Why do they add flouride (a poison) too perfectly clean water?

why do they add flouride (a poison) too perfectly clean water?

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The dose makes the poison

a substance is poisonous or not poisonous, obviously they dont add enough that it kills people.

Fluoride doesn't cause LGNTQAIDS, it causes your pineal gland (aka the third eye) to be calcified and shut so you don't have a connection to spirituality.


hahahha jesus christ thats it i throw in the towel, you win

you can lick my calcified nutsack you fucking monk go hit a gong.

you people are gay


Enough water will kill you.

i like to eat and drink poisons lol

it improves your teeth health, and they will be dead before the negative effects become apparent to the voting base.

The only reason the pineal gland was ever suggested as the seat of the soul is because for a very long time scientists didn't know what it did. Then they found out it makes growth hormones and you're retarded.

Doesn't it also produce DMT too or some shit?

yeah but really even water is poisonous if you drink 16 gallons without eating because it will wash the salts out of your body. Flouride will help protect your teeth from plaque build-up and not be harmful at all in small quantities.

How about people just brush their fucking teeth? How hard is that?
Teeth health is a bullshit excuse for putting poison in the water.

Pituitary, not Pineal. Learn your endocrine.

this tbh. the same type of people that don't bush don't drink water anyway.

To dumb down the populace.
For decades they have been removing the good halogen, iodine, from the food supply and replacing it with the bad halogen, fluoride. If you have sufficient iodine, you literally do not need fluoride.
Iodine has been found to increase IQ and aide in the production of essential thyroid hormones. Meanwhile fluoride lowers IQ and calcifies the thyroid, reducing its ability to produce hormones.

I'm not saying it's a good reason, i'm just saying that it is the reason.

Wastewater technician here. Poison in small doses is harmless to humans but it kills microorganisms. Fluoride is efficient because the mild radioactivity ensures that it'll keep your water clean for a long time. It's the same reason they add it to toothpaste, and why tea leaves are antibacterial.

Point being, if shit ever hits the fan, better hope that your water was fluoridated, faggot.


both are cucks, it just simply that the one on the left hides it from society and the right one broadcast it to the 4 winds


I hope the rest of you fags have bought filters too.

he is smiling because of money ;)
btw. those filters do nothing with fluoride


t. globalist

t. pedo

that escalated quickly…

I know what you're up to Shlomo.

hahaha a glass of CAVEMAN
i imagine it contains substances that support paranoia, insecurity, and agressiveness

No, that's the excuse they throw at you. That's not the reason though.

The pedo is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a pedo and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

i imagine you’d much rather have a nice big glass of CUCK, which contains substances that support apathy, over-confidence and nervousness.

wow you already know how much i care about your reply

wew lad
thanks for the (you) though

alex jones literally sells supplements with lead in them kek

they dont

actually it increases the pressure of fluids in the skull 1st and kills u that way

Nice try, globalist scum!

not an argument tbh

my argument is (((your))) (((source))) is shit.

the daily limit under prop 65 is 0.5 micrograms. so that means the worst supplement has about 3 micrograms in it.
Your body can effectively remove 300 micrograms without any ill effects.

So the WORST supplement Alex Jones offers has 1/100 of what you can take daily without harm.

Because you can't trust Ameritards to brush their teeth

fluoride toothpaste has more than enough to do the job they say it does topically, now then why the fuck do people have to swallow fluoride in the tap water?

it's nuke plant byproduct being ilegally dumped into the system instead of disposed as toxic waste because "it helps you-" get dental and skeletal fluorosis

fluoride is a hormone, thyroid, and endocrine disruptor. increases cancer risk severely.

bullshit disinfo shill detected

beware most filters do not remove fluoride.
buy spring water that only contains small amounts of naturally occuring calcium fluoride.

watch out for cucks.


i've been looking into filters and have discovered this myself - now im looking into building my own solar water distiller… i only drink bottled spring water now, but the xeno-estrogens in the plastic freak me out…

Watch out for Holla Forums useful idiots and their memes, every time they lose the argument they just slide everything and post the same refuted crap again and again and mods dont give a fuck about that because they are fedoras.

that is pituitary nigga

pineal gland is the principal seat of the soul according to Rene "give her the d" Decartes

pineal gland is neuroanatomically proven to have photoreceptors

alex jones had always been the shill
don't recommend those drugs he's promoting
it causes permanent hyperpigmentation. my sources are probably burried by now so check youtube.
Even Hitler is just another puppet of the Rockefellers.
Know thyself, know thy enemy.


not that user
by solar water distillers you mean condensation right?
I think that's not effective in filtering fluoride.
xenoestrogens are terrible. just do a proper detox. spring water have huge amounts of calcium bi/carbonate and are still dangerous to the gland.
I recommend bottled water that are acidic instead then take some sodium bicarbs to completely do a detox.

Or you could drink the water out of a sewer… but it's up to you, your choice.

It kills parasites in small dose such as chlorine in pools


ACTUALLY, I'm a chemist and fluoride salt reactors are extremely rare because of the expenses for maintenance as it corrodes pipes.


to be fair, water fluoridation is for a different reason than the fluoride in toothpaste.
Toothpaste is for teeth, water fluoridation is for bones.

as said, that is a very small portion of it. It's actually a byproduct of aluminum production.

meep meep flouride was made by Sam Hyde for the purposes of patricide but shit got out of hand and it seeped into the sand and we're all strapped in for the ride tbh no homo

we should ass more fluoride to our water so our kids baby teeth can be nice and white before they fall out and then they get adult teeth that will be nice and white

because it's based? retard

Are you retarded?

