Referencing memetic warfare
Honestly kinda worried, can Kanye really really get to Trumps level of Meme-fu by 2020? Trump might actually have to do a ton of good before then if Kanye even scratches the surface.
Referencing memetic warfare
Honestly kinda worried, can Kanye really really get to Trumps level of Meme-fu by 2020? Trump might actually have to do a ton of good before then if Kanye even scratches the surface.
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He's too smart for his own good.
Why doesn't he join the campaign or something?
Didn't Kanye say something about the Jews?
Kanye said he didn't vote but would have voted for trump. Equivalent of pic related for the left, so he's never getting the liberal vote.
He might be crazy, he's not stupid.
Kanye is smarter than the average CNN journalist, but aren't we all.
Fuck off. Kanye wouldn't even win a primary.
A random Holla Forumslack has a better chance of winning the presidency than Kanye
This thread is a joke, right? Have you heard the nigger open his mouth? He can't even talk to another person coherently in our language. I get that some of you are scared because there are a few ten thousand people protesting Trump winning… but that's all it is, a few ten thousand people. In fact, a lot of those people probably voted for him this cycle, but they used the 'Harambe' spelling of stupid ape who only exists so we can laugh at him.
You realize the left was saying this exact shit last year right?
in his song saint pablo he did but idk if hes said anything publicly
Yeah, we'll see where the overton window is in 4 years, NIGGER.
An unreleased song of his leaked recently where he said:
I know trump broke new ground but id bet my life this will never happen.
At this point, all bets are off.
The people who keep pushing Kayne or some other celebrity think Trump only won because;
This faggot is one of those people.
They 'literally have no clue, it's why the democrats will be out of power for a generation or more.
You haven't even seen his policies yet faggot, nobody took Trump seriously until we saw his policies. You're making the exact same mistake.
Mark Cuban is another and honestly, by 2020 I expect to see at least 3-4 imitation candidates operating under the delusion that the "media was in the tank for Trump" and that what he achieved was "easy"
I'll never forgive this nigger for chimping out after Katrina hit and not condemning his fellow niggers are being stupid and chimping out while other races were lining up peacefully for their rations.
I'd rather have lil wayne after his comment. He seems chill.
What has Kanye done that would make him a great president?
He can't even rap, and that's his legacy.
He probably has superficial understanding of the meme warfare that made Trump win, but being a retarded nigger he will fail in trying to execute the same persuasion. Also, this stupid nigger went from a net worth of $200+ million to being in debt in a few short years because of ludicrous levels of conspicuous consumption, and no donor will take him seriously, don't think he has the money to run either. It would be nice if he ensured Trump's win in 2020 though.
I can't imagine someone being that stupid, but I'm just going to assume you're a democrat, and let that explain your faggotry. Go ahead, continue to indulge yourself in the belief that some nigger ape clown with tens of millions of dollars in debt could ever even garner our attention for anything other than schadenfreude.
Do you not know how ridiculous you sound? That people aren't laughing at the idea of Kanye being president, but laughing at you for being so stupid as to even think this nigger has a chance at anything other than a debt restructure?
I will point this out because of the demographic problems in America.
The ONLY reason Trump won is because the dems ran a pale skin person.
Had they ran a minority it would have been a landslide for whoever they ran.
We have 2 years to do something about the minority/fraud problem.
He's smarter than the average black and maybe even a lot of his famous peers.
But I don't think he's actually as smart as he puts on. I've seen him live, and the show was a total trainwreck and he ended up making the crowd leave he was so shit. Even if there are some surface similarities, I don't think he actually has the intellect to do what Trump did.
Kanye can go fire off some spicy quotes and get media attention like Trump did, sure. But can he do it in as clever and manipulative a way as Trump? Kanye's lucky if he ever manages 3d chess.
feels good
Are we being raided by 4chan? What the fuck is wrong with this thread?
He might be able to use Trump's rope-a-dope strategy with the media, but Trump has a godly sense of logistics. That can't be copied.
Hes a good producer
He's a nigger that is famous for rhyming to slow rhythms. We can just use that new Adobe product to make "Kanye call-out" albums dissing all the thug niggers and eventually he'll be shot for "dissin" the wrong nigger.
In the end it will be just another black-on-black crime statistic (which I'm sure he's already calculated into somehow).
underestimating our enemies can be our downfall just like the left did with trump
Yup pretty much
sliiiiiiiide thread
I hope he does run and splits the dem vote
retarded nigger
Scott Adams thinks he's going to run for president or hinting something like that.
I remember him saying that Kanye could win if he ran and that he's also a master persuader.
Fuck this nigger.
So are 50% of blacks…
He's still a dumb nigger.
I honestly think Trump won only because of a fluke in their voter fraud process, they will be sure to not make that mistake again and should do everything possible to make voter ID laws and mandatory paper ballots a reality.
What if he runs as a Dem?
We're literally talking about a man with an IQ below 80. The only underestimation being made here is by the nigger lovers who think this man wouldn't be thrown out to the dogs if he ever even considered a run.
How does the nigger vote stack up against the general populous?
He could legitimately win, because of niggers, and if trump knocks out welfare, like he'll have to, he'll have it in the bag.
It's an awful good thing that niggers don't even make up a 1/4 of this country.
After Obama's "hope and change", niggers have basically zero chance of ever being president again.
in fact, they're something like 9% of the population. Yet you niggers mean to tell me that you will somehow ever get the vote again after Ferguson, after Trayvon, after BLM, after this whole riot nonsense? That's a joke. Your people are all crying because subconsciously, they realize they lost the culture war, and now it's back to law and order. Not "indulge the nigger" preschool fun time.
What's the majority, then? Could've sworn it was niggers and whites as the majorities.
This too, the stupid monkey-in-chief completely shat up the future of niggers in politics.
This should be considered his legacy
He'd run as a democrat I suppose?
12.2% in 2010 as per wiki
Kek, yeah nigger, run, go for it.
What could go wrong having Kanye West running the United States?
That said, seriously, niggers cannot into memes. I'm not worried.
first nigger president, last nigger president.
Whites are the majority, clearly. Have you ever traveled the country?
I just quickly divided 380 mil by 40 mil, which is what I thought the figures were. Thanks, still insignificant.
It's amusing how many comments here dismissing him were thrown at Trump. TBH, given how low the DNC has sunk, Kanye might be the only viable candidate that they can get.
He's an average producer that makes ok beats that then get cleaned up by better producers and his name slapped on them.
Trump's bombastic personality kept the media from smothering him and his message as they did to Ron Paul, this is true. But what Kanye doesn't realize is that Trump was right which is why his message resonated with so many Americans, and turned even blue states like Pennsylvania into red ones.
Although I would not put it past the Democrats to field Kanye in 2020 but are more likely to nominate a strong wymyn of cylyyr.
If that were the case, then the midwest would own the electoral majority.
Something about anti-white population control. Been that way since the 60's. Anyone got any charts?
Trump needs to work to increase that state of affairs, for it is the means via which he achieved victory.
'but, but, but everyone is exactly the same!'
a businessman in public life for decades with buildings all over the world, and a rapper famous for everything but his work
really very similar now that you mention it
Well seldom you here prominent nigs say shit like this, Cassius Clay did as well, I think it does have added value to all that matters - it strikes to the heart of those fucks who claim "you can't be racist unless you're hwhite".
If nothing else, he'll split the votes to a moderate degree I reckon, which is always good.
There is no chance. Trump has decades of history in pushing political views, and built a reputation for having a solid philosophy.
Kanye is just a douche bag flake who thinks it was just celebrity that enabled Trump.
Again you haven't even heard his policies yet
Idiocracy confirmation.
