Why does everyone suck this dude's dick so much...

>>828075332are you calling me an incel for going out and interacting with real people in person instead of spending my time all day on social media getting mad about a basketball player? is that what's going on here?

>>828075332Babe Ruth, Mohammed Ali, the beatles, Micheal Jackson at his peak. Jordan isn't even close to the most famous celebrity.You just have bias because of the new doc.

>>828074749This is fact based

>The only way to be good at basketball is to be a douchebag? Who said that? He was the greatest basketball player and just happened to be an asshole. And in a capitalistic society this ability to make money for the NBA greatly outweighed his assholeness. Welcome to society kid, where if you are extremely good at what you do, you can get away with alot of bad behavior.

>>828075698No it's because you are one. And I'm not even mad. You seem to be the one who's mad if anything.>>828075808I haven't heard anyone talk about Babe Ruth in years, and I listen to ny sports radio frequently. It's not a documentary by the way. I just think it's funny everybody wants to suck his dick like he was this god of a man, but it turns out he is a terrible person.

>>828075990No, it's if youre good at sports you can get away with it

>>828076147>pretending actors, singers, and the rich don't get away with way more horrendous shit.Youre delusional if you think only sports players get away with shit.

>>828075370im “mad” that youre such a faggot, i could care less about your footwear knowledge youre just being a bitch

>>828076321What do they get away with? And before you mention Harvin Wenistin, those bitches wanted to have sex with that guy

>>828076100Everyone knows he was a dickhead, and guess what, people find it entertaining. Because he's just being overly competitive and shit talking.Jordan's not a good friend but it's not like he's a rapist or murder.