Antifa not quite so cucked

tl;dr -

there are three kinds of "antifa": liberal socialists, communists and anarchists. LS are your typically beta cuck types, mostly white male, who will march and protest and sit-in but that's about it. antifa-lite in a sense.

commies take what the LS do a step or three further. ends justify the means type of "people" cause we all know commies aren't really human they tend to make up most of the "black bloc" types, and actively try to recruit from other "movements" like BLdontM and OWS.

anarchists are, according to this, the hardest core of the bunch. very secretive, very difficult to become a part of the group, and often led by actual capable, sometimes ex-military types. these are the people who planned the inauguration smoke bomb, or targeted destruction of property to "send a message" kind of thing. on the bright side, anarchists seem to hate commies as much as they do capitalists.

there's more in the article, but the takeaway for me is that there is more than meets the eye to the riots we've been seeing from the left. there very well could be sharks swimming among all those skinny, aids-infested antifa out there.

Other urls found in this thread:

No state funding
No NGO funding
Every organization tied to antifa/commies gets frozen funds, and rico cases
No welfare


They have only been allowed to operate due to cucked corrupt government excusing them

Tbh I would be an anarchist if this planet wasn't so close to blowing up.

Most anarchists in the UK are the violent [when in superior numbers, that is] commie antifa.

Perhaps anarchists has a slightly different meaning in the US

first post best post. for once

why won't you notice me shill-kun?

They can afford to be "tough" when they own the fucking courts. Imagine a White guy cracking a muslim or a Jew in the skull? In would be world news and he'd do 25 years. This happens. Guys who beat the shit out of a few Mexicans in the 90s still in jail. not even hurt badly, just an ass kicking.
They know they can away with it since ZOG–esp in CA– is never going to lock them up and no one carries there. you won't see them in concealed carry states since they'd be dead. And even if you do shoot, look at the /k/ guy who just got convicted for shooting a nigger who was rioting.

Ex-anarchist here. Can confirm.

Anarchists are the most susceptible to the redpill; we're pretty much just nihilists that want to burn shit, blow shit up, etc. and have been lied to our entire lives and fucked over by society for not being good goys.

We'll speak up once or twice in our school years with an original thought only to be shot down for being "insensitive" or some other bullshit which sends us down the path of anarchy as we hide the knowledge we have from the world around us. Then we find Holla Forums and start debating because, you know, finally someone you can talk to and then we turn into Holla Forumsacks.

LITERALLY a contradiction; any anarcho-commie is a faggot who thinks that the "family unit" or tribe is the same fucking thing as a god damn nation.

They want to be "cool" like the anarchists, but they want to be taken care of.

Fucking retards piss me off with that shit…

Probably because every time a leftist "popular front" of anarchists and commies gets anywhere, the commies backstab them and take all their gains for themselves.

LITERALLY a contradiction; any anarcho-commie is a faggot who thinks that the "family unit" or tribe is the same fucking thing as a god damn nation.

It really isn't
Every Mayday Monday in the UK, anarchists waving the antifa flag attack businesses and peoplewearing suits saying "please stop that wanton violence".

I understand words have distorted meanings as time goes by, but anarchists are most definitely the violent commie antifa in the UK and Western Europe.

Regardless of our differing opinion of the origin of the term and its everyday meaning, they need to be culled from our realm.

Seriously though, commies need to fucking die.

I'd love to see you explain your "anarchy" theory in a state prison to a gang of niggers. Surely they'll love to hear your social theories as you are being shanked.

I can break a pair of handcuffs in a few seconds and I can make explosives out of a broken light fixture. I also used to work as a bouncer in a ghetto bar; niggers are weak.

Holla Forums allows rehabilitated anarchists, user. At least half the people here were either ancaps or lolbergs just a few years ago.

You sound like a complete faggot.

As for this shit thread fuck anarchists, communists, and liberals. They all need to be gassed.

First they get angry, then they find social media, then they take the red pill.

This is going to get weird.

Lel, that's some Irish anarchism movement.
I've been to Ireland, and while it's a very liberal nation I certainly wouldn't see something as far left as anarchy gaining much traction there.

Hold the fuck up, user. If we have psychic Juggernaut, can we use him to fight Magneto Wolverine in a cage match?

I am intrigued by how you call this thread shit, yet still bump it? Are you tired FBI-kun? If you pay me I'll help you get into any antifa group you want

How can you be this fucking retarded and expect anyone to believe you can build a bomb out of a pine cone and dish soap.

The anarchists are always late teens, early 20's mentally disabled types. It's like homeless drug addicts who dropped out of high school so am calling bullshit.