Thats not what he thinks at all
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Clearly it is, if he thought it was intelligence, he'd get a clue and realize he can't even do long division, let alone policymaking.
stupid nigger
you can't ride the anger of white people into the white house if you are a nigger
Back in May, a guy made this thread about an alternate history timeline in which West beats Trump in 2020. There is no way this is a coincidence.
Why are you even here?
if we meme him, he will
Isn't he in major debt? If he ran it probably be under the Bernie model. Get a bunch of dumb fucks to give him money while plucks at their heart strings while making a deal with a major party to drop and endorse their candidate in exchange he becomes debt free.
I don't believe that it was a fluke, he just over preformed their internal predictions. Seeing that most electronic voting machines are run in a standalone config, it was likely that their internal bias could not be updated remotely.
Well let me know when congress invites him to testify regarding economic recovery 25 years ago.
Most people (the left especially) simply don't understand why/how Trump won. Am I worried about people from the left or Kanye repeating what Trump did? No, because they truly don't understand how he did it in the first place or all the factors that were at play.
Yeah. I'm guessing some CTR remnant got real salty over the thread about redpilling blacks.
Unless you're being sarcastic, all I see is you trying to get people to sign up for some kosher alt history circle jerk where some faggot talked about something that was brought up as a joke much earlier than May.
this is going to be brilliant. the only thing keeping the democrats from tearing themselves apart were the kikes behind the scenes putting shabbos goy whites up front to appeal to the white working class. Imagine when the Democratic primaries turn into halfwit spics, niggers, and chinks all fighting with each other and only voting for their own race.
And then stay home on election day just like they did with Trump.
Things aren't looking as bleak as some say for 60%burgerland
This. He opened up a floodgate. We need to hope and pray that Trump does a great enough job before 2020.
If Trump have disappoints one iota of that white vote it's over for the left to sweep in and take 2020. I want 8 years of winning god damnit.
He is a streetwear god. Kids stalk is every move and copy his outfits and pay $800 for his sneakers. Wether you want to believe it or not Kanye is a pop culture icon much like Donald Trump but for different reasons and not many are that honorable unless you are a nigger yourself
What you have to worry about is the youth vote with Kanye. Young people will enthusiastically vote for this nog. And let's be completely honest here about half of children in this country aren't even white. Non-white + young = disaster.
Also this. If you comes out with some Bernie-tier policies people will gobble that shit up. Especially blacks and spics.
does kek even care about cuckchan?
KEK was being ironic
Does this stupid nigger realize Trump has planned for roughly three decades on becoming the President and it's not just something you fucking decide to do on a whim? Stupid fucking nigger.
I don't believe he does.
I don't think so. First of all, there's a little more to Trump's success in the election than persuasion psychology. What enabled Trump to win was appealing to the White working class throughout the country, and that outreach turning blue states red. White people are 70% of the electorate and if Donald Trump is able to change immigration laws while in office, that number's likely to go up. Kanye does not appeal to that demographic for the most part.
Second, I really don't think the democratic party can afford to run someone like Kanye in the general election in 2020. I don't think they'd use up their opportunity to keep Trump from serving two terms on Kanye.
When everything went so right?
Kanye West doesn't have the money to bankroll his own campaign. People forget how astronomically expensive it is, and while Trump self-funded for the primaries, even as a multi-billionaire he had to accept donations in order to defeat Hillary Clinton with all of her SuperPAC and kike lobbyist dollars.
Obviously Kanye could solicit funds from the beginning, but then he's not following the Trump model and is yet another lobbyist puppet. Not to mention he's a liberal nigger so he's the polar opposite of Donald Trump.
I fully believe that if Kanye even won a single state, it would trigger a constitutional crisis as multiple states file to secede. You think Texas would let another nigger rule over them, and this time, a nigger even stupider than Obonga?
I agree, young people could vote for him in troves, but there's little to no chance that the armed right would ever take that sitting down. It's just a matter of fact, not speculation.
Post them, faggot. Do it now. Impress us.
The number has been going down for at least the last eight years, due to Mexicans swarming them and all the abortions they get. I remember when there 14%, probably are around 9-10% these days.
You underestimate how comfortable our population is. Most white Americans have a stable paycheck and food on the table.
We are immensely fortunate that Donald Trump won the election fair and square, because the vast majority of Republican voters would have bitterly accepted a Clinton victory just like they did an Obama victory. There wouldn't have been any riots in the streets like we're seeing from the violent left-wing. Thankfully, all of this is a moot point because he DID win.
No way he'll beat trump, not only do presidents have better chance of winning but trump is probably already devising a new tactic for winning
Nor his political philosophy or ideas beyond his entertainment bubble. Which is in and of itself why he cannot win anything, regardless of what policies are printed out for him to read. He has no background in anything useful for holding government office.
If Trump's half the hock he puts himself up as, they won't have a choice. Jim Webb will run, and he will win, because he's the only one to reach the overton window.
Doesn't Trump want to illegalise abortion, though?
I remember hearing something a while ago about him saying that Jews are really powerful and have lots of money. Then, when the ADL or someone got upset at him over his remarks, he said "I don’t know how being told that you have money is like an insult," Kanye said. "That would be like if somebody complimented black guys and said, ‘All black guys have big penises.’ You don’t want to be the black guy who raises his hand and says like, ‘That’s not true. I have proof!’"
pitchfork. com/news/53232-kanye-west-accused-of-anti-semitism-by-anti-defamation-league/
pitchfork. com/news/53411-kanye-west-responds-to-anti-semitism-accusation-calls-comments-an-ignorant-compliment/
I wouldn't even give this possibility a second thought if I hadn't already seen people push this meme IRL. Please no.
I think he never expressed an opinion on it, just that the laws regarding it should be enforced.
Yeah but they're not getting less in absolute terms. They're still at around 40 million.
It doesn't take a genius to know that jews have a lot of money. The fact that he compliments kike money is disgusting, and proof this thread is just sliding bait.
As the meme candidate he's running against Harambe, who has a far larger voter base and much more outlined policies. I'd say he doesn't have a chance.
That's what I meant, and the next time around they will not make the same mistakes. The biggest priority before 2020 is to stop voter fraud and with the amount of political capital on the right currently we have a golden opportunity to do so that will completely disappear if we get complacent. The fight is only just beginning , and I will not rest on my laurels until immigration reform is followed up on to slightly unfuck our demographics and voter fraud is precluded. If we can stop illegal immigration and voter fraud the DNC will be dead permanently and we can fill the power vacuum with full 1488.
Kanye is a successful entertainer and business man, and an outsider just like Trump. If he employs Jewish speechwriters and campaign managers, like Trump, he could have good chances. Can't kill the Kanye!
How can someone this stupid get out of bed in the morning?
That's amazing isn't it. Complete stagnation in population growth. I'm 100% convinced it's because of abortions.
Just goes to prove that they are seriously overrepresented in media. 1 in 10 people are black in the USA. Then why is the cast half black? Don't answer that, I know the answer.
He wants to leave it up to the states. And guess what, those blue states aren't going to make it illegal.
He doesn't have the talent stack. Failed in other areas like design. Come back after you call sell "leather sweat pants" Kanye.
Agreed. The DNC probably won't reform their party but double down. More fraud and higher amounts of non-whites. They will probably try and push this in redder states/rust belt. No point in getting higher voter fraud in California/New York with the electoral college.
Tom Hanks. Oprah. Ellen. One of them maybe.
can* sell
I don't think he's a genius, I just think the whole story is funny. Kanye is an idiot, he did something stupid, and handled the fallout the way an idiot would while still managing to trigger Jews. I'm not saying that it's a feather in his cap, it's just funny.
