If you are looking to become a volunteer for Holla Forums please post ITT with the following:
I will look through any serious replies and respond accordingly. Your position will be to remove pedo content, DOST, CP, and other illegal things. If you have any questions feel free to ask in this thread.
If you are chosen you will receive an email from me at [email protected]
I almost can't wait for you to become a volunteer so we can break you like the rest.
Christian Williams
Sebastian Price
dont confuse the poor guy, he obviously american
they cant comprehend that there are other countries in the world. to them there is only two regions "the world wide united states federation" and "that land where all the terrorists / immigrants come from, probably called mexico"
Easton Walker
t. cumskin that's just what koreans look like unlike your disgusting women. he has good taste
Nolan Lopez
t. pedo ?
kys nigger
James Thomas
you literally just make the best argument for liking little white girls tbh
Oliver Rodriguez
9 pm - 1 am CET usually motivation is I don't like pedos I won't use a trip
Xavier White
Daily reminder that this is what globals ban people for
Reporting this thread to dol.gov/ilab/contacts/main.htm only kids and manchildren would want to work for free. Child labor is illegal! Edit the OP to say 18+ only for compliance as a moderation service on a website that profits through ads cannot be provided by children!!!
can I use a temporary e-mail? do I have to use a tripcode? this is not a paid position, I will be here when I feel like it you nigger tbh kill pedos tbh
Jordan Lee
Eat another rat, Dysgusting Inviting vol aps at this stage in the game is tantamount to opening the gates to the barbarians. There remain only detractors and pedos You are simply beyond stupid
Jaxson Campbell
this board needs to be destroyed, this site is beyond saving
Zachary Jenkins
You are so late to the party that its embarrassing please stop.
Luke Torres
i thought we were broz n shet
Julian Rogers
yogapig killed any good will i have towards this site.
Dominic Bailey
fuck off reddit
Zachary White
You're going to kill me from second hand embarrassment, do you really want blood on your hands?
Oliver Evans
i want reddit to leave
Jeremiah Perry
How does pointing out how long it took you to realize the state of this site have anything to do with reddit?
Lucas Smith
how doesn't it?
Carter Jackson
Cooper Wright
Let me guess this is some kind of mewch raid bullshit where you'll just call everyone reddit for some reason right?
Brandon Williams
so where to Hex? we will follow
James Nguyen
kys postmodernist
Jayden Bennett
i'm not from mewch because i'm a pedo. i don't think they like pedos at mewch
Brayden Diaz
Adam Collins
trying to figure that out
Chase Cox
let's go to MK. i heard that was a good imageboard :3
Camden Turner
It didn't have to be this way. If only you had avoided the polyunsaturated fats, you wouldn't have suffered so. Whether it be pedo or just weirdo, the cure is the same: the mitochondria must uncouple and their cardiolipins must be resaturated. Will you take the vitamin E pill? It's a warm pill to swallow.
No more serotonin now, only bright light and expansive visions.
Ayden Peterson
Hex would probably like it because its full of namefagging attentionwhores like him.
Nathaniel Rodriguez
Ayden Turner
it was prank bro
Justin Perez
Don't forget to include your timezone.
Andrew Reyes
Hey at least there's lots of wins there.
James Young
Adrian Nguyen
I didn't mean MK specifically was full of attentionwhores just forums in general.
Thomas Hughes
ov vey meds plesz dys cheld aboser muh safes pace
Jackson King
That's kinda the point of forums tbh. Anyways if it were up to me I wouldn't choose a pseudonym by signing up but it really isn't up to me. So I take what I can get.
Isaac Morales
Wost datamining thread ever. And now we have the new mods' email addresses. Doh!
Lincoln Powell
Oh, and hey Dysnomia…make sure you aren't accidentally modding a pedo like you did with the spammer.
Bentley Green
uhh, takes literally 5 seconds to create a throwaway protonmail
William Perez
are you retarded? do you actually think Hex is a pedo and the spammer? he is neither of those things; if you are a gvol or something that is pathetic. he is neither of those things, adn was one of the best mods we had deleting pedo content. and he wasn't the spammer, either, that is literally just people meme'ing
Mason Rogers
he's the spammer you jackass
Ian Cox
Is this what the mewch defense force looks like? Nobody sucked his dick this hard before he went there.
Jayden Reyes
t. hex
Aaron Price
t. yoganig
John Foster
hex is a pedo. he has the personality called "LH" that regurly posts here and he even has conversations with himself. think about it. LH is the one creating the Hex Appreciation threads and LH is also a burger. just a (((coincidence))) goy. fk of yoganig orbiters tbh
Justin Hernandez
ask him yourself
John Hill
hex did nothing wrong
Hudson Lopez
nah i am just pretty amazed at how much the administration of this site overstepped their bounds in banning him and think that sets an unfortunate precedent for this site. nice try though
Carter Green
back to kc tbh
Landon Brown
The unfortunate precedent was set the day jim became admin and banned all the pedos, Holla Forumss BO, and everyone that disagreed with him and made fun of him. The only people acting outraged now that hex got banned are newfags.
