While attempting to find a thread I archived in 2016 this happened.. the oldest archived thread is from June.
Why did they do this?
While attempting to find a thread I archived in 2016 this happened.. the oldest archived thread is from June.
Why did they do this?
Someone must have archived the thread again somehow, that's the only logical explanation I can come up with.
but everything else is gone.
Archive.is considers example.com and example.com as different sites so you have to search both scopes. Also there might be something wrong with its indexing system as it sometimes don't return all archived pages. In this case you can try searching for
site:archive.is QUERY
on your favorite search engine
i searched with 8ch.net/pol/*, so it should be there.
results are different for http and https
Don't let some website control your archives.
Just do
wget -mpck --user-agent="" -e robots=off --wait 1
And you'll have an archived copy forever
That's easy to alter and not easy to share though. Using the site is good for keeping evidence of what content existed at some point in time.
Are you searching for a specific page OP? What was the thread about?
Storage isn't free.Eventually they will have to decide when to start purging stuff. Dumping shit that hasn't gotten a single hit in 2 years wouldn't be all that surprising.
The kikes started the shoah. You best have saved the pages all offline. archive.fo/is has been compromised for some time now see >>>/poltech/490 but there's too much content to shoah to go unnoticed. archive.org is full of kikes already and requires pajeet script and google backup/cache is kikes ofcourse.
Average life span of independent website is around 3 years. After that, it's either dead, someone took over, or seagate drive failure occured.
Nothing new. Even archived.org themselves dropped Holla Forums due to political 'controversies'. All thanks to you pol scumbags, that we're all losing the good stuff:
this. just archive as mhtml or something else. 'cloud' is for faggots.
Cry us a river libtard. Besides OP was already shown to be a faggot.
archive.is would hold older archives of the same page.
nice FUD
Would it be possible to create an IPFS archiver that stores the SSL handshake - which could be used to verify a particular page's authenticity?
E.g. if the response is signed by site's certificate, then that archive has not been tampered with.
Otherwise, if we're only archiving the HTML response, etc, any user could spoof what's returned.
Well for archiving purposes this is ok. But for guarenteeing the archive wasn't tampered with before it hit anyone else's server this is useless as the SSL certificate verifier like (((them))) could tamper with it before anyone else gets it.
What did google mean by this?
archive.is is compromized since pizzagate shit
stop using it and just tor up/disable javashit
Nice proof.
not that guy but a searx search brings this up
oy vey
It is 3rd -party authentication, it has nothing to do with "archiving for personal use".
Nice bash scripting though.
That is beside the point.
archive.org has a habit of deleting Holla Forums content, so that is not as goos as archive.fo
Also we need other alternatives. topbestalternatives.com
Just use these if you really want to be "out of this world"
Any working alternative for archive.is/fo?
Yes and no. Archive.is is the only one that ignores the robots.txt file and doesn't delete stuff on request. Archive.org and Megalodon.jp check the robots file first to see if they are allowed to index the site and also delete stuff if the owner send a request.
It's shit.