The Savant Myth


I have Aspergers and good social skills, to an extent. I have a difficult time approaching people but I have tremendous ease talking to crowds. I could literally take a shit in front of a packed room with confidence. However, 1 on 1 conversations are difficult for me because I am not willing to make small talk, and especially not willing to talk "drama" that I don't care about. I remember as a teen I had difficulty approaching girls that I spent months hyping myself up and often tried multiple times but never took a few steps before turning away. First time I really approached a girl I liked I literally walked alone, there were no other guys since they all left for the weekend, into a crowd of like 40 girls at 10:30 at night. I asked the girl I liked, you know, I got her attention by saying her name and she wouldn't even respond the first few times. Then I blurted out my ice breaker and she pretty much turned her head and kept walking. So it was brutal in a way, but I don't really care now, although at the time I was heartbroken, since she had been texting me for a while before that but apparently found it enjoyable to play with a mans emotions.

I'm a sperg and you know what, thank fuck I have ADD.
ADD makes me distracted as fuck which is a nice counterbalance to the obsessiveness of aspergers.
my social skills are fine

play with theirs.
I find when a woman tries to sink her claws in the best thing to do is to ignore her.
She'll either give up and leave so you no longer have a problem or she'll crave your attention.
Either way win win

The nuance always missing here is whether or not the aspergers comes from being retarded, or is just a consequence of a high IQ mind being constrained by a brain that has trouble dealing with it. If you're an aspie or have ADHD, you're probably just retarded. It doesn't make you smart. Being smart has nothing to with being an aspie. In fact the most successful people who ever lived were smart and didn't have autism. Like Tesla might have been a genius but he sucked at all the important parts that actually accomplish things. You need to be a player and also intelligent like Ben Franklin or Elon Musk. If you can't interact with people then your ideas are totally worthless. Maybe the guy who figures out cold fusion will be some NEET but nobody knows about it because he's too retarded to tell anybody about it and he then gets arrested by the FBI for building a fusion device in his moms house.

Leonardo was a faggot and a pedophile (yeah, oxymoron), he also liked horses a lot, fun fact, the biggest thing ever created by him was a horse and his heart was destroyed with it, for Einstein you have to ask Pointcare.

Keked, i have more luck with groups of girls than girls alone, harem was an option year ago.

Ben Franklin wasnt normal and Elon have serious issues, send him to vacations or ask him about his chilhood.

You're not understanding the point. They can and do function to be successful.

Thats relative to culture, Leonardo today will be jailed, Franklin probably bullied, old Europe was about destroying niggerism and support brilliant people, right now is about destroying brilliant people and paid for black on blond pron, the shit about cultural marxism is real so you are forced to notice the background, smart kids are killed in Africa because they are witches in nigger eyes.

In a way a good measure is: i ve never heard that before; you are the first one to say/solve that.

So given that i would assume that all these people have a natural indicator to direct them towards something, an enhanced brain plasticity along with something that was already there.

Even though i m drunk, i think that problem if it exists is more like a holistic one, not yet measureable but still something that will be a problem in the future. So personally if i could grab your analmouse hypermorality and put into a person i would without any doubt crack your skull because you are such a shitstain and i mean that.

You're still missing the point. The smart nigger isn't the one who gets killed for being a wizard, it's the one leading the mob. There's literally no point to being intelligent if you can't navigate the society you live in.