I just watched parts of his 1987 on youtube yesterday. He's lucid, about something. But what that something is, I cannot declare with certainty. He's very tuned into… concepts of freewill or whatnot. An esoteric loony toon? Some of you have probably looked into him more than I have so I'm wondering, what are your thoughts, b?
Born all the way back in 1934. Wow. And most of that life in institutions. How many years did he spend free?
The Beach Boys framed him because they didn't want to pay royalties tbh
Christian Reyes
t. bluepilled Holla Forums controlled opp kike
Adrian Sullivan
It's time to call time from behind you illusion has been just a dream the valley of death and I'll find you now is when on a sunshine beam
Brody Ross
I predicted this as well - sadly
Gavin Reyes
t. bluepilled Holla Forums controlled opp kike
Nathan Cook
meep meep requiescat in pace tbh no homo
Carson Roberts
t. bluepilled Holla Forums controlled opp kike
Bentley Gonzalez
no, i hate both Holla Forums and Holla Forums
Luis Carter
He actually was a pretty good songwriter.
Matthew Collins
Guys don't believe this fake shits
Luis Martinez
Justin Cook
Mason Green
They're both pretty bad tbh
Cameron Gray
Sleep well sweet prince, you will be remembered.
Ian Walker
Jaxson Ramirez
Colton Price
Fascinating character, but a complete waste. It's unfortunate he was dealt such a bad hand in life.
Sebastian Perry
Cease and desist your impersonation of my person at once you dastardly scoundrel!
Jeremiah Wood
Congratulations America for destroying yet another life with nearly 50 years of torture/imprisonment instead of helping him get over his psychosis.
Jaxon Cox
Julian Young
Ian Green
Fuck off Styx. You already spammed all threads with your gay BS.
Carson Cooper
Noah Sanchez
I predicted this.
What again you dumb faggot?
Parker Peterson
Rest in piece manson. You were a true pol user. You even predicted the race war. Hats off to you good sir o7 o7 o7
Isaiah Ross
Centrist faggot kys
Gabriel Peterson
I don't believe you.
All "centrists" i have ever met were actually pro left or kikes who don't like directly applied communism/marxis but dont want to be labeled as "neo nazis" by the left.
Liam Davis
To be fair kim is an ass to his people. Why are you shilling for him? Elaborate troll, kim goon, or retard?
Gabriel Martin
-Birthrate above 2.1 -Good education -Jobs and no criminality -No niggers You are a (((kike shill)))
Ryan Cooper
Rest in peace, you're a inspiration to many.
David Carter
A dude who regularly starves and kills his people, tortures people, doesn't let you say anything seemingly disagreeing about even a suggestion from an official, and treats people like slaves. The population is capped because of food shortages, they are educated to be bitches, the only jobs are 'the government's bitch' job and criminal government positions, and even the niggers got away from that shit. And you call me a kike for pointing it out - now I know you're a troll. Kindly fuck off and have a good day, I'm out.
this guy did a lot of research on manson for a book.
this radio interview he summarises his findings but also gives a good account of the official story if you maybe dont know it
tldl: he was a drug dealer and a pimp to the rich and famous doing drug runs from mexico with ties to the mafia and the police so when he went to court it was in everyones interest to make him out to be delusional fanatic cult leader, the essential details of which were ripped off from another completely different person a few years earlier
Kevin Bell
Elijah Harris
oyyyyyy big big tears Come on. lets not pretend you give a shit about Korean people. Lets not pretend you give a shit about anyone or anything.