Well, I don't know if he'd actually win. That really depends on how Trump does in office and how the electorate feels about him in four years. Either way, I think Jim Webb would be a more legitimate candidate than Kanye.
No, he's also a good actor.
Also, Kanye isn't very good at public speaking. Total opposite of Obama, who also called him a jackass. Whenever he's talking seriously, you can see his stupidity start to come through. He wouldn't know what to do in a debate, even a primary debate. He'd have to run a Hillary campaign where they never actually let him in front of a crowd.
Hell, I could see him getting into it with his own crowd at a rally and pissing them all off.
Also this. The donors will be desperate to win, but will they really want to gamble all that on money on Kanye, of all their options?
Nigger just knows people and is famous.
Big difference between him and Trump–Trump is a highly successful and well connected international businessman who's highly experienced in diplomacy, media, and business. This moron speaks ebonics into a microphone at the behest of a music production company and has had his hand held the entire way by businessmen and media elite. He doesn't know the right people, and he isn't of the right mindset to get elected. Trump has the mindset and knows the right people, as evidenced by his campaign. This guy would need people like Trump and his campaign to an even greater extent to run every aspect of his campaign for him. Trump was a key figure in the campaign. No one can get on stage for this moron, or do interviews for him. He'll have to prep like crazy to try to imitate what came naturally to Trump, and when confronted with anything unexpected he'll collapse like Clinton.
This makes me want him to at least get into a democrat debate. It would be amazing to watch.
That is so fucking pathetic. Where is that?
every single nigger is either an 'entrepreneur' or an 'aspiring entrepeneur'.
the only difference is the latter is on welfare
Hahahahahahaha this stupid nigger thinks he can battle with titans like Trump.
No, you stupid fuck. Nobody will want a negro president after Obama ruined everything.
Well, in that case, I hope he makes a roundabout, and lets niglets drop fetuses like their mixtapes. If Obama brought them down so much as a single percentage, then that policy is good enough to have around.
You cant be fucking serious. I'm sorry but you are actually unintelligent if you think Kanye would even manage to win primaries to become the candidate of one of the two parties. He's a retarded fuck.
Yet if the red states keep it illegal, we could have a mighty nigger problem elsewhere. A demographic flip of the decade.
Why would you vote for Webb when you already have president Trump? I don't think we'll have to worry about NeverTrumper republicans in 2020. And if Hillary was too "moderate" to bring out the dem base, no way in hell that they'll vote for Jim "White dong for the Viet cong" Webb.
He already said he wished Trump well and doesn't want to rock the boat.
Maybe, but her and Donald were friends and almost ran together back when the Reform party was a thing.
That's just it, though. How could democrats battle the nigger vote themselves?
No, it's not a cohencidence. Kanye shitposted about running for president for months before any of this. He's had this idea for a long time, it's just getting more concrete now that Trump won and he feels the wild card has a chance.
He's not going to repeat what Trump did simply because Trump just did it. It won't work twice in a row. This is a wild passage on the ride. If Trump does okay in office he'll probably get his second term simply because people want stability after all this chaos with the media going visibly rogue and shitting on its viewers for a whole year. People are confused and scared, politically. They won't want to "shake things up" a second time in just four years. Kanye West is retarded.
Dear lord, if Harambe is still a meme in 2020…
I've got a question, when you owe a bank money, and they see you spending money elsewhere, do you think that person is held accountable? Really? See, I've got this strange feeling that if Kanye tries to raise any money, the people he's indebted to might have a problem with that.
I'm not saying I'd vote for Webb, or any of the Democratic party's voterbase would vote for Webb, I'm just saying he'd be a better candidate than Kanye West.
Good question. I have no idea.
If he won wouldn't that make Kim Kardashian the first lady?
On that premise alone, this man cannot be allowed to win.
Who? Did Wesley Snipes change his name to Kanye West?
They really have no clue. I found Trump disgusting because he was a reality tv faggot. That first presser where he announced he was running. I was amazed and pitied him because he said everything i want to hear but thought the press would slaughter him. Then when Trump brushed off their BS and made no apologies for what he said and the shit failed to stick i was 100% behind Trump. He ran the campaign that needed to be run. Middle finger to all the bullshit media, politically correct faggots and politicians on both sides of the isle.
Trump had us and Kek on his side. Anything which could help Kanye to win will be purged by 2020. Don't worry about it.
Not only that, I don't think the party leadership would even have the sense to back him. Webb should just switch parties. He's to the right of Marco Rubio, ffs.
Honestly, everything he does is likely aimed at simply staying relevant so his name is worth enough he can eventually, slowly pay off his debts somehow.
Die leftyfaggot
wow dude. You really seem into Kanye. Did you uh come from TRS or something. We're not into that whole prepping the bull things here.
uhhh yea. Not too hard to get a bunch of niggers and libs to vote for a media coon.
Yea buddy but he's going to be appealing to other apes and faggots. Most left leaning people didn't vote this election, would not be hard to get all of them to show up and vote for a nigger who hates whitey.
The kids didn't do anything, so why do they have to be punished.
Exactly. So there's no doubt he's going to make it to the general, robbing Jim of his glory, which means the nigger vote is definitely not in Trump's ballcourt, now.
He'll have to make good on his promises, or it's Kanye 2020. Better pray.
hello i have no proof but for my word, but i have experience with nigger community in chicago
hint: look into swanye's donda foundation.
hint: if donald j even showed kowledge of this institution, he would gain massive respect from niggers nationwide - so much more affect then any politcal move would have.
He really should. I'd vote for him in 2024.
I'm still pretty skeptical, my man.
This is exactly what was said about Trump.
No doubt, user. It's one thing for niggers to own the general, but like LBJ said, they're democrats. Through, and through.
By fucking retards maybe.
This is actually a good thing if he goes through with it, though I doubt he will.
He'll take a huge amount of black votes from the other democratic candidates. You just know every uninformed nigger will vote Kanye "becaw he da black Trump!" which will ruin their voterbase and also make socialist hipsters and pseudo-intellects even more hateful of "stupid blacks".
I wish you fucks would stop trying to promote that faggot. Unless you can outright convert him.
Imagine if he runs in the republican primaries. The confusion it'll inflict on the left.
it's not pathetic it's twisted.
They'll be backing him for multiculti reasons in 2020.
is this opposite day?
I've heard dogs bark more melodically than nigger belch known as "rap". This is certainly no art and no nigger is an artist. Come on, user. You should know this.
Fucking die. You can't hijack our memes. You cannot make us like one of the most retarded, hideous niggers kikes ever pretended was talented.
Even if that's not shooped, everyone knows that the mods at cuckchan are able to use "auto gets". Even non-mods have scripts for gets.
So he has like an IQ of 100? That's what would count smart for a nigger.
read the rest of the thread, it confirmed my opinions user
i'll still take this universe over the one we left behind where king nigger got away and shillary is now POTUS ,it's certainly more entertaining
The problem is that the vast majority of blacks do not consider their own hatred/bigotry towards non-blacks as racism. These people almost universally believe racism only exists when someone who isn't black is treating them appropriately in response to their behavior or someone who just doesn't like them. That is all racism is.
Coonye thinks blacks are going to sit down and accept that hispanics/whites/asians are always going to be racist to them when blacks think racism is the constant struggle by which they live off of.
I don't want to see another negro in office after Obongo. Especially not one as blundering and retarded as West.
These people already feel empowered enough. They don't need anymore false pretenses.
He probably wouldn't, but President West sounds nice.
He could get the DNC nomination. Blacks are 12% of America but 30% of Democratic primary voters. In the 2008 DNC primary all non whites not just blacks went overwhelmingly for Obama. Non whites make up half of the Democratic party. They just have to peel off a fraction of the white voters to get it through.