We should add arsenic to the drinking water of some random towns tbh

if you fuck with growth hormones, like fluoride fucking with your pineal gland and thyroid, you can get cancer. fucking obvious.

go fuck yourself shill. all shills do is run around telling lies. hitler was not being manipulated. they sent to whole world to hunt him down and kill him because he went against them.

on top of that they started a massive world wide disinformation campaign to shame and demonize and discredit hitler and brainwash everyone from birth through movies, tv shows, videogames, and more. school also teaches everyone to hate hitler.



about bpa ^

>others will tell you "just buy some cheap-ass carbon filter!" which doesn't even remove significant amounts of chlorine but rather the chlorine "flavor" and don't remove any fluoride at all


another great trick or two for whitening your teeth is to brush your teeth with cinnamon, then put a small spoon of the yellow spice turmeric (related to ginger) in your mount and swishing it around until its a liquid (like mouthwash) for a few minutes. you can swallow the turmeric (but ask your doctor first) and then put a spoon of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it for another few minutes. spit the coconut oil out (in the trash, as it can freeze and harden in your pipes in cold weather, or may present other pipe clogging issues) and before you know it, a few days later you can notice a difference. (doing it every day of course, and changing your diet to a healthier one like this guide mentions)

Don't swallow any kind of toothpaste, ever. For this type of toothpaste the reason you don't want to swallow is the coumarin content. If you brush your teeth often, and you decide to be a dangerous idiot (absolutely not recommended! do not try this at home) and swallow the cinnamon toothpaste, you will get large doses of coumarin and get very sick or die.

I feel like my mouth is cleaner than ever, and again this is cheaper than any toothpaste you could ever buy in the store.

teflon and aluminum accumulates in your body and actually helps the fluoride hurt you more so avoid using kitchen wares made from those materials. also avoid copper. that shit can give you too much copper from what it releases into your food and cause you severe problems.

deodorants often contain aluminum and other horrible toxic shit that gets absorbed by your skin.
(It's now obvious to you why chemtrails are a mix of barium, strontium, and aluminum besides other things)


magnesium chloride deodorant when used by begginers can feel itchy, sting, burn, and tickle. this happened to me because I wasn't used to it, and I used way too much. when I used less and continued using it didn't happen to me anymore.

Method 2. (more difficult and more uncomfortable, but some people prefer it)
and its done.

you can make very small amounts to practice until you get the right texture. its like a paste you put it on one finger and spread it onto your underarm.

always remember to read ingredient lists on everything.


alot of these are from aluminum factory run off but the BIGGEST scam and the reason why dentists and the government pushes fluoride so hard is because it is a waste product of refining plutonium and uranium enrichment for weapons and nuclear powerplants. It's insanely expensive to dispose of it legally so they sell it to dentists and the states to add to water as a supplement, medication without consent. People ingest it and it ends up in graveyards or downstream in the ocean, basically highly indirect illegal dumping.

Body care
if you can wash your hair with baking soda, and then vinegar, you avoid alot of crap from shampoo and conditioner (read those (((ingredients))) and shit your pants. it takes getting used to but you save loads of money from buying all that crap. I rub wet baking soda into my hair in the shower and rinse with water, then I add white distilled vinegar and rinse with water again, and then I let it dry and rub a small amount of coconut oil into my hair as my conditioner. If you can avoid the microwave too, and go organic or at least non-gmo and full plant based food, you avoid so much trash.

It takes some getting used to but never give up and you will succeed. remember to avoid things that seem expensive, while many companies and corporations that sell organic food exist, many are out to just get inexperienced shoppers money. usda organic oats and flax seeds and dry black beans from wholefoods (dispenser section where you fill your own bag) are usually a good price to compare other things from as "fair"

I am Not a doctor or a dentist. Ask your doctor and dentist before doing anything.

I think water fluoridation as a whole is retarded, especially since it's not even the right kind of fluoride they're putting in the water. All I did was provide the argument as it's presented

lmao that's based

my dick is based in your mother's piss hole

be careful with this.
reverse osmosis treated water is very pure. This might sound like a good thing if you don't know what you're talking about but trust me: it can be really fucking bad.

Water is an extremely potent solvent. So potent, in fact, that it will suck the nutrients right out of you and you'll piss out many of the water soluble nutrients your body needs. If you want to cleanse some toxins out of your body or simply compensate for excess sodium intake, maybe drink the stuff for like a week tops. But it's a poor choice as a primary mode of hydration. If you're relying on reverse osmosis to clean your water, maybe crush up a multivitamin and stir or something. Not all vitamins are water soluble though so you will have some floaties in your glass.

The perfect water is a sort of balancing act: you want it far enough from saturation so that it can dissolve toxins from your body and carry them out, but you don't want it too far from saturation or it will carry out vital nutrients along with the toxins.

that sounds #based maga

fluoride is fucking mind control

I havent read any of the thread but saw your reverse osmosis thing. This is how they produce water on most international vessels, making fresh water from seawater.

Why do they add corn syrup to food? Why do vaccines contain mercury? I think it's just a mystery and you should stop asking questions.

Mind control

because it's the based free market, idiot

heh heh heh

You're right. But people don't spend their whole fucking lives on these vessels. For cases when they actually do spend very significant amounts of time on the ship, water re-mineralization systems are employed.







fluoride a shit


Other things they add to water:

Cary Grant would have been 13 years old in 1917. Can we please get the crappy meme images accurate?

meep meep it's the internet what d'ya want tbh no homo

I want someone to give a damn about when Cary Grant was born.


fluoride is bad.