Second thread same as the first.
Godawful Character Desgins 2
pretty much anything designed by Rob Liefeld or from the 90's.
wow thats awful same with the 1st pic.
2 wouldn't be too bad as a tougher than average yet generic enemy in a video game with the right style but
I remember seeing the guy who did Bane's deviant artpage. He's got all those designs on there. They look better when drawn. Also Phil Barousa is also on deviantart.
Please tell me that's a joke character nobody is supposed to take seriously.
Hey, Dr. Bob Doom, Victor's dentist cousin, is a classic.
Todd MacFarlane Toys have a lot to answer for.
Honestly Illumanator's only problem is the helmet and some of the details and how it doesn't work with his power effects. Blue jumpsuit with white details could work fine on the right character.
reminds me of cobra commander for some reason. I think its the helmet.
lazy as hell. Out of curiosity does she fight Daken in her new comic?
Jane Thor is a shit character, but her design is actually rather striking. It makes you want a GOOD character to go with it.
I hate those designs. I don't know which is worse, how ugly squirrel girl is or that stupid mask covering Raven's eyes.
Anything that reminds me of Griffith is going to receive low scores.
I want to put my dick in and around Squirrel Girl's big bucktoothed mouth
hated that Tron shit they did with the characters.
So the reason they put X-23, who's awesome, in that ridiculous Wolverine costume is why?!
Did we ever find out why Squirrel Girl hates Kitty Pride? We know she fucked Wolverine. Did she and Kitty fight over Logan?
There's nothing wrong with those. Those are great, classic designs. People are too hard on Liefeld
Because Squirrel Girl is supposed to be able to beat anyone at anything, but can't beat Kitty at being best girl, so she's resentful.
Your and my waifu is dead.
that smirk is awful.
Geez… it's almost like writers at marvel don't know shit about the characters they are supposed to write.
In the last panel on pic 2….is she supposed to look like an actual retard?
DC has been hitting out of the park recently with awful character designs.
What is it with Mr Freeze getting supremely dicked over in the design department?
Ahh yes.. The 90s edgy clawhand.
The Batman's Freeze design isn't terrible. Its one of the better attempts to make a more streamlined Mr. Freeze. I kind of like it's take on the TV's shows cold collar, but that see through shit though never worked in the comics and it still doesn't work.
At least he looks like he's stuck in a cumbersome suit instead of a pair of overalls.
Have they even done anything with twink Lobo?
You're confusing bad writing & editorial decisions with bad design.
Still not the worst Joker design.
Personally speaking though I do like The Batman's Joker, felt very menacing and such when compared to some of his other incarnations.
I had to look at that first pic a few seconds and read the file name to even remember that gay shit existed. It's one of those ass backwards decisions that leaves you just scratching your head. Old Lobo HAS and audience, why throw that away for a character clearly geared for a different one, and with a design that has so little personality?
Beased on what I got by flippping quickly through his books, they tried to make him look more like the original eventually. Towards the end of the run, his hair was longer, he looked more rugged, became a bit more muscular, and wore clothes similar to what original Lobo did. These were of course undone for the most part on the last three pages.
Certainly more menacing that this incarnation.
I'll give you that, this desgin was so shit that even the producers regret it.
Hey, you leave the Whizzer alone. It's bad enough he's called the Whizzer.
I really do hope that's actually Slobo.
I suppose I'm the only guy who doesn't think X-23's wolverine costume is bad.
I like batman's logo.
You know, in all honesty, I wouldn't have minded Jared Leto's Joker design if it was taken humorously. Like all of the edgy tattoos and grill are just examples of how tasteless and unrefined the Joker is. He thinks all this wigger crap looks good.
It would be a different take to be sure, but at least it would be keeping with his character.
That design would've been miles better if Bruce Timm didn't tell Glen Murakami to remove the red lips.
It's a shame. I think the Joker was better in TNBA than BTAS.
What annoys me so much about character designs these days is that 90% of artists are just straight up tracing stock photos so the characters' faces just morph every panel. If it wasn't for costume/hair your couldn't fucking tell who half these characters are based on different panels on the same page.
