Mister Díaz is a pretty handsome man. How come he's not even trying to fuck Star day and night?
Star would be lucky to have mister Díaz as a partner. Look at the guy, he's clearly experienced, well endowed, and strong but kind and generous and gentle.
Is it because he has a hot-ass wife? Doesn't sound like a good enough reason to me.
Mister Díaz is a pretty handsome man. How come he's not even trying to fuck Star day and night?
Other urls found in this thread:
Mrs. Diaz is ten times better then Star. Just look at that hot little Latina, Mr. Diaz is a lucky fucking guy to be fucking her on the daily. Why would Mr. Diaz want some loli blonde when he can get that delicious and spicy woman?
Because he can have it all. I mean, look at him.
Just look at that shit.
What the fuck even happened in the last panel?
Ese, if I was Marco, mang I know I'd be sinning with a mamacita rica like that. No?
But not really sinning, more like thinking about it. It's what they call Oedipus's complex and it's a real thing in science, mang. Not making this up, the name comes from a legend where this Greek guy, they tell him when he's a baby that he'll end up killing his own daddy and marrying his hot mom, which is fucked up so of course his dad goes like "no way mang, that's too fucked up" so he kicks out the baby or something so it doesn't happen, but actually by kicking him out he sets in motion a convoluted situation where everything they wanted to not happen happens. It's like a real good story and it's older that Jesús even, and the lesson is that no matter what you do you can't escape faith and when you think you can outsmart your destiny you're actually fulfilling it.
But I don't think it's like that at all, ese. I don't think we're just like puppets, I think we have free will, mang. We're not like marionetas, we're more like leaves floating in a random current of events that are so complex we can't predict their direction because they're chaotical. Feel me?
But anyway, the scientists used the name to name the thing where you deep down wanna do it with your mamá, but since you repress those feelings you end up seeking her in other women, and when it's not resolved it causes all sorts of things to happen. Bad things like messy breakups, or patterns of abusive relationships, or neurosises and shit.
And I bet it's harder to resolve when your mamá is as hot as Marco's.
When it happens to girls and they wanna marry their papi it's called Elektra, and that comes from a different legend but I don't know that one. There's a movie called Electra and that's bad Marvel, or that's my opinion because I didn't like it. It's subjectivity though, ese. If you like it that's fine. But Jennifer Garner is in it and also she was Daredevil's woman, but then Daredevil was Ben Affleck and he's Batman now, so it's hard to swallow if you crave consistency, mang.
When they're poorly drawn they need some explaining.
What? I can easily discern what's happening in the last panel. You just have autism.
You shouldn't say that because it's offensive to actual Autistic-Americans.
Mister Diaz is a generous man, who leaves something for the boy.
His generosity is wasted on Marco because unlike him, the boy is a beta and he's not enjoying the gifts of Star's cunny.
He should be all "boy, if you're not gonna take it let me show you how it's done", and you know Star would like that better.
Give Marco some time, he'll end up just like his papa.
You like hair, don't you?
The last panel is a picture of the house from outside
It's pretty shitty.
Here mi querido OP have some comics from taco-land
why don't you remove spic and actually post that in english?
Not crazy about the art, but at least it's OTP. Also, it's not LPMLDLH.
That's European Spanish, not South American Spanish.
Not that it makes any difference.
Another one,this one is kinda shitty tho.
found them some months ago,too lazy to check if there is an english version.
there in.
I'd dump it, but I'm about to leave in 3 minutes. If nobody does it, I'll dump it in a few hours.
Have you been sleeping in the sun again Paco?
sure, why not?
…Okay, so I've been fixing my mouse after my my right button died, without unplugging it. And that's how this post happened.
I have no idea how.
There should be a "delete" button to kill that post somewhere.
No mang that's how you get skin cancer, ese.
Anyways, isn't Star cute? If señor Díaz was doing her I wouldn't even judge mang.
back when Savino was cool and didn't support jewish propaganda.
This is almost always a bad idea.
I needed to see effects live. Reassembling this mouse is a chore.
It's just a usb mouse, the voltage is not high enough to kill me.
So thick. Me likey!
The thread is about Star. It's always about Star.
Another episode with side shit at SU level followed by more Ludo. I really want to hate this but the Ludo episodes somehow always make it worth it.
I think it's kinda the fact that he started out as such a failure and he's trained himself up into a legit threat
Cálmese calmado, compa! Aliviánese! No lo haga!
What the fuck are you talking about? "cálmese calmado"?
Are you high? That's weird as fuck as a sentence.
Normally in this kind of show the starter goofy incompetent villain would eventually get upstaged by a more threatening villain (see Toffee) and turn into purely comic relief. Nice to see a different approach.
PPCDSALV! Fierro! Anda al 100 o no compa? No se alebreste compa! Llévesela leve, compa!