Hudson Foster
hey man i want to feel young again. feeling young again is freeze peach
Isaac Stewart
translation: bane all the pedos for being child abusers tbh
Angel Wright
no. ban the pedos, not for being child abusers or any of that, but for being obnoxious fucking cunts and they're alphabets
Aiden Rivera
Jace Watson
If being an obnoxious fucking cunt was a bannable offense you'd be the first to go.
Gavin Taylor
I would encourage you to do so if you're going to post here. Tripcode is just for replying in this thread. It's not necessary to volunteer. I would like overlapping hours.
James Richardson
shut the fuck up faggot address the anons in this thread
Juan Sullivan
I want to volunteer because I heard that you can post all the CP you want, and I love the CPs.
Luke Brown
new vol AMA
Brandon Jenkins
Brody Edwards
are you jew
Christian Bennett
if serious pls don't disrupt thread.
Jaxon Johnson
Can hispanics receive privileges? I'm a minority and face injustices. Only fair. Can you provide, fellow?
Gavin Flores
Cameron Gomez
I literally know he is.
Henry Morgan
this have a a look here rip maisie bro just got permed
Jaxson Richardson
Oh, I'm sure you do, sweetheart. Now, settle down or you're going to shit yourself.
Austin White
still not rebuking any of my claims hex/lh
Parker Brown
You are literally wrong. Hex is NOT a pedo, Hex is NOT the spammer, and Hex is innocent
Logan Morris
so hex is a gay pedo according to that picture
Nicholas Rivera
Justin Turner
I think I saw Hex near >>>/magick/
Chase Ward
Kill yourself you fucking faggot dysnomia is a faggot.
Cooper Myers
Jacob Evans
thanks. im blind so i'm thankful you explained exactly what the seeing type saw.
Dylan James
good board
Lincoln Collins
I can understand the spam is excessive, but are midget threads completely banned now?
Nolan Anderson
Carson Taylor
not sure whether to laugh or feel pity towards the pedos. but if it makes you feel better, he specified "illegal" shit.
Camden Russell
illegal shit = photos of children
Anthony Gomez
they get anchored
Nathaniel Diaz
holy fuck that was quick
Isaiah Brown
Nah, not a pedo. Just seems excessive.
LEA must be breathing down Jim's neck. I made a thread earlier asking how to ruin someone's life by framing them as a child molester and it's nowhere to be seen
Dominic Jones
dysnomia nuked almost all the pedo related threads. this one being one of them he didn't nuke.
Isaiah Sanders
if you're retarded, then sure, but the mods always were, so this shit wont necessarily change what has always been. fear not. midgets will bless your eyes, but remain in the state they always should, that being non-lewd. their purity will be intact, and your penis will be happy.
didnt he always do that?
Julian Russell
[email protected] 12-5 PM on most week days. 7-12 AM on the weekends. Because I want Holla Forums to actually be good. I've been here a while, the board has seen better days.
Here, have an asuka pic.
Kayden Myers
not for the past few weeks no someone posted non lewd midgets and he still got D+ the pedos might actually post pthc if you annoy them enough. maybe this was the globals end goal after all.
Brandon Morris
back to the pgt tbh
William Myers
you happy now?
Ian Garcia
might as well dump some actual cp at this rate.
Kayden Turner
Josiah Kelly
wtf is up with the tripfags
Anthony Watson
if the end result is less little girls being tainted, i'm fine. pedos getting fucked over is a cherry on top.
mummy didnt give them enough attention so they want to feel worth something.
Chase Sullivan
Come on…
Oliver Taylor
make sure you are here in 4 hours
Xavier Stewart
they're talking on lolifox about spamming the board. so no one is getting fucked over other than dysnomia. win win
Charles Richardson
one person asked and he got told to fuck off
Camden Allen
that's just in the pgt. they communicate on tox and irc.
Jonathan King
pedos are tech savvy
Adam Stewart
idk some of them are
Robert Garcia
pedos spamming Holla Forums just gives dys more incentive to purge pedo content in general by taking some drastic measures. and i dont want that, as im sure pedos dont. little girls are endearing to the eyes, and it keeps the normies away. lets work together within out limits. non-lewd girls are the future.
Joshua White
do you have enough computers to do that?
Angel Martin
using lolifox as an escape goat doesn't work
Hudson Davis
who would be dumb enough to want tp mod this dump
Thomas Baker
its a doggy dog world after all
Oliver Perez
still removed by moralfag rulecucks
Jordan Reyes
irc and tox not going to cap it for you so you can think you know whats happening
way too late for that
Caleb King
Dont the pedos have their own website now?
