into a victim as well.”
Day of the rope fucking when???
Can someone, somehow, make it so that there is public outrage over this at least somewhere? Also, agreeing with the guy above me, that principal deserves the punishment of death for to dare state, whatever the sentence was, to be too harsh. Teenagers may be sexual, so the act of sex is sex, however, she was gangraped. May someone in Sweden, maybe in the girl's family be willing to do something to make sure true justice is had (reminds me of the young girl in Minnasota or the young Austrian boy. Honestly, cases like these only make my mind have the singular word "Death" prevade my mind).
Hey to the cuck faggot who claimed to be a Swedish nationalist in a different thread a few days back, you guys going do anything or just continue to take it up the ass?
Fucken never I guess,in Sweden anyway.
*14 year old daughter comes home
I mean if that's not enough to make a father, a family, a community, take VIOLENT and IMMEDIATE action I don't know what is.
Your family has already been destroyed nothing left to lose so don't give me that excuse.
The seven year old who got raped and peed on and has been hiding in the closet ever since?
Somebody needs to make a video showing all the victims of immigration like this.
Yep, where if I remember, the mayor did some cuntish thing so that no justice was had/couldn't talk about it or something and, at worst, the offending family moved away (to somewhere else in Minnasota/the U.S.).
How much would it cost Holla Forums to have a merc team on retainer? Because I'd donate to THAT kickstarter.
How many men could it possibly take to forcibly take control of Sweden?
If even 2,000 men marched on the capital, would they be able to hold it back? Would it not greatly help the Swedish people's cause to see their government turn against their people in such a manner, if they were to do so?
Why don't you just get together into an army and fucking take your country back?
Also known as being a shitskin, nigger, poo in loo, etc etc
Angry Foreigner put at least 10 new cases in every video.
Wouldn't other nato countries fuck their shit up?
It doesn't matter what you do user unless you completely decimate your opponent. Otherwise you will be painted as evil (for an example, consider the coup in Turkey. All for it, until they lose, then they are painted as evil and executed).
If that is really the verdict, the father is not a father if he doesn't kill him. Ignorance does not bar one from responsibility from any crime, all the more so from one as grave as this.
If you get raped in Sweden the judge buttrapes you afterwards.
I… I'm speechless. I can barely even process it. I can't even get angry anymore, Sweden is too fucked up for me to even describe any more. Such beautiful white people, but totally and utterly fucked up beyond all repair. Collectively they just want to lie down and die, they don't want to live any more. I've finally taken the blackpill on Sweden, they really are lost.
Unbelievable. Even for Sweden. If I was a Swede I would be finding this man. Not even LARPing.
Yup the principal said
They are all victims because one of the somali niggerfucks got 100 days community service
They did however then expel the niggers after the media in Sweden covered the case.
Also shit thread OP, someone can make a better one, sage.
Remain enrolled because
says (((Principal)))
Sweden: Muslim classmates gang rape 14-year-old girl in school, remain enrolled because “rapists are victims too,” says principal
>The school principal, who wishes to remain anonymous, says he “struggles” with the case and thinks about it “every day and every hour.” He’d furthermore like a “dialogue with the government” on the issue. When addressing parents’ concerns, the principal says he didn’t feel the need to officially notify them since: “there is no obligation for a school to go out and announce that there’s a student who has been convicted of rape.”
>“All three youths involved were our students here and all three are, in a way, victims in this case. The boy who was convicted has gotten a pretty harsh punishment, which turns him into a victim as well.”
There's marches and demonstrations occasionally, but they only gather a few hundred people at most usually and even then there's usually an antifa/anti-racist presence also - nothing ever comes of it because the government absolutely refuse to tolerate any dissenting opinions from their utopian ideals, so the problems go untreated and the resentment of the government gets worse.
There was a case recently where a woman in a wheelchair was gang-raped on Gotland, so some locals got together to protest and anti-racists and members of the Feminist Initiative party flew into the city to counter protest 'the evil nazis'.
weren't these people vikings?
these people need odin more than anything they are clearly lost without him
That was in Twin Falls, Idaho.
