Get the fuck in here

Read this god damn email. Read every fucking character of this email. Read it at least 3 times. When you're done, share this with everyone you have ever known who supported Bernie- and tell them to do the same once they've read it.

Bernie's entire campaign was a FRAUD.

If people are assholes and ask for tl;dr, send this highlight/cliffnotes version:

Godspeed, patriots

Other urls found in this thread:¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=2#searchresult J Roberts&mfrom=&mto=&title=¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=2#searchresult Roberts&mfrom=&mto=&title=¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=2#searchresult]'s_contracture¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=6#searchresult

What exactly is this "Leverage" that the HRC campaign has against Bernie Sanders? They are clearly speaking about throwing their weight around. Maybe Bernie was fighting more than just class warfare…

"From:[email protected]/* */
To: [email protected]/* */

Date: 2015-05-26 12:04

Subject: Fwd: Sanders criticism

This isn't in keeping w the agreement. Since we clearly have some
leverage, would be good to flag this for him. I could send a signal via
Welch–or did you establish a direct line w him?
Begin forwarded message:

late night bump, good find. Would be good to fill in the blanks on who Brad and Welch are.

If those two can be linked over to Sanders campaign, this will drive a bunch of Bernouts off the top floor and quickly to the pavement below.

I actually have a few guesses, but have to comb through the email list I've built. Give me a few minutes to try and see if I can find "Brad" or "Welch."

This by itself is a near nuclear bombshell.

Look at the date of the email. This was less than a month from the time that Bernie dropped his hat.

Clearly, he was forced into submission while his campaign was just pulling off the runway.

Expect a bump in a few minutes with any leads I have. I'll reference your post ID and this one in my next reply.

So basically you're just validating what we (at least I) had known the entire way.

normies don't know that yet. this is our smoking gun

Sending this to the bernouts I know. I'll post salt, but they stopped responding to my boynie messages when I ripped on him hard for selling out.


Brad is commonly a nickname for someone named "Bradley". As you can see, the "ley" is removed as to shorten them which is where we get the term "nickname". This possibly could go deeper but I think the case is closed at this point. Book him, boys.

Welch is Peter Welch you idiot

This is the spice of life. Moderate to extreme kek m8.


Oh ctr, you're so low energy you make ¡yeb! look good

ok- here's what I got:

another email from earlier in the chain verified with the DKIM:

Brad is their pointman

Brad Pollock
From: Brad Pollock >>


refined search (newest emails first):¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=2#searchresult

Could also be Brad Woodhouse, but that's CTR. Wouldn't make much sense. Linking anyway:

As for Welch,

Kathleen Welch, from here:

same timeframe, meets threshold for match

More info on Corridor Partners:

They are liaisons between big money and bundled donations, looks like

They're the enforcers with any kind of donation larger than a few hundred bucks. Perhaps they choked out Bernie's campaign and pigeonholed him into relying solely on small donations? Need more eyes on this company.

Here's the whois:

Registered under William J. Roberts

Here's what turned up from him in WikiLeaks: J Roberts&mfrom=&mto=&title=¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=2#searchresult

Weird shit with him in the loop.

Back to Corridor Partners, though:

5-person team with 2 of them as principals? This is a super small operation. Team page also lists William as "Bill Roberts." Might search there as well: Roberts&mfrom=&mto=&title=¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=2#searchresult

Many more leads to look through there.

All I got for now. Let's see what else we can find, patriots.

JR, that you?

Isn't it normal for competing candidates from the same party to establish "rules of conduct" so that they don't make the other look too bad or dig up dirt that is too damaging?
The above could be read as Bernie and Hillary's camp previously coming to an agreement that Bernie wouldn't attack her on issue a,b,c and she wouldn't attack him on x,y,z. That's to be expected.

Peter doesn't make sense, and that's why I kept looking. I suspect that it's Kathleen.

Don't assume that you get a 100% match based on last name. In my email list that I've compiled, I often get 2-4 members of her outer orbit with the same last name. Too late in the game to be making amateur assumptions like that.

Stay frosty.


Very interesting. Will check in the AM. Again, good find user. This is enough to get all the cross-over Bernouts I know to kvetch till Wednesday.

You're missing that in context, they're talking about an agreement AND leverage.

Read the whole fucking email. wtf I literally said "read the whole thing-" "3 times."

