(((Bryan Lunduke))) - Apologist for Software Freedom Conservatory's SJW activities


Free Software talking head (((Bryan Lunduke))) decided to publish a concern troll against the Software Freedom Law Center, and their counter-attack against the Software Freedom Conservancy's SJW's activities.

For those with a short memory, SFC has been blackmailing potential donors with Jesse Jackson-style attacks against them if they didn't continue donating.

> Pretends SFLC is not publishing returns - projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/412165986

Other urls found in this thread:


FreeBSD doesn't have this problem. :^)

No, they have other problems, like Minix being used to power the Big Brother on your Intel chips:

Not FreeBSD :^)

Lunduke is a faggot, and you should have figured that out when he baselessly claimed that Mozilla gave money to terrorists.

sure, son.

Mozilla gave money to Riseup. Riseup is used by lots of different people and groups, including the Tails project, who Lunduke enthusiastically interviewed last year.
Riseup probably allows antifa to use its e-mail service. But then again, cock.li and Holla Forums would allow them too.

Or people like Randi Harper aka freebsdgirl.


Are you new? Your quoting syle is off, your use of parentheses is excessive, some of the posts you're replying to are criticizing Lunduke, and you're using honest-to-god Reddit spacing.

Literally from their website:

So, this is not an email service that is for everyone: It explicitly says it is providing resources for allies in their Marxist agenda.

FreeBSD is what the NSA used. It was running the capture box in AT&T's room.

riseup will pull service from conservative groups. It's for leftist terrorists and their friends only.


Are you pretending you aren't the OP?
The OP with the same flag and the same quoting oddities?

Waiting for your evidence that I'm OP. just another gentoo user.

God forbid we discuss how SFC is pushing a new propaganda campaign, like OP talked about. Who's the major funders of SFC?


OP here, above user has never seen two Gentoo users before.

Any conversations on this thread are great, and I like reddit spacing. Two great tastes that taste great together. At least there's a discussion.

Why are you so adamant to distract from the actual topic, shill?

just ignore him if your walnuts are warmed.

Any evidence or just conjecture? I know ancaps who've used riseup for years.

BSD is used extensively throughout FedGovs infrastructure.

They have no way to do so.

Yours is the only post in months that so much as mentions the Software Freedom Conservancy. I checked.
Are you fresh from /g/?

I assumed that people got their tech news from more than just Holla Forums and /g/, hence the "short memory" bit. There's been a lot of discussion into Karen Sandler's activism with Outreachy on multiple sites. I'm honestly shocked that Holla Forums hasn't discussed it.

And yes, this is my second thread in 6 months. I lurk on both Holla Forums and /g/.

That may be, but that doesn't make them antifa and antifa isn't an organization anyway. Lunduke was equivocating and if you think he won't say literally anything he can to get attention, then you haven't been listening. Lunduke should be ignored.

The main reason your thread is going to shit is that the only way for people to get informed on this topic is by watching a half-hour video. Your OP isn't very useful. I have no idea whether I would agree with Lunduke and I don't want to invest half an hour of my time into finding out when I have no way of knowing whether it'll be worth it.
Try remaking it with additional (non-video) sources and a better summary, and then report the old thread to ask for deletion.
And consider removing the maymay parentheses and the word "SJW". Their meanings are so nebulous that they don't add any information to your text, other than "I dislike these things". They're pretty much noise at this point.

Honestly, I don't mind if the thread goes to shit. Discussions happened, even if they weren't what I was looking for. If this thread dies, it's fine with me.

Regardless, thank you for the input. when I make a 3rd thread in a few months, I'll apply your suggestions.

Without having yet a fully formed opinion on this matter I would like to point out that:
>Free Software talking head (((Bryan Lunduke))) decided to publish a concern troll against the Software Freedom Law Center, and their counter-attack against the Software Freedom Conservancy's SJW's activities.
Is this suddenly about SJWism or about trademark cancellation, a name that SFLC (Software Freedom Law Center) helped give the SFC (Software Freedom Conservancy) in 2006.
If you want to call out the SFC for shitty behaviour (sauce?), be my guest, but I fail to see how that means that the SFC should have their trademarked name cancelled considering that the SFLC hasn't done anything about it in 11 years.

This raises to questions:
1. Are the recent actions of the SFLC justified?
2. Has the "SFC has been blackmailing potential donors with Jesse Jackson-style attacks against them if they didn't continue donating"?

Those are two separate questions and I fail to see how they are related.

The whole reason Eben Moglen even started this action was because it was the only way he could fuck with the SJW's in SFC. Much like Al Capone was incarcerated for Tax Evasion, rather than bootlegging, murder, etc.

Here's Linus Torvalds directly comparing Bradley Kuhn to Typhoid Mary, and how the disease of litigation spreads from him. It should have sufficient breadcrumbs to lead you to further examples of their behavior, and how few people actually support them:

coming from the man who let the fox into the henhouse: techcrunch.com/2016/11/16/microsoft-joins-the-linux-foundation/
Lawyerisation is a bad thing, but I wouldn't trust Throvalds as much as I would trust a comatose grandmother to throw a safe full of gold 2 miles.

1. Is there any proof or something to suggest that this is Moglen's way of stopping the (allegedly) bad influence of the SFC, apart from speculation? So far, none it would seem.
2. Will this tactic work? Doubtful has the SFLC suggested that name when starting the SFC.

It means that they support anarcho-communist groups, which includes antifa. Funding riseup means funding infrastructure used by antifa and groups related to antifa, just indirectly so that it's intentionally harder to make the connection while still providing meaningful support. It's still correct to say that they're giving meaningful support to antifa.

source plz

Seems you didn't watch the video.

likely, yes.