You must remember. Sweden chose this path willingly.
The facts are..that If the white race does not rebel against the world…the white race will go from white minority extinct.
No ammount of peace or peaceful politic is going to save us. We either have a natural immune system response or we are gone.
Dubs checked, Sweden as a nation may be too far gone. The progressive side has the numbers, the money, the politicians and the police. Holla Forums talks a lot about people "waking up", but not everyone is capable of that, even if their survival depends on it. In many white countries, the most we can hope for is that some small amount of the native blood survives, enough to be propagated in the future.
I don't see how parents in Swedistan can send their children calmly to school, I bet the rapes are much more common, but it's all covered. How the fuck can you send your daughter to a rape dungeon to be raped by motherfucking animals?? The principal and the teachers responsible need to be lynched, afterwards the judge and the lawyers and then their nigger pets, how can't normal Swedes see, that their government doesn't work anymore? There is no point to rely on law enforcement and justice department, when it's been completely subverted, how can you calmly go to your wage cuck job, when your people are getting genocided left and right? When you see evil and you don't punish it, you are partly responsible for it, Swedes have to start fight back or they'll be turned into niggers.
The hunter-killer T-cells need mobilization
can i get some links for my archive folder? it's always good to have them handy when i want to shut up some pro-refugee faggot
The Swede will brush this off as "growing pains, if he even becomes aware of this incident. People are way too comfortable to wake up. Comfort breeds complacency. Technological progress masks social decay. Look at Britain. The lid on Rotherham blew and the people did nothing. Why? Because they are too complacent with their life of material comfort to want to protest against the very society that both enables rapists and materialism. The desire for one is greater than the hate for the other.
Please forgive any typos. I'm too pissed to type coherently.
You're spot on. The anodyne sea is real. As long as the TV turns on and the grocery store shelves are stocked, and the bank accounts function, people are gonna be sedated.
They don't see because they've been conditioned to not see. They've been conditioned to belive what the media tells them, and the media is owned by the state. The state doesn't want people to know, so they simply tell the media to not air anything that could paint the "refugees" in a bad light.
There is no objective media in Sweden, nothing that can take up the fight against the narrative of the state. With SVT1 and SVT2, the biggest news networks being owned by the state, the next biggest TV4 being owned by (((Bonniers))), and the largest newspaper branding itself as "Unbound social democratic", it's almost impossible to break the conditioning of Baby Boomers and Generation X'ers, since they've been subjected to this trainwreck of an ideology for too long.
Nothing short of a coup can save Sweden at this point. Maybe a collapse of the EU can send ripples that will break some people out of their trance, but it's unlikely.
This is why the accelerationism meme needs to die. It can work on a small scale and in specific circumstances, but it shouldn't be an end game. The incidents that can push a population right also vary from country to country. We really need the citizens of those countries to tell us what they need.
Be careful not to rage so much at the golem that you let the Jew escape.
principals are culprits too!
All you have to do is spoiler, italicize, or embolden the .
Crack the banks would have what effect?
If people can still buy bread and afford cable then no happenings shall occur, it will be the same as golden parachute effect was in US circa 2008(?) "Recession"
I believe it's illegal to not send your kid to school/home school them except under very specific circumstances. Gotta get your brainwashing in.
Well, look at greece they were/are royally fucked and voted in a leftist government.
Seems like golden dawn is gaining some ground, but still.
This is the most abject rebellion against justice to call a criminal being punished for rape an equal to his victim. This man is what lynching was invented for.
These cucks need to die. Fucking hell their leadership is horrible.
Goon or a newfag?
Not totally true; there was a big counter-reaction to Rotheram (and also the killing of Lee Rigby) but it was constantly attacked by the media and co-opted by shills like Tommy Robinson who took it into a dead-end of marches and protests instead of an actual political movement
Sweden is beyond parody at this point. They really do masturbate to the sound of their women being raped by shitskins.
