Antifa not quite so cucked

tl;dr -

there are three kinds of "antifa": liberal socialists, communists and anarchists. LS are your typically beta cuck types, mostly white male, who will march and protest and sit-in but that's about it. antifa-lite in a sense.

commies take what the LS do a step or three further. ends justify the means type of "people" cause we all know commies aren't really human they tend to make up most of the "black bloc" types, and actively try to recruit from other "movements" like BLdontM and OWS.

anarchists are, according to this, the hardest core of the bunch. very secretive, very difficult to become a part of the group, and often led by actual capable, sometimes ex-military types. these are the people who planned the inauguration smoke bomb, or targeted destruction of property to "send a message" kind of thing. on the bright side, anarchists seem to hate commies as much as they do capitalists.

there's more in the article, but the takeaway for me is that there is more than meets the eye to the riots we've been seeing from the left. there very well could be sharks swimming among all those skinny, aids-infested antifa out there.

Other urls found in this thread:

No state funding
No NGO funding
Every organization tied to antifa/commies gets frozen funds, and rico cases
No welfare


They have only been allowed to operate due to cucked corrupt government excusing them

Tbh I would be an anarchist if this planet wasn't so close to blowing up.

Most anarchists in the UK are the violent [when in superior numbers, that is] commie antifa.

Perhaps anarchists has a slightly different meaning in the US

first post best post. for once

why won't you notice me shill-kun?

They can afford to be "tough" when they own the fucking courts. Imagine a White guy cracking a muslim or a Jew in the skull? In would be world news and he'd do 25 years. This happens. Guys who beat the shit out of a few Mexicans in the 90s still in jail. not even hurt badly, just an ass kicking.
They know they can away with it since ZOG–esp in CA– is never going to lock them up and no one carries there. you won't see them in concealed carry states since they'd be dead. And even if you do shoot, look at the /k/ guy who just got convicted for shooting a nigger who was rioting.

Ex-anarchist here. Can confirm.

Anarchists are the most susceptible to the redpill; we're pretty much just nihilists that want to burn shit, blow shit up, etc. and have been lied to our entire lives and fucked over by society for not being good goys.

We'll speak up once or twice in our school years with an original thought only to be shot down for being "insensitive" or some other bullshit which sends us down the path of anarchy as we hide the knowledge we have from the world around us. Then we find Holla Forums and start debating because, you know, finally someone you can talk to and then we turn into Holla Forumsacks.

LITERALLY a contradiction; any anarcho-commie is a faggot who thinks that the "family unit" or tribe is the same fucking thing as a god damn nation.

They want to be "cool" like the anarchists, but they want to be taken care of.

Fucking retards piss me off with that shit…

Probably because every time a leftist "popular front" of anarchists and commies gets anywhere, the commies backstab them and take all their gains for themselves.

LITERALLY a contradiction; any anarcho-commie is a faggot who thinks that the "family unit" or tribe is the same fucking thing as a god damn nation.

It really isn't
Every Mayday Monday in the UK, anarchists waving the antifa flag attack businesses and peoplewearing suits saying "please stop that wanton violence".

I understand words have distorted meanings as time goes by, but anarchists are most definitely the violent commie antifa in the UK and Western Europe.

Regardless of our differing opinion of the origin of the term and its everyday meaning, they need to be culled from our realm.

Seriously though, commies need to fucking die.