For too long men have been attacked and oppressed by the agendas of effeminate males and women. Naturally men have one main advantage over women- their strength. Women have one tool against this, their warm wet holes. Over history men have dominated because violence trumps pussy power. However, in recent years, men have been cucked. Now violence is taboo. You can not put a woman in their place but they are able to get a free ride in life because of their cunt. Its too late to turn back time and live in the past. A time where men ruled because they were stronger. Now men are beta to women and unless you have some greater influence by pure luck or years and years of hard work, such as money or raw skill, then you are second to a woman. A woman may be uneducated, uncivil, and entirely useless to society, and be showered in love and riches because they have a vagina. What does a man get? If he is unfortunate to be born in a place where he can get no education, unlucky enough to not be born into a family with money?
You get nothing.
And that is us. Why do we come here? We lack companionship. We lack love. We will never be loved unless we work our asses off to prove to women and society that we are useful. Why are women granted automatic value but we must toil so to prove ours? Why cannot all humans be respected for their innate value? Why does society judge us not on how we treat people or how hard we work but the money our parents has?
And what happens to the hero who decides that he has had enough? Who realizes that he cannot change society himself and that society is too strong to even mobilize a movement against? The media and the government support this agenda- not only does it keep the rich in power but women too. When a hero decides that he is tired of swimming against the tide, as we must our entire lives, he fights back. He takes up arms and he takes out as many of these filthy disgusting normies as he can.
Then society recoils and says "why does this happen?"
First they take away our drugs and means of escaping the world. They take away our fiendish sexual deviance that make us feel alive for a split second. They shun us for our video games, our stories and make believe. We must conform- watch bing bang theory and feminist propoganda. They make it difficult for us to kill ourselves, no option for a peaceful, calm death. You must suffer the pains of this world or die a guilty man in a painful death.
They force us to live in this world designed to benefit from our torture. We are the cogs that turn the wheel but we are rusty and not taken care of, and when one of us shatters the entire machine stutters for a moment. But nothing has gotten better.
They take away our freedom of speech. Our ability to rally for our own interest group. They take away our natural power that once gave balance to the world, our violence. They tell us we are crazy. YOU MUST CONFORM. YOU MUST BE A CHAD IF YOU WANT TO HAVE VALUE. YOU MUST DO AS THEY SAY OR YOU WILL NEVER HAVE LOVE.