Thank you for correcting the record


Maybe you should tell us what it is. If it comes out in this thread, it will give credence to the notion that it is a fake victim.

Eh, they've probably been saying they have damning shit on Trump forever. Only gets attention now because of the recent tape.
Or I could be wrong and Trump's done for.

Let the filterking and other alternative media outlets know about it as well.

Can any of you faggots read? I just copied this from halfchan.

This could likely be fake but I didn't want to take a chance that it was real and do nothing.

That is true. But it would be nice to counter ((them)) before they strike for once.

And this is one of several reasons you need to be gassed

A good course of action would be to start a twitter spam campaign on hillery's twitter and her main followers. We make videos, because they start automatically once you scroll to them, first it starts off with hillary saying some shit about middle east policy, then we cut to some ultra gore video from the middle east from liveleaks, a bunch of lolbertarians will see this, and forever associate hillary with horrible things.

Don't Trump supporters do that already