If you're going to pick apart single words of phrases from my argument, I have no interest in further engagement. The email in my OP- with the whole chain (as far as has been released) is what I'm talking about.

Focus more on the leverage. See if there's anything else you can find in 27 or 28 to do with what kind of leverage they had over him. Try and narrow your search to May or June of 2015.

Sorry I flew off the handle, shouldn't have flung out "idiot"
How does Peter Welch not make sense though? Isn't he a Dem from Vermont?


Yeah this is the odd part about this. The agreements that are usually agreed upon are gentleman's agreements with little binding either party. This goes beyond that and makes the whole process seem a lot more dirty than it is generally shown. This is useful in making Bernie and Hillary look less principled and more like they your average politicians. At least with Trump and the republicans, they were open with their hostility and the manner of their agreements and relationship with each other.

This also calls into question Bernie's support for Hillary and makes one wonder what he got out of that deal.

all good. I just want to get this right. This is huge if we can verify that the Clinton camp cucked Bernie within ONE MONTH of officially announcing his campaign.

As far as I'm concerned, this could easily sway 2-3% of the vote.


thanks m8

couldn't find an archived version; it was a thumbnail. I'll commit honorable toyota once the thread is archived. no worries

you wanted a bigger pic? gotchu famalam


I mean- he did magically buy a house right around the time of the convention, did he not?

That's something to consider. Still don't know who bought the house and with what fucking money.

This is correct…

As is this. But it doesn't imply "Bernie's Campaign was a Fraud", as in the OP. It *does* imply, at least, that Clinton's campaign had Bernie's by the balls just enough to keep him from doing things correctly. And that's what we should be focusing on.

Be more careful before you post next time, OP. Starting off with that and then backing off is sort of shit, and you're a bit of a faggot for starting off with that, but I'm going to let it pass because this is a big deal.

I just woke up, could I get TL;DR explanation of this email and ramifications of it? Concise - easy to understand list and explanation trigger Bernie autists.

I haven't had my fucking coffee yet

close as I can get to a cliffnotes/tl;dr version

Observing different information channel, it seems that reddit reached the same conclusion with another message

­>Specific Goals
primary opponents help drive contrast and urgency.
So they already planned (message from December 2015) that Bernie had to rally a segment of the population, gracefully lose and ask supporter to vote for Hillary.

Another interesting comment:

He could have stayed as third party, not endorse Hillary and still get a good amount of votes, but didn't. Which would give additional points toward Bernie being a plant.

I think it might be a good idea to send these proofs to Bernie supporter so that they really vote Trump rather than third party.

Brad is probably Brad Marshall DNC CFO

Matt Welch (reason) or Peter Welch (Vermont liberal politician)

did I say that Bernie was a fraud? negative
did I say that his campaign was? yes- yes I did

I didn't place blame. I'm just saying that the over $200M he raised was total fucking bullshit. Most of us know that- I get that; I respect that, but normies need to see this shit.

He was cucked from the god damn get go.

That's precisely what I meant to express. Thanks for picking up the slack, user.

Anything else you know which might help us out here in terms of developing a clearer picture of the limitations of the "leverage" held over his campaign's head from within a month of officially announcing his candidacy?

I can't find anything. That's part of why I'm posting here. I'm not a bergerlord supreme. I'm married with kids and can't stay up all night for the next 4 days figuring it out.

The sooner we get this out, the more people exposed; the more people exposed, the greater likelihood that we connect a few more dots and built a strong case that his campaign was essentially DoA.

I'm convinced that we can swing a few % of the national vote if it goes viral, but I can't do it without your help.


It really starts to add up.

submitting this to /r/the_donald would get us a quarter million worker bees to look into this further.

Considering former sanders supporters make up a huge chunk of Hilary's voting block this could be huge even if it wasn't a fraud. If it's proven that the Hillary campaign has something on him and that his endorsement was taken hostage, that would be enough to swing a lot of voters.

what leverage or remediation could Brad Marshall have exerted? At this point in the campaign, Hillary's team had more power than the DNC CFO. She'd been quietly setting up favors from inside the DNC long before this.

Why don't you think Kathleen Welch is a better fit than Peter?

Matt Welch had no power/influence over the Bernie camp at this stage in the game. Can't see how anyone would assume it was Matt Welch.

I'm open to whatever evidence you have on "Welch" being Matt or Peter, though. Let me know what you have.

I already have.


