This is not a drill. And this is hilarious.
Thoughts? Looks like shit. They didn't even pick a good soundtrack for it. And it's entirely CGI.
This is not a drill. And this is hilarious.
Thoughts? Looks like shit. They didn't even pick a good soundtrack for it. And it's entirely CGI.
Other urls found in this thread:
What happened to my text?
At this point, Angry Birds is a masterpiece.
Whoever okay'd that music should be gassed.
Even the Prince of Persia film looked better than this.
Not again.
Movies are the quickest way to kill a franchise
There is literally no reason not to want them
I hope it's actually good, but I'm not expecting much. Hope it's at least cult status
Rap shit, why?!
On a more serious note, the choreography was poor, as was the casting, and sets, if they even used sets. I like the setting, and hope the movie doesn't suck but I know it will.
Also here's a .mp4 for people who don't want to use JewTube.
Why do I have the feeling this entire movie won't show why the Animus plot device was great in the games?
Sands of Times 2 Electric Boogaloo here we come!
Threadly reminder that jewbisoft stole this nigga's work and told him to fuck off after he disagreed to shit out asscreed yearly.
Did he ever recover the rights to 1666?
I don't know but he was working on something called Ancestors. Hopefully it won't be shit.
What the fuck was the point of replacing the Animus with a giant robot claw? Like, the Animus was designed for comfort and long term usage. Now you got a fucking giant ass metal appendage that holds you in the air.
Looks like it's making his body simulate the actions of his ancestor while in the past.
The only thing Assassin's Creed did well was sell gullible idiots on it's presentation through aggressive advertising, games media shilling and the new wave of gold tongued video game "developers" all things now standard within the industry.
For what fucking purpose?
Cause it looks cooler than laying down I guess
Because it's "cool"
probably some kind of gay plot device.
it's the new virtual reality system brought to you by abstergo
I wonder how they're going to represent the glitches in a movie?
Just one:
Now they could spin that into some great metafuckery…even though we all know that's way above them
That's worse then hiring actors, budget wise.
the box office needs some protection from the US Army, because I think someone's gonna send them a bomb.
Anyone else feel disappointment when you see the behind the scenes of a movie and all you see is green screen?
Surely they could have found something more fitting.
you have too much faith in the uninspired.
compared to the music they've used in the best trailers for the games I'm highly disappointed.
Everything is permitted, even cp
It'll be fine, as long as they keep it 300, like the Romans
It's so at the end of the movie when the breaks free, his body has been physically trained so he can easily dispose of all the guards in epic slowmotion to dubsteop.
It's shitty rap music, not dubstep.
Awful. I can only assume they were trying to replicate the good trailers for the franchise that had UNKLE and Woodkid music.
Set during the Spanish Inquisition? I didn't expect that.
It's pretty obvious that this is Ubisoft's sign that they're abandoning the series.
One last squeeze of the teat.
i hate kanye west so much.
Oh nice so it will be a movie about assassins stopping those evil Spanish Templars that persecute the muslims and jews for no reason!
Well it can't get much worse
The music was so fucking bad, and on top of that, had absolutely nothing to do with even the flow or the cuts of the trailer.
Felt more like some 15 year old edited out the actual music and stuck Kanye on it.
Why didn't they just retell the Desmond/Altair story for a quick cashgrab and be done with it? This shit looks terrible.
Why are all video game movies necessarily bad? Why do they always make them so different from the source material, certainly more different than book adaptations?
Didn't he once plagiarize an Aphex Twin song then basically tell him "fuck off, I'll do what I what" when he asked him about it?
Hollywood is just plain shit. It's not only video game movies that suck, it's most others as well.
As someone who isn't yet jaded enough to think all movies are shit, I can definitely say the video games are specifically shitty in comparison to other movies.
H-hey, Mortal Kombat wasn't that bad.
It was cheesy but that's okay, it had a pretty cool soundtrack at least. The sequels were shit.
Mah nigga!