You can't even shoot violent niggers now? Where's the story on the /k/ guy?

This pisses the fuck out of me, why should I have to wait until the left fires the first literal shot?

prison isn't that bad user, can confirm, unless it's the max pen. You go in, find your race, they test you, find out if you're gang affiliated or not. If so, you're in for some dirt, I've heard of a lot of edgy street spic teenagers getting brown pride tattoos, getting a light prison sentence, and getting sucked into the gang violence while in prison, or worse. If you're just there to do your time, everyone mostly leaves you alone.

The IRA became commie marxists sometime in the 1950's

Their brand of nationalism is such that after spending the best part of 500 years fighting against all the odds against the vastly superior power in the UK for Irish independence and freedom for their people, they now have opened their borders to every Tom, Dick or Mugabe.
They still curse the "black n tan" Englishman as they nurse their flat Guinness in some dark dingy pub.

That's proper fucked up.

Anarchists do not hate commies.

The left is full of enemies. Given the proper climate they would have a violent revolution if they could. They control themselves to a degree because reality doesn't fit their reality view. They would be murdered whole sale if they did what they did last night in a rural area.

I have no bones about defending myself against a horde of the walking dead.

The IRA also hasn't been remotely relevant since 1998.


Nitric acid is easily made with nitrogen in the air and a spark. Nitric acid + literally anything remotely flamable + compression + heat = explosion.

Improbably? Highly. But I know I've got the autism to do it faggot. I've been in some low, low places.

Not sure why you posted that meaningless reply.

But for the sake of clarity and accuracy.

The date the IRA became irrelevant a few years after 9/11.
In the first press conference after the 9/11 jewish false flag, America made a new law to stop all bank accounts known to be financing 'terrorism' the BBC guy asked the US gung-ho general at the press conference if that means the USA will no longer harbour IRA terrorists and put a close on all their bank accounts.
The US general sniffily replied that he didn;t mean that kind of terrorism.
A year later some IRA terrorists were found in some rainforest training some Columbian drug cartels in the ways of guerilla terrorism and instantly stamped out the IRA overnight.

Tony Blair then responded by pretending he started the peace protest while the US had completely ended their protection of IRA terrorists and funding networks.
Drugs matter more than UK officer lives it seems.

Thems is the facts.

Why you felt compelled to correct a casual statement with such a sideswipe I made recalling the "RA" only you can know.

You know, FBI, if you think this is top-tier 2DPD, you should really check out some of our other mongolian bbq boards. May I recommend cuckchan? Only the sexiest 2D allowed there.

I'm not a cop, I just want some info
also do you guys know where I can get some topkek cp? (child pornography)

I saw a bunch of Mexicans shank each other on Ryker's Island in the library and they managed to kill 4. Put the entire fucking place on lockdown for 5 days. No commissary, complete searches, dogs, the entire fucking bit. Also, it's customary that you have to fight your way to use to be able use the phone. People go in thinking they are hard, esp. little sbartasses like this who get popped before a 3 day weekend and can't make bail. It's a bad scene if you can't take care of yourself.
State is a whole different thing depending where you end up. But trust me, "anarchist" LARPers would not do well. Point? Don't talk about blowing shit up and damaging it unless you can do the time.
And other user, don't make me fucking laugh with "get out of handcuffs." And then what exactly? 4 COs beat the shit out of you with batons.

Improved version

It's in the Daily Mail on front page today. you can find it easily, right on front.

Great. Ever tested it in a yard when a nigger digs up the shank he has buried and 4 of them come at you? Advice: don't get locked up. You won't do well.

The family unit/tribe is part of the nation. It's literally supposed to be the extended part of the family.

However, anarchists are a bunch of fucking faggots. They all have in common that they got rich parents and they try and look edgy.

And none of Anti-fa people are scary. We've beaten them up several times over here in Sweden, usually being outnumbered aswell.

but it is. The tribe is based on the family and the nation based on the tribe.

Antifa is mostly state sponsored fake opposition. In the US it's Soros and NGO's and in west europe mostly the actual goverments (germany for example directly funds antifa with tax payer money via the youth organizations of the leftist parties).

Video related is mostly how they campagin.

Anarchists can become fascists if pushed more and more into nihilism. But the problem is that they will only be fascist in the authoritarian meme sense. They are still nihilist and destructive broken people at heart. Same goes for those weird satanist fascists who think national socialism is satanism applied to politics (because 'le holocaust amirite?').

black bloc is mostly anarchists

anarchists don't exist, they're either commies/morons/cucks/crypto-kikes carrying black flags, or they're smart and get redpilled and end up being /ourguys/.

