Have you ever told someone about your fetish and they fucking laughed at you? Come the fuck on.
Are you shitting me?
I have a banana fetish.
My fetish is women with large bellies. Be they stuffed, bloated, or just a little pudge or a full blown potbelly. A woman who is skinny with a big gut gets me hard anytime.
So, you mean fat people? You like fat women, is that it?
Feed her bananas to get big
not fat women. Search "female potbelly" or "female pudgy belly" and you'll see what I mean
The whole point of fetishes is that they're abnormal, of course yore going to get laughed at.
are bananas abnormal?
Yeah, it's called posting your fetish here.
Unless you mean IRL. I told my best friend I was into giantess and vore and he laughed, but it was whatever, cause I laughed him for being a vanilla normie
not enough carbs