Admitedly: it did look really good. The parcour also played a major role in sales. Anything that looks modern and takes "inspiration" from modern culture is considered great by the average pleb.
It's like they went out of their way to find the worst track they could have possibly used.
Sifn't post the best MK music video.
Fuck me I just realised this shit video is over a decade old.
so zetta slow
they went out of their way to find the worst track that exists.
can't wait for this shitshow to make millions
Everything in this trailed makes me want to watch the movie less and less.
It looks like shit.
user pls
it looks like a video game movie.
don't insult shit like that.
Tokimeki Memorial movie was pretty good, and I will always stand behind Like a Dragon's more comedic movie adaptation. Phoenix Wright was good too.
Tell me about Desmond, why does he wear the moustache?
This industry can't crash soon enough
We can only hope this movie will crash and burn so it doesn't usher an age of Hollywood vidya adaptation.
Capeshit is bad enough.
It's already happening, faggot.
Refer to my post here
Seeing they already have greenlit the sequel, Konami is still scripting Metal Gear Solid and a lot of studios are moving into vidya movies, AssCreed's failure wouldn't deter them. Comic book movies are most likely at their highest point now, and either during or after Infinity War they'll start dropping, just like Westerns did.
Why must you hurt me?
He did, actually. Google it.
Usually it's because they're used to launder money or as a sorta tax haven. Pretty much the plot of The Producers, just real.
Why jewywood is doing them, idk. I don't follow anything, are comic book movies fading? Maybe they're trying to line up the next cash cow to gangrape over the next decade.
no blood and weak fighting is imo worse than bad cgi
Oh no.
This dumb movie will tarnish the impeccable reputation of the deep and smart Assassin's Creed franchise.
I didn't realize this was a movie about the hollows in dark souls.
Stronk independent woman sighted.
The "assassin blades" were always stupid, as was their entire getup
I actually liked the Prince of Persia film. As a dumb fantasy action film I pirated it was quite enjoyable. I grew up with Prince of Persia too, played it as a kid in DOS, so I guess I just didn't have any expectations for the movie.
It outweighs whole trailer in terms of being shit.
If the Templars weren't written as complete morons they'd just tell their security detail to dogpile on anyone wearing a fancy (white) hood.
It made a shred of sense in AC1 because it was meant to let you blend in with the priests (not that the fucking arsenal on your back didn't look stupid). Past that point it just went full retard.
So the game just with no gameplay, fewer cutscenes, and clunkier storytelling?
uncharted 2?
On Reddit they actually downvote people that are against it hard. In order for your comment not to be downvoted you have to say something positive about the movie too. Like, "the soundtrack is shit but I am sure the movie will turn out fine". Otherwise you get downvoted and your comments end up getting removed.
And then all the normal people walk in and only see the positive comments.
I honestly think the movie is going to suck. No idea how they plan on telling such a long story in like ~2 hours. Also clothes and everything, it looks like a overall very cheap movie.
That shit was fucking retarded, but so are usually all the scenes with female fighters. Even if they have a lot of money, they can't make such bullshit look real.
As soon as a movie pulls out the "badass stronk womyn" character my suspension of disbelief always gets immediately shattered.
Especially since most of the time they cast women who have the tiniest frames who could be pulverized by even the neetest of neets
Uncharted 2 was Uncharted 1 in a bigger budget. Literally the same plot, just more locations and sons minor changes t make it seem different.
It's shameful.
Disagree. Uncharted 1 was pure awful shit. Uncharted 2 actually improved upon it, movie or not. While Uncharted 3 was literally Uncharted 2 remade with a female villain fer dem feminism points.
Come on we've been here before. Just ignore the trash (sorry Fassbender).
I'm not saying it didn't improve, but it was the same game on a bigger budget. They even have the same "It was actually monsters" plot twist. 3's "hallucinogenic water" twist was stupid, but different. 3 and two are different in story but 3 has more streamlined gameplay. 2 May as well be a re-make of 1, step for step. Play the two back to back.