I've started to speak my vernacular and seem to be unable to stop. Do not encourage this, as it might drive me to illegally enter some countries and tek r jerbs. Thanks for understanding.
I'm not your compa, amigo.
Interesting that Star's lost her ability (and/or passion) for purely destructive magic, which used to be the only thing she could reliably do, which seems to have transferred to Ludo's wand, which can ONLY do barely controllable destructive magic.
Not your amigo, ese.
Acaso todos tienen retraso mental ?
Acuérdese, user, que está en un boletín vietnamita de acuarelas. Todos aquí están mal de la cabeza de un modo u otro.
Only recently have I understood that SU is a show for chicks, much in the same way Life is Strange is a game for chicks and Hell "The comic sells like shit because patriarchy" Cat is a comic for chicks.
I'm not your ese, camarada.
I just noticed this on the last episode, are they trying to poke SU?
Can we start a fire on tumblr?
Not to far off of SU.
Meme it!
I have to admit I thought SU too. Though was the belly button gem part of her design from the start?
I see the school janitor will have descendants who work on Space Station 13.
Maybe, or it might be a reference to troll dolls.
Oh. Well now I'm sad.
Mrs. Díaz is white, friend. It's a mixed marriage. That's why she and Marco don't have accents when Mr. Díaz does.
She actually likes her new body, though. (beats being an elderly human when you live up to 400 and have super-strength)
Also funny that she wields a battle axe now; way back when she sarcastically told Star that a battle axe was her favourite weapon.
Google "old battle axe" and you will get the reference. Old battle axe literally describes her character.
I can see why that's not in the DreamWorks movie
This whole show is a miscegenation fest
Mrs. Diaz is clearly mixed white and Spanish, not mestizo
Star is a stick with no boobs
just pretend he is majority european heritage
They are European, ese.
You're a funny guy op. I don't even go to this board more than once every couple months but it's endearing knowing that the local burrito bandito is still making his weekly innuendos about the Diaz family.
I actually know a white guy with minor mestizo heritage that he laments because it makes him short
otherwise he looks white as hell
are all latino women as sexy as Mrs. Diaz?
No, racemixing has created some horrid mutations from the American southern border to the southern tip of South America. However, it has also strangely made some exotic looking women with brown skin and enticing bodies. Many still retain their European appearance with some slight changes.
What's the source on this artist? I tried looking him up on a Danny Phantom thread and couldn't find a thing.
So you're saying that some are sexy, some are ugly and some are just normal?
That's Simon.
So how do the Spanish feel about the Mexicans and their former colonies?
Do you have more awesome dinosaur art like that? Better than original subject
Spaniards are too lazy to care.
sad dubs of truth
Spain is cucked to death at this point
New episodes when?
Some feel indiference, mostly because they just became american sock puppets. Others feel disgust of how the colonies felt, others are like your SJWs, dancing to the disgusting music those apes make.
This is all the fault of americans and englishmen. If they weren't so damn filthy egoist we could have managed to make the countries into something decent, now they teach to their schools they were genocided like the jews.
Even being black, being short makes you feel worth shit.
There was an episode yesterday, and there will be another one next week.
Starfan13 is semiconfirmed to be a dyke.
Pick related is her answer to the question "Who do you have a crush on?
Marco X Prussian Blue when?
And I liked Janna. Well, too bad.
Marco should ask her for a handy.
Has season 2 gotten any better since it started? I kind of lost interest in it after the first few episodes.
It's asking for it.
Does star wants an orgy ?
Because I do.
Yes, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil has got better.
In "Sleepover", Star destroys the truth cube thingy with her explaination of the nature of truth.
Star creates her own truth
Cool. Screencaps from "Sleepover"
Janna wants a spanking first.
Sorry user, she's been ruined forever unless you're willing to not let a throwaway joke bother you.
I'd say season 2 picks up around the Starsitting/On the Job episodes, but you shouldn't skip ahead because there are some good episodes before that like Wand-to-Wand.
I'd say this week's episodes were very solid, the lizard guy was pretty funny. I wonder if he is the same species as Toffee and has the same regenerative powers.
I was gonna let it slide with her comment, ahahaha sightly tough character has a lighter side. But the moment the cube said that shit I got let down.
It was kind of a weird comment to make. I mean, what really constitutes as "fighting the patriarchy?" As far as we know, Janna is just a mischievous tomboy who likes wrestling and macabre things.
They are teens who don't know what they're talking about.
And 24 grown ass women who'll be the only ones "getting it" relate.
Think about it, never in the series a mention of gender was made, neither oppression or victimization, but now it does just for this, especially from a character who hasn't been oppressed because of her decisions in gender.
The joke is that the fight against patriarchy is meaningless if you're not being oppressed, like a teen who doesn't know what is talking about.
And that's how I liked her. You know what, you win user. I'll giver her one more chance.
