Guys are we breaking reality? I'm seriously starting to get spooked here. Too many fucking coincidences.
Check this webm, that's literally fucking pepe.
Guys are we breaking reality? I'm seriously starting to get spooked here. Too many fucking coincidences.
Check this webm, that's literally fucking pepe.
Other urls found in this thread:
that's a sad pepe. is Kek trying to tell us she wins?
thank you for correcting the record!
even pepe succumbs to the depression of being near hillary when she smells like piss and shit and can barely stand
It's just an anime pepe. 2D ladies will come to all of us, but only after the election.
They're all QT. They wear petticoats, skirts, capelets, and hair accessories all of the time. They also want lots of children.
doesn't look happy or sad to me
To try to redeem this fucking shitpost thread, let’s talk about EVs.
This map is basically what we can assume as a “given” about the election, barring any changes (lol october) between now and then. What do we see here?
It’s pretty much fucking dead even when you take New York away from the Dems.
Trump has mentioned for a while now that New York could be in play. But I haven’t really seen anything that suggests it is, even now. Does anyone have any hard data on New Yorkers’ views on the matter?
The second image is very important in this regard, in that if Trump takes Florida THE DEMOCRATS NEED NEW YORK TO WIN AT ALL.
Do you understand the importance of this? If Trump takes New York and Florida, NONE OF THE OTHER “SWING” STATES MATTER.
Kek demands a sacrifice.
I offer him the body of dead JFK.
Kek needs sacrifices so we can prove our loyalty to Kek. Kek is not a cucked/muh feels type of god.
Kek demands sacrifices for his meme magic.
I offer Kek dead JFK.
It is the stoic pepe staring deeply into the void.
I suppose it looks a bit like a sleeping pepe with closed eyes. or a pepe with no eyes. actually to me it looks like there's a human eye right of that forelock-looking thing.
i should start taking meds again.
Fool! Kek doesn't demand blood sacrifice like some jew god. Kek takes offerings of comedy, rage, and digits. He hasn't grown to his strength because we've been sacrificing chickens out in the backyard like Shillary.
Fuck off, only Moloch and other shit tier deities require human sacrifice. Kek only requires loyalty and repeating digits.
kek is accellarationism for the end of the world, we've been over this way too many times so here is the pasta:
Now, let's look at what scripture has to say about this.
Revelation 16:13
Revelation 16:14
Revelation 16:15
Revelation 16:16
sound familiar? Kek is accelerationism for the end of the world.
It's clear they are at this point. Masons worship a frog idol name of JahBulOn
JAH = Jahweh, the God of the Hebrews.
BUL = Baal, the ancient Canaanite fertility god associated with 'licentious rites of imitative magic
ON = Osiris, the Ancient Egyptian god of the underworld.
Kek worship is an unholy amalgamation of gnosticism, kabbalah, and the scottish rites.
PS if you want to get into blood sacrifice, Ebola-chan is more up your alley
polite sage for double post
no you are not breaking reality. there is no "reality" except for what is constructed out of the kaos
from the kaos you came, to the kaos you may return
strengthen your patterns
Great so you have nothing.
Christianity = End times
Judaism = End times
Islam = End times
Gnosticism = End Times
Hinduism = Kali Yuga
So then where's the good part? Were we just brought here to be punished for the ins of our ancestors? Nice.
Are you referring to the Abrahamic faiths or to modern Progressivism?
What difference does it make?
If you're a pagan then christians will throw the book at you.
if you're a christian you're waiting for the afterlife.
There's no escape from these mental prisons according to Holla Forums
you are your own prison
if you wish to play in the den with others, you must comply with the rules
Yes, that does sound familiar. Do you know why? Because those quotes are referencing the jewish Masonic god, AKA our/kek's enemy.
They view him as evil, they view our god as an unholy devil and their monstrosity of a god as the holiness. What they don't realize is that it's backwards. All of the masonic texts that mention an anti-christ or a satan or anything like this, that is the good one. The one on our side.
The god that is being opposed is the globalist kike god. Who would of course paint the opposition as something evil and vile.
Very parallel to the elections, honestly.
Kek is the primordial kaos personified, so you are both correct and incorrect. You are forgetting that after the death comes the resurrection. The world that is is replaced with the world to come. Whether this is peaceful annihilation or the next level of growth depends on your pattern
That's pretty KEK, but it needs more KEX
You're right. May Kek (may His name be praised) bless us with dubs, trips quads and God Emperor as President.
May I post dubs and based digits to praise the God of Gods.
Hail Kek. All powerful, Kek.
Whose rules
To me it looks like a duffle bag.
It's like you like the world in it's current shitty state.
Think about it. Say we succeed and defeat the globalists, what stops them from trying to do it again? What makes you think that there won't be others that will take their place to manipulate good people for their own ends?
We are paying for these sins right now by being mortal and immoral, however the end times are a glimmer of hope that things can and will change.
You're missing Odinism/asatru/etc
Ragnarok is more like Kali Yuga. These are not ENDTIMES, but rather the darkness before the dawn. Endtimes in non-desert religions also symbolize rebirth and a new era.
Same thing Kek is promised to bring about.
The Old Gods are infinitely more hopeful and optimist than desertjew-worshipping defeatists.
the "game" rules
Except that's what revelations is all about. God has finally had enough and cracks down on unbelievers hard, then an era of peace and happiness ensues, where all those that believed in him, that remained loyal to him are reborn and allowed to enjoy it, while those that denounced and cursed him are sent into eternal death.
End doesn't need to mean "end of everything"
This guy gets it more, kek is a tool not an entity.
Revelation quotes refer to memetic omnipotence, which will be attained soon and really piss God off.
or if you prefer, the rules of the den. shared experiences require shared reality
What happens when Kek takes physical form?
Said Hillary in one of her mails:
good job we already have this thread!
That's creepy as shit. It actually looks like a mischievous Pepe. He's wreaking havoc just before he deals the final blow to Hillary's health.
Yeah but which one am i supposed to believe in and which one is the one that throws you into a pit of fire…
I don't think Kek is a benevolent god, but neither is he evil. What are is his motives? What guides him?
It's a bag
The one the jews hate.
believe in the one that belongs to your racial ancestry.
He just wants chicken tendies, & maybe some anime.
That's literally it.
Also a Tonka Truck
His nature.
Which is darkness, chaos and void.
Which is what the jews strive for. But that's just a coincidence.
That's the dumbest answer. Truth is singular and absolute, it doesn't vary depending on where you are descended from.
You can literally create reality and it loses effectiveness if you're pissed off and lose focus. (((They))) have known this for some time, which is why they're just creating chaos to distract everyone.