Actually the first AC had a good story and was historically accurate (or as close as a game can get).
As someone interested in the Crusades I was pleasantly surprised.
I never played the original AC, but that's what I hear too. Like all Ubisoft games, it starts out as something with some promise that is buried under an avalanche of reuse. As I recall, AC started life as a Prince of Persia game, which explains the bits of it that don't suck ass, I suppose.
eh, it wasnt really good, just not as violently moronic before all the shit with ayys and end of the world
What's wrong with that? It's the number one source for porn and it is also decent in a few other things, like getting your news fast.
It also doesn't hurt to check out what other people think of certain things.
Outside of the parkour gimmick it was a horrible open world game with zero content outside the main missions.
The combat was ass and just required you to keep the block up and use counter, no challenge whatsoever.
There was some rudimentary attempt to make the few, boring as fuck side missions have some meaning by having them reveal the guard positions (as static images in a submenu) but since there is no possibility of actually proper sneaking this is pointless.
The story was shit. You're playing some unlikeable cunt that isn't even a proper Assassin, but some fantasy libcuck depiction of him, killing the evil Crusaders.
The worst part is that the plot does the "tell, not show" by pretending your assassination targets are not really all that evil when it actually shows you they are complete monsters in their actions.
I'm sorry for what's about to happen to you, user.
Kill yourself faggot
Well I would say that the idea was good, but it started bad.
For example the Ezio trilogie, I enjoyed seeing ezio grow up and turn into a good fighter, but even that game had a bad story.
It always boils down to assassin's are good and templars are bad.
At some points they look reasonable but then Ubisoft turns them into textbook evil again.
Ezio "growing" as a character never worked for me because the plot keeps jumping years ahead at arbitrary points, yet Ezio never really changes as a character. At least that was the case in AC2.
I suppose Ezio's growth is supposed to be about how he becomes less impetuous and thirsty for vengeance and does things for s cause greater than himself. I prefer Altaïr's growth, personally.
Yeah as much as I liked the story in AC1 the bullshit Mayan gods and ancient aliens solar flare what the fuck is this shit stuff in the other games killed it for me.
AC1 one was a nice history lesson.
You had once fucking scene of Ezio suddenly realizing that vengeance is bad and that all you get until the end, where he refuses to kill the Pope and the plot goes off the rails, never to come back again.
Seriously, reply the game if you don't believe me. There is absolutely zero development for Ezio. The game just tells you "Now he's not okay with vengeance anymore" and that's it. It doesn't even change the gameplay in any significant way, let alone influences future events in the story.
That's true. Altair actually does change as a character. Starts off as brash and arrogant and over time learns humility and even apologizes to the guy his fuckup cost an arm and a brother. It's not that good but at least it's something.
Then again, there was no reason to make him a master Assassin in the beginning. He would have worked just as well as a brash, young fool. It would have certainly made more sense than the artificial as fuck restrictions on your arsenal just because the old guy told you you weren't allowed to use it anymore.
Mate, for the love of God, stop saying such stupid shit.
He changed a lot over time. In the beginning he didn't even wanted to become a assassin. He was also barely able to fight, he had a hard time beating easy enemies. He learns to fight, then comes the vengeance part and in revelations he is tired of fighting and remembers his youth where he chased after girls and things like that.
it could have been done better, that's why I said that even the ezio trilogy wasn't that good and I enjoyed those games.
Are you saying that he lost his lust for revenge?
I haven't played AC. How stupid is this statement?
well you definitely can't prepare a essay or a presentation by playing ac, but it has some real life shit in it.
Fairly retarded. The only thing you learn from AC that is actually true is the names of random people and how to spell the name of certain places. The developers like showing off that they know some tourist attractions that existed in the past but there is not really much to it in terms of history. The entire story is absolutely retarded, even in the first game before they went full ayy lmao.
