Ethel & Ernest trailer

Fuck yes, not a brown person in sight, based on an older, better England. Sign me up.

That film scared the shit out of me as a kid.

There's been quite a few Holla Forums tier posts on Holla Forums recently.
I wonder what's going on.

Once this thread dies I think I'll make my own thread that actually discusses this without the blatant shit stirrer b8 in the OP.

Recently Holla Forums had a problem with their moderation going retarted and making Holla Forums a shitposting heaven. Probably a usual suspect, got in control and decided to run the place a muck Just like our original /int/**. Or it could just be Hi-jinx.

Seeing that he based the couple in When The Wind Blows on his parents. It probably is.

It's not Hijinx, dumbass, he's so easy to spot that there is never any doubt it's him when he shows up.

well honestly im not sure if ive heard of that before

so it originally had everyone have red ears cheeks and noses?

if so I'd not put it against them

I think Holla Forums is just a shitty board, user.

Same could be said for any board really, but it was far more tolerable just two months ago.

Highjizz did have some sorta grudge against Holla Forums because they laughed at him hard when he tried to brag about erasing some of Holla Forums. But it's also probably just a shitty board.

Good. I wish we had less shitty OPs who just stir shit and have clue what they're talking about. As far as I'm concerned, the OP we have here is nothing more than an easily triggered baby who wants to turn Holla Forums into his own autism hugbox.

Overall we ALL have to be less prone to taking this bait, and stop bumping useless threads.