Tyler Bailey
Mom, I made it, I'm finally a moderate in the fowl ass swamp that is Holla Forums
Camden Diaz
it's either that, or you cunts spamming and dys disabling vpns. you literally wont win, and i will lose, too! :( lets not be too hasty.
nothing is too late when little girls are at stake
Chase Torres
so the site becomes a less popular cuckchan and loses most of its userbase
Jason Williams
mom would be disappointed tbh
Colton Parker
When have pedos not had their own websites?
Christian Kelly
larp harder tbh
Carson Russell
again, the end result is complete and utter pedophile genocide, or some compromises. stop being such a bitch. this is how the fucking world works, you dont get everything that you want. you will lose something at the end, so mitigate it by not being such a fucking beta-male, sulky faggot.
i use Holla Forums because every other site sucks, imo. im pretty sure the desperate for cp pedos have better means of obtaining it, so why come here.
Owen White
Levi Evans
the pedo butthurt in this thread is quite glorious
Jonathan Mitchell
Ryan Hill
t. Pedo
Connor White
ov vey good guy
Kayden Smith
t. Hex
Adam Ross
Has anyone even bothered to sign up for mod powers yet? i might just as a joke tbh
Michael Evans
Talk about hyperbole, a few pedos no longer being able to go to a dying shithole imageboard isn't a genocide.
Availability: I brows 8ch every single day, usually for a few hours at a time. I have a lot of free time on my hands.
Reasons for wanting to do so: Holla Forums is a fucking shithole, and I intend on cleaning up. I've wanted to become a vol for quite a while, and I plan on bringing quality shitposting back, and removing pedofaggots.
Austin Jones
Gavin Perez
fucking feral
Landon Russell
having a !Judge Dred trip code is fucking bad ass for a mod, i made one couple of months ago.
Luke Murphy
And no, this is not shitposting. I made an actual separate gmail account names mynameisjimmyrustles.
Chase Nelson
Isaac Flores
Fun fact: it's impossible to get molested through the Internet.
Grayson Walker
make a secure one then we can talk
Andrew Hughes
I would just apply to be mod and then just not do anything till i get unmodded
Zachary Gonzalez
did i say molest? don't think i did. but a metric tonne of non-chad, disgusting, degenerate pedos with no life ogling at pure innocents and viewing them in a sexual way taints them. it's abnormal and filthy. at least do one thing in your pathetic life and control yourself.
Matthew Diaz
Hey Dys, how many vols do you plan on giving the job to?
Matthew Gray
Are the vols gonna be paid in hotpockets
Robert Parker
You can't taint someone through the Internet either. There's literally no interaction between the filthy pedos and the little girls. How schizophrenic are you?
Carter Thompson
they're allowed to save the Instagram pictures they delete/perma for dost
Sebastian Brown
just like how the 4chan mods did when pedo spam was more common
Nathaniel Johnson
live streaming apps dip shit
Adrian Flores
yes they build there own collection and when they get unmodded they spam it all
Parker Turner
the same as regarding niggers as one with the white race taints the white race, regarding little girls, PURE INNOCENT ENDEARING little girls, in a sexual way taints them. they shouldnt be regarded in that way. its a filthy act that animals participate in and can understand; we arent primitive beasts. and this is taking into consideration only if the images and videos are harmless, not actual cp, which is considerably worse for other reasons.
Brayden Price
i got perma banned for posting insta pics in context for a joke, not even sex.
Luis Foster
Easton Carter
Pack your bags. It's over.
Zachary Wilson
Yeah, but how many of these "prospects" did that? See, you have to be an idiot to want to sign up for this and the proof is right here in the thread. Less than six people offering to help, only 2 of them actually following the instructions accurately, and both of them probably pedo spammers. This can not possibly end well for Dysnomia, and I can not fucking wait to watch it happen.
Josiah Miller
Pedos spam the board and get vol. Its just how it works man. We live in a backwards world.
that makes you smarter than most antis I've encountered, except for this bit
and this black pedos, asian pedos, female pedos who aren't dykes, teenage pedos…
what are your thoughts on these, mr. certified
Caleb Perez
mods are the cancer
i miss Hex
Robert Kelly
Hey Dysnigger. Having fun? Just popping in to remind you that I warned you that all of this would happen, and I even told you when it would happen. I am sure you remember that, but I just wanted to remind you that I also told you something else. I also told you that this was only the beginning. I told you that this was bigger than just Holla Forums. So now I will tell you this in case you haven't already figured this out (you do seem kind of thick)…you other boards are next. Get that? I am telling you flat out, /magick and /girltalk are next. I do not know how much that extremely large ego of yours can take, but if you are already on the edge you may want to reconsider my earlier suggestion that you simply quit and walk away from 8ch while you have a shred of dignity and self-respect left. I won't think any less of you for it, in fact quite the opposite. Do yourself a life-changing favor…tell Jim and Ron to fuck off, and to shove their boards up their ass. You know it would make you feel good to do that. You know it would. And what would you be out? Nothing. You'd be free.
I am trying to do you a favor here, fatboy. I have been trying to do you this favor all along. Free yourself. Get off your ass for once and stand up for yourself. Last chance…..hibernation is coming very, very soon.
Mason Ortiz
well, i typed out an entire response, got banned, then immediately unbanned. sorry, but im not typing all that again. you can consider me a decent anti, not the delusional fuckwits you usually see. take solemn in that.
Brody Anderson
didn't read lol
Landon King
Less then 12 hours and hes all ready given someone the power to ruin the board too much skin tbh
Gabriel Stewart
make up your mind, cuck.
Noah Allen
It all happened the way it did because you failed to resign, the only person you have to blame is yourself
Juan Baker
Say hello to your new vol, Jim Rustles. I intend on cleaning up this shithole, one pedo at a time.
this is code for i will abuse the shit out of my position btw
Jason Fisher
Austin Cox
took about 5 secs for me to be right
Jose Rodriguez
B has two rules, No CP, no Spam. Gets banned for neither.
Dylan Cooper
bruh, dont ban cunts for animal degeneracy. cmon. that video wasnt even bad, and i find that shit repulsive. ban for genuine shit, nigger, like the tainting of little girls. think of everyone as not using a vpn and dispense these bands little by little, to not drought the userbase.
Carter Howard
I have a tripcode, I should be a vol tbh
Jace Smith
what a timeline this turned out to be.
Aaron Hall
Besides, pedo's are degenerate.
Adrian Sanders
Mason Ward
Did you just assume their age of attraction (AOA)?
End yourself shitlord.
Connor Price
>Jim_Rustles hidden 8 seconds Holla Forums Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread:
Matthew Ward
gooood, goooood…….. once trust is built, Operation LIPO-DYSTRUCTION will begin!
Parker Edwards
So the new mod recruited to delete pedo shit is already deleting non-pedo shit? Yeah, that is a big surprise. Not. Welcome to the new 4cuck.
Daniel Green
Maybe just this once, you should have.
Parker Campbell
VPNs gone when?
Sebastian Morales
just wait until the other three hop on
Hunter Campbell
the destruction of Holla Forums will be more entertaining than the pedo content, anyway.
Lincoln Wood
they never needed the pedos help to destroy Holla Forums
Jaxson Cruz
it was nice knowing you guys we all getting baned
Aaron Brown
My Intention as a vol is just to play janitor. I've posted to Holla Forums for nearly a decade so I'm okay with kittens being stomped out by a sexy jap in high heels.
Jace Baker
got banned by Way for posting this, minus the censoring.
Brody Howard
Leo Gutierrez
Someone get Jim on line two.
I am willing to purchase this site for $20,000.
I will improve it. Screenshot this.
Jason Gutierrez
A sucker and his money are soon parted. I wouldn't give $2 for this shithole. It has never made a fucking dime, you know that, right?
Jack Adams
4chan doesnt make shit, which is why they sell user info.
Landon Hill
Animal abuse is illegal in USA >perma ban for ig photos dismiss report for anime abuse
Joseph Mitchell
What about the 10k+ that it made through crowdfunding that immediately went to josh who squandered it like the talentless hack he is?
Christopher Collins
Daniel Mitchell
8ch didn't make that money, Josh did.
William Ross
Tell that to peta advertising department, cumwad
Jordan Sanders
bitch, idgaf. I make dollar while sleeping.
This is just another plaything for me to buy but I actually would like to improve the site.
Daniel Ward
Hunter Lee
as it should be. based mods for removing that shit
Elijah Davis
Sorry thats still too lewd
Levi Rivera
Jace Turner
This isn't the /islam/ board.
Parker King
I'm still here if you want a vol that isn't retarded.
Adrian Collins
Don't talk to tripfaggots
Ryan Bell
opposed to the kitten making one person/family happy, it made multiple degenerates happy online, at the cost of its own life, which is significantly less important than a human's wants and needs . wouldnt allow it, but wouldnt really be opposed to it, either.
Carter Hill
This. This is the exact reason I left 4chan. Random deletion of legal shit for no reason other than someone's panties are bunched. Fuck this place.
Christopher Gutierrez
Daniel Nelson
Brandon Gomez
Everyone is upset over the low-quality & attention-siphoning posts.
Asher Davis
got banned from 4chan by posting 3 specific images that i still have. i want to test if Holla Forums is 4chan by posting them, but i dont use vpn.
Gavin James
David Harris
Xavier Carter
Same here, I'm sure most of the userbase of Holla Forums came here because of the promise of free speech that 4chan didn't provide, so sad to see history repeat itself.
Julian Reyes
Anyone miss the old days when Holla Forums was fun I do
Parker Mitchell
go for it
Carson Gray
Go back to 4chan
Luke Flores
i feel ya feelbro
Jackson Long
R8 my sister threadm w8 guys how do i make a thread? Pm me instructions
Dylan Watson
but i like this place too much to sacrifice myself for an obvious conclusion. :(
literally no idea. i study cs, not networking.
Ayden Jackson
make me board owner and i will make tripcodes required in jesus name we pray amen
Hudson Powell
you don't need to know anything about how it works, you just need to be able to copy and paste it into firefox
Nicholas Thompson
this tbh
Isaiah Hill
disgusting granny, it's literally rotting away standing there. i can smell her from here.
Aiden White
I miss when imageboards in general were fun instead of just being a reminder of how much better things used to be.
Easton Hernandez
i tried to make a meme and got bitch slapped for it.
when i feel it's necessary, i will be bothered.
Asher Lopez
How do act ces the web deepo
Samuel Smith
Yeah my favorite part about Holla Forums is that I can make my own board and just talk to myself in it all day because nobody else will ever visit.
Jack Flores
what meme? i'm still sad we couldn't force sosad
Andrew Nelson
Mods suck, bring back Hex now!
Jack Flores
Xavier Cooper
such power… and he let it all go, and for what?!
Hunter Powell
Tyler Rodriguez
James Evans
Robert James
Luis Sanders
Cameron Johnson
Liam Sullivan
i didn't want power, even as much as some people claimed i did. i just wanted to help my friends on Holla Forums, and have fun threads full of discussion and OC. but now i can't because that is all over.
What do u mean by "pedo content" cp I get but pedo content can literally mean anything?
Matthew Campbell
Just like dost.
Michael Mitchell
By pedo content he means everything but drawings because he likes drawings of naked children just not real ones.
Ryan Jackson
Kevin Howard
7pm cst to 2am cst SOY@Holla Forums.co I’ve always wanted to be vol. I’m not into kids so will gladly delete the content. It’s just a username that I’ve always used. I’m actually quite testosteronous. HMU dys I’m your guy.
Jason Nelson
Hey, look who it is. Go away
Thomas Ross
He likes real ones. He posted pics of himself stalking little girls on his own board.
Jose Williams
why would anyone want to do this? This cancer board can go rot in hell.
Thomas Long
Something to do
Samuel Phillips
Cameron Baker
Look little you in the eye each time you encounter a child
Sebastian King
to have some authority for once in their lives.
Levi Johnson
you really want to help jim after what has happened recently?
Angel Flores
You can’t un-fuck a child -Chuck Palahniuk
Parker Jackson
Jaxon Turner
He was only banned for 30 minutes, calm down.
Jeremiah Lee
Tbh I have a job now. I don’t know what happened. I don’t really care, bullshit happens all the time here and mewch deleted my board so fuck them to death. I have a few hours a night for my favorite website and am not swayed by the opinions of others.
Parker Jones
Angel Roberts
why so triggered by cute girls? are they gay?
Aiden Ramirez
so the punishment is justified if the victim isnt subjected to it for a long time, regardless if the punishment was warranted in the first place? makes sense.
Daniel Barnes
Sorry bout that HeX. Pretty lame, especially with your time spent as vol and the effectiveness of said time. Dys probably is a girl
Nathaniel Reyes
Luke Peterson
i told jim that and he said being a mod on /hebe/ doesn't count and called me a pedo. the guy is the scum of the earth
Nicholas Long
30 minutes for name fagging isn’t so bad. Dysnomia once disabled name field for a month because I used a vulgar tripcode in a cat naming thread.
Asher Hernandez
Yes, you didn't already know? She's also the BO of /girltalk/
Ian Sanders
You mean like this? -7521882
Brayden Wilson
Lurk. For your own safety.
Nathaniel Russell
Snail is the bo of girl talk. I’ve talked to her before. She’s an autistic bitch with toxic shock from old tampons left in her deep roast beef sandwich of a cunt
James Torres
Carson Green
the cunt literally just became vol. he hasnt earnt our respect yet. he shouldnt "funban"
Isaiah Jones
Snail if you are reading this. I hope you get raped and kill yourself from the shame of enjoying it you piece of shit excuse for a female.
Easton Jenkins
Christopher Clark
snail, dysomnia and hex all have threesome's tbh
Noah Nguyen
To the gas chamber with you.
Angel Collins
degenerates out
Asher Gomez
Justin Cox
HeX is an lds convert. probably doesn’t even jack off every night. Also, nobody is fucking snail, unless she spams right on Tinder for a few hours. I don’t know Dus that well tbh.
Isaiah Flores
Oh shit I have a clone.
Jordan Gonzalez
It’s a feature of the site. Get over it faggot
Caleb Morris
Why are you so triggered, namefag?
Hunter Edwards
we are not alone
Aiden Johnson
are not alone we are
Wyatt Scott
Jim was there to protect the board like crazy. I think there is some connection we weren't told about.
William Turner
I’m not gonna trip fag ever again tbh. I’m only using a name here because I have friends itt
Hudson Edwards
Mason Price
I have an army now.
Isaac Butler
Because I have no mouth and must scream
Oliver Morris
Namefags need to be gassed tbh.
Bentley Wilson
yourself kill
an army of one
Ethan Cruz
kill yourself
one person army we are
Owen Morris
Here’s that reaction you wanted. Pffffffft
Andrew Clark
Ryder Scott
You’re being ignored from this point on so try harder, k?
John Phillips
correct. i was told i shouldn't ever do it by the missionaries, but it isn't something that you are asked about anymore so i don't really know what the official policy in the church is on it. i assume its just kinda don't ask don't tell. i don't think there's any point to never doing it, unless you want to wake up in the middle of the night to change your sheets when it decides to come out on its own. just don't use porn and keep your thoughts pure is the way i see it.
Colton Flores
Yeah he probably did that to look good to the female users (if that is what they indeed are)
Austin Morales
The noname army will take over Holla Forums
David Miller
Michael Hill
back off, fake Hex
Jace Robinson
I try to limit it to once a week. If i feel like fapping at bed time I just go lift weights. By the time I’m done I’m too tired to try masturbating.
Grayson Baker
He jumps in and out of his trip code so he can make fun of me if he wants to. I don’t mind
William Clark
I like Hex though. He should run for president of Burgerstan tbh
Oliver Hughes
at least 5x per day here
Kevin Anderson
if you take Super Male Vitality™ you can fap 5+ times per day and not lose stamina.
Jace Young
hex is not a bed wetter
Dylan Jones
Jonathan Torres
same. i don't think i go over 2 times a week very often
Mason Barnes
I just know.
Eli Reed
I have his tripcode just in case he dies and needs his legacy carried on. Just like the HeX before him. I won’t compromise it unless that time truly comes. He’s like dread pirate Roberts. Being HeX is an idea not a person.
Benjamin Ramirez
Hex is dead. Let him go
Thomas Phillips
You really need all the testosterone you can get or you start looking like nanotech
Alexander Clark
noname is the new hex tbh
Eli Baker
Julian Nguyen
pretty much ye
Joshua Russell
He’s still here. He’ll never leave. HeX is forever.
Adam Scott
mMove on, I am here in his place.
Jordan Sanchez
I'm a Mormon. AMA tbh
Henry Myers
Jace Gutierrez
mine was better actually
Wyatt Peterson
hex is dead. I am the future.
Gavin Murphy
I don’t want to spend that much time here anyway. Take it see if I care. HeX will be here long after you get bored of the board. He’ll find any excuse not to find a job
Ayden Gutierrez
rip 8gag 2017-2014
Jack Fisher
I am
Michael Collins
Actually we are!
Parker Howard
You can tell when dysnomia starts doing it for free again when all the threads on the board are full of responses to deleted posts.
Caleb Davis
Those were valid bans.
Carter Allen
Theres nothing valid about deleting every post someone has made on a board because one of their posts broke the rules that are only determined by the enforcers feelings.
Gavin Wilson
Any other board moderator would have either deleted the media or edited the post, but no that is too much work
Logan Lee
John Turner
Colton Edwards
Didn't even give me a ban. What kind of pussy ass vols did you "hire" fatty?
Aaron Price
he believes that if he deletes it instead of banning you, you won't make a fuss
Jose Diaz
Fuck you. Pedo content isn't illegal unless it's CP and you know it.
Christian Hall
Partially true but truthfully I was testing the new vols attention spans. Meh. This won't last more than a week or two.
Justin Bailey
you don't need instructions , go to Holla Forums homepage and at top of page attach the images put a title on it and click new thread to post … don't be a faggot and fake like you don't know how to create a thread
Alexander Wilson
Nice of you to ban someone offering to help
Wyatt Myers
That's just how it works around here now [sigh]
Josiah Miller
Eli Ortiz
we half b soon
Jose Cruz
As usual you've only managed to make things worse. Fuck you, fuck the new mods, and fuck the old ones.
Brayden Collins
t. rekt pedo
Nolan Barnes
t. mod
Leo Peterson
Being a mod is not against the rules
Kayden Wright
neither is being a pedo
Jonathan Perry
Actually it is
Jeremiah Cook
Show me the rule fag
Chase Rodriguez
Don't listen to the haters Dysnobro, you're a good BO, just need someone to clean up spam
Carson Ortiz
thats a cute kid
Owen Rivera
Kayden Barnes
You can post here, but you can't post kid pics in any form.
Caleb Miller
Henry Cox
I just love this and i ejaculate to the fact that dys is going to blame the new mods for twisting the knife in instead of admitting he was a shit cunt/bo
Leo Carter
just a reminder about the mechanism of pedos, they join a forum and ask to be accepted under the banner of freeze peach, they post more and more provocative material until they get the forum shut down because of illegal content. any push back from the community they deride as "censorship"
they have no intention of being well behaved contributors to a community, they are literally there to push the boundaries until the website either gets shut down or dies from their cancer. when ever they are pushed back they act like victims and try and obfuscate the issue of illegal content, when in reality they only exist as provocateurs who are use the confusion so they can perniciously post increasingly more hardcore pedo shit
Isaiah Ross
Pedos were here long before Holla Forums got butthurt about moot and had their own exodus, and all the ones that pushed the boundaries to the point of breaking the rules were banned like they should be. That worked fine for YEARS until jim took over and fucked everyones shit up. Nevertheless its interesting to see a Holla Forumstards perspective on 8chans timeline at least.
Nathan Morales
False. As long as pedophiles limit themselves to licking pussy, playing the submissive role in bdsm fantasies and being cuckolded by 13 year olds they are accepted by feminists.
Josiah Ross
not even prom Holla Forums
i dont even how youd get that from me calling them feminist normal fags
Eli Mitchell
Holla Forums was only ever a place for paid trump shills if you went to Holla Forums, that shit didn't exist at all outside of Holla Forums so to say that is to admit you're from there.
Easton Foster
there are paid trump shills on Holla Forums, Holla Forums is a board on Holla Forums, there are paid trump shills on Holla Forums, what board you post on doesnt make a difference to this.
yes it does, Holla Forums threads appear on other boards all the time
to say that anyone stating that Holla Forums type posting appears on other boards must be from Holla Forums is non-sequitur logic as anyone can make that assertion, regardless of what board they are from
Liam Torres
Saying theres paid trump shills on Holla Forums and that Holla Forums became a place for paid trump shills are two entirely different statements. The Holla Forums threads that rarely appear outside of Holla Forums get torn to fucking shreds by everyone because outside their hugbox they don't stand a chance which is why they're forced to ban all dissent.
Noah Nguyen
congratulations you can tell the difference between two things that arent identical, your cognitive skills are at least that of a three year old, but that isnt to say that something cant logically follow from something that isnt identical, ie "if x is true then y must / could be true" when x =/= y
if there are paid trump shills on Holla Forums then there is every chance that Holla Forums is a place for paid trump shills
Holla Forums is and ostensibly has a place on Holla Forums, trump shills have a place on Holla Forums, therefore trump shills have a place on Holla Forums, which is Holla Forums
you are aware that Holla Forums is the biggest community on this site? you re also aware that approximately 50% of the voters in america supported trump? do you not think that its sound then to say that the single biggest group on this site are trump supporters, in addition to all the trump supporters who arent necessarily Holla Forums posters?
where is the gamergate board these days? /gamergatehq/ active isps 7 vs Holla Forums with the highest at 3667
is it not true to say that there is a bigger pro trump sentiment on this site than there is gamergate sentiment?
there is a hint of solipsism in your posting "i dont care for trump and i post on Holla Forums, therefore Holla Forums isnt a place for pro trump". are you leftypol? i dont care for trump shilling but i dont bury my head in the sand and pretend that the biggest group of posters on this website are pro trump.
Jose Lopez
Noah Barnes
By the same logic if there are pedos on Holla Forums then there is every chance that Holla Forums is a place for pedos.
Way to compare the lowest number gamergate has ever had with the highest number Holla Forums has ever had thats not biased at all. The reason almost everything but Holla Forums and Holla Forums is crumbling away on Holla Forums is that Holla Forums and Holla Forums both had unique exoduses from the 4chan variants of those boards because of moot, that can't be said for any other board which is why when jim took charge and fucked 8chans shit up everyone else felt disillusioned and just went back to 4chan because the way hotwheels ran the place was the only thing keeping them here. So sure I'll agree that now Holla Forums is a sizable majority of the userbase but back when the trump shilling was in full force that wasn't the case, Holla Forums was still more than just a place to shill trump then.
Blake Richardson
There is no room for pedophilia on Holla Forums
Jacob Miller
Except for the years there was room for pedophilia on Holla Forums when a normalfag wasn't running the place.
Dominic Mitchell
yep that seems pretty sound logic to me, isnt that the reason why Holla Forums is delisted from google? not to say that i am okay with Holla Forums being a place for pedos
that comparison hasnt been picked from an arbitrary time, its the current state of affairs, and i am comparing it to past events to show a change in trend to show how we got to where are now
you cant just ignore it because it doesnt make you happy
Bentley Harris
All i will say is, pedos were 75% of Holla Forums userbase, maybe even more. Pedos were here since day 1, this was their home. Purging them form this site just feels worng tbh
Jonathan Diaz
The opponents of gamergate spreading misinformation about Holla Forums willingly hosting CP is what made google delist it for "child abuse". But regardless do you really think its a good thing for an imageboard to be listed by google? If so then why not go to 4chan since its listed by google and is full of normalfags partly as a result of that.
Also I can ignore your completely disingenuous comparisons between boards because you're comparing the lowest point of one to the highest point of another.