I bet you think that message in every single AC saying that the game was made by a diverse cast of different ethnic and religious backgrounds means they did more research than just looking shit up on Wikipedia, faggot
Not really. The first two mission have Saracens as your targets, and you're killing Saracen guards, who are also Templars.
That would've been kinda interesting, but I don't think most normalfags have the attention span or the patience for something as slow and methodical as softening up your foe to deliver the killing blow.
Like I said above, not really true.
The story seemed more of "kek, religion is stooopid, look at how these stupid wars are tearing the region apart" atheist wet dream. Hell, the Assassins are basically 21st century libtards in the 12th century Middle East.
What about the descriptions of key Italian figures like the Medici in ACII? What about how the Catholic church and the pope were corrupt as fuck? I'm not defending AC here, but at the same time we did manage to, at the very least, gloss over specific historical tidbits that are speculated to be true (that Borgia were incestuous and that DaVinci was purported to be a cock loving faggot). To be fair, the amount of effort that was put into this is equivalent to a search on Wikipedia, but at least it's there to some degree.
Actually the Assassins, if they were real at all, got their name from hashish (cannabis). They were called Hashashins, and their method of assassination was to take some poor sap, drug him the fuck up and then parade him through a fake "vision of heaven" (that weed lmao psychedelic sequence at the start of AC1) with houri and shit.
After the sucker has been properly brainwashed they give him a target and have him kill it in broad daylight, in as public a place as possible. Turns out killing people isn't really that hard when you don't have to concern yourself with your killer of choice actually surviving the hit.
Basically, they were the allahu snackbar suicide bombers of the 11th century.
Well, according to Ubisoft Jews dindu nuffin and didn't kill Jesus, it was the Templar (read: whitey) all along. Oh, and Jesus did his miracles thanks to the alien artifacts.
Stalin and Mao were Templars/Templar puppets, and Ford didn't raise the wages of his workers, but brainwashed them into thinking he did thanks to alien technology, because hating Jews means you are a horrible human person through and through.
I meant the developers.
sleep snug smug
Sure you're not.
>gloss over specific historical tidbits that are speculated to be true (that Borgia were incestuous and that DaVinci was purported to be a cock loving faggot)
Emphasis on speculated, and that is libcuck speak for WE WUZ KANGZ tier bullshittery. They made the Borgia and the Church evil because they are leftists cunts, and DaVinci is a cock slurping faggot because of diversity.
If you actually believe there is no agenda at play then you're truly a moron. It's enough to look up what they portray Communism like to understand what a complete farce the writing is.
Even Monty Python manages to be more historically accurate.
You sure sound buttblasted over what amounts to shitty writing.
because they don't care about anything but money
Also, the whole of Syndicate.
Now fuck off.
Hey you can fuck right off. AC1 was really good per "new IP" standards.
AC2 knocked it out of the fucking park once he had the money to do what he really wanted to do.
If you haven't noticed, kanye usually just steals, or 'bites' from others.
Even worse when he goes on about how hard he works, and people don't know what it's like to think up three beats a year.
At least I have 52 million dollars more than him.
I actually read a history textbook years ago (need to look if I have it lying around still), which pointed out that Leonardo, in one of his journals, admitted to having sex with a courtesan who was living with him at the time, according to historical records. And the author was trying to defend him being a faggot.
It's also highly unlikely, as most accusations of Da Vinci's faggotry rely on him being a blatant pedo (as most of his purported fuckbuddies were fucking kids) in the open which would have most certainly been mentioned in his historical records.
They were fucking horrible games in terms of writing, combat, exploration, content et al.
The only positives you could mention are the parkour gimmick and the setting. Exploring these historical cities was pretty neat, too bad you have fuckall interesting to do in them beyond running around and stabbing people.
I meant standing in clear opposition instead of simply having to kill Saracens that betrayed their own side.
The first few Crusades were in retalliation though
Yeah and the reason Lorenzo Medici sides with the Ezio is because the Templars found out he was secretly working with Assassins. What a great way to trivialise any part of history, all you have to do to justify any conflict is say that some random autist sided with the Templars or Assassins.