I was thinking of doing this too, compiling an ultimate list on such occurances. Could be beneficial for red pilling the naive. Even better would be if someone made a With Open Borders type of video about current Europe.
I mean, you'd think at some point evidence on how bad it is becomes overwhelming enough to change put things into perspective for people who haven't personally witnessed this type of shit..
What happened to GEX anyway?
Making anti-migrant propaganda is illegal in germoney. My guess is that gex went underground or got v&.
inb4 poor ahmed culturally enriches the social worker
criminally underchecked
Thank you Sweden for being the laughing stock of europe.
May your downfall be remembered, studied and ridiculed for a thousand years.
Totally deserved quads here.
We run our mouths a lot on this Hmong pottery board, but I swear to god that neither of those little muddy cunts would have gotten away with this in my kids' school. The attitude in white America has traditionally been that, if the law doesn't take care of the problem, the white people will.
How hard is it to lynch two shitskin immigrant teenager rapists, Sweden? How ashamed of yourselves are you? Is there not one man in the whole country who has the civic pride to take out this trash and send a fun little message to the SocJus Jews in Stockholm that this will not be allowed?
What's that? No? Well okay then.
Trump basically gave his blessing for that tbh.
So why exactly did the Somalian rapists who raped, and then pissed on a seven year old girl in Twin Falls, Idaho, not have anything happen to them? I suppose no one in the United States has that civic pride either.
Swedes…. go out right now and stab or shoot policy officails…… pull a jo cox on every one of them.
Murder your judges and policy makers in the street
For arguments sake:
what was this…
>"harsh" :^)_8
punishment the rapefugee got?
Yes let's be honest, looking for the state or the principal to act accordingly is asking for trouble (it shouldn't be, but this is Sweden in CY+2). If your own community, fathers, brothers, uncles, etc., won't help you when you're gangraped in school, what to expect except more of the same?
The swede realizes something is wrong but doesn't understand what. He has been too sheltered for him to notice and when he turns on the talmudvision he has a bunch of jews or their golems/shabbos goyim rehearsing their apologist monologue for the third time that day.
Somehow it seems like large parts of society have managed to convince themselves that rape is like getting stung by a bee or something.
Except this happens all the time in the United States and has for decades. Blacks rape white girls any time they can get their hands on them, and often get light sentences even if they're caught and charged.
Sweden is just turning into the United States, as time passes the whites will adapt and start living in gated communities, sending their children to schools with as few immigrants as possible, and more or less engaging in White Flight every which way they can.
Whites don't get violent about these things, that's our problem. We simply come up with a way to avoid the issue as much as possible, rather than confront it. In any case I think it's ridiculous for anyone in the United States to criticize Sweden, when far more white girls are raped every year by blacks than immigrants rape Swedes, and this has been an accepted fact of life by the whites in America ever since the 70s.
For me it's more so the age of the victim. Sure, I believe in the U.S. blacks rape a lot of whites. However, what I hate about Somalis and rapefugees is how young the girl becomes soiled and ultimately mentally destroyed.
LEL these cucks are free for taking.
These fuckers are trying to get us to expose real IPs. The days of being a non-partisan institution are long fucking gone, if you hadn't noticed. They publicly state that "Drumpf is a dicktater x(( gibs money plox"
So fuck them, but we still need an alternative.
Why would greeks the laziest cunts on the whole continent not vote for government that is giving them everything they want? Free meals on the street, free schoolbooks and the list goes on and on.
Blacks rape young teenage girls all the time in the United States. Where I grew up there were niggers I was aware of who would drive by the high schools all the time looking for prospects. And everyone just shrugs their shoulders about it, and the attitude is generally that if a girl is dumb enough (and teenage girls are bastions of reasonable judgement, let me tell you) to engage with them, that's on her. Whites have no sense of community here, we bought into individualism so hard that even when the most horrific shit you can imagine occurs, no one cares, because they don't feel any connection to the person it happened to.