But if this shit comes back so help me god I will be really sad.
Especially if "fighting the patriarchy" stops you for liking pink.
The joke is the irony of it all.
She focuses on fighting the patriarchy doesn't realize she's being oppressed by such fight in a petty level.
>Star vs. tells a joke about the pointlessness of muh soggy knees, bitches there and here will take it seriously and ruin it.
I don't think the complaint is about the joke although thanks for the explanation before the shitposting starts, the problem is why did they had to use Janna for it. I personally believe Jackie would've been better for it.
I think it would fit Janna better for the contrast.
You say that but its a very hard, long and strong password.
Gotta grant it to Holla Forums, if this was Holla Forums it would be another history.
Yeah, reminds me to that thread were Holla Forums said Holla Forums was shit because it wasn't extremist or looked for the worst possible outcome and actually tried to enjoy stuff.
Is it just me, or does the St Olga's ex-headmistress sound like Malory Archer?
Ha, she's even Jessica Walter.
DAMN i forgot how curvy Jackie looked compaired to the other girls,
Don't you love early puberty?
Or late for the other IDK might be taco DNA but a good 40% the of girls in my classroom back on middle school could easily pass for 18 year old with a little make up and high heels.
They were big c cup too.
Although here in mexico poorfags breed like retard monkeys and richfags snatch poor hot girls to breed like retard monkeys.
So early puberty gene might pass to the next generation faster cause they breed more cause they hit puberty around 9, and so on in a vicious circle.
I hope now Marco gets his act together. His constant dropping of spaghetti around Jackie was sad.
well now that she knows he has a crush on her it would be interesting to see how she acts around him,probably be a huge cooktease just for fun
For CUNT'S sake, you dirrahea-fucking dickshitter. Go back to fumblr or wherever your aids ridden mentally disabled breed hails from. I hope you die from being raped by dogs and your own father fucks your maggot ridden carcass until his defective balls fall off.
Of course you don't have a father, because his bitch ass did not want anything to do with you and your down's syndrome affected bitch of a mother.
Succ my dicc
Baby-making hips.
It was all a set up for future drama where Marco will go out with Jackie and he'll be undecided, while Star will be weakened because she's heartbroken. Cue Ludo taking over the wand and Marco coming back and saying that he actually likes Star and Jackie will even do some cliche shit like "go to her."
Mar my words.
Or he just doesn't like star.
And by this I mean it just keeps getting setup for it.
How about a double date with Star and Oskar, Jackie and Marco?
That's sure to be awkward. Star can be very jealous.
That is extremely likely to happen.
Do Star and Jackie fug at the end?
Where does Marco gets his money.
I know that in Gravity Falls Mabel and Dipper actually got payed for their work at the shack, but has Marco's income ever been explained?
Yeah it's a cartoon.
Probably the most cringe worthy joke this show has ever done, seriously it just sounds like something Tumblr would think is funny.
But hey at least the plot is moving forward so I can't really complain.
Just think is against them.
i would give all the credit of the world to the showmakers if they deside to not follow the obvious rout,but i know they wont
man can you imagine all of the starcofags getting butthurt at the end of the show if they dont end up together? it would be
the funniest shit ever
Starco is inevitable, but thankfully they'll hook up in the final ep
I was looking at that picture and remembering the characters I liked, Shego and Ember.
Then I remembered the type of girls I like which are pale.
Then I remembered that my ex was pale.
Now I'm just sitting here trying to remember who was patient zero.
This shit on a Disney show.
I've had enough.
It didn't said it literally.
It was clearly sarcastic.
And if you give up with the show just for this then there will be only one kindn of audience to please instead of a variety of people, you can't blame a show for testing grounds.
This is why we have Steven Universe.
steven universe is from cn dummy
We have CN because people gave up to quickly in it leaving the show with only a group to pander to.
I meant SU
it's her friend/boyfriend
She does have two shithead twins as little brothers, though
…That Unicorn is giving bedroom eyes.
Princess Pony Head is almost certainly a massive goddamn slut, too.
…if anyone can figure out how it's supposed to work with a bizarre magical abomination.
user, you'll never get anywhere in life if you can't learn to improvise.
Just find a hole, it's not hard.
It's not the lack of holes that's a problem.
Princess Pony Head likes to be on top.
If you're into that.
What is the problem then? The wrong type of holes? Beggars can't be choosers.
Why not use those magic scissors to make some handy holes?
Jackie sketch for this thread.
Can't resist a cute denim-clad bum!
New Jackie sketch for this thread.
Can't resist a cute denim-clad bum!
We have many latinos here, but almost no Mexicans. Most come from Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
Basically, most people don't care about them, but then there are also many casual racists ("oh yeah, fuck panchitos, man", then proceed to act as carefreely everyone else, even when talking to latinos). Amount of SJW specialized in racism or radical racists is more or less the same as in any other country.