Taken over by the Borgias, who were all Templars and whose every single bad deed was explained away with that single fact. Does the Crusade being to do with the Catholic Church give you even the slightest hint as to why they might be doing that?
Good to know that the superfluous details are more historically accurate than the actual fucking chain of events they are presenting.
It's a common tactic by new historians to drum up book sales by coming up with some shocking theory that was gay. Unfortunately people who don't know any better assume that because people with a degree got this published that it MUST be true, but there is rarely little evidence to back it up, or extremely circumstansial stuff that amounts to "hey, doesn't that look suspicious".
They could have at least done this while the series was still even remotely relevant
It pretty much died with AC3.
I'm still mad it ruined AC4 which could have been a perfectly fun pirate game, but instead got assraped into the clusterfuck that is the AC franchise.
In AC Brotherhood they try to imply that this is incorrect. Their tech guy who does all the historical research says that DaVinci lived with an assistant who was a boy and who was secretly his fuckbuddy. Not saying Ubisoft is right in their interpretation, just that they may have actually gone through historical text in order to flavor their historical revisionism.
absolutely, this is one of the fundamental reasons why the writing in these games is shit. There's no intrigue, there's no layers of depth, it's a simplistic mechanism of ASSASSINS GOOD TEMPLARS BAD and every fucking event and every character are framed in this way.
Nigga just because it's not your thing doesn't mean it's objectively horrible, eat shit
AC2 had tons of cool stuff to do:
And that's just off the top of my head. I haven't played it since it came out. I had good fun with it.
Jesus Christ, kill yourself.
Pointless exercise in futility. The game is so fucking easy, and throws so many health potions at you that it never requires any sort of upgrades.
Upgrade the villa to generate cash so you can spend more cash on the villa to generate more cash. Not that it matters since there's chests full of money everywhere, you're never strapped for cash, and since the combat is piss easy upgrading is also pointless unless you want to end the torture of the dull combat sooner.
Joy, more pointless platforming sections that reward you in cash. Wow, how exciting, I get to do exactly the same fucking thing I've been doing for the whole game!
Fuck you.
What are you even doing here? Go outside and play some baseball or something if you hate "pointless" activities such as playing video games.
0be7c9 is a vapid, overly dramatic faggot, but he's not wrong about AC. These games are pretty shit, though they do have the potential to be something good if given to a better company than Ubisoft. That'll never happen, though, so may as well just forget they ever existed.
It's not my fault you're ignorant about history and retarded enough to believe AssCreed is anything but leftist propaganda.
Go read a book you stupid nigger.
They had the potential of becoming something good back when AC2 came out. That potential died when Syndicate featured an invisibility cheat as part of the standard gameplay.
AC1 was a good tech demo if nothing else, but Ubisoft thought the subpar gameplay was stellar and released a sequel with more of the same bullshit.
In fact, Ubisoft thinks the gameplay of AC is so brilliant that every game they make has to copy it.
agree I also had a fun with 2 it had great atmosphere mainly thanks to music
the rest of games were a lot worse for some reason
It died with Revelations, m8
Best part is that they expect you to instantly believe that regardless of the situation. So in AC3 they ended up making an Indian that did literally everything wrong just because some guy hurt him as a kid.
I didn't play Revelations.
They do the same exact shit when they make you play a Templar. Now it's the Assassins that are the irredeemable assholes you have to go out and kill, while the Templars are the do-gooder Mary Sues.
And what's more pathetic is that there is so much room for depth and moral ambiguity. Templars want peace, Assassins want freedom, it's not difficult to come up with scenarios where both ideologies have their merits, or where one side or the other takes their beliefs too far, or make the plot about the interplay and intrigue as both jockey for power and position.
Instead the writers shy away from ever approaching anything resembling controversial topics. I already posted the lore behind Ford which perfectly illustrates this moronic approach. Ford was an anti-Semite, so he's a Templar because being an anti-Semite is bad and Templars are bad (I guess wanting peace makes you go evil or something). But wait! Ford also raised the wages of his workers, and paid niggers an equal wage as he did whites, and he even hired disabled WW1 veterans.
