Hipsters will deny this

Pepsi fire is delicious and people who constantly bitch about it are being contrarian because it's trendy.

The complaining is also immature as fuck and not necessary. If you don't like it just don't drink it, but their goal it seems it to make it unavailable completely. So people like me who like it can never enjoy it again just because these people who have the emotional maturity of a child, can't stand that something they dislike merely exists in the world, which they can simply avoid if they hate it so much. Nobody is forcing you to buy it or drink it, cunts.

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck that

Gross. You'd be better off drinking piss from a toilet.

Pepsi is a shitty SJW company

Cinnamon is an integral flavor in root beer, coke, pepsi, cream soda and a lot of other colas. If you hate cinnamon so much, maybe you should never drink root beer again, fucking commie.

Op is a fag with bad taste.

that's the plan tbh



This thread is full of faggots with no respect for historical context. Even old extinct sodas like ironport have cinnamon. If cinnamon didn't exist, sodas would be totally different.

You're not a little bitch for disliking it, you're a little bitch for partaking in an unnecessary and childish hate campaign that benefits no one.