To faggy to webm
New British animation, based on the book by Raymond Briggs (The Snowman, When the Wind Blows), about his parents. A feature length look at completely normal British people from the 1930's to 80's
To faggy to webm
New British animation, based on the book by Raymond Briggs (The Snowman, When the Wind Blows), about his parents. A feature length look at completely normal British people from the 1930's to 80's
looks comfy fam. Though for some reason the artstyle reminds me of Winnie the Pooh.
I'm tearing up lads.
and f/a/gs say that all western animation is family guy & disney
It looks like the most boring thing in the world.
Make a proper Ċ vejk cartoon instead, fags.
This could potentially be good for propaganda for bong kids.
Once upon a time you walk in a peaceful white city and not get raped or beheaded by mudslimes. There were was a time when dindus didn't steal anything that wasn't nailed down.
But now thanks to unchecked immigration your town is full of dirty, angry, violent brown people who shit in the streets and only want to rob you/hurt you.
What, as opposed to the dirty white chavs and skinheads killing you in the good old days?
Can't we go a single fucking day without Holla Forumsacks coming here and shitting the place up?
Y'all are literally tumblr for the opposite demographic; political thought, safe spaces, memes, and all. The only reason no one seems to listen to you is because, somehow, someway, you've managed to be even more retarded than the people you're fighting.
Please do yourself a favor and go outside for once.
But user, how else are people supposed to signal to other Holla Forumsacks that you're engaging in doubleplusgoodthink?
did they hire someone from tumblr to do the coloring or what?
excuse me, almost everywhere
the one place where I didn't see a person with red cheeks/ears and a red nose was the scene with the black and white movie, where the people in the movie looked normal, as if they hadn't been drawn by someone from tumblr
Whites who idolised Jamaicans.
I agree that the board should stay clean of politics but I also agree with the user
Your pure Aryan tears are delicious.
this looks white as fuck. I cant wait to watch this.
Anyhow, you miss the point. It doesn't all have to be about black people. The breakdown of traditon, and rise of liberal ideas is what allows these things to arise.
The Specials, doesn't get more Ska than this.
Good old 1977 British skinhead boys.
wew fam calm down I'm just telling the truth
They look kinda gay
What is the point of Holla Forums raiding Holla Forums?
They're not going to find any like minds except for maybe a couple of Randian Objectivists.
Why don't they go hassle /christian/ or /wooo/ or /liberty/? Or /aus/, at least they'll find sufficient rednecks there. Although the average Australian will still call them poofs.
Same reason they raid any top board: To spread their circlejerk. It was hilarious when they lost their grip on /n/.
I'm going to assume you're pretending to be retarded.
I come here to talk about comics and cartoons. There's no raid as far as I'm aware.
Take your meds
Fuck yes, not a brown person in sight, based on an older, better England. Sign me up.
That film scared the shit out of me as a kid.
There's been quite a few Holla Forums tier posts on Holla Forums recently.
I wonder what's going on.
Once this thread dies I think I'll make my own thread that actually discusses this without the blatant shit stirrer b8 in the OP.
Recently Holla Forums had a problem with their moderation going retarted and making Holla Forums a shitposting heaven. Probably a usual suspect, got in control and decided to run the place a muck Just like our original /int/**. Or it could just be Hi-jinx.
Seeing that he based the couple in When The Wind Blows on his parents. It probably is.
It's not Hijinx, dumbass, he's so easy to spot that there is never any doubt it's him when he shows up.
well honestly im not sure if ive heard of that before
so it originally had everyone have red ears cheeks and noses?
if so I'd not put it against them
I think Holla Forums is just a shitty board, user.
Same could be said for any board really, but it was far more tolerable just two months ago.
Highjizz did have some sorta grudge against Holla Forums because they laughed at him hard when he tried to brag about erasing some of Holla Forums. But it's also probably just a shitty board.
Good. I wish we had less shitty OPs who just stir shit and have clue what they're talking about. As far as I'm concerned, the OP we have here is nothing more than an easily triggered baby who wants to turn Holla Forums into his own autism hugbox.
Overall we ALL have to be less prone to taking this bait, and stop bumping useless threads.
Hi tumblr
Is this 3D? I keep having this weird feeling that it's 3D, or that there is something very wrong with the animation. I don't know. In anyway, i look forward to watch it and i hope it may be as good as When the Wind Blows. Thanks for showing me it, OP.
It wasn't Horsejunk, you're giving that autist way too much credit. If he was actually competent enough to single-handedly make a board shit then Holla Forums would have crumbled by now.
It was most likely Holla Forums cashing in on the "and cartoons and anime" shit the BO pulled.
Because if there's an easier way to incite drama on Holla Forums than political shitflinging then it would be posting cartoons or anime, and now they have both in spades.
Immediately, as in literally right after he made the change, the already poor quality of the board crashed through the bottom of the barrel.
OP here, I was only joking about the tone of voice the posh woman in the trailer was using. If SJW'ism continues for another generation, I can imagine middle-aged ones talking to their disappointingly-straight children in the same way. though I am a Holla Forumsack, I keep it on that board. Would you have preferred me to go 75757575?
It's a cartoon adapted from a comic, why wouldn't it be posted here?
The author of the book (and his animations tend to be almost frame-to-frame accurate) is pretty leftist. I wouldn't be surprised if it features some "colour bar" and "scary National Front" stuff. It does, after all, run right up to the 80's.
It's about his actual IRL parents. As we didn't get into a nuclear war with the Soviet Union circa 1986, I doubt it.
I think it's hand-drawn, but stuff like cars driving away is "cheated" with 3D to save time.
Instead people were starving thanks to the submarine warfare Hitler declared.
Oh, and they were afraid of German bombing runs thanks to Hitler (Battle over Britain does ring a bell, doesn't it).
Oh, and they were afraid of German spies sabotaging vital infrastructure - thanks to Hitler.
Yeah, but those civilians had it coming for not being German.
Makes you wonder if going to war with Germany was a good idea.
Oy vey, why do they persecute me so.
Yeah, those civilians minding their own business deserved it, how dare they stand against the might of the German empire?
Yeah, the rare occasional death from British skinhead gangfights is exactly the same as the systematic rape and torture of thousands of white children by foreign shitskin gangs.
Yeah, fuck Dresden. They all deserved to be firebombed.
I was going to show a vid with the original dialogue of Hitler crying about being oppressed but this was funnier.