I realise there was some serious 'strong chin same face' in old comics but at least the character stayed on model, even if the model was generic.
DC really are the gift that keeps on giving when it comes to godawful character designs.
Whats wrong with…any of those?
with 3rd pic I'd say its the tron lines that look distracting. That and they gave beast boy red fur.
I think what bugged me most where those black eyes. It reminded me of the spys from Spy vs Spy.
I know that version of the Joker gets a lot of crap but I like him. It was a different take. Though I preferred his earlier look with the straight jacket, it fit his crazy design that and the monkey kung fu style fit with him then.
These are Obsidian and Psycho Pirate's old costumes.
The ones posted above are their New 52 costumes.
that design makes me think of the 70's for some reason.
is psycho pirate getting catcalled?
What do the yellow speech bubbles sound like?
probably like they do in the Deadpool video game.
What's wrong with the Superior Spiderman?
I really liked those Kryptonian outfits. I was disappointed that they didn't dress like that in Man of Steel.
What in the fuck did they do to Spider-man 2099!? What is the thought process behind that design even?
Nothing is wrong with the COSTUME
The design for Squirrel Girl actually isn't too pants-on-head retarded for a squirrel-themed cape, it's just that the artist has little if any talent, zero artistic skill, and negative aesthetic sense.
Hell, the only major difference between there and pic related is a jacket.
You do realize this is a design thread right? As in something has to be wrong with the costume.
I wish they used guri huri to do artwork for squirrel girl. And that they get a better writer.
The costume design was good. The problem was everything in those movies were corny, and when you put a ham like Schwarzenegger in a move like that, it was what finally got even the producers to finally apologize for the movies.
I don't mind the new costume, but boy did they screw up hard on writing her character development (the petting gag was okay, though). They took a bizarre jump of contrast.
Sadly, that's Erica "specialises in butter-churned-up faces" Henderson for you. Wish the big two would go back to the time of not being total brown-nosers, and actually have any understanding in aesthetics and subtlety (granted, Rob Liefeld isn't top-notch, but still).
>Rogue. Egad, what a visually flat design.
wow trigon used to look pretty gay.
I don't see what's wrong with armored spider man though?
That riddler design was so weird.
He looks like a character from some yaoi equivalent of Taimanin Asagi. Viile.
It's only considered as terrible because of how garish the plates are. Don't fret, nobody's going to sperg out in this thread. Hopefully…
The plates never looked that bad to me.
Disco is DEAD, Peter.
Aquaman has the coolest design out of his whole history, ironically
Scorpion's coolest design is not in an MK game
Injustice 2 gets worse
Put the bunny back in the box, Luthor.
Well what the hell do you expect a composite Superman to look like, faggot?
Well, not so much of Batman?
Why don't they just call him the Composite Superman Batman? Eh?
Hardly any dumber than Animal Vegetable Mineral Man.
I really wanted that cake, Lois.
I hate feminist approved "realistic" costumes, they're bland and generic at best and fuck ugly to look at at worst.
I'm not saying every character should have armor but c'mon this shit this just lazy.
Okay, that Spider-Woman outfit is ugly. I'll agree with you there. What exactly is wrong with that Batgirl suit? To me, it looks like it's just her classic suit with a few extra details like buttons a zippers added.
they tried to make the classic suit more "realistic". Personally I wouldn't have mind if the explained it was home made and Barbara was just starting out explaining why she's so reckless and taking a selfie in costume. But they don't do that in the comic sadly.
I'm started to get sick of this armored look they keep giving characters. I feel bad in a way because when it was done with deathstroke I liked it now I'm sick of it.
agreed, I hate these bland costumes and the bland writing that comes with it. If they wanted to do "realistic" why no use Static Shock? He makes his own costume. It would make sense with him.
Do you see this joker here? This guy is the Scarlet Sentry. He is my favorite so-bad-it's-good character design. Objectively, it isn't terrible just from the picture. He is using some primary colors. He cuts an interesting shape. The stupid part is that isn't a mountie. He's not even Canadian. His entire deal is that he decided to fight crime, so he put on this bullet proof costume which leave his face entirely exposed to bullets and people who can recognize him. Then he beats up heavily armed gangsters. How does he obtain this incredible piece of textile technology which is his one and only superpower? I swear to gosh, he ordered it through the mail.
