Godawful Character Desgins 2

So thats where all that shit came from? It was one guy the whle time?

'90s did it a lot better where he was basically a living Durlan weapon whose appearance was a constantly shifting mash up of bits and pieces of all of the Legionnaires.

He's a wrestler. And his costume is actually him grabbing Daredevil's old costume and Wolverine's mask.

Well that makes sense.

I like that second outfit a lot, it's just not a good choice for Rogue's character.

Jamie McKelvie's done some character designs too. He did the KSD version of Carol (Anka just darkened the colors, added some lines and made her look more butch) and the current Miss America design. But yeah, Anka seems to be Marvel's go to character designer which is amazing considering how bad at it he is.

Speaking of bad costumes too, there was this really shitty period around Reload and in Rucka's run where they tried making Rachel Summers sexy and I fucking hated that. Rachel's always looked kind of butch with the buzz cut and mullet and shit and I always liked that. Rachel should always look butch, feminizing her just never works. Her current costume, while kind of ridiculous, is great IMO.

I always liked Rachel's "hound" outfit, the studded bodysuit. Especially when those creepy tattoos on her face appeared. It was fucked up and edgy, and it fit her origin and hard-edged character.

Really, Rachael Summers and David Bowie are the only two people who ever looked good in a mullet.

This. He was much more well-realized in TNBA. Plus he actually killed people in that show.

Patrick Swayze made it work, too.