Are they a meme or not? Personally i think they help a lot but there are so many people saying things like "i've been programming for 30 years and my editor is black on white and it JUST WORKS"
Color schemes for programming
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The answer is yes
I just use vim with syntax off, syntax highlighting triggers muh autism
Leuven is really excellent.
Anything dark is massively better because I already have awful sight at 20 and I don't want to be blind by 50.
If you're worried about your sight make sure to use a darker theme AND a big font.
Using a small font to appear 1337 is fucking retarded.
I use Solarized. I haven't really put much thought into it, I tried a bunch and Solarized seem like the best of them. Black on white is too bright to be staring at it all day and white on black is a crime against humanity.
I personally prefer Gruvbox, easy on the eyes.
I use Deeper Blue in emacs.
Try it for yourself. I use dark themes exclusively. I have some vision problems and dark themes plus redshift are a godsend. I'd still use them even if I had perfect vision because it's just comfier.
One thing I learned about oldfags is that they still think spaces > tabs, which is why I tend not to give a shit about any of their shit taste in style and aesthetics and formatting.
Currently tweaking mine, anything need immediate fixing?
Black background.
Get rid of cold colours.
Pastel colours are okay, avoid glossy.
If you have a ""modern laptop"" with a 1337x752 screen resolution then you have to use small fonts to make do with the available screen real estate.
All those who keep recommending white text on black background, you never suffered from seeing ghost images of white lines on black background upon looking away from the screen after looking at white lines on background for an extended amount of time? In the old days light text on dark background was used as it was more energy-efficient with CRTs (for LCD screens it's actually the other way around, dark uses more power), not for any ergonomic reasons.
solarized dark here with modified brighter foreground for increased contrast. been using it since it got released.
I really wish there was something like solarized but based on a pinkish background similar to that lesbian neet feminist manga that got popular recently ( I can't recall it's fucking name )
black background strains the eyes, you want it dark grey.
You talking about this one?
yep, that one
For dyslexic fucks like me, having colours makes the thing incredibly readable.
I also use white-spaces or another marker to seperate chunks of code according to operation, to make it more comprehendible.
Also comments are nice.
I just want a pretty color scheme.
They're both bad, just use vim and some various plugins.
Java is one of those shitty languages that basically requires a full blown IDE cancer to use productively, otherwise you'll just spend 90% of your time scrolling through 600 String methods.
It depends on what you're doing in Java. You could get away with a lot of things with an editor with autocomplete.
Is it possible to make Redshift to work only on certain windows and avoid GIMP windows for example?
Is it still broken in Wayland?
What console color schemes would you guys recommend? White on black is annoying af. I want something amber, but can't come up with the right palette.
What if instead of dimming light on all desktop, we make individual GUI applications or their global theme to phase through color schemes across the day?
Also, does anyone know a Firefox extension that applies dark themes on pages with white backgrounds? dumb web "designers" keep using paper skeumorphism in current year
I feel like it increases my efficiency. People praise Vim for treating text as objects, Vim sees the text not just as characters but as various types of blocks that mean something particular, so people see the value in the computer doing this, why wouldn't there be value in it highlighting the text so that we see it the same way? Why shouldn't I be able to quickly navigate the text with my eyes in the same way the cursor can with commands. In a field where you're already fucking your eyes daily, I want as little additional stress on them as possible.
I went all out picking fonts, colorschemes, syntax highlighting, font rendering tweaks, everything to make reading as effortless as possible for the distance and display I use. It only makes sense to me to do so if I spend a majority of my time reading and writing to invest at most a day to picking them out 1 time.
I forgot to reply to
I wouldn't take too much advice from others on this, it's important that you make the text look good for your display and your eyes. I used to use a CRT for a long time and the filtering effects I used on glyphs looked super fucked up on LCD displays according to people looking at my screenshots. When I switched over I redid my settings. Some people don't do color calibration either which is obviously worth disregaurding if something looks right to you on your monitor but someone else says "it's too dark, it's too light, it's *different color than it is*".
Use some setttings for a while, try to be at a comfortable reading distance and be aware of how your eyes feel and if you need to re-adjust when not looking at your screen. As long as your eyes aren't straining, you don't need to adjust focus, and you don't have any other oddities, you should be good.
Solarized is a nice scheme for imageboards, too.
You obviously never use your computer in the evening.
Also, what the fuck are those rainbow eyebleed fonts? Are you a Windows 7 user?
The chutzpah of this goy.
user, if you can't distinguish those shades of blue you're probably color blind or some shit.
He's right though. Use yellow for the links and shit, it looks way better.
He's likely beyond help, some people insist on fucking their serotonin cycles for some reason.
Also, jesus fuck that font rendering is beyond bad.
Do I even want to read that?
You don't need to do anything user. It was just a reference for the color.
It's not really that bad. I liked the art.
If you actually want to read something, read oyasami punpun
No. I use the billw theme in Emacs. Syntax highlighting helps you catch out things, like unclosed quotes and brackets. I can work just white on black, but prefer the benefits of highlighting.
I use Solarized (light). Many themes look nice at first but are shit for coding.
pick your new favorite
Ruby makes them all look ugly.
I assume you all use redshift? Do you use bluer fonts in the earlier portion of the day?
Is there a solarize + redshift option available that does something like this?
Any drawback (mental, physical, etc) to doing primarily blue in the earlier hours, shifting toward red in the evening? Seems like it may be the healthiest, but I'm new to all this (as you can probbably tell)
*color schemes
only use redshift for up to 2 hours before you go to bed
dont fall for the memes
I slightly modded ir_black. The concrete advantage of color schemes is that it's easier on the eyes to be able to see things in colors. Helps pick out and differentiate pieces of code easier. Open up a big C++ file in your editor and look at it. Then cat it. See the difference?
Well, they're fun, and to me they add a degree of comfort. I like that I can continue to customize them by specifying new keywords that I find important. Hell, sometimes I've made certain keywords bold and underlined just for the duration of a project, if they were important and I was missing them.