"Leverage": Do you all think this really means the entire Bernie campaign was a front, or could it also mean that one (or more) of Bernie's most trusted advisors were actually Hillary plants, and was feeding her bad advice to ensure she'd lose? I'll wait for more evidence before ruling out the less egregious possibility #2.

Brad Marshall could maybe use his position as DNC CFO to relay a message to the other campaign to hide evidence of collusion.

Kathleen Welch is a better fit I hadn't seen your post.

Matt Welch wrote about Sanders from a compromised publication.
http ://

Peter Welch is less convincing but he has motive in being part of the liberal block of acting politicians.
http ://

no- that doesn't sound right. I was trying to say that he got cucked before the wheels even left the runway.

that's what this looks like to me

Bernie never had that kind of power of the Clinton camp

Please note that at least some of Podesta's scars are due to the fact he suffers from a condition called Dupuytren's Contracture which fucks up your hands and requires lots of surgery.'s_contracture¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=6#searchresult

doesn't exactly explain the band-aid on his "MIDDLE FINGER OF [his] LEFT HAND"

idk; it's looks like more than just that. I wasn't trying to relay any real significance with the images in my posts; I just try to keep it interesting. It's late, and we're all tired after this last week.

Just trying to keep you goys engaged- and hopefully, we can get to the bottom of this chicanery

Oh, there's nothing wrong with spreading that image around, the dude looks like a deformed monster :^)


Duterte is a fuckin BEAST. How many times has he called Obama a motherfucker now? 3?

I feel this is evidence that we're talking about Peter Welch.

Same email ([email protected]/* */) references, a month earlier, a "Welch", and in this context, there can only be one – Peter. Check following link (unrelated, except for the connection to the other names).

This reminds me of the "wetwork" email. On its face, it seems like there's no possible explanation. Do the legwork regarding non-obvious context clues and it's obvious they weren't talking about murdering Scalia.

I'm sure there's a rational explanation that will take some digging to pin down. Look at what was happening in the primary race at the time. Look at Bernie's staff and try to find the names mentioned in the e-mail.

You're probably right, but it's really not that powerful of an endorsement is it?

It would make more sense if Corridor Partners could choke out the campaign and make his fundraising look like shit before he even pitches to potential supporters.

To me, that would seem like much more potent "leverage." That's what I'm looking for here.

What is the "leverage" they might have in order to ensure that he complies with whatever arrangement they agreed to?

The Welch could just be a messenger and completely unrelated to the leverage.

If Peter Welch was close to Bernie's campaign (and it seems so from the F-35 petition), it would make sense to contact Bernie through him, if you know him personally. Do we know who re47@ is?

The other narrative fits too, but I don't see why the Welch person has to be the one with the dirt.

This is the same day as when he officially announced he was running. If that means anything

I did. Brad Pollock already had a @clintonemail address at this time.

Kathleen Welch seemed to have leverage in the context of controlling the flow of big donor money- even "supports the little guy" big donor money- around the time that this email was written.

Bernie had just dropped his hat
MSM attempting to coronate Bush and Clinton
Rand has fawning coverage after "Most Interesting Man in Politics" Time cover
Ben Carson making a name for himself with evangelicals
Bernie has the quietest, most cucked campaign announcement ~a month earlier
Hillary still deliberating
Bush quietly amassing enough to win the primary with Right to Rise before even dropping his hat

It looks to me like Bernie made his "deal with the devil" before or right around when he officially announced his candidacy. He knew that Hillary would win from the outset, if I'm reading this email correctly.

Just looking for any hard evidence beyond this email chain which supports or refutes that hypothesis.

That's the purpose of this entire thread.




[email protected]/* */ is Robby Mook

negative, Ghost Rider. He announced 29Apr2015. The comment at the top of the email chain is 26May2015.

This is still incredibly close to when he officially dropped his hat. It looks to me like he was cucked before he even had a chance. Look at Elizabeth Warren. They more of less intimidated her into refusing to run.

and don't forget

Elizabeth was threatened before she even had the chance to decide if she wanted to run. This wouldn't exactly be new behavior for the Clinton camp.


^ this is what kept Bernie from the nomination, and the strategy was airtight by November, 2015.

got that. See if you can find any other circumstantial evidence re: who "Welch" and "Brad" are. If we can pin them down, we can start to more definitively connect the dots in this web and determine what "leverage" they had over the Bernie camp vis a vis their "agreement."


