I think so many of us love Sam Hyde because he does what we want to do, but what your average person lacks the time, money, resources, or whatever else to make it possible. He isn't afraid to go out there and show himself while promoting many views that Holla Forums agrees with. While obviously his views and what he expresses in his comedy might not align with the views of everybody here (((CTR))), he obviously has managed to make something out of himself and name drop mother fucking MOON MAN and DAVID FUCKING DUKE on a professionally produced show that was aired on a major network. That unto itself should be considered an accomplishment.
However, Sam's accomplishments as an individual aside, I realized something while listening to some interviews and other videos MDE has posted up. Listening to him is a very similar experience to how I've felt hanging out with my fellow Holla Forumslac/k/s. It's just very relaxed, and actually very insightful when you actually pay attention. There are no topics that are off limit when I'm hanging out with Holla Forumslacks, from the jews to killary to anime tiddies, unlike with normies. It's something truly special that we have with each other, and it's pretty amazing how easy it is to relate to each other and get along, regardless of where we're from.
At this point, you might be asking what my point is with all of this? Why was I basically giving chronic mass shooter Sammy Hayden a verbal blowjob? Because he is but one possibility of what a Holla Forumslack can be, even in a totally cucked and kike-run state. He didn't let that stop him from making videos with his buddies, going up on stage, or signing a contract with Adult Swim. While it's obviously true that MDE was in the right place at the right time in order to be able to get to where they are today, they wouldn't have been able to get there without confidence. If they just decided it was "too hard" to upload videos which are basically just shitposting, or they were "too nervous" to speak for five minutes at a stand-up comedy club, we would never have heard of these guys, right?
They wouldn't be anything without their confidence and drive to make things happen, and honestly neither would we. How hard we've been fighting against shillary, CTR, and the left in general, and how scared (((they))) are of us just gives me even more confidence that we're fighting the good fight, and that our victory will be eventual. Don't be afraid to get out of the NEET den every once in a while, though.
Don't be afraid to go out to a political event.
Don't be afraid to draw with some chalk.
Don't be afraid to make a video.
Don't be afraid to speak out.
If (((they))) have scared you to the point where you are willing to censor yourself, then we have already lost. We all have the power to cause a paradigm shift; we just need to maintain that motivation to see it through.