Simpson thread

This year's Treehouse of Horror was actually pretty good. Even if the first and second part is a bore.

The Homer Cooking episode was interesting. The Coraline episode was decent. I don't really feel like it ever ramped up to anything. That's my main criticism against this year's thoh as a whole though. They were better made than previous years, but I don't feel as if there was any payoff. The demon maggie episode was interesting, but it was so tame. It just fizzled out with the demon going into Bart's stomach and a lame joke that followed.

I think I liked the homer cooking episode the best. It reminded me of "Nightmare Cafeteria", but a worse version of it. It was still better than the crap they've pushing out in recent years, but still not up to par with what they could do.



No it wasn't, fuck off shill.

How is it worse? Somehow cannibalism isn't as disturbing as self-cannibalism. It isn't also as funny.

Speaking of Simpsons in general. The show seems more tolerable to watch as short clips on the Internet rather than a full episode. I couldn't pin down exactly why modern Simpsons is so bad until I watched the cross-over. The episodes lack focus, the pacing horrible, and scene transition is too short. Watching single clips makes it seem less like a mess.

kys >>>/normalfag/

That was a very pleasant surprise.

Hey Holla Forums!

The series stopped trying to do stories that span an entire episode or even half an episode. They know just do a series of random events that they tie together with randomness.