Varg is due to murder thegoldenone

So Varg and TheGoldenOne are now at war with each other.

This just before they planned to have a collaboration meeting and video.

Whats the bet Varg does what he knows best and drives 900kms to stab him in the back as "self defence" so he can be the meanest badest leader of the new neo-pagan movement.

Other urls found in this thread:

Just get it over with and suck Vargs dick already. You are clearly obsessed with him.

and here it is…. Now Varg is saying he feels like TheGoldenOne is going to burn and kill his family…

So in Varg speak that means "I am going to come kill you Marcus"

Ask him if you can suck his dick.

Go back please.

Dis gon b gud

Hitler please.

Varg burned down historic Norse churches, never a mosque. Varg is an enemy of the west that has no solutions, he's only ever caused problems.

considering Varg stabbed a guy to death in the back and then claimed it was self defence after driving hours and hours to the guys house and is a convicted murder I think Marcus should be worried. Seems like Varg is setting the scene for another murder in order to be the "Meanest badest new leader of neopagan movement". At the least what Varg is actually doing is threating Marcus.


Sure if a future murder is "gay drama"


It is. Go complain about him on reddit or something.

This, btw, i am not talking about aids.

Fuck out my thread Holla Forums wasn't made personally for you.

The fag is mad.

northern barbarian snowniggers chimping out as usual. Any other worthwhile news?


>he says as he creates yet another thread for his gay e-drama saga that nobody cares about
Ironic much?

varg's a nut and should've never been let out of prison

He has a large white famhad and he doesn't take shit, the west needs more men like him.




The Golden One is far more intelligent and nuanced. The best that angry old man could do was live in the woods and pop out a bunch of kids, he should know his place and not insult The Golden One.



Aren't IDs great?


Pssssssst…Nobody cares.

Looks like I triggered an edgy teen fan of his.

WTF do little girls have to do with this?

Confirmed for buttmad varg fanboy.

Are you telling me I'm not forced to view pedophile content on Holla Forums anymore?

The board owner enabled ID's because of all the talk of a new Holla Forums.

Behead those who insult IDs

And he is a immigrant who lives off welfare doesn't learn the french language

Roach, A rat sucking the blood from good french peoples taxes.

To me it doesn't really come off as pedo content all I see is little girls but I understand what you mean considering the person posting it is likley a pedo.

I don't care for him either way. The west does need not men who don't take shit and have large families, you don't have to support Varg to see that. Nobody cares about your gay crush, stop making threads everytime he uploads a new video.

The sooner the welfare state collapses the better. If you are paying into that system you are part of the problem.

*does need more

fuck your sage faggot. Bump. Leave this thread and hide it if you don't like it why are you here trying so hard. Obvious varg fanboy.

…..and varg has deleted the video.

what was the jist of it? didnt get to see it


Pretty much he threatened to kill TheGoldenOne.


What the fuck this site is datamining all our 8ch posts!!!!

I feel dirty now since I've learned more about this fag, I'm going to take a long cold shower

I find it funny how a french noble married a LARPing neo-pagan who spends all his spare time having internet fights and bragging in his car about being a welfare nigger, I feel so sorry for her ancestors lol

lmao, however this goes, should be pretty entertaining

There is a few of those websites, they're to give the impression of a active site so the owner can get ad-revenue bux

they talked in the comments of this video, sounds like nothing will come of it

Nah the video he mad was pretty dam threating and he made it only like 12 hours ago.

God dam it why didn't I back that shit up.

kek, was looking at a video of his kids being 'homeschooled,' it's a wonder none of them have lost an eye yet tbh.



At least is not another 4cucker porn thread, Holla Forums is not a porn board.

Link to the vid? I can't seem to see this comment.

Your a bit late. He deleted the video now.

So got that .webm for me as is custom?

Usually OP is supposed to make a .webm of all YT linked vids as people don't like to click embeds because of tracking.

You've got to admit, tho… they do breed 'em well in Vargland!