He looks like a mountie.
That guy is pretty much a Mountie. So Canadians confirmed to be gifters of superpowered armors?
Want to know why he's called Composite Superman? He looks like half Batman and half Superman…and all of his powers are from the Legion of Superheroes. So, he's a composite of a lot of super humans..a Super man so to speak.
It's flawed because it tries to use the "realism" excuse/gimmick despite being it being fairly unrealistic in itself (some would argue against the jacket for example). The writers' attitude towards acknowledging that didn't help.
Really, the realism approach is just a smokescreen to desexualize Barbara
that was one of the x00 issues and the best they could come up with for an anniversary gimmick was that piece of shit variant costume. And of course there was no reason in the story for him to do it.
Which is funny because I've seen a fuck load of pin ups and porn of this version of Babs.
For a cartoon example of a bad desgin, look no further than pic related.
You're 60% right, but apparently they wanted to change the costume to fit the "OMG, LIKE, SO PEPPY AND FUN GURRRL!" nature of the comic. So regardless of the true intention, the costume is a real miss. Also, while I unironically like Babs Tarr's art style (sounds like shit taste, I know), the writing was so stereotypically "le young millennial girl"-ish, I felt diabetic just reading most of the sample pages.
Now that you mention it, I remember that the writers "unwrote" The Killing Joke from existence by "revealing" it as a false memory implanted into Barbara's mind by the main antagonist of their run.
the only good thing that designer got right was the detachable cape
the leather jacket is an AWFUL choice though
spandex is used precisely because it avoids all the downfalls this jacket does: nothing gets snagged unless it's either loose (which it shouldn't be) or whatever is snagging it is also probably gonna take a chunk off your flesh too
boots need to be laceless; either self-lacing via mechanisms or something easy to put on/take off like velcro (or if you INSIST on using hipster shoes, then at least settle for a good pair of slip-ons like Vans or some shit); i shouldn't have to explain this if you're running, jumping, and moving through urban settings
the utility belt that extends to the leg pouch is a "meh" on my part; maybe it'll hinder mobility, maybe not, i can't tell if it has a slump built into the design or if babs is just pushing it down for the sake of that post; but there's a reason the standard used is a utility belt and not a utility whatever-the-fuck-is-going-on-there. or if you want something involving the legs, a rock climber's harness modified to hold (detachable) pouches/bags might be the better choice
the hair should be put up as well, and drop the lipstick, too; the last thing you need is an identifying factor to make someone figure out who you are
basically, if you're going to commit to "MUH REALISM", go the whole 9 yards and do your research
Ah yes. the "realistic" jacket fade that anyone with half a brain knows a jacket is very restrictive in movement. But we aren't discussing real logic here; Just their own logic.
I always found it funny when artists try that whole "muh realism" it ends up not being realistic at all.
I always find the more detail they put into the official designs the less I like it and the less other artists can put their own spin on it.
That pissed me off so much with the New 52. Especially with Superman who's original design works because of its simplicity.
Naw, dawg! You want one obvious identifyer you can change once out of costume. If I was a costumed vigilante, I'd go so far as having a fake scar or tattoo peaking just out of my costume, that I can take or wash off once back in my civilian clothes. Of course, I doubt they do anything clever like have her change lipstick shades when out of costume.
Like with most things, the more you try to be "realistic", the more you invite people to think critically about what they're seeing, and that makes the flaws all the more glaring. You tell me everyone wears painted on costumes and say "unstable molecules", I can turn my brain off and accept it. You bother with using clothes we can pick up at a thrift shop and call it ideal crime fighting gear, people will shake their heads because they've worn that shit themselves. Hell, the moment you put armor on ANY part of the body, that makes people question the lack of armor on any exposed part.
And, as stupid and terrible as most of the Injustice designs are, at least they are consistent and you know "okay, whatever, everyone on that world looks like this". But in the actual books, you have really start feeling the clash between classic and hipster tactical looks. And that clash sends off signals to your brain that take you out of the universe.
