Valerian and the City of A Thousand Planets


Absolute autism

What the fuck, nigga really let himself go.

I love the Fifth Element but I hate Besson just because of how he looks. I get the same feeling about Kevin Smith.

Star Wars fans are loading their guns to shoot this movie down.

How much longer until he kills himself?


Cara Delevingne can't fucking act. What a surprise. No one saw that coming.

Poor Cara ;_;


She's hot so she doesn't need to. I just want to jizz all over her eyebrows.

This is the white science fiction kino of this decade. It'll probably bomb at the box office because it wasn't """"diverse"""" enough (for (((critics))) who will give it a bad score).

cara looks like an abbo

No she doesn't.

> It'll probably bomb at the box office because it wasn't """"diverse"""" enough (for (((critics))) who will give it a bad score).
Nope. It will bomb because they say it's another Fifth Element, while everyone with half a brain can clearly see that it isn't. Also the female lead is not even an actress…

I thought this shit released like a year ago

Get rid of the lanky bitch in the center of that second photo and leave the two robosluts to either side in. Then we're talking.

That was Jupiter Ascending

Using a review that actually talks about the film is better than using the score

I'm not sure the female lead is even female.

Pleb american ((( reviewers ))) shitting on superior Euro sci-fi. Notice that leads are both h'white.


it's not even the first time he's done so

So true.

Btw Cara I love you.

Nah Kevin Smith is fucking cancer, at least Besson gets the hot chicks.


Citation needed

Citation provided

At least you tried

The chick in Resident Evil hr got her in her prime.

Chicks, user. Not trannies.


Besson is pretty versatile and good. He wrote Taken which was redpilled about Muslims selling sex slaves and District 13B which was about a (((government))) that funded gang warfare (akin to US involvement in middle east) for profit.

He's a hack in all the sense of the word, a prime thief and couldn't direct a consistent and serious movie if his life and penis depending on it, much like Tarantulino

North African spotted and reported

Lol ahah I hate him so much

Having magnifying glasses over you nipples sounds like a really bad idea.

A man of taste I see.

Fifth Element is one of the best movies ever.

Cara was/is a model so Im not sure i expected anything more of those tits she had

6/10 would suckle, also think she has a nice ass, especially in that scene where shes in a skirt jumping in the desert section.

Cara Delawhore is a stupid vapid cunt that can't act, can't model, is 6/10 at best and if jews didn't enjoy blowjobs from coked up whores so much she wouldn't be there. She's a bad person that will soon be forgotten.

someone link me a download of the comics


why is her face so ugly???

Reported again and again into infinity.
Cara is a goddess, deal with it and grow up.

He really went off the cliff when he directed Lucy. Not surprising if this movie ends up being total shit.

It's the general look mutts have, pure abbo doesn't look like that.

She was fine in Suicide Squad.

Most of her fame seems to come from being a social media whore though.

Established actors need to fuck off anyway. MKULTRA'd shitstains they peddle out to spout some message the plebs are supposed to believe.

Reported for announcing your report.

Look at this shit and tell me she's nice, i fucking dare you.

Even her ASMR video is shit.

A complete rip-off from Bladerunner and Stargate, plus literal lifted characters from Run Lola Run, Die Hard and several others
It's an icon compilation, not an original motion picture, just like Pulp Fiction but worse

Her fame comes from her family. She's the postergirl for somebody who literally owns all her achievements due to nepotism, if she hadn't dropped from a vagina connected to the largest British media properties she'd probably selling clothing somewhere.

kys cara

A good movie with good inspirations.

What a dumb bitch.
That doesn't stop my penis from wanting to impregnate her tho.

Blade Runner was a rip-off of Giraud's work and he was the one who designed the Fifth Element. It's also not inspired by Stargate, Besson came up with the story when he was sixteen years old which was like in 1975. This is as bad as some millennial thinking Valerian is a rip-off of Star Wars or something.

Is that a picture of Mark Zuckerberg

ITT people insecure because they will never be with someone like Cara.

She's the goddess of eyebrows.

I'm not into guys