Like it way more.

probably reading comprehension, yes


not the point of this thread, though

the holocaust happened, it's just that most of the Jews died because Allies bombed camps and cut off supply lines I/O Germany

I have no need to read that email. I've been saying it here and on Holla Forums during the first democratic debate bernie was asked about hilarys email and said: vid related
That was the first dead giveaway, the second was how during almost all of his campaign stops he would go on about how no matter what, it was the duty of democrats to ensure a republican would not enter the white house.
The third giveaway was the fact that hilary was all but nonexistent during the entire primary season. Bernie was obviously gaining followers for hilary. The plan was always to have Bernie sanders appeal to the tenderized youth of my generation then turn around and support hilary with hopes the votes would follow.



ok. well now you have an email to back that shit up. Tell everyone you know who even briefly supported Uncle Bernie. Use what's here in the thread where appropriate.

Make sure they tell every bernout they know.

We need as many eyes as possible on this shit over the coming weekend.

If Trump makes a speech Monday evening, he'd better fucking mention this. I've written and DM'd everyone on his campaign staff with the same sourcing I've given in this thread. Fox is full of shills; InfoWars is of their fucking rocker; Cernovich is half-retarded; Milo wants jewgold; all we have left is pushing through the campaign as they see fit.

I'm dumping from over 7k pro-trump pics. Of course- many of them come from outside fullchan. What, am I supposed to sit on an echo chamber board with 5k (tops) Trump supporters all day? get over yourself.

Brad could be Bradley Komar, re this thread

his email is
[email protected]/* */

Just seems weird, I can barely find anything on this Bradley Komar dude on Google

I don't think Bernie's entire campaign was a fraud, only that he was obviously forced into some sort of "agreement" as the email states during the later stages.

I doubt the entire campaign was a fraud, because it would have been better for Hillary if Bernie had not run at all. In his wake, are multitudes of disaffected democrats who bought into his promise of certain tenets of socialism.

I'm not saying that he killed millions of Jews. They lived better than most US citizens in prisons today – at least at first. What the fuck do you want from me?

My family fled Germany because Hitler was a meth junky who cared more about staving off the USSR than capping Europe. Literally- all he had to do was take the UK and cut off/seize supplies coming from the US. If he didn't attack/annex any part of the Americas, the dumbfuck Dems in the US would have ensured that we never invaded on D-Day.



are you serious? are you fucking serious?

and I'll be the first to admit that Jews (again- at the beginning, at least) were in a better spot than when we interned the Japanese after Pearl Harbor. Hitler was even shipping them off to Jerusalem on trains until Allies cut off the supply lines in and out of the brain of their quickly expanding empire.

Can we get back to Bernie being cucked before his campaign had even really begun?


fucking golden, user

Any thoughts on who the "validators" might be referring to?

I wish

if he knew that his campaign was dead, why the FUCK would he have continued to solicit donations and "fight all the way to the convention?"

how is that not fraud?

Validators seems to be a word used to describe media outlets or ranking officials supporting (validating) the Clinton/DNC narrative

Hey, member that guy who cut his dick off for Bernie?


that's amazing. must see

and what control, do you gather, would Komar or anyone in his orbit have had over said validators?

Not sure how important it is but here we are talking about Welch and Bernie again, this before his campaign announcement

I believe there are pics, but I do not have them.

Also, there was the guy who blew his life savings on Bernie.

I like double 0's. checked

Sounds like it could be politicians or potential focal/leverage points with political influence. Welch (politician) doesn't seem to fit either bill, as far as an endorsement for the primary (overall) goes. Bernie was going to win VT regardless. What sway would this shadow of a politician have, unless ridiculously but quietly well-connected on Capitol Hill.

Not seeing how it could be Peter Welch.

By fraud, I mean a sham campaign, as in one that was intentionally going to lead to a dead end.

You're absolutely right he committed fraud by leading his supporters on after he made his deal.

It's gotta be Peter Welch. Shumlin is Vermont's Governor.

I'm pretty sure you mean thousands of "guys"

doesn't really mean much when you're talking about mostly dudeweedlmao beta fucks in college

at first i was unsure of sanders but my opinion on him changed when he danced around the emails. ignore everything we have learned from these drops and ask yourself why she would even do this to begin with because the only two answers you'll come up with are either horrific incompetence or involvement in some real shady shit, there is no third option. yet he dismissed a silver bullet like it was some gossip rag complaining about her pantsuits. not to mention his new lakehouse and the very stark contrast between sander's criticism of hillary at rallies and the debates. so yeah, personally i think the guy is fraud. what i don't know is rather this has all been a show from the beginning or if he bought his own bullshit and went rouge for a bit.


