Rest in peace, you're a inspiration to many.
Charles Manson is kill
A dude who regularly starves and kills his people, tortures people, doesn't let you say anything seemingly disagreeing about even a suggestion from an official, and treats people like slaves. The population is capped because of food shortages, they are educated to be bitches, the only jobs are 'the government's bitch' job and criminal government positions, and even the niggers got away from that shit. And you call me a kike for pointing it out - now I know you're a troll. Kindly fuck off and have a good day, I'm out.
this guy did a lot of research on manson for a book.
this radio interview he summarises his findings but also gives a good account of the official story if you maybe dont know it
tldl: he was a drug dealer and a pimp to the rich and famous doing drug runs from mexico with ties to the mafia and the police so when he went to court it was in everyones interest to make him out to be delusional fanatic cult leader, the essential details of which were ripped off from another completely different person a few years earlier
oyyyyyy big big tears
Come on. lets not pretend you give a shit about Korean people. Lets not pretend you give a shit about anyone or anything.
manson was based