See this is exactly what I'm referring
I hate Muslims on a personal level more than I hate Jews
Lucas Morris
Kevin Price
Anthony Sanchez
Well, think about it this way, it's the jew's fault you ever have had to interact with one of those living roaches.
sage for blogpost.
Caleb Miller
Guess why it's hard for you to remove kebab you good goy. There's a reason jews need to go first. It isn't a minor semantic point.
Alexander Jones
Why not both?
William Russell
Holla Forumstard shitstain you'll be death marched into some frozen hellhole to clear the ranks of scum like yourself
Liam Wilson
See this is exactly what I'm referring to.
Eli Gutierrez
Ryan Bennett
They promote homosexuality as well
Carter Garcia
In order to get both you need to focus on first the insidious saboteurs that impede kebab removal