good point. Maybe my belief was rooted in escapism; but I still don't think social issues even to be addressed in something like cartoons. TV shows, movies, and some comics i can get, but cartoons just don't seem like the place for it.
Mister Díaz is a pretty handsome man. How come he's not even trying to fuck Star day and night?
I don't know, I believe that while in a minor element Star has really made a commentary on how societies work, especially Mewni but contrasting it to earth society.
I still believe people are overeacting (From both sides for an offhand joke that seems actually funny considering who she is.
but srsly, all me tbh Xd
yes they are over reacting.
But their is a reason.
The problem with the SJW community is that most of it's community are zealot people.
The thing with social justice is that it's appealing to others.
The goal by itself is basically to help people considered to have difficulties.
The problem lies in how they to do it.
They use despicable means to achieve goals.
-Re-interpreted your own words to match their ideas.
-Framing people
-Shaming people
more here
You can't have a conversation with most of these people because.
If by mistake they mis-interpreter something that you say or simply disagree with you.
You will be flagged has a racist, homophobic or whatever and you cannot have even discuss with them because the rules in their community forbids them to talk with people who aren't agreeing with them.
They live in their bubble and don't want to see anything else that's not in the bubble.
That's why a lot of people are over reacting, social justice is an illogical system that is totalitarian.
I took it a whole different way, that Janna lies casually and lied just to see what would happen.
She was daring the cube to punish her. I suspect Janna likes to be punished
You're right, the cube was mocking her, but Janna got what she wanted.
ahaha I get it because people can't be non-hostile when they don't agree on things here heehee
I think Janna has a crush on Marco.
still me xD
Actually kinda funny to see a cartoon that kinda emphasises how the magical fantasy worlds aren't actually any better than Earth to live in for the most part, and Earth might even be the best place to actually live with minimal fear of superpowered maniacs wrecking everything on a whim. (relatively) Also, high average standard of living, and safety regulations.
The earth turd dimension is the safe kid of dimensions.