Non whites vote for who the media tell them to but if a non white candidate runs they're not going to listen to the media and will vote for him anyway. He has a very real possibility of winning the Democratic nomination because of the electoral weight non whites have in the DNC. If the rest of the candidates of white he has a very good chance of getting the nomination.
The way to counter him would be to run another nigger as a spoiler to split the non white vote.
Hey, he's not as dumb as King nigger.. That's gotta count for something…
I remember being a dumb liberal and thinking "I don't know anything about Obama but at least he can't possibly be worse than Bush"
There aren't enough shitty THOT-tier white americans to vote you in you stupid coon
That's what they said about Trump.
Although I think that he'd be like Bernie and get all the millennial vote. And lot of people would vote for him as a joke. How well he would do depends on how much Trump delivers on his promises. If Trump doesn't make America as great as he's promised, Kanye will have an easy time getting quite a following.
This is obviously wrong, because she didn't.
Hillary said the same thing about herself, therefore Trump is wrong!
You're pretty smart, user.
Unless he has some great policy or is able to speak to the people of America (not just niggers and spics) he ain't getting nowhere
Trump didn't win because he was famous (though him being a household name did help)
He won because he spoke to the people and is a successful businessman
Comparing Kanye to Trump is completely missing the reason why Trump won
Trump won the day he announced his presidency
The day he announced the wall
I don't think there is a single policy Kanye can get behind in order to win day one
Surprisingly honest from a nigger. Racism is natural and everyone is racist, so stop bitching about it.
Trump I can understand but Kanye is maximum cringe.
Eat shit kanye
Oh shit…I forgot to run it in chamski's face that Trump win.
Be right back lel
That's why I liked Patrice. He was an openly racist black, and so he could speak on equal footing with openly racist whites. You could tell he got along with Anthony Cumia and Nick DiPaolo better than he did with cucks and betaboys.
If people buy his ugly nigger shoes…
Imagine all the nogs who would vote for him.
Youre pretty smart too, user.
I never knew that the fact that Hillary lost the election somehow refutes the reasoning that we could be wrong about Kanye not standing a chance! You should apply for Yale, mouth breather.
1) Scott Adams predicted the Trump win, and a Kanye win in the same article
2) Every nigger in America will turn out to vote for Kanye
3) White libshits are stupid enough to vote for an eggplant at this point
Kanye running for president should scare the shit out of you.
Please, let the zeroes stand for "no".
Wouldn't this be a good thing? Might act a red suppository for white cucks. If blacks go full out nationalist for their own kind, white nationalism will be the only possible response. Trump isn't going to make america white again, and neither will the next president either. Just speculating here, it will probably not go this way anyways.
He's broke and going through all the whore's money.
So how much do you guys think he'll raise and what percent of retards will vote for him? As a third party shitbag I could see 10-15%.
rich/fa/gs buy his shoes for the lulz, lad. Very few nogs have $300 to spend on adidas shoes.
Kanye is a commie fuck who made his clothing line based off post-apocalyptic oneworld society, he's also heavy into occultism. If he even launches a successful campaign I am moving to japan, he's a high-level spook that can't resist giving into his primal nog urges.
Democrats made someone like Hillary a thing. They can get close to making anyone they want president. I'm pretty convinced if it weren't for Trump, Hillary would have won too.
Dems pushed a corrupt shit bag who would have no chance of winning in a country outside of the USA. And like I said, if it weren't for Trump, she would have won. They can get someone like Kanye to go far in the primaries, probably in the general too. Don't forget liberals and SJWs don't care how well someone manages money. They only care about the isms and the ists.
I can't fucking wait for those gems.
Snoop Dogg has more of a chance than this guy
Listening to Scott Adams talk about anything other than Trump is a mistake - he thinks we should pay reparations to niggers and he's bluepilled on IQ.
Adams thinks that Trump is going to deport by letting immigrants stop by their local embassy.
I'm not saying he's not an asset, and the guy grabs some high caliber pussy, but I don't think he's Holla Forumsstradamus.
That's exactly my point. He would be a disaster for our nation, a disaster for white people, he would push blacks into full on black nationalism/overt kill "whitey" mode. This would redpill whites so quick their fucking heads will spin. Why would you think I am implying he would be directly good for us? That is clearly not my point. And why would you abandon your people and move to japan? Are you a cuck? Him giving into primal nog urges is exactly what I would hope for, cornering an animal is the best way to bring out its violent nature and instinct of self preservation, in other words the best way to redpill whitey.
Kanye's policies:
I dont think he would even give a shit about Jews because he is seriously an unhinged maniac with no ties to reality.
Because I have no feasible way of surviving a chimpout, am forced to live in cities and lost my second and fourth amendment rights. Anyone with their rights in-tact should stay.
You are correct that I am advocating for accelerationism. Demographics changes are coming quick and they're coming hard. Whites only have so much time before the blackpill becomes an inevitability. And when a full scale chimpout happens you don't need to worry about laws or any of that. At that point you can obtain a weapon and ammo illegally and move to the country. Your rights would be intact in that situation, because they are natural, and the ensuing instability would mean you once again have unrestricted access to those rights.
Shit, at this point let's throw colin Kaepernick and angela merkel in the running. It's obvious nobody cares about anything anymore
2020 is going to be a dank election year. Two memes battling it out.
Trump really is Batman. His presence, like Batmans, is bringing out the crazies as challengers.
It is bad, the best way of going about achieving demographic change is to initiate it while USA is still majority white, and promote white childbirth\
this might sound blackpilled as fuck but you underestimate how thorough the control-grid is. they are in this thread right now
But user, are we not in agreement? You say we need to initiate demographic change while the USA is still majority white, by demographic change i assume you mean getting rid of all non whites by whatever means necessary and getting whites to start breeding again. So what I am telling you is that is why it needs to happen ASAP, before whites becomes a minority in just half a century. And in order for it to happen ASAP they need to be redpilled by force hard and fast. What other way is there to accomplish that but through accelerationism? Also I have no doubt the control grid is extremely thorough, but when full blown conflict arises, the govt will have a much harder time keeping that control.
playing devils advocate to all the people saying kanye cant do what trump did, Kanye is an entertainer that Obama trash talked while he was in office. Kanye wants what trump wants, revenge. Whatever trump fails to wipe of obamas work, kanye wants to finish. Kanye also probably isnt liberal. Based on what I know of his lyrics (which is a lot because im a former /mu/tant) he can be considered a black ethno nationalist that opposed bush getting involved in african nations that he says belongs to blacks. He has memed himself into relevance several times in his career just barely escaping irrelevance every time. He has also admitted several times that he is socially conservative.
To a cuck like you.
That's where the parallels end.
The greatest enemy of the white man are other white men who hate their own race.
Trump doesn't smoke or drink. Kanye has skeletons in his closet he doesn't even know about - and they are most likely on film.
No chance. Trump is a once in a lifetime occurrence. Don't drink, don't do drugs and don't rape get caught and luck out with decent people around you who don't secretly want you to fail or steal your money.
The fact he is on his third marriage and is still a billionaire makes him one of the smartest men on the planet.
Mulatto. And bad enough it was.
Honestly if you don't like Kanye you're just a cuck. He isn't an SJW crybaby, and he loves his fellow nigger. He does whatever he wants and he is a pretty cool guy who makes good music.
I'm okay with this, even if he is a nigger. he lives in a white washed word.
fuck all career politicians right in the pussy
Doubt it, will he be an American nationalist? Probably not
It would be glorious if Kanye ran for 2020 and got the democratic ticket so we could have another four years of Trump.
Someone is feeding him onliners to sprout to the media
I seen him on a radio show, he could not hold a simple conversation or follow up on his onliners.