Don´t forget, the White race comes first.

Fuck that video brings me back.
I know it's a long shot but anyone have the hitlerjugend train pic from the Netherlands?

Most of the "anarchists" are commies who like to break shit. You're never goning to see one of these anarchists attacking a commie rally while they will attack a gay jew for being a nazi.

sage for namefagging though.

You using that as a way to trip now, circlesperg?

go home CREW, you're drunk

Worthless thread.

I stopped reading there because anything else you have to say is irrelevant. Antifa is an Anarcho Communist fueled terrorist organization.

Attacking buildings and people in a mob against stood down police by the mayor is pretty cucked user.

To a normalfag, calling yourself a fascist is like saying you're a satanist to an evangelical. The shock value intrinsically attracts the wrong kind of people.


Great song. But Tom Gabel is a fucking tranny abomination.

first post best post

antifa only fight when they know they'll win
they'll gang up 100 to 1 on nationalists with weapons and still lose
they gang up on and attack women and children and when the situation starts to look unfavourable to them they're well accustomed to hiding behind the walls of police instead of contending with them
the amount of times ive seen antifa faggots start a fight only to get their shit pushed in is innumerable

Why make it ? why not just buy it online ?
here in huezil I can buy it online easily, pic related.

you can buy nitric acid for industrial and laboratory purposes


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

nah, first is better. his face remaining the same, the shitty nose edit on the kid, and the lack of other dialogue to animate his actions better are great. making it fancy and running the joke to the ground sucks.

t. comedian

such annoying fucking copy pasta. this is some normie tier Facebook shit

Get the fuck off my board



>>>Holla Forums


seriously fuck off >>>Holla Forums


antifa can keep shooting faggot lovers and doxing Jews all they want but there are no good antifa. Anarchist are the worst.

You cannot substitute one for the other.


The shit's stuck in my head along with a fuckton of johnny hobo, ryan harvey, etc.

Because I can make it? Seriously though, sometimes it's better for people not to be able to trace back chemicals to you.

Anarchists are whiny cunts that are sick of a corrupt system, but instead of figuring out why it's corrupt or how it happened they just want everyone to start destroying random property and screech autistically as if that will make everything better. Both commies and anarchists don't care aboit objective truth, which is the biggest difference between them and us.

Antifa has an element to it where it is capable of great subversion and destruction. To simply dismiss them all as skinny beta types is only fooling yourselves and opening yourselves up to more damage from them.

Also, more Marxist/Leftist/Anarcho-Communists than you might think eventually turn into Pollacks.
t.-An example of this
Don't give up the fight–we're winning the war of ideas one red-pill at a time.

This tbh.

I've described it in part one of my unpublished manuscript "The Overman"; Holla Forumsacks ubermensch and anarchists untermensch are two sides of the same coin of nihilism.

Holla Forums climbed out of the degeneracy; the others are still wallowing away in hell.

lol, no, they're fucking losers. no ex-mil among them.
lmfao, any dumb brainwashed monkey can do this shit

tbh im still wallowing in it
trying to raise some good people out of the filth but you can only do it from their level

Kek yep
the last anarchists who actually went postal were at the turn of the last century
their movement largely died out after Franco crushed them rightfully in Spain 80 years ago

Nah, they're all fags.

Honestly, anarchists are more in line with us, psychologically at least.

This is not surprising and great actually. Find seams between the groups and exploit, just show that liberal socialist and commies want massive governments opposed to what the anarchist want, That LS are too weak to go far enough for the cause, and commies i don't know at the moment.

Guess if you can be redpilled there is a good chance we can just use our memes in just the right places to good effect.

You are justifying genocide.

It's pathetic.

The anarkids will get sold out by the communists every single time just like in the past.

It's in the name faggot, Anti-Fascist. What ever brand of excuse you try to put on them, they are Anti-Fascist and therefore the opposition.

can't even defend yourself from a horde of niggers trying to tear you apart, is this sweden?

I just love that there are anarchists who's way to rebel is to more loudly and violently than anyone maintain the obedience of the status quo by others. Honestly I'm shocked they never self-reflect on their enforcement of norms as a statist behaviour.

people are stupid until they learn about the truth of politics.

I've always wondered the percentage of whites in American Antifa. I bet all the males in there are dating mystery meats, if the amount is small or is going down they'll soon become as ineffective as BLM no matter how much Jewish funding.

Jews and non-whites, I'm not even surprised.

Lets play spot the yid.

When did they do that? Was it recently?

The "in" thing is to be solidly pro-system. Mr. Tepper and his deputized negroes need to take their mothers in for "questioning."