I still consider it a strong possibility that he's fucking retarded and simply missed an opportunity. With what's coming out through leaks, now, though- it's starting to look closer to "if Hillary doesn't win, I die; my family dies; everyone I love and care about dies."

Uncle Bernie couldn't handle that kind of pressure. He's a spineless turd who couldn't make it in the real world and instead circlejerked with commie sympathizers until he became Mayor.

He raised $228 million. They say he spent $223 million campaigning, but I wonder if it's a possibility that he used some leftover money to donate to a charity (The Clinton Foundation) to receive a kickback of some sort.
It would look suspicious if he donated money to her 'charity', unless he endorsed her of course. Then again, I'm sure it would have been public news already if this had been the case.

He's at 35 posts, wonder what he's sliding?

Alright I might be on to something

26th of May there's this said:
"Since we clearly have some
leverage, would be good to flag this for him"

29th of May this story breaks:

Could it be relevant? Could the "rape essay" be kind of a "watch out, we got more"-thing?

Bernie doesn't believe in charity. Not really within the realm of possibility.

He thinks that the government is better and handling redistribution of the fruits of our labor- whether it's given voluntarily or involuntarily.

I know that his heart's in the right place, but he trusts the US govt more than a charitable organization? Not every charitable organization is the Clinton Foundation, Uncle Bernie. get real

that absolutely seems relevant, but it would only make sense if Bernie said "fuck you. I didn't say anything disingenuous, and it wasn't a direct attack on anyone's character."

If Bernie has been positioned in the race just to perform poorly, lose and make Hillary seem a lot stronger, then it makes sense to run the Rape-story regardless, just to remind him. Not sure, I'll keep digging.

I also found this:

"Did you every discuss exactly what constitutes "personal"?"

Seems like a threat. "Did you ever tell Bernie what we meant when we said 'personal'?"

Asked about the Clintons' wealth, Sanders responded:
He didn't condemn them, he tried to cover for them. He let a little truth slip out.

Do you have a new way to address this now that she's interacting with plebs?

Maintain silence.

Bernie pointed out a difference. He wasn't supposed to do that. He suggested the Clintons are hustlers, that was very bad.

Hillary's campaign pushing the narrative they're the same.

Apparently they had a gentleman's agreement. Based on the attached doc it was to stay on exactly the same platform?

They've got something on him, to the point where they can 'correct' him.

I'm assuming this is Rep. Peter Welch, who didn't endorse until 2/19/2016. Welch's endorsement? "Let's give Bernie a shot." Sanders' campaign said they'd been friends for years, often flying between Vermont and DC together and sharing cabs. Some friend.

It's weird that the HRC campaign would expect to have a direct line to Sanders.

I like that angle. Sorry for long afk. Wife is about to head to bed.

It's possible that the story was a few warning shots just to remind him that he was their puppet. Absolutely makes sense.

As for the "personal thing," I'd say that they know what will and won't get to him. Probably just want confirmation in terms of maintaining maximum leverage in the way that they interact with him AND in potentially fucking up the sick satisfaction/validation he gets from playing a harmless old guy with a heart of gold.

Nice find. I'll keep digging and keep the thread alive. I like where this is going.


I'm Ausglitsch on halfchan and Aerryq on plebbit.


come on, user

I've probably been channing at least half as long as you've been alive.

I could just as easily say that you jerk off your dog. Doesn't make it true.

Ah, a cuckchan namefag. Now your little bitch-fit in and your general grandstanding in this thread makes a lot of sense.

the plebs are important. they're called "focus groups," and they determine fundamentals of messaging iirc

Except they didn't. They more often than not showed their hand because it was more advantageous.

Of course. And their pointing our that they had leverage was my entire cause for creating this thread

the narrative fucking worked, and Bernie played along like the good little cuck that he is once she officially stole the nom

then how did they have "leverage?" that's a glaring fucking hole. even if it was a "gentleman's agreement," he made it with a Clinton. come on

Everyone has something on everybody else, even if it's the most petty, stupid bullshit. People get paid to do this in every campaign. I'd guess that even sleepy doc had his own oppo people on payroll. He just dealt with it differently than a traditional politician.