He is severely mentally challenged.
Why do all of the dumbest niggers automatically assume this sort of appearance on their faces? It's the automatic "I don't know what you're talking about, so I'm just tuning out everything" sort of look.
is 8ch infested with 4cuck niggerlovers? this thread is obscene.
It's a flood of shills. It will die down after Donald wins the electorate vote since they will have literally nothing left to possibly win. They're in every thread.
Some of their tells.
He's going to run Republican with all of Trump's policies, but cater to minorities.
He'll get the white loyalists to the GOP and terminate the Democratic hold on minorities once and for all.
I have to agree with my fellow nazi here on this one, goys.
yeah, we're not going to have any more nigger presidents….
Guys, I want to get off this ride. It's starting to feel like that episode of Black Mirror with the horror video game. When Trump announced his candidacy, I actually said out loud "What next, Kanye 2020?" AND NOW IT'S FUCKING HAPPENING. I should just shut my mouth.
I miss the days of Kony 2012 when everything made sense
Hip hop niggers do this all the time for attention. Whenever there's some issue in the black community, they do or say the opposite to raise their profiles. Do you really think Kanye understands geopolitical issues like Trump does?
Are you people fucking serious? You're actually a retarded person you know? Kanye wouldnt stand a fucking chance against Trump and anyone with any sense in their head knows this. Jesus Christ you are unintelligent.
Stopped reading right here.
Yeah Kanye always came across to me as someone who knows what he's doing and only lets us believe he's a fool because it suits his purposes. His lyrics also indicate he's pretty red-pilled and doesn't buy into liberal bullshit. And just like Trump, he has a base ready to follow him to the stars. It would be very interesting to see a Kanye and Trump race. Or even if more interesting if Kanye ran as his VP choice. Oy. Anything seems possible at this point.
The answer's simple. We've obviously been blessed in Kek's favor, so we need to stay in his favor and meme Kanye the fuck away from his campaign. Make a shit ton of unflattering memes showing him getting stumped the Trump.
Shill. Giving attention to Kanye in the form of negative memes would only help him. Best is for Holla Forums to watch and see… if he indicates rightist leanings, those should be promoted, and if not, then we don't Streisand him into the presidency just like the MSM did.
No more nigger presidents please. Niggers have a tendency to only destroy things.
Obviously we should only do it if Kanye gain traction. I'm just saying if it comes down to it, then Meme Magic might be our only choice.
Still acting shill-like. For the edification of others and to bump:
Humans respond to positive stimuli by repeating the behavior that brought them the positive stimulus. Positive stimulus should be provided *any* time someone demonstrates rightist leaning, no matter how leftcucked they otherwise are.
This is how liberals control conservacucks, by giving them little crumbs of positive stimulus when they betray their conservatism in favor of liberalism. It's classic conditioning, and it works. We now have the means and the memes to pursue this strategy with reasonable caution, and can thereby cause the Overton Window to shift right.
In 4 years if he runs he'll have to be running against incumbent Trump, and he won't win if he openly praises Trump.
user, if anything I think it's you shilling Kanye in an attempt to normalize the idea like we did for Trump over time. We cannot let this happen. We should learn from the mistakes the left made in Trump's early campaign, because that's what we're acting like right now.
You were on point when you said we should just stop talking about him unless he actually gains traction but now it seems you're trying to actually make him relevant.
Curse the jews for spreading niggers to the new world with their slave trade.
This, we need to meme him so he's the Democratic nominee. The DNC thought Trump being the nominee would give them a surefire shot to the White House. They were wrong, but in the case of Kanye vs. Trump, Trump wins by a decent (but still very worrying) margin. Trump 2020!
Probably as close as he can get to saying racism is natural without upsetting his kike handlers too much.
This guy is the only smart person in the entire thread
I don't know how you got dubs, but I assure you we should wait for the Democratic line-up for 2020 before we worry about meming Kanye to the nominee.
I understand that the DNC will likely learn their mistake this go around and most likely send another "Bernie" out there to win in a landslide against Trump next cycle, which is why a candidate like Kanye would be important as weaker opposition, but keep in mind Kaye has a YUGE following among niggers and normalfags. If he could pull of the high energy that Trump had in 2016, he would inevitably win the election, especially given all the booty-blasted libs this election who promised that 2020 wouldn't be so easy.
In the event that Kanye does get nominated for whatever party he runs for, I say we meme it to look like another moderate election as opposed to a black and white situation. My strategical reason for suggesting this is so that his supporters won't feel the need to go all out on his campaign like we did this year. Whatever the case, it should not look like a matter of extremes when we're only trying to reelect a President. That implies heavy controversy, therefore reason to be concerned.
Good luck and good riddance, Kanye, you'll look top notch wearing your "MAKE NIGERIA NOT-SUCK AS MUCH" hat.
While Kanye West is a good persuader (according to Dilbert Man), it remains to be seen if he has the resourcefulness, work ethic and hiring/firing acumen of Donald Trump. If he doesn't, I don't see how he could win against The Donald.
So after years of corruption, politics is going to become a circus. Entertaining as it is, at this point, it's too much for my mind to comprehend. The Rock is a registered republican and even spoke at the RNC in 2000. Don't know when he said this quote but I can't even imagine the bantz between Trump vs The Rock.
oops, I messed that up.
kanye a shit, go look up his new clothing line and try not to puke.
He is poorly spoken, doesn't have nearly the success. I can only imagine he would get almost none of the white vote. Beside's that if Trump does moderately well he will keep most of the votes he got this time around. Honestly this is fucking ridiculous, not a fucking chance. I guess it's a good ploy for media attention though.
Kanye is already a meme
I don't think big celebrities can become president, everyone knows they're only there because they probably chug a mean skin flute
Skeletons don't matter. Scandals don't matter. We are rapidly approaching posthuman politics, where you vote for a brand, not an individual.
I don't love his fellow nigger. I don't want to live in a country with third world politics.
Hopefully Trump will get his SCOTUS picks in there before Kayne hypnotizes all the cucks and shitlibs and faggots and spics and nogs and every other peice of shit that will vote for him propel his mongoloid face into the white house.
Kanye will get every. Single. Nigger in the united states. They will ALL vote for him.
Um what if he isn't the DNC elect ?
I've noticed that irl too. The blacks I have gotten along with have all been racistnor opposed to race mixing. At one job there was a nig with a (fat) white girlfriend and another black guy would berate him constantly over it and call him a traitor.
After all the shit Dems said about Trump not being fit to lead because of debt, celebrity status, sex scandals, twitter rants, sexism and racism etc. Do you think they will be hypocritical enough to suppor West, who has done all of that and much worse?
I should hope we can out meme a motherfucking gay fish like Kanye.
I'm getting worried dudes. All the shit you guys are saying was said about Trump. The one thing Kanye doesn't have is the ability to connect to a crowd. Tumblr is a charmer and vbery likable, Kanye is angry and would rather talk about himself that the public or his fans. Can you picture West having as much energy as Trump in a rally? West is not like that, it's not his style.
Trump* Damn it
Holla Forums is not a safespace
good one, satan. The anti-kanye memes write themselves
Kanye already lost the meme war II and it hasn't even begun.
also this: watch his live shows, he would likely stop as soon as a protestor shows up and start ranting about how he's the son of God and God is a stronk black womyn
If Kanye runs you better get fucking ready. Where the left made the mistake of thinking Trump was just a celebrity grossly underestimated his appeal. If Kanye runs, especially as the Democratic nominee, that's going to be a pretty legitimate problem. Dems right now are so frustrated that they're just as likely to bomb the political system as we did; they'll do anything to get him in as a 'fuck you' to the "racist/misogynistic" right.