The most dismissive reply to this by the male artist in the run's team himself. Smug, ain't he?
…He still doesn't explain how in the hell Babs can walk now.
Other than basically being an edgier version of Spider Ben's costume (Which was also shit)?
Honestly, that IS the best way to show off to hecklers. Leather comes in many qualities.
Didnt she start waking again after Superman punched reality so hard he ressurrected Jason Todd?
If "it's just fictional! stop scrutinizing it!" works as an excuse for shitty hipster artists, then why was the spandex costum such a big deal in the first place?
reminds me of this tumblr post where this guy was calling out how man spreading is bullshit then some tumblr chick drew him on a subway man spreading as a response.
Red guy isn't great (not terrible either), but the girl's jumpsuit is rocking. Not sure about the bare feet though - it would depend on why.
Considering she's basically an earthbender? 70% Toph Beifong, 30% somebodiy's fetish (not necessarily the artist's, he could just be pandering).
Hope it's not the same way they cure AIDS
God dammit
You don't just Rachael Pollack an Alan Moore script.
Are DC trying to emulate Marvel's fail?
Is this part of Rebirth?
so her time as Oracle was a hallucination?
I actually like female thor's design. Her helmet reminds me of Eric Masterson's Thor design.
You know. She could have been a good character. I mean, its not the first time there is another person as thor. Hell, she is not even the first female to lift the hammer.
Is such a shame that she ended being an awful character written by a blind cunt
He's just trying to nitpick SJW characters. The costumes aren't WHY those characters are terrible, and I can tell you exactly how marvel came up with the designs
fucking imagine.
at least we have gwenpool
why does he look like a cross between daredevil and wolverine? What was his abilities anyway?
Kris Anka is very, very bad at designing characters/costumes. Really funny considering he came from Project Rooftop but I always thought that site's redesigns (and most fan redesigns in general) were garbage.
But Anka's responsible for a lot of terrible designs over the years. Carol's current look, the one where she looks even more like a dyke? That's Anka. Remember Humprhies' uncanny X-Force where the characters all wore black jump suits with giant white X's on them and where Storm's current look comes from? Anka. Current Spider-Woman practicool outfit? Anka. That shitty costume Wolverine wore before he died? Anka again.
Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. There's probably more but he's very, very bad at his job.
I don't like the design itself and I hate that Remender immediately undid Rogue controlling her powers. But I fucking love Larraz's Rogue. Fluffy hair is best hair. I tend not to like anything that goes back to her original costume outside of the Bachalo design from Carey's run though. The update on her '90s costume was good too but, of course, nothing touches the Lee costume.
For as bad as he is at designing costumes NOW, Lee's X-Men designs were fucking great. There's a reason they were the ones used for so long.
So thats where all that shit came from? It was one guy the whle time?
'90s did it a lot better where he was basically a living Durlan weapon whose appearance was a constantly shifting mash up of bits and pieces of all of the Legionnaires.
He's a wrestler. And his costume is actually him grabbing Daredevil's old costume and Wolverine's mask.
Well that makes sense.
I like that second outfit a lot, it's just not a good choice for Rogue's character.
Jamie McKelvie's done some character designs too. He did the KSD version of Carol (Anka just darkened the colors, added some lines and made her look more butch) and the current Miss America design. But yeah, Anka seems to be Marvel's go to character designer which is amazing considering how bad at it he is.
Speaking of bad costumes too, there was this really shitty period around Reload and in Rucka's run where they tried making Rachel Summers sexy and I fucking hated that. Rachel's always looked kind of butch with the buzz cut and mullet and shit and I always liked that. Rachel should always look butch, feminizing her just never works. Her current costume, while kind of ridiculous, is great IMO.
I always liked Rachel's "hound" outfit, the studded bodysuit. Especially when those creepy tattoos on her face appeared. It was fucked up and edgy, and it fit her origin and hard-edged character.
Really, Rachael Summers and David Bowie are the only two people who ever looked good in a mullet.
This. He was much more well-realized in TNBA. Plus he actually killed people in that show.
Patrick Swayze made it work, too.