Peter Welch seems more likely, given everything that's been presented in the thread. He's connected through Kathleen, and that gives them the leverage they need. fucking lol "give the guy a chance"

wouldn't be weird if they struck some kind of agreement wherein he bends the knee when appropriate if he wants to live

that's *kind of* what I'm trying to figure out with this thread.

they had moles. they had liaisons. they had people who could crush him when appropriate, if so. they had false flaggers bird-dogging (R)s as they saw fit chanting "BERNIE BERNIE BERNIE."

they just had a better con

Bernie's knees were capped before he even got on the track. I'm trying to figure out how exactly the DNC and the Clinton camp made that happen. Once I figure that out, I can make the case for friends/family/acquaintances re: what a sham Bernie's campaign was, and that they should shudder at the thought of filling in the circle next to Hillary's name on their ballot(s).

What did Ender say?

"In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him. I think it's impossible to really understand somebody, what they want, what they believe, and not love them the way they love themselves. And then, in that very moment when I love them-"
"No, you don't understand. I destroy them. I make it impossible for them to ever hurt me again. I grind them and grind them until they don't exist."

yeah. that.

we got a tough guy over here

and I like how you don't even appreciate that I connected Capricia Marshall through an old meme with the image in

she's Hillary's new Huma, in case you didn't notice. you're not impressing anyone calling me a shill/newfag

This isn't exactly a bombshell, and I havn't read it in depth, but it seems to be a discussion about how to handle the blowback from HRC saying some shit about equal marriage.

There's some particular lines like
"I'm just saying that she's not going to want to say she was wrong about that, given she and her husband believe it and have repeated it many times."

ie, not believing in equal marriage rights?

Maybe I'm reading it wrong, some user look into this if you'd like

We had a good run, anons.

Here's an archive for you:

Thank you for being my sounding board for a few good hours. I look forward to diving a little deeper into this this weekend.

I appreciate it. Good night.

We know he's a kike who wrote rape fiction.

We know he worked at a psychiatric hospital and a preschool.

We know he voted against the Amber Alert system and refused to endorse a bill that would lock away child molesters for life.

We know he used his inheritance to buy a shack in the country.

And that one time he let the author of Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children from Sex write an article for his website.

Reminder to not use, click or spread links.

It's still vulnerable, yes?

wtf I've never heard that; sounds like paranoid parrot shit. if you have a recommendation, I'm open to it. I'm literally laying in bed about to pass tf out, though. make it quick if you have a superior archiving tool/app pls

I like your post number. gz

as for your last point, you should remember that he's- as a social-/communist- hyper r-selected


of course he's (at least he wishes he could be) a beta pedo shithead

It's legit, there was an IP logger script on the site a few days ago. Maybe its blown over but there was a sticky on this board with it.

Best bet right now? CTRL+S and save the entire page if its important enough

This vet has a huge dick.

It was never vulnerable, that was just a spergout over nothing.

American invasion did fuckall to stop the nazis, the eastern front was all that mattered and if Hitler had waited for the communists to finish reorganizing and attack, all of Europe would have been conquered.

Kill yourself, kikel.

Look at all that diversity in that crowd…

Alright. I didnt catch any followup, just wanted to stay on the safe side


We knew this last year, he's got bills to pay and needed donations.

alright. love you guys. night

keep the thread alive if you want

saved the best for last; enjoy

I can't imagine these shits talking about dinner without imagining that they're diddling kids, instead.

he probably got a van full of per-pubescent slaves.

It's google analytics.
And some random russian javascript.

Archive is still good, just use Tor. Other archive sites are a bit hairier than

How the fuck am I supposed to find this in the catalog?

This is too important and how could you not include pic related



literally a sticky for this.

thanks literally

how is my thread still alive?
kek has been kind to me this day

He's just doing this because he hates the US (or more accurately the Obama Administration), but it's still fun to see a President shit talking Hillary.







I'm a literal bergerlord, and it's easier to get my thoughts out when they're broken up like that. If people keep the thread alive, I'll do my best not to break up my thoughts like they are in my head.

honorable toyota inc

Bernie raped his wife with Bill Clinton and Podesta

And YUGE balls! Completely surrounded by niggers.

while Hillary pegged him with a studded dildo?

hes a big guy


how is one man so superior in every way

I've read it five times while being naked and having my dick sucked by a vietnamese voodoo hooker in a barn full of speaking horses while tripping on otherwordly shrooms. Yet, I fail to see the significance of this. fuck you op

Then you're illiterate and should kill yourself.

