Press s to spit on his grave

This worthless sack of shit contributed NOTHING of value to science, he won't be missed.

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If Jesus would live today, he would be most badass quantum physician known to man. He even would surpass Tesla


t. anprim cuck

Only science? I think you mean the world, if not the entirety of human history. Fucking kike ruined Europe and turned it into a rape den for Muslims. And Christians will defend it, fucking lol.

Jesus wasn't even white and raped children

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he was supposedly a shitty carpenter. Couldn't figure out a simple construction plan, however savior of all mankind. seems legit.

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All glory be to thee ohhhh loardddddy

Jesus and Vatican were an opposite of each other

t. someone who red an article about something to formulate some opinion

since was 1500 years afterwards, he contributed to the psychological relief of mortality as well as conveniently subverting the jewish religion and somehow not caring about the roman invaders who would nail him to a stick, which would hurt. The funny thing is, this nice story ends up ending the roman empire and turns it into the holy roman church which went on to butt fuck kids, which would hurt.

So, he may have been a preacher whose death was about as weaponized as they come. However, social cohesion among civilized countries can be thanks to his passive nature and quest for peace. Something to ponder before you are all beheaded for not converting to iSLAM, which will hurt.




Sometimes I feel great confusion about Joseph getting cucked by God. I mean, on one hand, you are being cucked but on the other hand, your family is closer to God than any other ever. Then your step son gets nailed to a stick and comes back 3 days later and tells everyone to expect him to return. Meanwhile, Joseph is probably sitting under a tree somewhere thinking how he can't believe he was cucked by God.

Yeah what did Joseph get out of it though? Every time he went down on Mary he would have been like "God. Fucking God. The bitch who made everything in the universe has been all up in this bitch. My dick ain't shit.". And you think an ordinary baby is tough enough to deal with imagine one that has mutant ass powers strong enough to kill literally anything

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so you're basically saying, ignore all the rampant vile bullshit that religion screws society with, and subjugate to a political social cohesion, that continues to disembowel intellectually, every member associated with and without it?

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Can I spit multiple times?

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no, I was saying Science wasn't invented yet so you can't blame him for not contributing to it, but he did contribute to proto psychology and the healing of the mind, which he likely stole/copied from John the Baptist, who was baptizing people before he even met Jesus.
Can't blame Jesus for all the bad that was the result of his being alive, not like he wanted OP to turn out to be an edgelord.

Only if you no da wey.

cool story…(If Jesus was real)

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I want someone to make a game where youre Jesus Christ and you go around the mediterranean fucking shit up, it would be like superman but in biblical times. God would periodically give you new powers as you complete missions.

A roman historian wrote about him a few years after his death, in passing and no mention of any significance other than for keeping records. Unless this roman historian was in on if of course.

Anyone else wanna take a bunch of adderall and Xanax and make this a real video game?

I can and should be done. Jesus went around casting out demons, easy to say the battle itself was unseen by the mere mortals. Earns exp from healing the sick, fighting demons, and has to hide from the roman guard, introducing some stealth mechanics. Main enemy is the devil of course, and it shows up to fight every so often in different forms, making for exciting boss battles. Jesus would have to be a spell caster/bard hybrid as violence was not his bag.

Of course the demons are arguably hallucinations, and there'll be flickers between 'reality' and 'delusion' throughout the game, and you'll be unsure which is true the entire time.

I bags making the battle music for when you're fighting Satan

As long as there's no medication for death, i'd rather encourage you to do what he said, nigga.

Bitch my medication is death

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there's a lesson to be learned somewhere

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That's why Hitler died.

Dumb faggot

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People weren't good historians back then. They just took people at their word and that was it.

You dumbshit,brainwashed faggots are NOT going to let this legit thread die!

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grown man wearing velcro shoes.

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Wasn't Jesus essentially the result of a man being cucked?

takes confidence tbh, only alphas can pull it off

Joseph got off on getting cucked.

Seek God and all things will be added to you.

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Love me some flame war!

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Where religion is defined by dogmatism, we find autism. Where religion is defined by magical thinking, we find schizophrenia. Where religion is defined by mechanisms of societal control, we find authoritarianism. None of these seem favorable to a reasonable person, but what's not obvious is that if we reach for the core foundations of what spawned religious devotion to traditions all over, nearly none of the current followers would be interested either. To the casual skeptic observer, the stories are fairy tales, and to the devotee, the stories are the literal words of some god.

But the point that seems to be missed, is that Christianity and many other religions started as mystery schools. In fact, it may have been just one mystery school going back to the days of ancient Egypt and much, much further that spread the world over. In a mystery school, they don't teach outsiders their secrets. Instead, they spread esoteric stories for the club members with an exoteric meaning for the masses. Metaphor, analogy, and code are the name of the game here. To understand the mysteries, you have to be initiated. Usually that involves an initiation ritual and a divulging of some secrets. Ever heard of baptism or circumcision? Those could be seen as initiation rituals. (Perhaps those rituals weren't meant to be done literally.) But what's the point if the one baptizing you doesn't tell you a secret afterwards to give you a mental rebirth? Taking a bath isn't magic. Likewise, what's the point in circumcision? It's not like a literal newborn can be given esoteric knowledge.