So, instead of having a nuanced historical figure and trying to fit his motivations into the Templar ideology what do the writers do? Ford used an alien artifact to brainwash his workers into believing he was giving them a higher wage when in truth he was not.
That's how every character in the franchise is handled. The side the protagonist is on are the good guys, the other side are complete monsters of such cartoonish nature you can't take them seriously, let alone view them as worthy antagonists.
One could write whole books about everything AssCreed does wrong in terms of storytelling, but it all boils down to it abusing history and historical figures to deliver a Disney cartoon to edgy 14 year olds, while sucking leftist dick as hard as it possibly can.
That really could only be creepy if they went and used stop motion for the animatronics. hell, in this day and age, they could have life sized poseable models. Film the scene with a stunt man doing the role of the robot, then edit him out and have the animatronic do the same motions.
It's what they did back in these movies. There was an actual dancer for Kali and all the Skeletons were originally stunt men.
but that requires effort and time, which I'm sure will not happen due to the ease of throwing a guy in mocap into the scene.
Though to be fair, the few times we do see the animatronics move, it's pretty smooth and flawless.
And the even bigger insult is how they completely ignore zeitgeist. Playing any AssCreed game, regardless of geographical location, time period or background of protagonist results in the same experience.
Everyone, from Assassin to Templar to unrelated side characters thinks and behaves like a 21st century libcuck. They are completely blind to another character's race, gender, religion, age, political affiliation, social class, etc. All that matters is whether they are a Templar or an Assassin.
That film was utter shit, (((Jake Gyllenhall))) is a immensely overrated actor.
Hollywood intentionally makes competing entertainment businesses look bad.
that kali dance was pretty damn impressive
He gets all the praise because he's willing to suck dick.
The only information about Leonardo's sexual preferences, comes from one of his rivals who called him a fagot.
What do you mean by this?
No, I thought they wrote this to make it look okay that you punch the pope and stuff like that.
e.g. "calm down, we have christians in our team too and they are okay with it so don't be offended."
Anyway, my point is that those buildings are pretty accurate and some of the crap you read did happen in real life, or do you deny that vlad existed and things like that?
Capeshit will still be around! So now you'll have capeshit and vidyashit allll up in your Hollywood movies! And then animeshit after 2017 when GitS becomes a financial success solely thanks to aggressive marketing and hype!
And then you get all three at the same time
Capeshit. Vidyashit. Animeshit. Together. This is the future of Hollywood!
You talking about in-game? If so, here's his entire database entry verbatim:
">Date of Birth: 1452
>Profession: Painter, Inventor, Designer, Architect, Scientist, Engineer
The illegitimate son of a notary and peasant woman, Leonardo da Vinci was raised in Tuscany. Like many destined to be superstars, he had no surname, Vinci being the town in which he was born. At age 14, he was apprenticed to a Florentine painter, Verrocchio who taught him chemistry, drafting, painting, sculpting and modeling. When he was 20, Leonardo established his own workshop, and then travelled across Italy, eventually painting his great masterpieces “The Last Supper” in 1498 and “The Mona Lisa” in 1503-1507. During his travels, Leonardo studied the world with unquenchable curiosity, recording his observations in mirror writing within his notebooks. While under the employ of Ludovico Sforza and then Cesare Borgia, he created designs for a helicopter, tank, solar power and a calculator, among others. He was also an engineer, designing garrisons, cannons and movable barricades. Despite this epic list of accomplishments, Leonardo was hounded by his patrons for his chronic procrastination. Pieces frequently took years longer than he anticipated and many were never finished at all. 'Leonardo also had a tumultuous love life. Accused of sodomy in 1476, he was most likely homosexual. Salai, his assistant, was accused of stealing and spending too much money on clothes, but was also probably Leonardo’s lover. Leonardo painted several pictures of Salai, including his famous “St. John the Baptist”, and left “The Mona Lisa” to him when he died in 1519'."