Fuckin' saved.

Nearly every time I feel depressed about something, I see something else that brightens my day. In this case it's world leaders bullying other world leaders on twatter.

[recordcorrected]That profile's only tweets are retweets from French sites and profiles (with tweets about news sources related to Duterte at the very bottom). It's not the president's Twitter you fagets.[/recordcorrected]


Sorry - why not read these emails objectively? In actuality, for an educated person who does not read these emails with prejudicd views, there is hardly ANY information of real interest.

The simple fact is Hilary does not come across as corrupt. I am NOT a US citizen and have no biased towards either Clinton or Trump.

My main worry is: why do people continually minorly discredit Clinton when Trump is clearly fucking crazy?

If Martin Luther King was fighting Clinton or someone with some credibility I could understand Americans voting for the other side.

But Trump is a walking disaster who is NOT going to save the poor, help ethnic minorities or do much good to the country.

Ask yourself this: why does every country, from a positive perspective, want anybody except Trump? Stability.

The world operates on stability. Clinton is not the solution if you want a non-establishment candidate - but Trump is also NOT the solution to this. He's a bad businessman but despite this has managed to keep some of the money inherited from his very rich father - but most people outside the US stare at Trump in true horror.

Why are you Americans voting for Trump? The whole scenario is that you don't want Hilary to slap you in the face lightly but instead vote for Trump who will punch the majority of the poor in the face repeatedly.

Tax cuts for the rich - why?! No successful country in history has completed these actions.

The happiness capitals of the world are Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The values that left wing parties embody is linked to these traits of happiness.

Do you want a new car every year on credit or true happiness?

Keep religeon out of politics and rely solely on logic. As soon as anybody says to you "Hilary is the devil!" you should wisely ignore them and concentrate on facts.

Oh, and learn how to read emails objectively and properly. It seems to me that half of Americans are idiots and cannot read sentences accurately, which is why they get so angry at emails which - quite frankly - are, on the whole, pretty boring.

Let's hope anybody except Trump wins this election, because otherwise America is fucked for the next few years.

We'll gonna thpread the diverthity mmkay.
evlybody'th gonna have it thow nithe if we vode for Hilry clinten becauthe then their wond be annywon thaying that sheth a pedderfile or she hath emailth and thuch. I'm tired of hearing abaud it, thow vode fore Hillur and love the diverthity

How does it feel to be shit on by your own team mr. sweaty virgin packed in a windowless building?

Always good to see another member of the Wolf PAC.

Epic for the win.

Get the fuck out with your Reddit spacing, nigger

That post holds water about as well as a wire colander. Let me guess… new hire?

wtf I'm a #hillarymissile now


Nigger, you aren't from the US. So that means you should shut your cock trap right there.

Why are you checking out geriatric bulge, user?

Never would have guessed that CTR would be interested in this thread. Started it very late last night. I'm honored.
If CTR isn't up in your business, you're doin it wrong.

The Dems will never recover from this election season. The brand is dead.

You watching this rally in Reno? The opening speakers are super based today. Get in here.

Hopefully, the same is true for RINOs and GOPe. Fuck both parties. Lion party, motherfuckers.


my favorite part:
2nd line -> "have no biased towards either Clinton or Trump"
Last line -> "Let's hope anybody except Trump wins this election"

gr8b8/8 saved for future generations

enjoy another $0.05 for the reply, bb
Ben Fischbein thanks you for your time and trouble.
Any plans on where you're going to apply next Wednesday?

Both parties must be sacrificed upon the alter of a new dawn.

eh. good luck with that. you want some natsoc shit? you wanna tax those evil rich people to death? you fancy a race war? sexualization of children? beat the shit out of political opponents and their supporters? I could go on, but you get the point.

Hillary's probably your safest choice, famalam
Nice try, though

Wait, there are people that still haven't figured out that Bernie was just HRC controlled opposition ?

You seem massively retarded.

Oh right I forgot what thread I was in.


many of my bernout friends still didn't believe me that Bernie had his knees capped from the start, and- for some reason- this email changed that, so it's got some real potential. This thread is to untangle wtf is going on in the email and to motivate people to share

Better question, how can you not check that bulge out?