What for? There's no body there.

He was, just like the first Buddha.

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You're right about one thing though, he wont be missed because he's always with us

Fucking this

Maybe, we'll never know though
No, Christianity was the catalyst for The West becoming the dominant world power culturally, ethically and scientifically

Nah they did DNA testing on the guys bones and yeah he's not black but pretty black

Yes isn't it nice to live in the great christian nation, I would hate to live anywhere else because the entire rest of the world is in shambles.

I dont think jesus whas a scientist so oviously would not have contributed anyting, also jesus could have been more than one person as legionds like hes usualy are, but he did create christianity which dispite having opresed sciense was the also what created it. As christian scholors did form the first unifide study of everything that would be known as sciense, thou still being very loosly based on the idea that had existed befor, this was the first time people had atempted to prove so. This is strangly enough a comon theme in history where a movment of ideas results in somthing compleatly unrelated to there cause because of somthing done as a means to acheave somthing else, that then resulst in some other discovery or creation

Your Imaginary Friend Isn’t God

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What if the non-mass space is actually an entire world, that emits a frequency our minds are not attuned to?
According to your image, you will never in your life time reach any god.

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Why is it that pseudo-intellectuals think that if they communicate their ideas a "self-aware" comic or through a "badass" character that is a thinly veiled fantasy of how they would like to be it would be taken seriously?

Rabbi Mizrachi - Christianity is Literally a Cuck Religion (all religion is cuck religion).

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Religion is cuck porn, aka a soap opera. And the modern version of this bullshit is BBC porn, women are still doing it to you. Black Cock and incest porn are at the top of your cuck porn. You want to prove me wrong. White men did it to themselves, but they really didn't have a choice. You held it off as long as you could.

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If cuck wasn't a meaningless buzzword before it is now.

Anything that you would say is meaningless and imaginary.

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Your own women know that you are liars. What will you do now.

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The Bible is loaded with coded language. Upon closer examination, relationship to other cultures is revealed, and it becomes likely that it teaches an ancient form of yoga that is alien to the modern, stretching-centered health program known in the West. The story of Jesus is likely to be at least partly a retelling of much older esoteric narratives, and a literal historical Jesus was probably a yogi who ascended to a high level of yogic practice when he visited India. Metaphoric references to the chakra system can be found for example. Although I say yoga, the mystery school from which it derives is probably much older and was the one practiced in the pyramids that were constructed around the world. Plato refers to the pyramids as initiation chambers for a mystery school, and considering that there are pyramids under water, this secret society may be as old as what some people refer to as Atlantis or older. (Where Atlantis means whatever worldwide civilization that was mostly concentrated around coastal regions that became submerged when sea level rose.)

Yes I've seen it too, the texts describe an ancient yoga pose that involves placing your head up your own ass.

I know you jest, but I'll leave you something for the imagination anyways. After a true initiation, it is found that no listing of yoga poses are required or helpful, as all fruitful poses are done spontaneously and without conscious control. The ancient mystery school taught secrets of the human body, and the bible is part esoteric biological text, part manual, some philosophy, and miscellaneous other parts. The virgin birth refers to a process that can occur in the brain for example, and it is not meant to be interpreted as a historical Jesus figure being born of a literal virgin.

Good one hahahahaha.
This is a cuck thread now.

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I'm not joking, once you've placed your head up your own ass you will be truly enlightened.

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Have some yoga.

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Blacks only fuck cheap street whores..

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We are all God's CREATURES

Jesus was born from a woman and God ( supposedly).

That's the difference.

lol but Islam is good though.
t. kike

So let's get this straight. Some people (including me) shat all over the armchair scientist known as Stephen Hawking over him accomplishing absolutely nothing. No breakthroughs, no inventions, and most certainly nothing more than theory. And then you athiests come here and post this thread in an attempt to gain salt from what you are assuming is the opposing side, correct? So, since we've established that none of his theories were proven and the devout nature of his idols and his followers, you are essentially holding him as a prophet and your religion science. Once when I point out your complete hypocricy you will cry that "science is the only truth in the world", exactly how extremely devout christians view the world. By holding theory as truth, you are doing the same thing the religious do; claiming that what you say is the truth yet with no proof.

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Fedoras are the biggest shabbos goys ever, prove me wrong.

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fuck off already you spamming nigger

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Probably a round earther as well

i think that actually makes perfect sense that a board such as Holla Forums would worship an armchair scientist that just theorized all day and accomplished nothing… it seems rather fitting really.

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