I'm sorry we had to summon you pepe, please grant us your powers this once
The truth you seek is yet beyond your reach.
Lurk Omar, and in time, you will see.
The truth is far greater than worshiping shitty egregores.
Lurk moar, not Omar.
Lurking mudfolk will only send you down the wrong path further.
In its greatness, the truth is further still beyond worshipping a dead Jew.
Maybe whatever great spirit(s) takes different forms depending on the people it is appearing to.
truth is constructed from kaos
there is one truth
there is no truth
there is all truth
to survive strengthen your pattern
jews do not strive for kaos
they desire order, the pyramid with them at the top for the good of the cattle
has anyone worked some photoshop magic to clear up that image yet?
at first I thought it was just the video inverting and becoming over exposed.. but upon closer inspection it seems the entire scene changes as well.
This is either some ebin max headroom shit or kek truly reaching out to us. either way we need to clean up that image
Nice meme. Enjoy getting assfucked in your rituals, freemason.
These spirits are undeserving of worship. There is only one God.
What if your god takes different forms?
If he doesn't, then what happened to everyone before Jesus was born? Did they go straight to hell? Or did they have no souls? I'm talking pre-civilization humans.
Truth doesn't take different forms, it is monolithic and static. Unchanging.
Yes. At least those that forgot about God.
Keep up the good work lads, we're very close to fully materializing him
Hildebeast regurgitating into her drinking glass is grosser than El Rato eating his tonsil stone. They both turn my stomach though. I really don't want to see the coughing fit that triggers the pants of shit, but I'm afraid it is inevitable. …wew?
So all the people that never got the chance to know about your god, they will suffer for eternity because your god didn't care to clue them in? They didn't forget about god, they never heard of him. They worshiped plants and animals and the sun and shit like that. So you think it's fair that they should be tormented for eternity?
Sounds like a shitty god to me.
kek is the personifictation of the primordial kaos. the motivation of kaos is to act out of will.
so the answer to your question:
Kek wants chicken tendies
pfft looks like /x/ is jealous once again that we are better than them at their own shit.
These rules.
god is the truth. Any god that demands blind obedience is not the truth. Im not saying that i know whether or not the god of the bible is the true god, but what I do know is at a minimum the kikes molded those books to serve their purposes.
So you believe in some sort of universal friendly god? Then what's to say he doesn't take different forms as needed or desired?
It's just a backpack.
You think the screen went crazy and some random ass backpack appeared? What was in that backpack a fucking EMP?
Blame Adam and Eve and satan (incoming occultkikes getting triggered) for tempting them, not God. It was us humans that made us mortal by betraying God's trust, and for that we still pay the price with out own lives. Not everyone will get saved, and some never had the chance to get saved at all, but that is simply how things are.
The fact is. God did not abandon us, and instead is trying to bail us out of this mess that we find ourselves in.
In the end arguing with you is completely pointless as you have already made up your mind on the matter, and will simply use whatever I say to attack me.
Your vision is severely limited if you think the entire world depends on an egregore that is whimsical at best. When kek gets bored of your games he will abandon you to pursue it's own goals, exactly as it was written.
And yes, kek is an egregore, much like any other pagan god in existence.
Truth does demand blind obedience though. Since truth is based on people accepting it as truth without questioning it. If you believe that what we can percieve is the limit of reality, and we don't need someone to show us the way then you a pretty big fucking idiot. After all as the old saying goes, wisdom starts with the realization that you are not wise. Same goes here. God knows and sees much more than you do, or anyone does, thus it's better to simply follow his lead instead of looking for ways to undermine him.
looks like the pepe of dispair.
You know, and I say this as a regular, for all this degeneracy stuff about weed, you sure do look like a bunch of potheads.
The concept of original sin is bullshit. I bet the Jews love it though, because then children can inherit the debts of their ancestors. No more dying to escape the bank. That's probably why it's such a central tenet of your religion. No just god would condemn all humanity because of two fuckups.
And they weren't even fuckups. If your god is all knowing and all powerful, then he designed them to do exactly as they did and he knew that they would. So far kek is looking better to me, and he's just a frog following his own ends. Better chaos than being condemned from birth.
look at the pear shape of the face, the almond eyes?
Self reply for visibility; fucking retarded thread.
It's a pretty ridiculous thought, but our entire meme-theology is ridiculous and it somehow works. The world is so much more fun when things seem to happen for stupid reasons instead of evil ones.
you are wrong user, we will not believe your kike lies
Literally every culture has refferences to it, although altered. Even the full on kikes in here spouting "muh LUSEEFAH" believe this happened, in their own twisted way.
what kike lies?
This shouldn't be happening
No, we weren't brought here for any specific reason. To imply we were brought here would mean we were somewhere before, but we weren't.
This has nothing to do with debts. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit, something very important inside them changed, and since we are all their descendants, we all inherited that change.
The most important points of the story are
Mankind was CREATED in the IMAGE OF GOD and given a piece of God's spirit through the breath of life
Women were created to be companions of Men, to OBEY Men in everything and follow them everywhere
Mankind originally was IMMORTAL and SINLESS
Let that sink in. We are supposed to be IMMORTAL. Death is unnatural. The defeat of death by Jesus Christ is one of the key points of the N.T. He proved that Man can become IMMORTAL again, but on terms.
All other religions take death as a given, and that is why they are false. They merely seek to play by the flawed rules of our prison, they do not want us to break free from it.
We already had this thread
None of those are shekels, power and domination.
Read the suppressed explanation of Genesis, the Hypostasis of the Archons
You're free to follow the rules of the Christian game, but you at least deserve to know why. Christianity was created to control the masses. This isn't inherently wrong, but to say that people who don't believe it are going to hell is pretty silly.
That's assuming that loyal states will stay that way. Blue States are all fucking nigger with down-syndrome retarded so they'll go Blue but Purple states and even light-blue states could go red. It all depends on how voter turnout for each candidate is like.
I see a lot of Hillary stickers on cars in Massachusetts (please we need an organized militia to rope these people someday) but the Trump displays and cutouts people put are something I've never seen before. If THAT has a big enough effect on turnout and Hillary doesn't get enough retards to go vote, I think there's a chance that even a communist shithole like Fagachussets can go red maybe who knows. Probably won't though because there just aren't enough people who will vote Republican, just an exceptionally zealous handful.
Now think about it:
And this is the reason that the 'TRUMP IS HITLER GUIZ' is being pushed, to scare retarded nigresses to vote against the biggest influx of white male votes ever in the United States' History.
You're going to hell too, gnostic. Just saying.
When the anti-christ comes around, you will follow him and get destoyed along the rest of this world.