It personally affected me since I knew a girl who was a friend my age, 13, and she got snatched up and raped, and the DA decided not to prosecute because it wasn't going to be an easy case due to the fact seven guys lived in the same place, and she only got raped once, and they were all blaming each other. No one cared, no one did anything. Said girl went on antidepressants and started doing all sorts of fucked up shit to herself, she was a complete wreck compared to how she had been before. That was over a decade ago, she's doing ok now but she still is pretty fucked up from it.
And, that shit happens ALL THE TIME in the United States. And we don't do anything about it, we don't even CARE about it, it doesn't even make the news, it's just part of the gigantic crime statistic of blacks raping white girls. Just part of life here in the good old US of A. And we mock Sweden? Please.
Spoon feeding for trip dubs. Heil'd
Let me guess, you're a turkroach vomiting shit a jew wrote.
Can you flip your textbook to the page where it tells you to move the goalposts and say how everything in Sweden is rape?
Thank you user. Kek seems to agree that this anti-VPN Kike shit needs to stop. It is very easy to imagine that the org is voluntarily cooperating in the effort to stem "Online Extremism" while allowing and probably supporting ISIS online activity, of course.
Give him ammo for banning Mexicans and Muslims!
It's all so tiresome.
Can we meme all nigger rapists jnto a noose?
Wise words.
what does it take for someone like Hitler to rise up again? hasn't there already been enough?
swedecucks have no empathy
Not mine, the Unabomber's
And what was the result of their impotent efforts? Brexit? A meme thus far. There is a mudslime mayor in the capitol city, surveillance is through the roof, meanwhile other rape gangs have been discovered in nearly every large British city. Yet the people do nothing. The claws of the Jew have sunk so far into the flesh of the West, that removal of said claws will result in a complete social change- one which people are too unwilling to part with the current social structure to have any desire to cause.
it is a sad state of affairs
sandwiched triple dubs, a rare beauty to behold. it signals the veracity of your post.
Sweden isn't part of NATO. If NATO tried to intervene the rebels could get support from Russia.
Oh no… I don't care. Swedes don't care, and will defend the rapists, so don't expect to do anything other than laugh. I'm not ethnically Swedish. It's not my blood. I have no investment.
I think the mayor was trying to forbid anyone from talking about it/making articles since they weren't proven guilty in court and it would cause "racial hatred".
The sand niggers deserve double anal as punishment.
That is where hunting rifles and propositioned hides come into play. Place a few tripe wires on any access points to hit any cuck cops trying to be an hero and you can rock the ever loving shit out of their world. Only takes a few minutes. Have an alternative hidden egress route and flame the hide as you leave and you can be gone long before anyone can counter you. Remember setup so you can police your brass.
If you have any doubts as to how effective snipers would be when surrounded by such cucks. Go watch some Juba vids from iraq. See how easily trained and ready soldiers are taken, then extrapolate to tyrants protecting these fuckers with no concept of what focused violence can do when driven by honor.
If the government doesn't like it, maybe it would do well to learn that the entire point of the justice system is to ensure people do not feel the need to do this to protect themselves and others. Do they job and holy shit, no reason to do this.
Because they put a veritable army around the shitskinn until it got memory holed and they could be shuffled off.
Nice try, faggot. First, we're looking at the White population, which in the case of the US isn't 324 million but 60% of this and that's the "officially" number; it's actually worse than that. Then we have to take half of that to specify White women. The offical US black-on-white rape number is 30-40k per year, the unreported number is alot higher, i.e. cases like this:
Furthermore, blacks are more integrated into the American society, i.e. universities, scholarships, workplace, media, Hollywood, etc.
Then look at Trump's crackdown on human trafficking, over 1500 people were arrested and 100+ children saved. And this is only the beginning.
In summary, your country is not that much better than Sweden, so stop patronizing them. You're all talk, no action in regards to this issue.
Lead by example for once. Solve your problems first. Or else it's hypocrisy…
Yugoslavia wasn't part of NATO and we still fucked up the Serbs on behalf of the Bosniaks regardless during that civil war.
nah thats too light
all you need to do is sprinkle them with pig's blood and deport them to the middle-east
but thats just if you don't kill them
ha ha I like the way you think user.
personally i like the neo nazis in russia who actually film their killings
anyone here have those videos of nazis in ski masks who get all stabby?
needs jpgs
How progressive.