He wouldn't run as a democrat though, would never compromise his ideals to fit into a party platform. Trump has always had right-wing leanings and kanye west is just an ego-inflated retard who would probably go full niggerfascism and run third party.
He's gonna steal Don's strategy. He's gonna try and hijack the DNC party and make it his.
Oh god I hope this is not one of those "Natural Balance" shit where the pendulum can not fully go one side, and must eventually go the other once again. Esoteric anons and Kekfags please reasure me, are we gonna get West next election so the pendulum doesn't stay in the right? This isn't fair man, I have been waitng for the right to dominate again since fucking Clinton. Bush was a NeoCon, I NEED more that four years.
When Trump deports illegal aliens there is no mathematical way that the liberals will win in 2020. Trump is deporting their party base. The liberals are more likely to vote for Glassberg again than Kanye.
And I doubt they would take him, he's legitimately fucking stupid.
Also if Don doesn't abolish EC he cannot win. Only city-dwellers will vote for another pavement ape.
He probably has more appeal than Killery, but would the DNC spend the money they did on her on him?
But I thought Shillary lost because of the EC. Trump needs it. Some modifications should be done but going with the popular vote is stupid. City dwellers will win Dem fags the election.
Beaners wouldn't have voted West anyway. It's the nigger turnout that concerns me. And a lot of the Reddit cucks could turn on us if he went agaisn't SJWs and other liberal shit. God, I hope he goes full black natinalist/SJW so he only gets the black vote.
He's married into a white family, there's no way he can seriously go the black nationalist route.
SJW maybe, but that seems out-of-character for him.
Mixed family more like. Aren't they Armenians? I'm just saying, if Kanye goes agaisn't SJWs the reddit cucks are gonna suck it up. They mainly supported Trump just to spite SJWs.
He's still against it for some odd reason, Trump is a great guy but he doesn't really get politics yet.
He didn't want to look hypocrital and contrarian when he previously trashed it. We did too, we though the EC was gonna be rigged.
If 100% of the niggers got off of their asses and put down the joint long enough to go vote there still wouldn't be enough liberals voting for Kanye to win since Trump is deporting millions of the liberal voters. You concern trolling has become extremely blatant. Lurk moar and stop begging anons to coddle your feelings
You think having a modicum of concern regarding a famous propped up nigger that appeals to millennials en masse is trolling?
It's not concern trolling faggot. If you must know i'm concerned the Reddit fags from "The Doland" subreddit will start a similar movement for West, or that Cuckchan will get behind him. We will never support West but those guys worry me. I need to wait till he actually starts talking policy and how he relates to people . This won Trump the election, Shillary and West can't relate to people, they are trapped in their own little world, so i'm hoping he shows his massive ego and inability to talk about anything but himself.
Get this safespeach off my Holla Forums god damn it.
Run into any signs lately, Kanye?
All that user has stated is how concerned they are and that they need other anons to help them with their feelings
A real user wouldn't say anything like that, and they would be able to spell reassure.
You refuse to even accept the possibility that Trump will have a second term, nor will you even look at the numbers. Every reply and every post you make holds no value other than stating how concerned you are. Stop acting like such a limp wristed faggot. Holla Forums is not a safespace, and no one cares about your feelings. Either start debating with facts and logic or fellate a shotgun while listening to your nigger music. I will repeat one last time, even if every nigger voted for Kanye there is no mathematical way that he can win since Trump is deporting the liberal voting base. Either finally respond to that point or leave. No one cares about how you feel.
is this a "heh pill" ?
Look, kanye is a fucking retard who's bankrupt right now.
Trump didn't go bankrupt trying to sell thousand dollar trackzoots to niggers.
Trump didn't hire some frenchies to pretend to be cops and kidnap his wife
Trump isn't a low IQ nigger that thinks he's the son of God.
Kanye cannot win on multiple levels, every black christian will not vote for him because he's a hardcore occultist
He also worships Pablo Escobar, so he's basically already reduced his voting base to the most degenerate of niggers and cartelfags as well as the nihilist/accelerationist kikes who actively wish for doom.
I responded to that point, beaners won't vote for West no matter what. He's black, beaners hate blacks. How well did Obongo poll with Beaners?
No but really, just take a step back, think back to how you'd have felt a few years ago before you knew anything about Trump: the fucking 2020 election for President of the United States will be between a reality TV show host, and a rap artist. Fuck.
**rooting for the reality TV show host 100%*&*
im drunk, forgive my typos Holla Forums-sama
these random digits confirm kanye is a crazy gay fish that has no clue what the fuck is going on outside of lala land. remeber this is the guy who was calling himself a bigger inspiration than the apostle paul, stanley kubrick and others.
Kanye could pull Obama numbers, that's my problem. People are stupid enough to fall for it again. Niggers plus millenians plus liberal loyalists could spell trouble. However there's no way he's gonna take the Christian and white working class from Trump, or the Old People vote. He can't divide white people with the woman shit too, Clinton caused some division among whites by getting almost half of the white women to vote for her. Hopefully Kanye runs third party or alienates the Dem Party like Bernie did, but if he gets the nomination stolen he won't cuck out like Bernie. Kanye is too egoistical to support someone else, especially if they stole his chance like that.
Wont get any white vote.
Maybe some millenial faggots and his fanbase would vote for him. But christians, middle class and lower class have no reason to vote for him. That's like some 40+ million votes he could never get.
You could make that argument about any democrat nigger running for office.
You are ignoring the entire point in my argument. There are not enough raw numbers voting for Kanye.
Then there is nothing to worry about because niggers are a vast minority of the population, the liberals rely on spics for their numbers. When they are gone there is no chance of a liberal victory in 2020. The millenials are turning far right, he has no voter base to appeal to. Kanye won't win no matter how much you try to meme it so
If anything that is a good thing because he will steal votes from whatever establishment-backed kike puppet runs against Trump
Also another point: go on social media and hashtag kanye2020, half the posts are about how Kanye is an ebil drumph-supporter and the other half are various females ironically supporting him in hopes they get noticed by nigger-senpai
that's funny but I'm not voting nigger number 2 into office
Sure, but Obongo managed to win twice. Do you think Trump could have won agaisn't a nigger like Obongo? I like to think he would, but I have my doubts.
And I'm not trying to meme anything. The opposite, I don't want anyone to meme him. I don't want the Redditors/Lolbergs to back him. I don't trust the lolbergs that have joined our cause, aka Reddit and most of Cuckchan. I can't trust them to stay right leaning. I still remember the 2012 election night and how Cuckchan's Holla Forums threw a big fucking party for Obama. That would just go to show that the Lolbergs, redditors and cuckchanners are not to be trusted. Then again, I don't go to Cuckchan these days so I don't know how they have reacted to this yet.
But now that I think about it, Kanye wouldn't have the establishment (if Trump doesn't holocaust them by then) agaisn't him and if he ran Dem they would most ceirtainly suck his balls. Which is exactly the opposite of what Trump had and what the people want, a establishment candidate. So yeah I think I just got too worried because i'm on edge. West is just a wrench on our plans but not a major problem.
Who would actually vote for Kanye though? Who does he connect with? Certainly not middle-class white America. Certainly not anyone over 30. The only people he might appeal to is minorities and the young crowd, and you can't win an election with just that.
Numerically speaking he couldn't have. The thing is that while Trump ran an aggressive campaign, one of the most aggressive in history if not the most period, a big part of his win came from the fact that people hated Hillary compared to Obama. Obama is a snake but he has a bare modicum of charisma Hillary never did. I think the moment that killed her campaign wasn't the emails, or the falling over, or even benghazi. What killed it was that last debate when Trump brought up the DNC and Bernie Sanders and her reaction was an angry declaration that Bernie supported her and that's all that matters, assuming all her voters would just swing over. The politically expedient thing to do would be to give another of her canned platitudes but the mask fell off and revealed before the world her true nature.