You preach the most despicable idea that God the creator is evil (muh demiurge). There is no way I'm going to fall for that load of BS.
I actually saw someone with a Bernie sticker today. I really doubt even half of all registered dems are going to the polls.
MA fag here
Lots of people I talk to are quietly livid about sanctuary cities like lowell, lawrence, and worcester.
Pray for snow/sleet/rain on Nov 8th to keep the low agency subhumans at home. If so we could see this cucked state leave its shed for once.
Based poster.
Rural-area, deeply-religious, and blue-collar industrial guys near me are all hard-core for Trump. Then I head into an urban place like Lowel or Worcester, or Framingham (more like little Favela) and the ugly fetal alchool syndrome people with Coexist and Equality stickers start appearing.
Hillary won this state rather handedly over Bernie so I doubt they are that bothered by her enough not to go out and vote.
the true face of kek is neither happy nor sad
kek transcends mundane human experience
What if its true Holla Forums , what if Kek actually is a god?
Kek is an egregore. A very powerful tulpa that feeds from the minds of thousands of people. The problem with this is that they can oftem become hard to control, as they gain more and more self awareness, and become more and more interested in pursuing their own whims rather than serving those that created them.
this tho lol
It's a horse's snout with a bit in it's mouth and a nose band, for the reins.
Though I don't think the saturation of the video is a coincidence.
It looks like she is purposely trying to look like to drink the water but instead she fakes to drink in order to spit out the mucus and so she needs a way to let it out. If you notice in the clip the water is nowhere near close to her lips to drink it but she makes it seem like she is by fake swallowing.
Wtf you're right
There is a reason abrahamic religions have been the most fucked with. It's because they all stem from the true, correct source. No one has bothered to fuck with greek, roman, norse, hindu, buddhist, taoist, or gnostic beliefs. No, those are well preserved. But the Abrahamic religions are completely and utterly fucked beyond all recognition and 99% of the message is lost entirely in the translations from hebrew and greek. Ask any Christian, Jew, or Muslim what the abrahamic covenant is (and if it's still in effect) and you will get 10,000 different responses. And 9,999 of them are assfuckingly retarded and completely, undeniably wrong. Just look at the SOURCE material. Not some shitty translation. GO TO THE SOURCE.
It's ok if you don't believe me, but no other religion has had as many accurate prophecies come true and no other religion has been fucked with nearly as hard as the abrahamic covenant. I suggest you read through the links I've provided, they will greatly help you on your journey. They're well sourced, articulate, and above all—true and verifiable. They make no claims of "interpretation". They simply translate, and provide you tools to translate for yourself, so you can verify for yourself, lest no man deceive you.
Go back to your containment board with your Judaism offshoot cult
You can't seriously be this fucking ignorant.
actually buddhism has been regularly purged throughout history from societies it has taken hold in. this is because it is fundamentally anti-authoritarian, and puts the highest power in the hands of the individual, and thus cannot be appropriated by by a centralised authority claiming to be the spokesman for a "higher power". abrahamic religions have always had these centralised authoritarian power structures in place as a means to control individuals into transferring wealth/labour into their hands. in short, abrahamic religions are merely the words of men purporting to be the words of an unseen, unheard "god" with the sole aim of gaining and maintaining state power.
ayy lmao
Adam and Eve were innocent in the beginning and knew nothing about lies or deception. How were they supposed to know not to trust the snake? Had they ever lied to or tricked before that point? More importantly, how did Satan manage to pull that off right under the nose of a supposedly omniscient God?
Catholic here.
I'm not personally going to try and convince anyone that there's a good part. I just try to think of reality in the simplest terms possible.
I believe God exists → God exists → I believe Christ is God → Christ is God → I believe that Christ will take away the pain → Follow Christ.
Nowhere in that arrangement can I find a scintilla of contentment, enjoyment, or even comfort. I'm like Pascal, trying to cover my ass from all avenues.
Lately, as my life has gotten more miserable, I STILL accept that God is the only way I can avoid an eternity of this ridiculous bullshit, but I'm not going to delude myself into thinking that I could ever possibly agree with Him anymore. Recently, I've just had to come to terms with the fact that, even though I must obey Him, I simply cannot find it in me to like Him.
Abraham's trip up the mountain with his son taught us two things about God: 1) He his kind and merciful and 2) It really wouldn't matter if he were. Our stations don't change and neither does His own. So it really isn't appropriate to emphasize any perceived fault on his part when it comes to the tyranny of other people. The exercise is fruitless.
Anyway, it's best just to be mindful of what exactly you're depressed about. Is it really about the nature of existence as it involves God, or is it being subjected to Sartre's Hell of "other people". It's true that one is derived from the other, but as we find ourselves blaming Him for the prevalence of misery, it doesn't stop us from despising the (((immediate agents))) of our downfall. In which case, there's no logical precedent for hating (((them))) if you've already decided that you hate God as a premise.
God or (((them))). It's one or the other.
the only good and bad they knew was that obeying God: good
disobeying God: bad
the fruit of good and evil is MUUUUCH more than that.
they enough to distrust the serpents commands.
because Satan is former #1 Archangel of God who tried to de-throned God and got fucked.
That said, Satan knows many insider tricks and things on nature of God that average spirit doesn't, let alone person
looks petty smug
on what grounds?
Paranoid schizophrenia is an interesting trait, there's the possibility that a minority of schizophrenics make otherwise impossible leaps of thought and draw close-to-the-truth conclusions by 'delusional' intuitiveness.
Kek approves
Immortality doesn't make sense with respect to the cycle and stages of life.
I feel bad for you.
Just stopping by to drop this rare pepe
You guys are looking at this from the wrong perspective.
The Tree's existence was designed to give humanity a choice. It was His way of saying, "Either do as I say or do as you will".
Without the Tree, we could never have truly had free will.
And let me take this moment to say that I DO take Genesis literally. Not necessarily because I believe it is literal, but rather because the antecedents of the story don't change whether your take it literally or not. As such, there's no reason not to believe it as it is written–as opposed to what it might symbolize.
Now Satan's participation confuses the hell out of me (no pun intended). It's easy enough to understand his motives as a bitter individual mired in failure that seeks to spread his misery around, but his position as an archangel probably gave him the keenest of insight into God's nature and power. You have to be a really unique kind of crazy to think you can take on a supreme being–especially when you know Him more intimately than anyone else. Satan's behavior will never make sense to me, and he will continue to be problematic to the Christian faith as far as I can tell.