I agree. Dude's alpha as fuck. Not only did he voice his dissent and not get tackled- he also made Obama look like more of an idiot than he already does. Mad respect

not our problem that you're insecure about your sexuality, user

I have an acquaintance that can not be convinced of Hillary's criminal history, her wrongdoings, or the clinton foundation's, he believes wholeheartedly everything he's seen that supports clinton.
This guy believes globalism is a GOOD thing, in spite of how much it's fucking everything, he believes the CTR "fact checker" 100%, he dismisses the email leaks with "those could be fake! it's probably the russians forging documents!", he thinks Trump supporters are the violent ones in spite of bernie and hillary supporters being the ones attacking trump supporters, and he loved to bring up how bad of a business man Trump is for those companies going bankrupt, yet forgets that big companies file for bankruptcy to save money all the time.
He's a liberal who froths at the mouth when he can't use his appeals to emotion "oh Trump said something hurtful to someone, he'd be a horrible president!", he is the goodest of goys to ever oy vey. How the fuck can I break this man's conditioning when he dismisses anything that goes against his confirmation bias?

watch out, lads
a chatty bergerlord

EQ might be low, but I'm 147; you must be above 200. I feel blessed to be in your presence, user. Please share your wisdom, o enlightened one.

prove to him beyond a shadow of a doubt that his estrogenic displays repulse women around him. libs are all thirsty betas.

worth a shot:

if that doesn't work, I'd just cut my losses
let him suffer; sometimes the most compassionate thing you can do is let people fall on their face- to get comfortable picking themselves up and dusting themselves off

don't take it personally; globalist shills have spent a lot of money neurolinguistically programming him to reliably vote a straight (D) ticket

my mom is convinced that eating shit with soy in it can cause men to produce an inordinate amount of estrogen

The guy is in his 60s, I don't even know if he can get it up any more.

I'll give that a read, this guy is so deadset on his lack of logic, even mentioning that Obama's kin and even the lead actor of Boss Nigger are supporting Trump just makes him look at me like my head was aflame and he takes off.

Obama's not good or bad. He's a puppet. Similar outcomes expected with Hillary- it's not what THEY decide to do so much as it is they're DONORS decide to do. That's what you have to look out for.

It's like seeing a giant in front of your face, feeling threatened, and thinking that you can do any serious damage attacking their big toe's toenail. Get straight to the heart of it. Disincentivize the channels which perpetually ensure huge sums of money flow through the federal government and allow transactional vampires to amass increasingly corrupting influence over their puppets.

That's what we should be focusing on.

their ←–
the air




I would not be surprised at all if the Republican candidates had the same "code of conduct" wherein they don't attack Jeb. Trump messed with their plan so hard that Cruz and Rubio had to join in on the Jeb bullying to be taken seriously.

Can you imagine if Trump hadn't of run?we'd be watching Hilary and Jeb right now. Holy fuck would I not care. The debates would be boring and courteous, with Jeb talking about "muh brother and daddy" and lowering taxes, while Hilary ran circles around him barking like a mad dog.

Trump butt fucked their entire dog and pony show to death.

Not only that, we'd probably be debating along the old guidelines, whether we should give amnesty to 100% of the illegals, or 90% them. It would be a debate between whether whites should accept fully their guilt, or only half of it. Should we offer 12 white babies to be sacrificed to diversity, or only 6?

It would have been full submission, or only partial submission.

And Jeb would end up apologizing for not wanting genocide now instead of genocide later. I'm sure there would be some "scandal" where he ate a burger at his wife's families house instead of a taco and he'd cry on national television and beg for forgiveness in Spanish. Thanks to literally no one caring about the election, stuff like the Podesta emails wouldn't get past Holla Forums because all the normies would just be playing video games or watching nigger ball.

Even if Trump does nothing when he gets into office, he made people care about the election for the first time in decades, and they actually started to pay attention to what's happening. Sure a lot of them are still idiots, but now they know just how rotten the establishment really is.

I love you guys so much. Thank you for keeping the thread alive c:

pucker up, sweetheart

like, but I can tell you, .org is way more robust and captures videos and sound clips as well.
pics unrelated
is anyone actually getting these?

Oh vey, the old Jew was a fraud. Is this junior's first rodeo? Well, now you're all grown up and can start to understand a bit when we speak of, FUCKING KIKES.