Population demographics are going to change. Baby boomers are dying off at a rapid rate and millennials outnumber gen X. Unless Trump or his successor can mobilize the youth vote to an even greater degree future battles will just get harder.
There's been a lot of celebrities lately who hint they're going to run in 2020 - Will Smith, Kanye, Katy Perry, The Rock, Ron Perlman, Dan Bilzerian…
The difference between Trump and these people is that Trump is a businessman first and foremost - he made his billions through intelligence, not entertainment (that came later with 'The Apprentice). All these celebrities who plan on running are entertainers and little more than that.
Kanye doesn't worry me because he's an idiot (I'm a little surprised in the number of people here defending him actually). He put himself $52 million in debt selling overpriced clothing that looks like it came out of a dumpster and begged Zuckerberg and Bill Gates for money on Twitter. He'll get 99.9% of the black vote and a chunk of the millennial vote but he won't get anything of what won Trump the election - the middle class white vote. The religious won't even consider him.
If society is smart enough to vote for Trump, then society is not yet stupid enough to vote for Kanye.
Look at the interview attached. Space Cadet Gary Johnson could pull him apart in a debate.
If he's a registered Republican that makes no sense.
You can't be this fucking retarded can you? Tell me this is bait.
There is a difference between people thinking and saying that you are an idiot, and actually being one.
We have to meme him running third party. That's how to win against it. If the dems have some bernout shit going on a kanye third party run would pretty much put an end to that because blacks would not vote dem, so wins all round if handled with… discretion.
remember how ye started from le bottom, making beats and video game stuff in his mom's basement
remember that bateman dubs scene re-enactment vid he released to acknowledge le chans pre Yeezus and his most recent album being posted by his team a bit early on /mu/
more of a chans candidate than trump who doesn't appreciate chans
such a dynamic individual, able to mold himself according to the times, clearly showing has the skills to lead in 2020
hip hop is the sound of the times whiteys
The head monkey has effectively insured that he will be the last nigger for a long time to occupy the rainbow house.
kill yourself retard
none of the whites in that picture look like they're liberals
this looks very forced
I want to say that he wouldn't win but after Trump anything is possible.
The DNC will never nominate him, they are too weak and will never pull a Trump Strategy, they'll use the same Superdelegate system to completely edge him out and put in their limp-dicked designated loser
Kanye seems to be forgetting that Trump only won the Republican nomination because delegates can't be bought in the RNC's playbook, whereas the DNC not only allows it but actively encourages it, the nominee on the democratic side is determined from the very start by the beneficiaries, and thats why he'll never get far, at least if he runs as a Democrat, god knows he'd get nowhere running as independent or 3rd party, the nigger needs SuperPACS is 53 mil in debt
FFS retarded nigger kayne
pic related
He's stupid. Really stupid
I can tell that you are angry and probably not from around here, its fascinating how a single post can tell so much about a person.
What the fuck kinda bot is this
I think it's likely the Dems could roll out the tranny sheebon herself, Michelle Obama. You guys think the bitch could be up for it? I don't think she has the balls (metaphorically speaking of course) to actually run for anything real.
Kanye won't be president by 2020.
He'll be dead by 2020.
Praise the lord and saviour kekkus maximus
He's dumb enough to date a woman with 2 mums.
This nigger couldn't tie his own fucking shoes. I hope he at least follows through so we can all watch him fail.
We're taking the memes way too far tbh
But Trump has a work ethic.
And knows how to play chess.
I will be supreme ruler by 2020
Bow before me my future slaves!
Kanye get it AND he's an idiot. These things are not mutually exclusive.
People need to remember that the things he is talking about are entirely instinctive and natural. We whites have been brainwashed so hard that it requires additional intelligence in order to for us to see passed it to see the things that should be really fucking obvious. All Kanye had to do is follow his gut and not give a fuck.
Honestly we should be memeing some kind of Black Nationalism. I want them to go and live in Africa in whatever society suits their evolution.
Why don't we just put the stupid puppy out of his misery before he bites someone?
At this point this kind of thing is becoming a possible future. Liberals have shown they really just don't give a shit who they vote for.
Someone in this thread previously mentioned Ellen Degeneres running and was promptly laughed at. I don't think some of you realize how dangerous she or someone else with her status and popularity could be. Of course she's a fucking idiot, hell even Kanye probably has 20 IQ points on her and I'm not even being edgy, but it honestly wouldn't matter. She wouldn't be doing anything but giving a public face to the machine behind her and make some appearances, do some debates in which she gets the questions beforehand again. They wouldn't run her in 2020 against Trump but if some cuckservative is on the ticket in 2024 you best believe someone like that could have a fighting chance. That's assuming Trump doesn't completely wreck their shit and push things back far to the right. That remains to be seen.
Do they even know what the president does? Why are these shitforbrains allowed to walk around and speak?
They'll never get it, will they? This is why they are losers.
I saw the thumbnail as I was scrolling and thought it was a pile of feces.
I like this. We pretty much do live in Gotham, a corrupt to hell shithole with revolving door prisons. Did Batman being so popular meme this into reality? I am honestly starting to believe memetic magic has influence on the world.
It's gonna be George Clooney, that's why he got married recently.
I mentioned in a post earlier which celebrities had hinted or outright said they'll contest the presidency in 2020 - Kayne, Katy Perry (who will be older than the required 35 years of age by then), Will Smith, Ron Perlman, The Rock, Dan Bilzerian.
Kayne will have to run as a Dem or third party (even if he said he would have voted for Trump), Katy Perry would run as a Dem considering she was shilling extremely hard for Killary, Smith/Perlman would most likely be Dems as well, The Rock is a registered Republican and I can see him entering politics just like Arnold did before him. Dan Bilzerian probably is just hinting it as tongue in cheek.
Clooney has been stating for the last 20 years that he absolutely doesn't want to ever run for president. He could be trouble if he did run and had an organised campaign - women voted Trudeau into power just because of his looks.
Clooney can't even get people to see his movies any more, they're not running Clooney.
If they want to learn anything from this election it's that nobody gives a fuck what celebrities think. Bernie Sanders had a fair amount of celebrity endorsements, and he lost. Hillary Clinton had pretty much all the celebrity endorsements and she lost. Tons of celebrities came out and told people that Trump was a hateful bigot and to vote for Clinton. They were all ignored.
Kanye has a mental illness but he will also be propped up as the meda's pet nigger as Obama 2.0. Whatever gaffs he makes will be hidden. It doesn't matter if his IQ is lower then 100, this alone shold be enough to take him as a serious threat as dangerous as Ted Cruz. CTR's new tactic is to whitepill you about kanye so that you fail to act. The time to attack Kanye is NOW. Dig on this guy.
Dude, the whoe nation of Mexico voted Peña into power just because of his looks. And because muh PRI too I guess.
Clooney would be a useful mouthpiece - what better use for an actor? More women vote than men do and their reasons for voting can be as shallow as voting for the good looking candidate.
You'd think that with his wife trying to be Superwoman and saving all the poor brown people that Clooney would be under pressure to run for Presidency to expand their power, but nope - he's states that he's not interested because 'who would ever want to live like that?'
No, see, that's wrong. Kek is impartial, he relies on the memes, and people have been memeing this Kanye run for a while. We have to stop talking about it if we really want to make sure it doesn't happen.
Although, there are a LOT of people of all colors who really hate Kanye and especially Kim.
The dude as A LOT of haters in the Black community. Go to one of his shows, and it's mostly white kids.
