clothed lgs != child porn you brainwashing kike
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Your argument is that being delisted from google is a bad thing so having pedos on the site was a bad thing and I've shown you why its a good thing because just look at 4chan.
It was good in more ways than one at keeping out the same types that ruined 4chan, with moderation that was very similar to old 4chan to replicate what it was like back then.
Now the same slippery slope that happened there is happening here.
Now because they're building an army of hotpockets we'll get banned and our posts deleted over the most retarded shit because theres no way to screen these people begging for power being worthy of it or not, just like whats happened on 4chan where on some boards theres a black mod that bans you for saying nigger.
He felt fine with it for the months it was on his servers before he became admin, or is it just that he didn't give enough of a shit about Holla Forums that he didn't even look into who a large portion of the userbase really was?
but to this site it does
For a week or two. I think at least one pedo got a vol spot because I applied three times in this thread. Dysnomia won't find out which one of the new vols I am but all I can say is gl fatty.
I'm not the same user you replied to previously I'm just another user putting his input in this so called 'discussion.'
Yeah and we're all fucked.
lol, is that true?
So, one of us has a position of power? Sweet tbh
In a week or two either dysnomia has the sense to demod most of these faggots and we're back to square one of no moderation, or he doesn't and we're left with a bunch of hungry for power egotists running the place based on their feelings like 4chan.
We've already got one of those and his name is jim, dysnomia has been under the whip of jim and son for too long so it takes a fresh crack to get him to do anything so he hardly counts.
yes, i was a victim of it
Global rule 3 says you can't post anything racist outside of Holla Forums so the mods that ban for it never get demodded, a lot of mods just don't ban you for it though since like I said theres no way to screen these people to make sure they'll actually do their job.
Yeah right.