Only the CUP is crazy enough to care about removing vaguely-related-to-colonization statues.
It's actually canis and chonis, who tend to be casual racists if anything.
Beautiful work! Would you be willing to draw that bum of hers without any denim covering it?
It's your mother, user
That, or the girl from new Ghostbusters
My mother always had some tan, she was born when my grandparents were on a vacation in angola, so it couldn't be her.
And which chick from ghostbusters? I've seen nothing from the new movie.
Were they in Angola for longer than 9 months? If so, I have bad news for you.
No user, they were there for 2 months.
Nice bum.
Posting something for inspiration.
>>>Holla Forums
Just put your dick into the neckhole.
Something along these lines.
But… naked asses are yucky!
I'll see what I can do though.
Thanks and… nice.
Can somebody explain me why everyone is so pissy pants for this?
I just saw the episode and its clear that the cube is mocking Janna for "fighting the patriarchy" by not saying your favorite color.
Is like of the cube was sarcstically saying "oh, yeah, what a social warrior you are"
People don't like it when cartoons mention social themes.
So what?
Are they forbidden to do so?
Do they remember "Star vs" is a tumblr formula done right?
Its half slice of life.
idk the show was relatively pure up until that blunt as fuck line. I get that it's "sarcasm", it's just sickening that you can't seem to get away from any of these themes in modern day media.
pretty much sums it up. even it isn't explicitly forbidden, it's just a nuisance to hear about in an age where it's one of the main things everybody is talking about all the time. Sometimes you just want to enjoy something without being reminded of the current going's-on. I'm not pissing my pants about it, I'm just irked because the comment was such a distraction that pulled me out for a few seconds.
good point. Maybe my belief was rooted in escapism; but I still don't think social issues even to be addressed in something like cartoons. TV shows, movies, and some comics i can get, but cartoons just don't seem like the place for it.
I don't know, I believe that while in a minor element Star has really made a commentary on how societies work, especially Mewni but contrasting it to earth society.
I still believe people are overeacting (From both sides for an offhand joke that seems actually funny considering who she is.
but srsly, all me tbh Xd
yes they are over reacting.
But their is a reason.
The problem with the SJW community is that most of it's community are zealot people.
The thing with social justice is that it's appealing to others.
The goal by itself is basically to help people considered to have difficulties.
The problem lies in how they to do it.
They use despicable means to achieve goals.
-Re-interpreted your own words to match their ideas.
-Framing people
-Shaming people
more here
You can't have a conversation with most of these people because.
If by mistake they mis-interpreter something that you say or simply disagree with you.
You will be flagged has a racist, homophobic or whatever and you cannot have even discuss with them because the rules in their community forbids them to talk with people who aren't agreeing with them.
They live in their bubble and don't want to see anything else that's not in the bubble.
That's why a lot of people are over reacting, social justice is an illogical system that is totalitarian.
I took it a whole different way, that Janna lies casually and lied just to see what would happen.
She was daring the cube to punish her. I suspect Janna likes to be punished
You're right, the cube was mocking her, but Janna got what she wanted.
ahaha I get it because people can't be non-hostile when they don't agree on things here heehee
I think Janna has a crush on Marco.
still me xD
Actually kinda funny to see a cartoon that kinda emphasises how the magical fantasy worlds aren't actually any better than Earth to live in for the most part, and Earth might even be the best place to actually live with minimal fear of superpowered maniacs wrecking everything on a whim. (relatively) Also, high average standard of living, and safety regulations.
The earth turd dimension is the safe kid of dimensions.
We do have nukes. But we're responsible enough to keep them in siloes just in case.
Say what you want about being boring; you can leave Marco alone for five minutes with minimal chance of injuring himself. And he can beat the shit out of monsters five times his size. Earth in a nutshell, really. I bet the authorities have gotten used to ignoring magic shit because it's barely on the level of a public nuisance.
Our magic bananas contribute much more to our quality of life.
I don't know why but the first thing that I thought when I saw the banagic is "it's a dildo"
Its a friggin condom!
Complete with spooge serving suggestion.
those faggots were an insult to Six
I don't give a flying fuck about thick girls
Thick girls are cool.
You know that picture makes me wonder whats happening.
Is she fainting because of the pleasure.
Or is it because with that happening she lacks air supply?
Looked like nausea, gagging and asphyxiation to me.
Silly nips.
Marco putting Star back together sounds fun for eleven minutes.
Why isn't there 34 of this?
get out of here dobson!
We need a webm of this.
I was expecting a few more seconds for FLOATING HEAD BUDDIES!
We need floating head buddies.
Can't find any 34 of floating head Star.
HA, nice try but your bait doesn't fool me.
I found this pic related and it made me uncomfortable.
You're welcome.
Sorry this is late
Hmm… I would like to see a whole episode animated like this.