Not to mention, it's hard to get niggers to vote, period.
WEST 2020
Am I the only one who thinks West would totally be redpilled and fight the jews?
Go back to cuckchan nigger lovers
Dub trips confirm
The Dems would be very, very, very desperate to run him.
why would that make me a cuck? President West sounds good. Not saying that Kanye West would be a good president, just saying that West is a nice name.
The wild autist is giving it a go?
Should be funny…"Im voting Kayne because its not Trump for a second term" dear God Merika can you imagine?
He's got a short attention span. Hopefully by 2020 he'll have forgotten wanting to be President. Even Barack 'If I had a son he'd look like Trayvon' Obama insulted him
I really doubt Kanye possesses the IQ level to understand Trump's model.
Lurkers start lurking for shit on
This guy gets it. Every time Kanye's in the press for saying something, I usually actually do agree with whatever it was specifically that he said. He's not an SJW, so good for him.
But yes, it's still easy to see that he's not very intelligent overall. He's all studio, he can't back anything he does up in person. Watching him get interviewed is painful. Dude can hardly put a sentence together.
He predicted fuckall, he kept changing his prediction at every fucking corner.
No he didn't
Yeah, accelerationism, let's kill the Tsar and put the Bolsheviks in power, surely that will give us an even more right wing government afterwards!
Yes he did, go back through all his blogposts and count all the flipflops. You just fell for his two-bit persuasion crap, that's why you think he accurately predicted Trump.
Don't tell me you're one of those people who took 'I'm voting for Gary Johnson because he only touches himself' seriously
I feel like Kanye's an even more extreme test than Hillary. Hillary was First Lady and looked like your grandma, her as president was plausible for the average voter to imagine. Kanye is a known jackass who screams profanities into a microphone for a living. Also, disdain for celebrities like Kanye and Kim isn't exclusively a right thing. There are plenty of leftists who share the attitude. Look at that stupid movie God Bless America for an idea of what I'm talking about. I think, after you get the initial 70% of the nigs, a lot of the other, slightly more thinking Democrat voters might be a little uncomfortable about actually electing Kanye.
Maybe not, though. We'll find out.
But I just don't know how you beat Clooney…shit, he might even flip Kentucky. Why would you even bring him up?!
I can't imagine the msm being in any better shape after another four years of people cancelling their newspapers and cable.
Except he's already made so many to the point where he's more known for that than his music.
Didn't work for crooked Hillary, won't work for a dumb rapper.
The guy Trump beat in a historic landslide. Sounds good to me.
Go right ahead. I'm all for bashing retarded blacks, just on principle.
Kanye is picking the right tactics by emulating Trump. But Trump is light years ahead of him skill wise and intellectually.
I think I remember a few weeks ago when the fake accusations started coming out, he said that the Octopus wording by one of the 'accusers' was a 'killshot' that Trump would not be able to recover from. It came off like he was trying to give himself a way out because he thought Trump was done. Then when the accusations weren't doing shit to Trump's support, he started to publicly support Trump more and more, like he was overcompensating because he knew he was wrong to try and bail.
KEK Did Scott really say that?
He did concern troll a lot. He clearly doubted the Emperor at a number of occassions.
Full House confirms.
Read your Plato and you know that this is how democracy is fated to end.
Kanye West is really not just some dumb nigger. His mom was an English professor, and he appears to be part Igbo. Igbo's do not really conform to the African stereotype of dumb as fuck, they actually have a reasonable mean IQ. Given the apparent success of his ancestor's relationships and the relatively high status attained by them, it would imply that Kanye is coming from much better stock than a Trayvon Martin or Michael Brown. His father was a Black Panther if that means anything.
Based on my own heuristics for assessing intelligence, I think ~130 is a reasonable guess - maybe a little more, maybe a little less. In other words, he is at least as smart as the average 8ch Holla Forums user.
He also has a personality similar to Trump's that is suited for this media landscape. His statements in the media - which seem absurd - often improve his brand. That said, I also suspect he might have histrionic personality disorder which would be a disadvantage.
No. He also doesn't understand campaign strategy or the electoral college or basically anything I'd imagine. He can barely string a fucking sentence together. IQ 85 is generous.
How Trump conducted this campaign was masterful, genius. He won literally the only way anyone could win, by going after the white vote and swinging the rust belt. He done limited campaigning in CA and other blue states because he knew it'd be pointless.
Fucking Republicans are so retarded for not doing what Trump done, fucking retarded beyond belief. They're always "muh spic vote, muh nigger vote". Nope. Trump knew he didn't need that vote and even if he got it it was useless anyway, since so what if you get 35% of the spic vote, state stays blue anyway.
But all this doesn't mean we shouldn't gaslight Kanye and normies into thinking it's a good idea for him to run.
We shill hard for Kanye over the next 4 years until everyone, including retard-nigger himself believes he has a shot.
tl;dr: Kanye has been swallowing the Scott Adams kool-aid.
While there is some truth to what Scott suggests, the fact of the matter is that Kanye simply cannot offer America what Trump has offered. He can't replicate this feat. Should be amusing to see him try though.
Only if you read the titles and not the entirety of the message. Saying
Is not an actual endorsement of hillary
Kill yourself nigger lover
I'd hope so but this country has shown itself to have a pretty fucking stupid/cucked population. I'm just saying Kanye could get farther than a lot of people on here realize. Probably wouldn't win a primary but counting him out would be stupid. That was a huge factor in why the Democrats lost the general, and now they're trying to increase censorship. I really hope Trump puts a stop to it, tears down a huge part of the establishment, and gets the rest of the populace some decent red-pilling.
This entire post is correct. Mods should delete every post in this thread but this one.
Trump could have done better, to be honest family, he had a number of organizational weaknesses that his message and charisma were able to overcome, but he could have scored a larger victory. Of course, a lot of that organizational weakness came from bitch-ass GOP fags trying to sabotage him.
You mean ebonics prof'sor.
Holy shit, the libshits in this thread who still don't get it. Celebs already tried to promote Hillary and it didn't work, having one who knows fuck all about anything is like asking for four more years.
If niggers had any brains at all, they would feel insulted by this.
You're talking about this?
Some highlights:
It's clear he wasn't flip-flopping
At this point they're asking for four more years anyway
meme is white culture. dindus do not know how to use it effectively and the never will
This. Seeing the amount of Dilbert-man threads here made me starting thinking that Adams was posting here. No one took his endorsing of Johnson seriously and I understand that he was only endorsing Clinton for his safety. But endorsing =/= predicting.
He tweeted something after the pussy tape leaked saying that he hadn't foreseen an event like this and that Trump probably wasn't going to win the election. He had changed predictions between Clinton and Trump enough times that whoever was going to be the next president he could claim he predicted correctly no matter what the outcome. All bases covered.
>if nothing else happens before now and the election, Clinton will win. But there is a 100% certainty of something else happening
That's not the tweet I'm talking about, Scott.
I am sure is something having to do with:
"mo' money fo' dem programs"
Either post the tweet or shut the fuck up
What Kanye can activate that we aren't noticing is the people who usually don't vote because they are FUCKING MORONIC APATHETIC PLEBS. Think about the dumb normies, the ones who don't even think about politics, just getting their cummies, drugs, money, and following celebs. These people are the majority of the voter base they usually just never vote though. But Kanye? I'm very worried about 2020 there are so many avenues for the dems to win unless Trump hits hard on the nonwhite problem in this country.
this can also be used to mock certain notions. the counter is there.
How can he run for president when he's under psychiatric evaluation in a hospital?
He was hospitalized today.
Some people think this is because he allegedly mentioned pizzagate at the San Jose show.
Although the latter claim I've not been able to verify. This is all I know he said: