Racemixing btfo!

racemixing btfo!


Hot as shit.




NIggers carry diseases. And tbh I can't even stand to look at them. You couldn't pay me to fuck a nigger cunt




IIRC the last page of that comic ends with a bunch of whites walking around in the modern day with white women in the arms of black dudes.

Blacks need to stick to their own and need to go back to Africa.
incentivize return to their homeland and end welfare programs so they go back of their own free will. Those that riot as a result will be delt with. Enough is enough. The Jew has kept both the black and white race under their thumb for too long. Its time to separate once and for all

watch Sequence (((the OVA)))


My dick!


Yeah but that looks fucking awesome

sounds like it's time for you to go back to wherever you came from too, you brain impaired cumguzzler
niggers were once more numerous than whites in america. most of them, plus a million or more natives were murdered to make room for your stinking fat ass to post shit online
all niggers and most whites contain genes from the other race in america. george fucking washington race-mixed and had children, who were slaves, but ran off and lived happily ever after
niggerdom is your state of mind. it is characterized by ignorance, social failure and spite

I am sure IQ could go down a few more points

That's actually pretty cool

Niggerdom will bury you, you racist nazi fuck. They will destroy you and your children by fucking your genes out of them.

I found my new back yard project.


Natural and organic

They really were the perfect farm equipment. Treating them as equal under the law was a mistake of cosmic proportions.

I wouldn't go that far. They couldn't, wouldn't do shit without a white person standing over them with a whip telling them what to do. Hence the term "cracker".

there was an attempt to breed the stupid out of niggers. most slave babies were fathered by crackers. the end result is the american nigger, more stupid and more violent than any african.
white supremacy is a lie

Aw, poor Jamal is upset that niggers will never amount to anything, even after whites are gone. How sad :^(




Anyone has the screencap where the NGO guy helps niggers buy and use fertilizer, show how it helped them produce much more than last year only to have all niggers stop using fertilizer the moment the org leaves and next year they're back to subsistence farming?

Fucking this. I lost it in the mists of fappery. I need this truthsplaining in my life/timeline again. WILL RESAVE TO MULTIPLE FOLDERS. PLEASE, BRING IT BACK TO US. ALSO POAST THE GREENTEXT FROM THAT CHRISTFAG STUDENT ON MISSION TRIPS TO HAITISTAN.

Race isn't real

Is this a 7777777 get thread OR are we going to dance in the sweet memories?

jjaja maldito latino seguro te gusta que ese travesti te meta esa wea por el ojete