Adam's even worse. That piece of shit had an entire wave form all to himself (the universe), and he squanders it by accepting Eve, and even breeding. I can kind of understand him going for it before the Fall–but AFTER!!!!??? When he knew that their mutual disease–one for which she's primarily responsible–will be spread to all of his children. Fucking ridiculous. I wouldn't have let that cunt come anywhere near me after getting kicked out of paradise. Adam makes NO SENSE whatsoever.
And now, because of his mistake, I'm left in a position where I actually feel obligated to find a functional white girl and start a family–an absolutely horrifying, disgusting prospect for me–so as to compete with all of these aggressive anti-anglo cultures. Total. Bullshit.
lol, you are close enough now that i bet you will not consider yourself christian anymore in a year or two.
I find problems with Christianity. But they're not enough to make me turn my back on it.
can you feel the vibrations?
There are at least 2 possiblities as I see it:
1: All humans are capable of "magic" "esp" etc to some degree, and when concentrated hive-mind style, real world effects occur (this concentration of non-physical human potential could be the central secret of religion)
Also, as in pretty much everything, Aryans are better than non-aryans, so /pol is more powerful than average.
2: We have a Buddha, Jesus, or Hitler 2.0 here on /pol but
he doesn't realise, or he refuses to accept what he is
and it is HIM, not the rest of us, that is causing these effects unconsciouly.
I think in fact that BOTH of these are in fact the truth, and I would like to be the first to politely ask the user described in option 2 to make himself known forthwith.
Guess she had a frog in her throat.
What you're not taking into account is that, if there is a God, that would mean that our consciousness, both collective and respective, are contingent upon His own. As such, while we can't do things on the same scale as He does using the same metaphysical properties that compose us and Him, we're still able to participate as lesser forms, but also as a collective mass.
It stands to reason that, if we pool our consciousness together, we quantitatively increase our level of influence over reality.
Hey, you took my suggestion.
That's much better now.
God dubs confirm
Jesus himself taught that channeling enough faith can literally alter the physical world (eg. moving a fucking mountain).
Whatever this meme magic is, there is a long standing precedence for it.
The collective consciousness IS "god". When enough people are on the same wavelength, their thoughts manifest because reality is perception.
Dubs confirm.
Double Dubs doubly confirms
Confirmation Cubed
You're gonna hate me for saying this, but it was just someone's backpack.
In ONE version of reality perhaps it was
In another version of reality, dare I say it, a FAR sexier, mysterious exciting and magical version, it is at the very least an omen, if not a defacto materialisation of our meme
no no user much more than that, the entire thing could only have been seen if not for the perfect timing, the perfect positioning, the perfect sound, all coinciding with a technical difficulty
I don't deny the effects of perception or perception as a science. But there's a difference between holding something, or someone, as a god and acknowledging God as an ego; "Thou shalt not adore them, nor serve them: I am the Lord thy God, mighty, jealous, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me:" I always used to take that to mean that no other gods exist beyond Him, but now that I understand the phenomena of consciousness better, I realize that He was being candid: we can make gods of a similar nature to Him, but still infinitely lesser since those gods are dependent upon us. And by dint of that dependence, we turn ourselves into gods, thus challenging God. Paganism, when you get right down to it, is an egoist prototype.
Anywho, modern research has shown that material is dependent upon consciousness. In which case, material predates our consciousness. Ergo, there would have had to have been a prime mover involved, prior to the manifestation of material, to provide us with a foundation of objective reality.
Dubs confirm Kek alters different realities
Imagine if some normie from the outside came into Holla Forums now..
imagine what they would think..
i live in NY. upstate. Trump signs everywhere. bashing Hillary a common occurance at work. it's looking pretty Red State these days.
I fucking lost it at that point
One cool thing about Esoteric Kekism is that Kek is the one deity you have no reason to petition for your own ends. He won't help you nail the qt3.14 or get that big promotion. He won't heal your migraines or balance your chi. All you can ask of Kek is that he come and wash away the calcified bullshit of the world's power structures and the self-important assholes who embody them in a stinky wave of PEE PEE POO POO.
The city will probably still bring ny out for clinton.
I fucking hate it honestly. Ny state here too user.
Brooklynfag here, there's lots of Trump supporters they're just in hiding.
Staten Island is loaded wth Trump signs though, vid related my uncle lives nearby and saw this happen.
Judging by the primary turnout, NYC has negligible Trump support. I don't think NY will go yuge this year.
What I can't figure out is why Trump isn't pwning PA, what with all the disenfranchised blue collar whites.
Most of the libshit faggots here migrated from other parts of the country, kikes just advertise this shithole as some kind of beacon to them. Most whites born here hate niggers.
I want to believe it, but watching how the city, Albany, and Buffalo gave us more Cuomo, I need to see it
There was/ is
He/ it is the
And we are made in his image, little creators.
They try to squash our creativity at school and turn us into socially compliant drones, but here in the darkest corner of the internet, through anonymity, we can access our creativity without fear of judgement or being ostracised.
This gives us a YUGE advantage over our enemies, as they are constricted by their own rules.
Prime Creator has NO rules except those he created, and we are a chip off the old block.
No rules except those WE create
The only real difference between us and them is their perpetual state of DOT construction. Other than that, the differences are highly superficial.
I fucking hate NYC and every soul that lives there. I know it's Trump's stomping grounds, but I'd be hard-pressed to find a reason not to carpet bomb it. Throw in Long Island, and the surrounding bits of Jersey and New York where the "I wanna live the comfy life but also have NYC at my fingertips"-types live and we'd be well on our way to recovering from this cancer. Not all the way, though, since the NYC niggers got so populous that they dumped a lion's share of them in Upstate's lap, just to make us suffer, but enough to get us started.
Hillary might still catch up.
This might still end up as another "Ron Paul". Where a bunch of internet activity ends up with zero result.
Fuck off Kek doesn't do human sacrifice.
We aren't Carthaginian Semitic primitives.
88 Trump 88
Meme magic is real.
i'll just leave this here
Kek is just telling us he is here and observing the proceedings.
These leftyfags and kikes dont even comprehend the forces they are fighting right now. I fucking love it!
Figured i'd check on ebay, see if there was anywhere we could actually purchase them, haven't found them yet but I did run across this.
Maybe the strongest human emotion isn't hate or love but lulz.
Guess I now know how revelations will take place and people will just stand by or cheer.
Oil companies have been declaring bankruptcy left and right. 48 have gone under in 2016 alone.
The only people making obscene profits these days are Big Pharma off the back of Obamacare and Universities off the back of Federal student loans, you ignorant little shit.
We already know who you are. We know where you work. We know what you look like.
Where do you get the 3 frogs in relation to Kek?
Just because it says something about something looking like a frog doesn't mean that it's the 3 frogs from revelations.
Where can you get the number 3 from any of Kek's mythos?
As a very pragmatic and materialist atheist tips fedora I think there could be some merit to the power of concentrated mindpower. I do think it is very possible that human consciousness and concentrated awareness could generate some sort of energy that we currently cannot accurately measure.
Kek's ways are mysterious
No, Kek is an actual god that was dormant and has come back now that he has gained worshippers. Even the bible recognizes that Egyptian gods were real in Exodus.
he also doesn't want to be forced out of the house when he turns 18
what did mean by this?
Normally chaos but he has a major hate boner with semites(muslimes and jew)
Because they've been destroying ancient artifacts including Egyptian artifacts.
I mean that I don't believe in any gods or spirits, and am very dedicated to the ideals of science and explaining natural phenomena through rational and measurable means.
But despite that, or maybe because of it, I think that it is very possible that human consciousness, concentrated brainwaves or whatever, is capable of generating energy or otherwise manifesting physically through currently unknown methods.
That's not to say I think everyone is psychic, but I do think that consciousness is such a peculiar quality that it may have some currently unknown properties, especially when the same idea or thought is shared by many people. I don't know this of course, and I don't think there's any strong evidence for it. But I do think it is very plausible. Perhaps in the future we will see more evidence and research on the powers of concentrated human cognition.
I don't believe in meme magic but if there's a chance that shitposting is awakening Ancient Egyptian Gods then I'm on board.
maybe kyle odom was right
yes. It was. This is how memes work.
God always used frogs to do his bidding.
They were one of the plagues of Egypt.
Now it's one of the plagues upon the left in the form of dank memes.
Quantum mechanics.
I don't have "hard data," but what I can tell you is that only the heart of NYC (Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx) are going to go extreme blue. Long Island is purple and has 7.8 million people living here - between Suffolk, Nassau, and Queens. The further east you go, the redder you get. Suffolk County is more red than blue. Upstate New York is mostly red.
People don't realize we're like two states glued together.
I live in Suffolk and I can throw a stone and hit a Trump supporter. It should be noted that we have a SHITLOAD of blue collar workers everywhere, and they're all Trump guys.
NYC (excluding Queens), Albany, and Buffalo account for 6.5 million votes. The states total population is 19.8 million. That's 32.8% hard blue (80% if you want an extremely generous statistic), purple or red everywhere else.
It's certainly possible, and I'd say plausible he will take New York. People forget that Reagan did it twice.
Who says he isn’t? Doesn’t hillary have zero chance there because she explicitly said she wants to put miners out of work?
If anyone could take New York, it would be Trump. He's got the support of blue collar whites, he's got the support of gangster blacks given his reputation as a hustling businessman, and he's got the support of most independents.
Forgot to clarify, I mean 80% of the 32.8% "hard blue" would vote for $hilldog under very generous circumstances. Don't forget the "Bernie 30," 30% of his supporters are going for Trump (multiple polls have confirmed this), and Hillary had to cheat to fuck up the primaries here.
We have paper voting machines here that also tally electronically as a backup so we know if ballots were tampered or stolen. The Republican party is in charge of their own registration so you won't see what happened in the primaries happen again.
Rigging an election here is a nightmare. Too many safeguards.
I don't think he's going to win New York but I wouldn't put too much weight on primary turnout. Remember you have to be a registered Republican far in advance of the primary date there and that Ivanka and Eric didn't even get to vote for him. So there's probably a shitton of other Trump supporters that had the same issue.
He has the support of everyone, across all walks of life. Do not believe the media hype. I love New York, it's this country's last bastion of modernism and traitors like DiBlasio and Cuomo have their days numbered. DiBlasio had to lie about his entire policy to get into office.
We hate postmodernism with a passion. This is the land of extreme competition, innovation, and hard work. Even the liberals are capitalists. Prove your merit, pull your weight, or leave.
That said, the 16 year prosperity explosion caused by Giuliani and Bloomberg (Who were excellent leaders), has led to anover-gentrification hangover and we need to roll things back a bit. It's becoming too liberal and expensive.
I've been all over America and I've noticed that NY, NJ, and the South understand how to be alpha. It is a lost art everywhere else. I just got back from Cleveland (Which I don't consider terrible by any means), and realized I lowered my voice when I was there because I was surrounded by betas.
Felt good to be around alpha culture again when I got back.
We have closed primaries. Many people were registered Democrats who wanted to vote for Trump. I personally knew quite a few. I was registered as Libertarian so I also could not vote.
In the general election you can vote for whoever you want. Primary turnout during cultural shifts is an inaccurate way of measuring potential New York votes. Highly inaccurate. Changing your party affiliation is easier than it used to be but there are still deadlines, messy websites to navigate, PDF's to print, and forms to mail to the required county office found on said websites.
I'm from the South and Midwest and I couldn't stand New York. I'm sure there's plenty of good folks there but everyone was dedicated to ignoring everyone else. Anyone that talked to you was trying to sell something or just crazy. NYC just seemed heartless to me, I much prefer small town America.
I'm sure it's different if you're successful and have money to spend when you go there, you'd encounter an entirely different crowd than I did. But for the average person visiting NYC, and I lived there for 3 years in various places in the Bronx, it was a shithole.
Yeah, that's what I was trying to say.
I forgot to mention this as well - NY was, and still is (Aside from the two Canoli Kikes in NYC and Albany) very centrist.
The Tea Party was disgusting to us. Plenty of moderate conservatives and pretty much all young people were registered Democratic.
There was a substantial amount of people who couldn't vote trump in the primaries.
Yeah, it depends on if you're easily bored like me. If you are, the entire metropolitan area is an Oasis of stimulation. I understand why some people hate it.
You lived in the Bronx though, which is literally our own nigger containment island.
Also, I lived in the Midwest for ten years. The South is great, but I hate the midwest with passion. Forgot to bring that up. Getting tired.
What's your problem with the Midwest? Aside from methtowns. But then I still prefer methheads to crackheads. Methheads mostly just fuck each other up, while crackheads go nuts on everyone.
It's unbelievably boring and mediocre. It's just so…there. It…exists. No culture or fun to be had.
If you're highly extroverted like me, it's hell.
Yeah if you're an extreme extrovert you won't get much out here besides barn dances and beer festivals. As an introvert though, it's heaven being able to disappear into the mountains and forests for days or weeks without anyone bothering me.
I can't wait for you fucking kikes to get doxxed
There are a number of occultists working in tandem to influence the world… because that is what we do when bored. Nowadays though, we combine it with shitposting.
I mean that I don't believe in any gods or spirits…But despite that, or maybe because of it, I think that it is very possible that human consciousness, concentrated brainwaves or whatever
The thing you have to understand is that consciousness is not energy. It is purely metaphysical in nature, which is why spirituality comes into play as a factor. In which case, philosophy is more relevant than science. This is especially true if you consider the fact that philosophical delineations conclude scientific discoveries.
This is why the findings of Quantum Mechanics has Hawking and friends totally flummoxed and making up rationalizations about "measuring problems" to explain away the now apparent vulnerabilities of materialism: they don't want to admit that they found the missing link between the material and the spiritual.
That first sentence is supposed to be green text. My bad.
There is no fucking separation between spiritual and physical! These are illusions created by the human psyche!
Hillary was wearing an earpiece at the non-debate.
She has been wearing an earpiece since 2009, as proven by this email.
However, that's not the interesting part.
>Abedin, Huma
Praise kek. On with the madness.
Nah man we all thought that it was a giant amphibian who suddenly appeared in Hillary's jet and nobody but us noticed.
Our shock has nothing to do with how insanely close to pepe the backpack looked when the feed somehow inverted colors and got cute.
I can't even mentally process this.
Ah. Is that like winking for when your only line of communication is leaked documents?
It's probably just an OCR error when they processed the PDFs into searchable text files on wikileaks. But you never know with Assange, he's crafty.
Where have you been the last 2 years?
I was thinking it was something like that, but why the fuck does he have to OCR PDFs of leaked digital data?
this one's not leaked, never mind
we're still living in a semi-sane universe
Ron Paul was always a hopeless protest and everyone knew it.
This is a rebellion where we think we can fucking win.
Their masters at the very top probably do. They've known that memes ultimately control mankind far longer than we have.
That fact that hundreds of thousands of Holla Forumsacks have been made aware of this revelation is nothing more than a testament of their waning power and incompetence.
No, it has already been decided that trump wins.
also it looks like a happy pepe.
Don't forget the fucking banks user.
That's the point, actually. Once people in the scientific fields are forced to come to terms with the fact that spirituality exists substantively, they'll be compelled to acknowledge that material is subservient to it.
Not to mention he's been a symbol of the State and City for decades.
Don't discount the home field advantage.
Once meme magic becomes understood completely scientifically does't that mankind will be able to archive the power of god and restructure reality around us?
Is that the next stage of human evolution rather than genetic engineering or mechanical augmentation?
Also I really REALLY think that Evangelion and more importantly Lain had a lot of EXTREMELY important themes and ideas in them that is very relevant to the discussion of meme magic.
And both of these came out in the 90's before imageboards even existed. It's also important to note that Lain and Evangelion are the 2 shows that have set the foundation for imageboard culture(except maybe Yotsuba).
I'm starting to think that imageboards from the very beginning were designed to give rise to hundreds of thousands if not millions of anons who are aware of meme magic.
I missed this, someone please explain?
See the siqns, it is Cold War my friend.
The announcement from the ruthless chains of the highest elite, who ascent to our thoughts, forced by the manufactured reality. They stepped into the light for everyone to see, so everyone has to acknowledge their own hopeless, deprived in this life.
And even if one of the bravest man is able to give truth a voice over the lands of society slavery. Even if he showed the darkest secrets of the demon in front of the world. They all will remain motionless thoughtlessly.
The self-realized experimental, inanimate degeneracy generation were born, can now be seen in its full destructive Extent. False actionism and distorted thoughts of another world build of the thoughts of absent ethical cornerstones, the devil, the faceless, the monster and the many names each civilization has given to its own shadow.
This is not the end, this is just another chapter of the downfall of empires, build upon the bones of heroes and legends. This time it is the last chapter in this book.
Some guy shot a pastor or something, claiming he was an alien, the ayylmao in the pictures is what he claimed the pastor was, which happens to look like kek. The pastor he shot also survived, after getting shot in the head.
Our meme magick is being noticed!
No, this is how reality works. Magick is completely real and what we focus on now will echo in our past and present. The only problem is that even most occultists spend 99.9 percent of their time forgetting that fact.
After Kek manifested behind her i'm starting to think that we're exacerbating her health problems with out memes.
Did they ever give an "official" explanation for the weird way that interview ended? Hillary didn't finish answering the question, the camera shook a little and the video faded to white with Pepe giving a smug look to the viewers.
Did they just not talk about it?
Our powers this time might exceed Fight 4U.
The face of a man who has seen that which must not be seen by man.
Following the Hermetic principles of Vibration and Polarity, by fixing ourself at a mystical and far0right frequency we're dragging the entire world towards us. In effect, we're shifting the overton window of REALITY ITSELF by memeing.
does anyone have audio of him saying 14?
I'd like to make him say 1488 gas the kikes, race war now. We'll probably have to use jews instead of kikes or find some way to splice it.
mfw our favorite mischling acknowledges Kekism
Holla Forums resurrected the dead god Kek to combat Moloch, god of jewish child sacrifice.
The god of chaos is on our side. Chaos is, essentially, 'new information'. And our dank OC is, for Kek, praise of the highest calibre.
Kek, reborn in the year of the Fire Monkey, has gained his worshippers, and we praise him all day long.
How often can Hillary and the Rothschilds realistically murder children and chickens? As often as they can, but they can't keep up with out 24/7 shitposting.
Esoteric Kekism is a real thing. We brought back the Egyptian god of chaos, KEK. Our worship will abolish the Semitic gods and their wicked offspring.
And Uncle Adolf shall be redeemed
From memory, and perhaps a few details here and there are wrong, Kyle Odom basically said that some pastor had ruined his life, and that the pastor was some alien from mars (and that this species lives around us), and Kyle was some dude who served in the military, so he knows how to shoot a gun, and he shot the pastor nearly point blank, several times, with a .45.
Basically, the pastor lived, and the news stories were inconsistent with where the pastor was shot and how many times, but some news stories said he was shot in the head multiple times, and several times in the body as well. Either way, the pastor inexplicably lived, and Kyle Odom might be right that the pastor is a Martian.
Take a look over Kyle's manifesto, if you want.
Time on jewtube?
kyle something…
I welcome the OVERTON SHIFT of REALITY into the KEK universe.
The Witches and Demons have had enough fun.
literally just "CTRL+I" in PS for Invert, and you get this.
If you look closely there's quite literally three globs of mucus that plop out.
I want a Kek ring.
Fuck me, I just read that. Basically the guy was saying that Jews are Martians who control human beings with their superior technology and telekinetic/dimensional abilities and have been breeding humans as playthings for the entirety of our existence. He claims that Christianity and the Bible (along with all religion) is a Martiankike D&C tool.
I really don't know how to feel about this. I am very much conventionally red pilled on the JQ as would be expected of someone who has been on Holla Forums for any significant amount of time, but I never entertained the idea that Kikes are actually aliens. It would explain a lot I suppose, but I can't help but be extremely skeptical of anything related to ayy lmaos.
Anyone who hasn't read this manifesto should definitely do so, if only as a thought experiment.
holy shit
why is there never any talk of nazi occultism in these threads?
Looks smugly condescending as he looks down on hillary
Too many shills and too much basics to go through.
Most of the SS/Ahnenerbe documentation was destroyed.
got any book/site recs for the basics?
Thanks for the Norwegian poster, didn't have that one…
Miguel Serrano.
Why would some kind of avatar like that shitpost on Holla Forums of all places?
It def looks a bit like trump pepe but for those wondering it's a backpack.
You mean Pepe Le Trump?
webm source when?
Plato was full of shit. True is the only word I need. It has a real opposite. It points to something logically real. Hypostasases, reifications and nominalisations begone! Release the binds!
If you want Massachusetts to turn red, fuck up the wealthy neighbouhoods with HUD. You need to use niggers as cudgels, they jews use them against you.
I've always been planning on moving to Pittsburgh sometime in the next 8 years, good to hear.
Pure coincidence i'm sure
This is what comes, because there is no end because this isn't real.
what comes is the beginning and the real eternity.
the word of God comes straight from God.
the bible in itself, is a false idol.
there is only God the one and only God.
everything else is a scam, all religions are wrong.
the globalist cult is obsessed with this garbage.
its the darkness before the light! then its nighttime again! then its nice again! then its shitty again!
they want you to only hope for the light of the next day but be forever ignorant of the night that will always come again in their flawed shilled up false religon belief system.
The good is coming and it will be good forever, all bad will be destroyed and never exist again.
good copypasta that's been going around
they are literally just jews + a false idol. old testament + new testament.
I mean, if you really think about it, christians are just jews in disguise. the whole religion is almost exactly the same except + "a hippie wearing a bathrobe and sandals"
if people keep freaking out over the jews, christians are just going to go "oh no that's so sad for them" meanwhile they are the same fucking people.
Thought I should redpill you guys about your own religon be mad at me or appreciate my info, I don't know. whatever.
I'm not trying to piss anyone off. I'm just done with the lies.
Exodus 20
"You shall have no other gods before Me."You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth."
Deuteronomy 5
You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.
christianity and jesus and his story is a giant mess of confusion, misspeaking, deception, corruption, and poor choice of wording. christianity as its basis is an email viral spam tactic for example "send this email to 10 people or a spooky ghost will pop up"
there are hints in Matthew that jesus is evil and some people then even try to call him out on it, but he just throws away the accusation by saying another parable or confusing riddle that doesn't make grammatical sense. jesus speaks with a twisted tongue, always in parables. jesus actively and awarely follows a prophesy like a script and even misquotes incorrect bible verses and makes contradictions in order to attempt to fit the prophecy closer because instead of allowing God to guide him, he seems to want to put himself in that place regardless of if he fits or not. That isn't how its supposed to work. jesus is often referred to as the son of man, this doesn't make sense, because how can people worship a man?
jesus often says things that strongly imply that he intends his word to be assumed as higher authority than the word of the one and only Lord in heaven.(also in matthew)
matthew 5:7
17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."
Matthew 1:23 says jesus (messiah) would be called Immanuel, which means "God with us." Yet no one, not even his parents, call him Immanuel at any point in the bible.
(Romans 1:3 says the Messiah is to be a descendant of David but how could jesus meet this requirement since Matthew 1 and Luke 3 show he descended from David through Joseph who was not his genetic father because of the Virgin Birth.
Also remember that both jesus and satan are referred to in the bible as the "morning star"
Basically the best advice I can give you is this:
so basically you should simply:
remember people, I'm talking about the ONE and ONLY God here. the infinite, beyond infinite. eternal
hell and satan are fake and false idol garbage that the globalist cult believes in as their false religion because they rebel against God.
notice how it's all fear based negative reinforcement like every other aspect of life.
they want you to be afraid so they can control you or make you worry and suffer.
I know plenty of christians who have wet dreams thinking about how they believe other people are burning in hell forever because they disagreed with them.
this earth, right here is the closest thing to hell.
when we pass away we all go to heaven. this isn't a free pass to be a bad person.
I'm just saying we all go to be with God in heaven
Missionary on the right has a giant nose.
are you totally retarded?
God is everywhere. when people pass away God takes them. God doesn't judge about if you heard about God or not. since God controls everything, God intends that some people not hear about God.
the Lord had foreknowledge and may have had impact on Eve and Adam's decision to eat the forbidden fruit.
the Lord may have set them up to eat the forbidden fruit, just the same way Pharoah was told to release the slaves but then "hardened Pharoah's heart" so Pharoah couldn't let them go. or was the Pharoah supposed to go against his hardened heart and do the right thing anyway?
the fact that Eve did not know the difference between Good and Evil when she ate the forbidden fruit is very paradoxical, since She and Adam literally had no way of knowing that disobedience was a bad thing. They are technically being punished for doing evil when they specifically didn't know what evil was or that eating the forbidden fruit was wrong other than the fact that they were told not to eat it, but that goes back to the fact that they had no way of knowing that disobedience was a bad thing… The question is why? To learn? Are we meant to learn here on earth? Does this experience exist because we are supposed to learn what it is and know what is good and bad and avoid what is bad so that we may be distinctly good?
we were created user
satan isn't real, it's just the globalist cults false religon, right along with jesus (jesus and satan are the same thing to them)
God made the sun to illuminate the earth but the globalist cult wants to hijack it and worship it in their false religion.
That's a Merovingian arms.
Good! 7 Million Americans Flat Out Refuse to Pay Back Student Loans
According to a new report by the Wall Street Journal, 7 million Americans are flat-out refusing to pay back their student loans because they feel scammed by their universities and government. They feel like they were told to go to school and are now left with worthless degrees, no jobs, and no prospects for the future. The government has tried many tactics to reach these defaulters, but their efforts have been fruitless for over a year.
Anonymous 08/09/16 (Tue) 04:54:15 No.471930
I can see the next American revolution being one of non-participation, non-cooperation, vigilance and resistance to the "norms" and institutions of society. This will likely include refusal to obey new draconian laws such as calls for civilians to turn in their firearms, or even future tax payment revolts en mass. I see the American people becoming more disgruntled and more pissed off every year. This is a healthy and good sign as they are waking up to the monsters shoving dicks up their rectum as they remained in temporary coma. The more who wake up and resist this bankrupted and thoroughly corrupted system, the better off society will be in the long-run.