Anyway, I think the problem here is that games get less budget then movies. If games had the same writers some games would have better stories.
I like the idea of ac, but it was obviously written by a retard.
The other problem is that gaming is full of left wing people with their crappy unoriginal stories.
Just look at some of their trailers, I think those games could have turned out better.
Are you legitimately retarded?
what is your point mate? All I said was that things from the game existed in real life, but they are not always accurate.
Why you acting like a monkey here?
He was the only good part about that show.
Also that soundmixing it fucking atrocious. Just play the song you stupid cunt
The movie had awful acting but I liked the stuntwork and some sets/backgrounds
Holy fuck, would it be too much for them to use period music for once or is that not progressive enough for modern Hollywood?
Like a lot of these game movies, they've struggled to get off the ground after years of rumors. I remember hearing about an AC movie back around the late 2000's. I'm surprised it's even being released since among those rumored were movies of all the popular AAA franchises at the time, including Gears of War, BioShock, Mass Effect, etc.
He got permission to sample Avril 13 or whatever the fuck it's called. Kanye's team (because he obviously doesn't do shit himself except shout his fucking atrocious vocals over decent tracks) did such a terrible job at timestretching that Richard offered to do it himself. They then told him to fuck off.
I think in the end they just made their own thing that sounded similar.
Hollywood. Just look at Ratchet. Hey it's a 3d movie so lets make it like every other fucking shitty family dreamworksface 3d movie ever made. The people runing hollywood are that fucking stupid.
They're not stupid, they know their audience is brain dead morons that will go watch anything if you hype it up enough that they stopped bothering making anything of quality.
Just take some popular IP and throw money into marketing and the goyim will pay for it.
Actually they essentially have no clue what the fuck they are doing and are convinced that there's some magic "get money" formula when there isn't.
They recently discovered the power of nostalgia.
Yes, there is, it's called marketing, marketing, marketing.
People have been conditioned to buy whatever they're told to buy. It's why retards fall for vidya hype time and again despite getting burned.
ill be honest, this should have been AC2 instead of the italian bullshit
fucking 14 mins, couldn't you write that down or something?
I have made it 4 mins in, not going to watch more. So far nothing he said wasn't already said in this thread.
Like I said above that it could have turned out well but it didn't because the writers are obviously left wing, and the templars are textbook evil.
I think those of you who dislike ac attack us without even reading our posts.
I stated that the things that exist in the game existing in real life was not enough to call it historically accurate. If that were the case then S.T.A.L.K.E.R. would also be historically accurate because there is a nuclear reactor in Chernobyl just like in real life and it's even called the exclusion zone and has radiation.
Back to >>>/reddit/
Yes and I never said that it was accurate. Some guy ( ) asked if it was historically accurate and I said that it wasn't but it has some real life stuff in it. That's it.
No idea why you make such a big deal out of nothing.
They weren't the same side.The Assassins were Shia. The Saracens were Sunni.
Looks pretty good.
Fassbender is a great actor and the director of Macbeth is the director.
Can't wait, fingers crossed it's great.
Wait for them to all fail and for Hollywood to inch that much closer to the sewer
fuck off fag
How can they fail? People want to see movies, and there are hardly any alternatives to hollywood.
Quite easily
1) These aren't the only movies Hollywood is making
2) Hollywood is shitting itself because they aren't the centre of popular culture any more. There are so many free alternatives to paying to see a shit movie.
I think the only one of these that I don't hate the idea of is FNAF.
Partly because the fans just make all the shit up anyway so who gives a fuck. They can do literally anything and also because I want to see if bomb and cause huge amounts of salt.
I meant Saracen betraying another Saracen, thus his own side
hahaha no.