Leftism enforces rape culture, they can't project forever and women can see right through their tranny bathroom scheme.
I would imagine this makes the george sorors's of the world absolutely giddy at how their hard work is paying off
More than 2k dude. For you guys i think it would have to be 500k of armed swedes storming the capital and most of those numbers would have to be from your armed forces.
Here in the states it would take i would say about 2 million of us to kick start the second American revolution.
PNG is infinitely better for text, even GIF is better for text. Sage for off topic.
so about 3% just like before
Just in case you don't remember, 20k ISIS members fucked up Syria, which is about the size of South Carolina.
IDK Hitler was a pretty bad ass dude that had a lot of talent and had "seen some shit"
I had a bookmark.
And i thought it was in Idaho.
Shit like this is likely why rape used to be a hanging crime.
Anyway, that principal needs to be executed along with the rest of the shitskin horde
Last thing I heard is that they are going to be deported anyway.
Also you should add all the rapinghams to that list.
Just shut off the electricity for a few weeks. Force everyones hand.
There was outrage about it, they ecpelled him after newspapers wrote about it. I actually live in the town it happened, unfortunately the perpetrators are in hiding now. Can't get info on where they live, I tried. I'm writing leaflets about it though, gonna distribute it around here.
Town is one of the whitest in Sweden so lots of bluepilled people.
Does that mean he's jerking it to the security footage?
Nothing will change until lynchings are brought back.
Was she White?
Yes - the reason they picked here was because she had bwcome aqcuainted wirh one of the sandniggers sister. The girl was a victim of bullying since before aswell.
The area is easily 90%+ white, the town similar, 1/10th migration of swedish average. This is a shock to people here.
T. Comes from Lund the town where it happened.
Was she an actual Swede or "100% Swedish (Eritrean parents, she moved there at 2)"?
How about you read my post right above yours you retarded:"I only read headlines" shitposting piece of shit.
When I take a step back and look at what's become of the state of the political world it really does still amaze me.
Liberals whine about the most mundane shit. Catcalling, manspreading, mansplaining, all kinds of weird ass shit that doesn't really affect anyone's life and should leave anyone in disbelief that anything like this is a topic of discussion among adults.
Then when a young girl gets raped, and not "oh well I let him fuck me but I was a little tipsy and now I kinda wish I hadn't" rape, but actual traumatizing forced penetration, liberals are not only silent but they explain it away as not a big deal. Holla Forums is more triggered by this than the fucking feminists are.
What the fuck is going on? Am I living in some kind of Berenstein universe where absolutely nothing makes any fucking sense?
I still hold the belief Sweden needs to be nuked.
Things become easier once you realise and accept that the left is utterly batshit insane. These people want to (and do) give hormone injections to kids who haven't even hit puberty yet. There's no end to their limit or end to their crazy.
Good goy hate the brainwashed victims and not the aggressors
The principal just resigned.
Daily reminder moved to canada because "Drumpf is Hitler"
Wake me up when he's lynched beside the shitskins. What the fuck happened to the nords, this is beyond embarrassing now.
Anyone who sexually assaults a White woman or child should be immediately castrated and deported to his country of origin.
Anyone who rapes a White woman or child should be summarily executed.
This is what needs to be done.
They've built a society so successful that is has now become their downfall.
Leftists have no values. They only seek the destruction of the West. When you view things through this lens, everything they do begins to make sense.
At this point, even if the Swedes somehow manage to unfuck themselves, not even changing the name of their country will let them live this down.
Just remember guys women vote these migrant rapists to victimize and assault them
no 14 year old deserves a fate like that no matter what stupid those cunts voted on. It can be reversed. It can be repaired.
Bed time here, just saw the thread.
Her Principal just got fired. County stepped in and fired her.
sleep, fucked up country