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Rate me
Not too shabby
You need some sleep bro, that eyes of yours look tired af.
My eyes have been like that for 15 years and they've never gone away.
Bit of a strange jaw-line but other than that your a solid 7. Keep up the good work and maybe hit the gym lad
semite facial features shining through. strong shift of the jaw to the right (for 56% americans: left on picture) due to excessive inbreeding and cousin purpose marriage.
verdict incest breed anglokike/10
Put on a pretty dress and some makeup, then we'll talk.
I will.
You have no idea how much I regret saying that.
My autism has reached a new level.
grow a beard but not a long hipster one
Eh, why not?
timestamp and then we'll talk
Agreed, you'd look better with facial hair
Here's timestamp.
you live in yesterday?
Oh shit, got the date wrong.
Doesn't really matter, still proof.
.t fake
fake and gay.
try again tomorrow, schmuley
This good enough?
Show us your cock you fag
Go back to 4chan.
thick curtains user
what are you hiding?
I'm hiding the light.
Takes a special kind of retard to post his face on here.
your pix suddenly changed their resolution.
Well, I started using the back camera, so of course it changed.
sm-t530 good?
neck yourself pls
I'm not that flexible.
Wow, I misunderstood the meaning of neck yourself.
From the context I thought you wanted me to suck my own dick.
you should know it already but posting your face along with your dick is stupid idea for many reasons
Ah well, I've got no social media with my face on it.
you work for the fbi/mi6. go the fuck away, retard.