A racket ( THIS IS A CRIME) is a service that is fraudulently offered to solve a problem, such as for a problem that does not actually exist, that will not be put into effect, or that would not otherwise exist if the racket did not exist. Conducting a racket is racketeering.
Particularly, the potential problem may be caused by the same party that offers to solve it, although that fact may be concealed, with the specific intent to engender continual patronage for this party.
1) Universities often say you need their degrees to get a job. That's a lie.
2) They offer a "solution" (often worthless degrees)… to "the problem" (a lie) that they constructed/fabricated.
3) "Solution" often ends up with being worthless, does not help persons get needed jobs. Problems remain unsolved.
4) Persons with worthless so-called "solutions" end up paying the debt off the rest of their life.
5) Universities profit BIG from the loans that others have to pay back. $$$
you want to know what another crime is? Double taxation. All americans are illegally double, triple, quadruple, or even more taxed when taxes are first taken out of their paycheck, and then they are taxed again when they go to buy gasoline to drive their car to the store, and again when they buy things.
accounts at Dayton, call any vendor account that is less than $100,000
“budget dust” and say it’s not worth the time or effort trying to
A shekel earned.
That was a rabbit's foot you lying kike.
crash bandicoot?
Just gonna leave this here…
Agreed. If it ain't White it ain't right.
And creation/rebirth through them. Also kikes don't want chaos. They want their perfect autistically hierarchical utopia where they rule over the goyim.
And Pepe is his prophet.
yea no.
I culturally identify as an Orthodox Christian but it's braindead kike worshipers like you that make me want to reconsider.
vive le roi de france et LES CAROLINGIENS.
mine kek please
Just hamfisted religious references and "metaphors" to appeal as exotic elements to its godless Shintoist audience.
Evangelion was not any deeper than Catholic nun hentai.
u wot m8?
Evangelion is the Lost of anime, its total garbage that could have been good but instead the creator went full retard.
Having many gods does not make you less of a heathen, especially when you make a god out of every single rock on your fucking island.
Did you ever think that maybe they see GOD in everything?
GOD is in everything, yes?
Otherwise, why would we call it GOD?
For being awesome and badass like Zeus, Neptune and Thor?
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the argument you're making.
Are you saying that to qualify as a god worthy of worship, a deity has to waste shit with lightning?
user all these religons are wrong.
just believe in the one and only God, that's it.
you don't need anyones bullshit.
hue hue hue hue hue
You kikes aren't even trying at this point.
Maybe lightning isn't such a bad idea after all.
Not exactly thread related, but requesting the video of the guy yelling out "pepe" during one of her speeches
really? you calling me a kike because I think it's stupid that you play with rocks like a caveman?
I'm calling you a kike because you're acting like a kike.
No, I'm not. you sound like a shill for the globalist cult that wants to promote false idol worshipping some FUCKING ROCKS
Pretty much, yes.
all hail chaos!
Fair enough.
I know this post is 2 days old, but I've always sat there and wondered something when thinking of the Christian God.
According to the bible God is our father and unless he is a shit father he'd want us to grow up and mature so maybe some day we too can be fathers.
What if by that logic God would have wanted us to grow up so we too can become the creator just as he is the creator?
If this is the case, becoming Gods ourselves would make our creator/father proud of us rather than angry.
Honestly, (((Wikipedia)))'s articles on it and western esotericism aren't bad starting points.
If God is real then he gave me a functional brain because he probably wants me to use it, not to bible thump kike verses that went obsolete with Jesus.
That's exactly what is wanted, but not becoming gods per se. Rather what is wanted is for us to become awakened/enlightened and by that we become unionized with the way of God's fundamental essence.
well supposedly it's not supposed to be that way, tower of babel and all.
but the globalist cult wants to go against God, and they want that.
look up pictures of the UN building.
"many tongues one voice"
CERN LHC and UN building are the new tower of babel. that's why they wanted to find the higgs boson "god particle" even though that's bullshit (even they said they found it) because they want to control the power of God.
God wont let them do this of course.
of course they will make tricks and appear to do shit.
Hold me.
Yeah. It's like our own personal Three Stooges. Only it's more like the Seven Billion Stooges.
It was only called that by media kikes because they couldn't say "that god damned particle" on air.
i.e., fuck that particle, it's elusive and that pisses off the scientists.
To answer this question, fill in the blank:
A) ends.
B) Ends.
D) (((oy vey)))
you are a fucking idiot and didn't read the post.
they said they found it already, but they are liars.
Don't be scared.
I live in the same town as this pastor. He survived being shot in the head point-blank with a .45 with minimal scarring, and is up preaching again. I remember when it happened, there was a media circus around that church.
It also happened while Cruz was visiting the N. Idaho Fairgrounds
Should I be nervous?
Guess who's riding the Dragon in this book…
Oh hell…is THAT why we call them "the Frogs?"
Am I the only one who sees the Grinch?
Kek is the Messiah is Lucifer is God.
The bringer of the light.
stay pleb fam
This is required reading
One thing I noticed was that the week Ted cruz dropped out of the race, that's right when the "dat boi" frog unicycle meme surged in popularity.
Behold, it is I, your savior. I am the one that makes the meme magic happen. People that I hate die and get sick. People that I love prosper and get rich. Things that I think about come true.
When Hillary has a coughing fit, I am watching her, sitting there wishing she would have a coughing fit. It always works.
Give me a test. Describe something that you wish to happen and I will make it so.
Nope sorry, you'll never find me.
There are thousands of tiny oil companies. And its not the little ones that make billions.
But at least now that opec has lost its ability to enforce monopoly prices on the world we aren't getting raped as hard at the pumps. I still remember paying $4.62 during peak oil.
I'd assume that's why; the popular modern story though is that during some sieges Paris began eating frogs to survive, but the 3 Frogs crest turning over time in a 3 Lys crest is probably way more accurate.
Also, the esoteric meaning of the frog is one of rebirth and renaissance; everything a frog is and what it represents can be somewhat translated esotericaly, but these kind of things are lost today sicne we are all getting more modern by the day.
Maybe i am Kek, or maybe i'm a schizo.
Anyway, i wrote this poem a while ago:
Mythos you are beckoning. Mythos you are my only friend. Mythos I am dead but alive in you. Mythos save me.
Mythos, or chaos — I love you.
Order. Always there. Lurking in the shadows. What have you got to say?
Is this kekkish enough for you?
Oh yeah, i'm not this guy btw.
I also have a friend called Pepe and once a sorceress said i looked like a frog(i don't though, which just makes it more mysterious).
and my name starts with K.
Who knows though. Go forth and subvert the dominant paradigm my sheeple.