Eli Hughes
literally none of that happened
Aiden Howard
"Brennan has been criticized for Holla Forums's pedophilia-related boards; Brennan has said he personally finds such content reprehensible, but stands by his refusal to remove content that does not violate United States law." - Hotwheel's Wikipedia article _______ I agree
Lincoln Ross
the very reason people came here in the first place. now we are becoming a 4chan clone with far less users
Christopher Young
regardless of my opinion on this it doesnt make my argument any more or less valid
you have already made this "point" and are repeating yourself, ive already explained why this is necessary and valid supporting evidence for my argument
if you are going to carry on ignoring those reasons for ignorance's sake i think it highly apt to label you as being ignorant
Adrian Roberts
hardcore feminists believe that all relations between a male and a female are rape, that would include a re;relationship between a man and an underage girl
Christian Bell
contradictory non argument
Parker Long
This right here. Ohter than the occasional CP dump, all little girls pictures posted here, didn´t break any US law. But it triggered Jim, so he banned it
Josiah Cruz
How would you feel if someone started upload girls to your server in a possible lewd context.
Nicholas Stewart
Yeah im sure you agree goyem
Charles Wood
As long as it wasn´t actual pictures of sexual intercourse. Who cares?
Jonathan Evans
clothed lgs != child porn you brainwashing kike
David Brooks
Your argument is that being delisted from google is a bad thing so having pedos on the site was a bad thing and I've shown you why its a good thing because just look at 4chan. It was good in more ways than one at keeping out the same types that ruined 4chan, with moderation that was very similar to old 4chan to replicate what it was like back then. Now the same slippery slope that happened there is happening here. Now because they're building an army of hotpockets we'll get banned and our posts deleted over the most retarded shit because theres no way to screen these people begging for power being worthy of it or not, just like whats happened on 4chan where on some boards theres a black mod that bans you for saying nigger.
He felt fine with it for the months it was on his servers before he became admin, or is it just that he didn't give enough of a shit about Holla Forums that he didn't even look into who a large portion of the userbase really was?
Anthony Johnson
but to this site it does
Adrian James
For a week or two. I think at least one pedo got a vol spot because I applied three times in this thread. Dysnomia won't find out which one of the new vols I am but all I can say is gl fatty. I'm not the same user you replied to previously I'm just another user putting his input in this so called 'discussion.' Yeah and we're all fucked.
Zachary Lee
lol, is that true?
Gabriel Nelson
So, one of us has a position of power? Sweet tbh
Michael Cox
In a week or two either dysnomia has the sense to demod most of these faggots and we're back to square one of no moderation, or he doesn't and we're left with a bunch of hungry for power egotists running the place based on their feelings like 4chan. We've already got one of those and his name is jim, dysnomia has been under the whip of jim and son for too long so it takes a fresh crack to get him to do anything so he hardly counts.
Mason Morris
yes, i was a victim of it
Gabriel Cook
Global rule 3 says you can't post anything racist outside of Holla Forums so the mods that ban for it never get demodded, a lot of mods just don't ban you for it though since like I said theres no way to screen these people to make sure they'll actually do their job.
Nolan Lopez
Yeah right.
Evan Gonzalez
not even free on Holla Forums of all places?
Jaxon Turner
I expect you to work 3x as hard then, faggot.
Matthew Butler
Jacob Barnes
Inactive accounts are removed form the volunteer list.
Caleb Anderson
i as stating that no one gives a fuck about moderating Holla Forums in a long time. So, asking someone to wroki 3x harder, is the same as asking them to do nothing at all x3
Brody Nelson
I had a well thought out response to that and was met with this. Long story short Holla Forums bans based on what they feel is racist just like the black mods do, thats why governing an imageboard based on feelings turns it to shit. This ban was actually pretty well timed to illustrate my point.
Charles Anderson
Wait wait. Lemme get this straight. There's an actual pedo vol? or is everyone just fucking around. Out of the loop once again.
Jackson Moore
what do you think dysnumbia is doing?
Dominic Long
this is not a drill
Isaac Cruz
Enable tor posting again you fag.
Jordan Hernandez
This. I was about to do the same but you jumped the gun before I could.
Judging by the silence and the abscence of volunteers I'd say it's likely he's appointed a pedo as a volunteer. This is going to be very intersting.
Kevin Turner
>thread is STILL up Dys, are you going to unsticky this thread? There is literally no point of having this thread anymore.
Anthony Price
dysnomia has killed Holla Forums. It won't be long now.
Josiah Carter
your aim is too low
Bentley Smith
t. pedo
Nathan James
Joseph Taylor
Camden Long
sabirova best girl
Robert Gutierrez
Kayden Phillips
Jason Collins
Kevin Walker
Hunter Ortiz
Caleb Garcia
Jackson Lee
Has it begun?
Cameron Roberts
Isaac Davis
Zachary Robinson
Nathaniel Gray
stop please. I didn't come from reddit to see this stuff
Ryder Carter
Eli Hall
Jayden Phillips
Mailman is the lg mod. Seriously he just spoliered my image instead of deleting it. Do your job faggot.