Why do they add flouride (a poison) too perfectly clean water?



about bpa ^

>others will tell you "just buy some cheap-ass carbon filter!" which doesn't even remove significant amounts of chlorine but rather the chlorine "flavor" and don't remove any fluoride at all


another great trick or two for whitening your teeth is to brush your teeth with cinnamon, then put a small spoon of the yellow spice turmeric (related to ginger) in your mount and swishing it around until its a liquid (like mouthwash) for a few minutes. you can swallow the turmeric (but ask your doctor first) and then put a spoon of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it for another few minutes. spit the coconut oil out (in the trash, as it can freeze and harden in your pipes in cold weather, or may present other pipe clogging issues) and before you know it, a few days later you can notice a difference. (doing it every day of course, and changing your diet to a healthier one like this guide mentions)

Don't swallow any kind of toothpaste, ever. For this type of toothpaste the reason you don't want to swallow is the coumarin content. If you brush your teeth often, and you decide to be a dangerous idiot (absolutely not recommended! do not try this at home) and swallow the cinnamon toothpaste, you will get large doses of coumarin and get very sick or die.

I feel like my mouth is cleaner than ever, and again this is cheaper than any toothpaste you could ever buy in the store.

teflon and aluminum accumulates in your body and actually helps the fluoride hurt you more so avoid using kitchen wares made from those materials. also avoid copper. that shit can give you too much copper from what it releases into your food and cause you severe problems.

deodorants often contain aluminum and other horrible toxic shit that gets absorbed by your skin.
(It's now obvious to you why chemtrails are a mix of barium, strontium, and aluminum besides other things)


magnesium chloride deodorant when used by begginers can feel itchy, sting, burn, and tickle. this happened to me because I wasn't used to it, and I used way too much. when I used less and continued using it didn't happen to me anymore.

Method 2. (more difficult and more uncomfortable, but some people prefer it)
and its done.

you can make very small amounts to practice until you get the right texture. its like a paste you put it on one finger and spread it onto your underarm.

always remember to read ingredient lists on everything.


alot of these are from aluminum factory run off but the BIGGEST scam and the reason why dentists and the government pushes fluoride so hard is because it is a waste product of refining plutonium and uranium enrichment for weapons and nuclear powerplants. It's insanely expensive to dispose of it legally so they sell it to dentists and the states to add to water as a supplement, medication without consent. People ingest it and it ends up in graveyards or downstream in the ocean, basically highly indirect illegal dumping.

Body care
if you can wash your hair with baking soda, and then vinegar, you avoid alot of crap from shampoo and conditioner (read those (((ingredients))) and shit your pants. it takes getting used to but you save loads of money from buying all that crap. I rub wet baking soda into my hair in the shower and rinse with water, then I add white distilled vinegar and rinse with water again, and then I let it dry and rub a small amount of coconut oil into my hair as my conditioner. If you can avoid the microwave too, and go organic or at least non-gmo and full plant based food, you avoid so much trash.

It takes some getting used to but never give up and you will succeed. remember to avoid things that seem expensive, while many companies and corporations that sell organic food exist, many are out to just get inexperienced shoppers money. usda organic oats and flax seeds and dry black beans from wholefoods (dispenser section where you fill your own bag) are usually a good price to compare other things from as "fair"

I am Not a doctor or a dentist. Ask your doctor and dentist before doing anything.

I think water fluoridation as a whole is retarded, especially since it's not even the right kind of fluoride they're putting in the water. All I did was provide the argument as it's presented

lmao that's based

my dick is based in your mother's piss hole

be careful with this.
reverse osmosis treated water is very pure. This might sound like a good thing if you don't know what you're talking about but trust me: it can be really fucking bad.

Water is an extremely potent solvent. So potent, in fact, that it will suck the nutrients right out of you and you'll piss out many of the water soluble nutrients your body needs. If you want to cleanse some toxins out of your body or simply compensate for excess sodium intake, maybe drink the stuff for like a week tops. But it's a poor choice as a primary mode of hydration. If you're relying on reverse osmosis to clean your water, maybe crush up a multivitamin and stir or something. Not all vitamins are water soluble though so you will have some floaties in your glass.

The perfect water is a sort of balancing act: you want it far enough from saturation so that it can dissolve toxins from your body and carry them out, but you don't want it too far from saturation or it will carry out vital nutrients along with the toxins.

that sounds #based maga

fluoride is fucking mind control

I havent read any of the thread but saw your reverse osmosis thing. This is how they produce water on most international vessels, making fresh water from seawater.