Scary werewolf movies, pls

Looking for some really scary werewolf movies for tonight. Suggestions? (((da​tamin​ing))) We have Netflix, Hulu, Roku, etc.

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why would you ==WANT== to watch a werewolf movie. werewolves are literally the worst horror trope ever. the only reason they ever existed was because special effects were in the stone age. literally just some asshole in a suit. if your scared by werewolves, your still in the fucking womb and you should strangle yourself with the umbilical cord

Wow. If you don't like werewolf movies, why would you even post in a werewolf movie thread, kid? (((da​tamin​ing)))

Oh yeah. I forgot. Your tiny peenie made you do it.



There's a french movie, Le Pacte des Loups or something like that. I dunno, haven't watched it but it sounded ok.

((((They)))) have Netflix>>7796939

Inspired by the legend of la bête du Gévaudant

I'll check it out, thanks. Subtitles or dubbed in English? (((da​tamin​ing)))

Ginger Snaps

Yup. Saw the 1st Ginger Snaps a while ago. Remember I liked it, even though it's got that teenie bopper vibe. Anybody seen 2 and 3? (((da​tamin​ing)))