To become a Soldier instead of a "stealthy" assassin, i preferred to go trough the game without upgrades because not only it didn't make sense for a assassin to be jumping around in metal plates but the armors ruined the overall look of the robes.
that was kinda boring
only good part of AC2
the story for me was: "damn i ran out of races,fights and tombs i guess i have to keep going with this shit for more fun parts"
Haha no it's not.
This is asscreed we're talking about man, it's basically a teen's idea of what being cool is in terrible video game form
Hello shill.
Of all the things that irk me about the trailer, that is the one that stands out for me. None of the AssCreed characters did one of those stupid flashy front flips to jump across a gap, just a standard practical leap. But you got to have SOME flashy shit to make idiots think "oh wow, they do ninjas moves in the movie, better see it!", I suppose.
I actually kinda like that poster.
the fighting looks like a gay festival and parkour the dance of the narcissist
And of course it will highlight the christian crimes against humanity across time, while highlighting the peaceful nature of other more beheading types of religion.
I expected more than one Inquisition joke because I'm damn sure I was not the only one who didn't expect this.
Don't think anyone even cares about the series anymore.
Fuck off
no :^)
so the trailer is mediocre as all fuck and doesn't make me want it at all
but one thing I noticed at 1:20:
how could they not at least have a little attention to detail? have movie makers really become this shit?
dude what the fuck seriously
Do it pussy ;^)
Get a room, you fags
wow i never thought i'd see a 0/10 pun but there it is
fuck this gay earth
He's got great range. Look at Southpaw and Nightcrawler for contrast.
This franchise was a mistake
I'd imagine if they had made it more like the game where fuckers just sit in a bed people would complain about it being Total Recall only instead of Mars it is the past.
I'd like to imagine it would do as well as the other Ubisoft series that got a movie.
Looking it up Prince of Persia did not get a big return.
it's like wanting a movie adaptation of the first few CoD games
This doesn't make sense.
Not only is it a stupid way to use alien tech, but for fucks sake how is he supposed to keep up the charade? Brainwash the families as well? That's stupid stupid.
Bend over and squel like a pig, boytoy.
This must be what it's like to be triggered.
Not to mention everyone dies in one hit from everything
How do you go from games that use Jesper Kyd to this shit? The OSTs from AssCreed were about the only redeeming qualities of those games.
Fucking kill me.
If they care about muh historical accuracy why no game about mongols pushing hashsassin shit in and wiping them out?
Early AC OST is so good
I'm actually hoping these vidya movies will drive out the cinematic faggots from the industry. Because, hey if they already can make movies, why not just make movies. Than the only devs left would be devs who actually want to make games instead of semi-interactive movies.
Uncharted is a movie, what the fuck are they doing
Assassin's creed is the worst series
Worse than Bubsy? Bold statement.
Yeah, that was Salai. Leonardo actually had two boy assistants, but I don't expect Jewbisoft to have done enough research on that beyond looking up what's on Wikipedia.
The courtesan who he apparently had sex with lived with him when he was still an apprentice, while Salai was his assistant when he was an old man. Plus, Salai was supposed to be twelve or something when he became Leonardo's assistant and supposedly fuckbuddy, so again, the implication is that Leonardo was also a pedophile.
(Hilariously, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood made Salai of legal age just going with Leo as a faggot wouldn't end up creepy.)
Yep, accused anonymously of being a faggot, back when more than half of all men in Florence were regularly accused of faggotry by their enemies, and investigated and found thoroughly innocent by the Night Office. Mind you, the Night Office made the Soviet Union and Maoist China look fair by comparison, so it should tell you something that they cleared him of all charges.
Anyone gonna stream this shitpile when it comes out for us to laugh at?
Nothing gets me in the mood for assassin stuff more than WUB WUB WUB loops and shitty nigga rapping.
also aren't you forgetting the half life movie, it along with the portal movie will be handled by jew jew binks.
welcome to hell.
I enjoy music by the nigger Kanye West and even I agree it was a poor choice for the trailer, not that a better selection would have made the film look any less shit.
Faggots like you are the reason this board is dying.